General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Bad blood......

Message started by raydawg on 03/06/15 at 03:46:29

Title: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/06/15 at 03:46:29

What up with the Obama & Clinton's?

I have always sensed a very strained relationship, but it appears Obama will not assist Hillary in her quest at taking his job.

What's with the dems and emails anyway?

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by Trippah on 03/06/15 at 05:57:35

The Clintons are almost republicans in their politics.  Obama is almost socialist.

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by Paraquat on 03/06/15 at 06:13:48

You're not following the playbill?
It's time for a republican president so that the people feel like they have a decision.


Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by Serowbot on 03/06/15 at 08:07:36

76657D60657363040 wrote:
What's with the dems and emails anyway?

What's with pub's and witch hunts?... ;D...

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by pgambr on 03/06/15 at 10:22:52

First, diplomats should always use secure channels of communication.  And those channels are always backed up as well.  

The particularly troubling part of this that came to light is it wasn't an email address as in singular.  It was a domain and multiple e-mail addresses were utilized.

Whatever they were doing they certainly wanted to make it much more difficult to cover their tracks.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/06/15 at 11:39:47

6B4D564F4F5E573F0 wrote:
The Clintons are almost republicans in their politics.  Obama is almost socialist.

I don't think most realize how accurate your description is.......

And that would include the Clinton's and Obama.

I have touched on faith/beliefs in recent post, and how it influences, or more to point, shapes a persons perceptions.

It is so easy to view the oppositions "wrongness" as evidenced by Bot, than to acknowledge our own bias, and willingness to over-look indiscretions and inconsistencies, of those (things) we have staked a claim/belief to.

Obama, I dare to say, does not even remotely see himself as trying to establish the failed policies of socialism ( as we know, been taught, about it ).
He sees his endeavors at trying to help those who are the underclass, etc, and not as empowering himself, or a government. That is a worthy, good thing.

I think all mankind has similar wants/needs from life, that being joy and happiness.
When you look outward for it, that is where the conflict enters.

Think of Dorthy....
That little ho had to really screw up peoples lives, even killing a few folk along the way, to come to the realization that what she was looking for she had the capacity to find all along.

And finally, some smart person had to be the first to utter such wonderful advice.....

Politics and religion are never discussed at the dinner table.

Its not the subject that is divisive , its the people moving their lips,  and their disingenuous motivation, that cause the riff.  8-)    

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by MnSpring on 03/06/15 at 15:34:35

Obama,   . . . He sees his endeavors at trying to help those who are the underclass, etc, and not as empowering himself, or a government.   . . .

I Completely disagree with that statement.

The, Facts, are, King Bama, has done EVERYTHING he can,
To make, HIS,  (and Michael, ‘er Michelle’s) life, far, far, ABOVE,
everyone else’s, who PAYS, for their extravent life style, and extremely expensive vacations.
And EVERYTHING, he does, (supposedly for the ‘masses’) is done,  ONLY, when it benefits him !

BTW. The name, ‘Michael’, is not a slur, it IS, what the current POTUS CALLED, his wife.
(Gee, wonder why the Press is not all over that one.
I think they would be, if it were a past POTUS.)

Screw the People,
Screw the Country,
Screw the Constitution.
King Bama, is ONLY, out for his self, and his, 'Buddies', ONLY.

It has been, PROVEN, time and time again.
By his actions.

A-Yep,  Carter, will be handing over the trophy to Obama.

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by oldNslow on 03/06/15 at 17:19:40

Obama,   . . . He sees his endeavors at trying to help those who are the underclass, etc, and not as empowering himself, or a government.   . . .

I Completely disagree with that statement.

The, Facts, are, King Bama, has done EVERYTHING he can,
To make, HIS,  (and Michael, ‘er Michelle’s) life, far, far, ABOVE,
everyone else’s, who PAYS, for their extravent life style, and extremely expensive vacations.
And EVERYTHING, he does, (supposedly for the ‘masses’) is done,  ONLY, when it benefits him

Well, I think you're both mistaken.

Absolutely nothing about Obama makes any sense unless you view him and his actions from the premise that he is a "ringer" who appeared practically out of nowhere and is  being run by persons and or  groups whose objective is the destruction of the country that the United States once was. Starting from such a premise, everything that he's done makes perfect sense and has been remarkably successful.

The Clintons, on the other hand, are just your garden variety, self serving, corrupt  political criminals.

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/06/15 at 17:46:41

I was not saying Obama the person who he thinks he is......
I believe he is blind to the truth of who, what, and why he is.

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by oldNslow on 03/06/15 at 18:09:21

71627A67627464030 wrote:
I was not saying Obama the person who he thinks he is......
I believe he is blind to the truth of who, what, and why he is.

I think you could be right about that. But a puppet does not necessarily need self awareness. It is sufficient that whomever is pulling the strings knows what he is doing and why.

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/06/15 at 18:20:43

7C42434F5D41402E0 wrote:
[quote author=71627A67627464030 link=1425642390/0#8 date=1425692801]I was not saying Obama the person who he thinks he is......
I believe he is blind to the truth of who, what, and why he is.

I think you could be right about that. But a puppet does not necessarily need self awareness. It is sufficient that whomever is pulling the strings knows what he is doing and why.


Yes, that has merit.
However, I must put myself in that category too.
In as such I have been swayed by the indoctrination of our schools, media, music, etc.
I would even extend that inducing to include patriotism, where I was told we are the best nation ever.

I beg to pardon.    

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by oldNslow on 03/06/15 at 18:47:59

3F2C34292C3A2A4D0 wrote:
[quote author=7C42434F5D41402E0 link=1425642390/0#9 date=1425694161][quote author=71627A67627464030 link=1425642390/0#8 date=1425692801]I was not saying Obama the person who he thinks he is......
I believe he is blind to the truth of who, what, and why he is.

