General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I have a question..

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/15 at 05:58:52

Title: I have a question..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/15 at 05:58:52

Something that has bugged me for years,,
How did Chapman afford the trip?
Wasn't he a doorman at a hotel in Hawaii?

Well, dunno if that's gonna work..but there's some information,, accurate?
Where does a whack job like that get money for travel?

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by WebsterMark on 03/13/15 at 10:15:13

Happy Friday......

Jog, you went from zero to full on conspiracy in 2 seconds today!

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/15 at 13:49:59

No, I asked a question..

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by pgambr on 03/13/15 at 14:13:24

I knew a guy who was a door man a nicer hotel in a smaller sized town.  He did better than you would think.  At least good enough to buy a plane ticket.

Best regards,

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by Ed L. on 03/13/15 at 16:06:46

You open doors for people and keep you mouth shut about who you let in. Bet he got some decent tips by being a "Doorman" and cash tips don't alway get declared for taxes so you don't know what his real income was.

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by Kris01 on 03/13/15 at 17:09:16

It's not necessarily how much you make but how much you have to give to other people. If you live frugally and don't squander your income, you're probably able to save at least a little bit every payday. Five bucks is five bucks! It adds up eventually.

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by MnSpring on 03/13/15 at 17:24:40

What bothers me more, on Chapman, is this statement from what happened.

“ … More than a dozen psychologists and psychiatrists studied Chapman in the six months before the scheduled trial - three for the prosecution, six for the defense and several more on behalf of the court - involving batteries of tests and over 200 hours of clinical interviews. …”

Gee, how many HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Dollars did , ’that’, cost. ?
All to,  ‘re-invent’, the wheel.  
When all that need to be done, was LOOK at the paperwork of his PAST.
Heck, even Ray Charles could see that guy was crazy!
But that’s OK, after all,  You and I,  PAID for it !!!!!

The person, standing at a busy intersection, at rush hour, in a City.
With a poorly hand lettered cardboard sign, saying:
 “Can You Help”  (or like)
With a clear jug with 1’s & 5’s in it. (Seed Money)
Makes  MORE, money than you and I  do !!!!!
And does, NOT, pay any taxes on it, and gets, FREE, Food, & Medical,
and huge rate reductions on Utilities, and Housing.

Oh, but such a small thing!
Well here is another ’small’ thing.
How many have seen a, ’surcharge’, on a regular bill?
Example, I pay Garbage collection, one time a year.
The bill came, it was 14+%  MORE.  
Others, (same company), their bill went up by 16-18%,
on their 2 or 3 month bills
I called, talked to a, ‘account specialist’, and said:
“Congratulations on your 14% Raise”, She said: ‘What”

I told her my bill went up by 14 %, so you surely must have gotten a raise.
She said:  “I didn’t even get a 1% COL raise”. (Cost of Living)
“Well then”, I asked her. “Why did MY bill go up by 14%”.
She credited my account, and I will be sending the SAME, as last year.

Gee, 200.00 x 200,000 accounts = 40 Mil,
14% of 40 mil = 5.5 MILLON INCREASE
(and Both, the first two numbers, are, VERY Conservative)
And that is just ONE private company.

Just like the person on the street corner.
a quarter here, a quarter their, (just a little bit from you)
Gives him/her, MORE, TAX FREE, money, than YOU make.

Was in a small town in Calf, couple of months ago.  (A Dog thing)
One night, couple of us from the hotel, decided to go out to dinner.
We walked about 5 blocks to a restaurant.
THREE  TIMES, were were asked, by, ’Street Corner’, people.
“Hay, ya got any change to spare”.
The others, just put their head down, and walked faster.
I, (The, ‘rube’, that I am), said:  “Get A Job”.
And was countered with, a hand gesture, a, ‘you s.o.b’, and, F&^*’en Azz -ole”.

Why, does everyone, LET this Crap, Happen ????

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by WebsterMark on 03/14/15 at 09:24:05

What's the difference between a panhandler and a democratic congress passing Obamacare?
Only difference I can tell is at least the panhandler has the balls to ask to your face for money. Congress just took it.

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/14/15 at 09:53:05

I got 2 real responses. Helpful, thanks.

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by Kris01 on 03/14/15 at 12:13:16

On the one hand, I'm compassionate towards people that actually need a hand. If you're down and out and struggling and don't have many other options but to beg then those of us who can help certainly should. Do unto others...

On the other hand, if you're just a lazy, good-for-nothing, looking for a hand-out or freebie kind of person then [I'LL HOLD MY TONGUE ON THIS ONE!]

My mama taught me "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"!

I have a job, pay taxes, obey the law, yadda, yadda, yadda.... Everyone else should to!

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by pgambr on 03/14/15 at 15:26:36

68497261032D0 wrote:
so you don't know what his real income was.

I don't remember the exact figure, but he was my roommate in college for one year.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/14/15 at 16:43:51

You roomed with him?

What's he like?

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by MnSpring on 03/14/15 at 16:47:39

I'm compassionate towards people that actually need a hand. If you're down and out and struggling

Not a Problem at all.  
None at all.
Used to be, 'food,' just, 'appeared', at the back door, of someone who needed it.
Used to be, you hired, 'so and so' to tend the fence, because they needed the work.
Used to be ....

Now, it's just LAZY  SOB's.   Who, 'WORK',  the system.

Gee, guess, I'll move to the Sun Belt.
Stand on the street, and, with a shagged look, Thrift shop clothes,  with a hand lettered, on cardboard, sign.  For 2 hours, 5 days a week.
COLLECT,  CASH, (from the shepol),
And in 30 days BUY a NEW  MC,  with CASH !!!!!!!

Wow,  What a GOOD  Plan   !!!!    ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by MnSpring on 03/14/15 at 17:05:34

Back in the late 60’s   When to a Auction with my Dad.
He bought a 1 year old,  Cadillac Eldorado cheep.
It was a sale of a person, who had a 40@ farm,
which had a VERY  nice house, and out buildings.
And LOTS of Very nice expensive other things.
(Now that land is all Condo’s)
Who, sold his land/house, to, developers.
(Thus the Sale)
He  did’t care, what things brought.  He had his money.

His Job?   A, Door Man, at a hi-rise in Mpls.

So where did Chapman, get money  ?   ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I have a question..
Post by pgambr on 03/15/15 at 13:57:02

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
You roomed with him?

What's he like?

He was a good person, who naturally had strong interpersonal skills.  He worked full time, then would take a full schedule of classes, then work for another semester.  Just depended how much money he had.  He was taking the long route to his degree; but, he didn't take out any loans.

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