General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Swap meet.....???

Message started by raydawg on 03/25/15 at 16:42:29

Title: Swap meet.....???
Post by raydawg on 03/25/15 at 16:42:29

Now that the army has brought charges against Bergdahl, after what appears a very in-depth review, could someone please field this question for me:

"Why/what was the reason Obama made such a swap?"

"What possible good can come of this?"


Title: Re: Swap meet.....???
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/15 at 08:00:06

I didn't agree with it when it happened...

I can only think of one legitimate reason for the exchange... and that would be that we wanted to release one or more of these guys, in order to follow them...  
They lead us to bigger fish, and we let the drones do their business...

If that was the reason,... we'll never know... :-/...

Title: Re: Swap meet.....???
Post by raydawg on 03/27/15 at 16:46:28

Gee Bot, it would seem INTEL would already have a good idea who the big fish, at-least they should  :-/

The only thing I can suggest, and given the way Obama played the release up as a photo op in the rose garden, was he thought it was a good opportunity to get what he thought was positive coverage going into the mid terms....

Nothing else seems to fit. I can't think emptying Gitmo was the reason.

Title: Re: Swap meet.....???
Post by oldNslow on 03/27/15 at 17:25:27

The only thing I can suggest, and given the way Obama played the release up as a photo op in the rose garden, was he thought it was a good opportunity to get what he thought was positive coverage going into the mid terms....


Obama (or whomever is running him) doesn't give a rats a** about Bergdahl, or the consequences of letting those dirtbags go. This was all about polishing his image; making him look like a real Commander in Chief. And the fact that the whole thing blew up in his face doesn't bother him a bit at this point. It's old news as far as he's concerned. He started his second term believing he could get away with anything. That has thus far proven to be the case. Who's going to rein him in ? The d**kheads in congress? The Supreme Court? Not a chance. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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