I think you could be right about that. But a puppet does not necessarily need self awareness. It is sufficient that whomever is pulling the strings knows what he is doing and why.


Yes, that has merit.
I must put myself in However, that category too.
In as such I have been swayed by the indoctrination of our schools, media, music, etc.
I would even extend that inducing to include patriotism, where I was told we are the best nation ever.

I beg to pardon.    

All of us are, to some extent, indoctrinated, misguided, trapped in the paradigm of the times and the culture that we live in. But that's just being human. That's not at all the same thing as actively and willingly being used used as a tool by whomever is behind the curtain. That is what I believe Obama is.  

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/06/15 at 18:49:34

447A7B77657978160 wrote:
[quote author=3F2C34292C3A2A4D0 link=1425642390/0#10 date=1425694843][quote author=7C42434F5D41402E0 link=1425642390/0#9 date=1425694161][quote author=71627A67627464030 link=1425642390/0#8 date=1425692801]I was not saying Obama the person who he thinks he is......
I believe he is blind to the truth of who, what, and why he is.

I think you could be right about that. But a puppet does not necessarily need self awareness. It is sufficient that whomever is pulling the strings knows what he is doing and why.


Yes, that has merit.
I must put myself in However, that category too.
In as such I have been swayed by the indoctrination of our schools, media, music, etc.
I would even extend that inducing to include patriotism, where I was told we are the best nation ever.

I beg to pardon.    

All of us are, to some extent, indoctrinated, misguided, trapped in the paradigm of the times and the culture that we live in. But that's just being human. That's not at all the same thing as actively and willingly being used used as a tool by whomever is behind the curtain. That it what I believe Obama is.   [/quote]

Well said  :)

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by thumperclone on 03/06/15 at 23:18:24

im cornfused help me here guys puppet to who/what?

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/07/15 at 06:25:21

637F627A677265747B787972170 wrote:
im cornfused help me here guys puppet to who/what?

Not being flippant, but you gotta pull your own strings (to see).

Do we ask questions to find understanding, or to defend what we (think) we already know, so I (we) can prove you/others wrong?

I don't know, only you can answer your own questions honestly, if you seek honesty.....

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by oldNslow on 03/07/15 at 06:26:18

435F425A475245545B585952370 wrote:
im cornfused help me here guys puppet to who/what?

Well, I'm not going to speak for Raydawg, but as for me , what I mean is that I don't believe that Obama is his own man or that the agenda  he is pursuing is based on his own convictions or ideology, assuming he actually has any;and I'm not convinced he does. I don't know who is controlling him- I wish I did because maybe then the things he does would make more sense to me-   but someone, most likely multiple someones, have their arms up his a** and are making his mouth move. He's a sock puppet to a degree that is unprecedented in the history of Washington DC sock puppets.  

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/15 at 07:20:18

Only crazy people see what is obvious..

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by raydawg on 03/07/15 at 07:26:44

O&S, you can speak for me, hell, Lord knows I need help  :P

If one was to study Obama formative years, what seeds were planted, I think its fair the lesson he was taught was of inequality.

This would explain his community organizing mentality.

However, instead of the great Martin Luther King of "overcoming" inequities, he was taught also to hate and blame others for the situation, Reverend Wright being a great example of angry pulpit preaching.....

You can see this exampled in many "conservative" churches were preachers preach intolerance of Gay people, etc, based on scripture that I would argue is taken out of context, but the end results, the same, a disdain of others.

Its nice to preach we should help others, etc, but if its forced, as with Obama's doctrines, then it ain't of free will, and that is where resentments enter into socialism, etc.

Off to California in a few hours to see my grandson, be gone a week, you guys behave  :-*

dawg out  

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by oldNslow on 03/07/15 at 07:31:47

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
Only crazy people see what is obvious..

If that's the case then I am quite contented to be "crazy" Better crazy than totally oblivious to what is going on. ;)

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by WebsterMark on 03/09/15 at 05:38:52

57445C41445242250 wrote:
What up with the Obama & Clinton's?

I have always sensed a very strained relationship, but it appears Obama will not assist Hillary in her quest at taking his job.

What's with the dems and emails anyway?

A former personnel manager told me never let a manager choose and hire their replacement. They will always,  subconsciously or otherwise, choose someone who will fail so that their term in that position, is looked back on more fondly.

Title: Re: Bad blood......
Post by Pine on 03/09/15 at 08:24:56

6A5455594B5756380 wrote:
[quote author=435F425A475245545B585952370 link=1425642390/0#13 date=1425712704]im cornfused help me here guys puppet to who/what?

Well, I'm not going to speak for Raydawg, but as for me , what I mean is that I don't believe that Obama is his own man or that the agenda  he is pursuing is based on his own convictions or ideology, assuming he actually has any;and I'm not convinced he does. I don't know who is controlling him- I wish I did because maybe then the things he does would make more sense to me-   but someone, most likely multiple someones, have their arms up his a** and are making his mouth move. He's a sock puppet to a degree that is unprecedented in the history of Washington DC sock puppets.   [/quote]

I agree with this completely. However, that said... I doubt ANY president or senator is now immune to those same forces. It is my opinion that "other entities" have had a heck of a lot of say in politics since at least Jimmy Carter.
While not a popular position, I "feel" that Bush Sr, as former head of the CIA, somehow FOREVER, put that group in a powerful position, and every president since then has cowed before them. Those same tactics were then used by banking (the Fed) to the same effect. I also think, that Obama has attempted to at least minimize the effects of the CIA, though he has given in completely to the bankers. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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