General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Paraquat said

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 03/26/15 at 09:15:45

Title: Paraquat said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/26/15 at 09:15:45

Re: I have no friends...
Reply #21 - Today at 14:04:18 Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote  My last paycheck was €637, net.

Those crooks take a solid 1/3 of my pay, on the nose.
Like, 637/2 = 318.
Gross pay would be €955, with €318 going right to taxes.

And they call ME the criminal.

Anyway, I have a friend in Riverside, CA. I'm going to visit him some time this year. If we can make things jive I'll go to your wedding.


Now,  let's talk about this.  
Where do you live?
What do you get for. "Free  " ?
And, how would you rate the value of the quality of the, I can hardly make myself say it, Free stuff the government " provides "?
I'm guessing your health care is provided?

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by Serowbot on 03/26/15 at 11:17:59

Who provides your healthcare, JOG?...  :-?...

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/26/15 at 13:08:48

I guess you do...

Snot the point, try to see where it goes before you start in on me.

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by thumperclone on 03/26/15 at 22:21:59

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
I guess you do...

Snot the point, try to see where it goes before you start in on me.

look out he's off his meds again

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by Paraquat on 03/27/15 at 06:14:13

I'll play along.

I have Aetna.
Recently, and I'm sure there's an economical benefit, my employer switched to a higher co-pay (I think it's 2500 or 3k) and in exchange gives each worker bee ~1000 towards a health savings account.

This HSA is a new deal to me. You can put money in yourself, and claim it on your taxes, but the money can only be withdrawn for medical or medical related expenses. I'm trying to prove a Ferrari is a necessary medical expense.
I kid, but what a lot of people do is drop the minimum co-pay into their account and ride the wave.
If anything comes up, you're covered for the minimum and you have time to build up the 3k in the account again.

I live in Connecticut, USA. Good old New England.
New Britain, to be specific. Once a shining beacon of manufacturing (including Stanley Works) it's now mainly Section Ocho housing and burned out factories.
Don't get me wrong, I thought I was racist for a long time until I realized it's a specific culture I hate. Just a culture mainly populated by a certain demographic.
The self entitled, iPhone 27, $600 dollar Jordan sneakers, generational welfare, expect the world on a silver platter culture.

I also converted to Euro's for Mpesc's ease. I don't get paid in Euro but rather in US Dollars.

What do I get for free? Nothing, as far as I'm aware. If you spark some insight I'll respond honestly though.

Government as in local, state or federal?

I get trash collection every week and recycling every other week.
However, I can go one full month and only generate two bags of trash. My recycling vessel is often filled to capacity every week. I live a Spartan life style and do not generate much non-organic waste.
I get police services. They still can't figure out who stole my iPod from my car. When I had 5 people screaming and peeing in my yard at 3 AM their response time was over 45 minutes. By that time the party had died and the 5 dispersed.
I get fire services, which have only been used against me. My neighbors called twice for my fire pit in the back yard and once because they saw smoke coming out of my chimney. Defeats the purpose of a fireplace, if I do say so.


Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/15 at 07:21:37

Ahh! I was confused,, 30% is a bit steep.. I thought you were a foreigner by the rate and because of that Euro thing. Actually, if you can pay 30% and have good health care and afford a decent life,, I'd call that a decent deal..
I don't believe that that is possible.

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by Paraquat on 03/27/15 at 11:14:07

I'm still working on the decent life portion.
It's been tight since I became a solo act but it's manageable.


Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by mpescatori on 03/27/15 at 16:23:20

How come I had posted a reply to msg #1, mine was #2 or #3 at best, and no it's gone ?
Am I being censored or on somebody's blacklist ?

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/15 at 16:31:36

322F3A2C3C3E2B302D365F0 wrote:
How come I had posted a reply to msg #1, mine was #2 or #3 at best, and no it's gone ?
Am I being censored or on somebody's blacklist ?

You probably hit preview instead of post...
I do it all the time... :-?...

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/15 at 18:34:47

Ohh , come ONN Rowboat!  You know you've been running around, deleting Pescis posts,, now just Fess up..
Hit the preview button,, that's just Delicious!

Oookay, my work here is done, chaos created, humorously,, ooookay,

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/15 at 22:21:30

Well,....    he is pesky...
I mean, Pesci.... ;D...
I do hope he knows we're kidding... :-/...
Tell him JOG..
The only moderating I've done in nearly a year, is correcting, or updating a few Tech Posts...

PS... Mod woes....
We have a noob named "Dogshitsandwich"...
Whattcha' gonna' do with that?...

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by raydawg on 03/28/15 at 06:55:27

5A4C5B465E4B465D290 wrote:
Well,....    he is pesky...
I mean, Pesci.... ;D...
I do hope he knows we're kidding... :-/...
Tell him JOG..
The only moderating I've done in nearly a year, is correcting, or updating a few Tech Posts...

PS... Mod woes....
We have a noob named "Dogshitsandwich"...
Whattcha' gonna' do with that?...

Dang........ you're right Bot.
I have no idea what kind of wine will go with that  :-*

Title: Re: Paraquat said
Post by mpescatori on 03/29/15 at 07:10:28

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