General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> SNOB   Factor

Message started by MnSpring on 03/15/15 at 16:20:19

Title: SNOB   Factor
Post by MnSpring on 03/15/15 at 16:20:19

Snob Factor.
In ANY, thing. Firearms, M.C.’s, Boats, Cars, Truck, ETC, you name it.

Well aware of the Snob Factor in Firearms.
BUT, as being new to Archery, and determining what, ‘crossbow’, is good to start with.  Found a  HUDGE,  ’Snob’,  factor.
In fact, I would say, Archery Beats Firearms 5 to 1, in the Snob Factor.
No, I am NOT going to buy a 800.00 - 1,000.00 Bow,
to see if I like it. (Maybe if I do, but NOT Now !)

Which brings me to this LS650-S40 Forum.
Everybody is here. From the first time MC’ers. To the 100,000 mile ones.
To the Racing MC’ers. To the Rebuild MC’ers.
To the Drive all day MC’ers, to the Go to Town MC’ers.
 And Never ONCE, have I seen a ’SNOB FACTOR”.

This place is a total, WEALTH, of information on this particular, MC and ICE which powers it.
With just the right amount of ‘friendly’, banter thrown in.

Thank you John, and Moderators!

Hey, Serow, Ya got a extra Leather Jacket Yet  !!!!!!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: SNOB   Factor
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/15/15 at 16:38:11

Athletes are notoriously snobby,, toss up between football and golf for the worst, IMO,   but, in my experience, gymnasts are the least snobby.
I never considered the world of archery...

Title: Re: SNOB   Factor
Post by Serowbot on 03/15/15 at 17:38:56

I'm a size 40 regular...  
How far can you suck in yer' gut?... ;D...

It's hard to be a snob on a Savage... that's part of why it's such a great bike...

Title: Re: SNOB   Factor
Post by Kris01 on 03/15/15 at 19:32:53

Excellent point MnSpring!  I agree completely!

Title: Re: SNOB   Factor
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/15/15 at 22:41:37

Yeah, Row, we know... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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