General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> i like this

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 02/27/15 at 18:48:03

Title: i like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/27/15 at 18:48:03

Title: Re: i like this
Post by 1st2know on 02/27/15 at 20:53:20

I make sure I know the answer to questions like these:

Can I go out and find something to eat without going to a store or a restaurant?  Can I find something to wear? Where does firewood come from? How can I light a fire with string? What tree bark burns as good as coal? Can I pull a bicycle out of the garbage and get it running? Can I make my own shoes? How can I glue two things together without glue? How can I carry two gallons of water one mile? If I had corn stubble and mud - how can I make a house? Would I know what a potato looked like if I saw one? How can I make wine or beer?

To me, this isn't toiling, this is fun stuff. These are things I learned before the Internet, and, the Internet helps me add skills like these.

(confession: I do have to purchase knives  :-[ )

Title: Re: i like this
Post by Pine on 03/04/15 at 10:14:47

Good vid!

Title: Re: i like this
Post by MnSpring on 03/04/15 at 11:57:51

Inside the ‘Beltway’. (Almost every big city has one).
In Mpls/St Paul, It is (if you look on a map), I-494/I-694.

Here the saying is, (from people outside the beltway)

Take 1,000 random people, from inside the beltway,
give each, a good knife, good cloths, fire starting materials, couple days of food, a canteen full of water, and other misalliance things.
Drop them off, in the middle of a big woods, in N Minn. on Jan 1st, and Feb 1st, 100-, will be left.

Take 1,000 random people, from, “Outside” the belt way, do same thing,
and 30 days later, 900+, will walk out.

Now, the people living, "in side",  the beltway, who do they vote for?
Is it: The people that say, “I’ll take care of you”.

Title: Re: i like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/04/15 at 15:25:09

Interesting concept, but even in Texas, that time of year,a month of independent survival? You get 10 out I'd be surprised...
Clean water and shelter being the first elements of survival that they would be most likely to die over.

Title: Re: i like this
Post by Serowbot on 03/04/15 at 17:04:10

A slick call to action, with no clear direction...

While I might perceive it as a need to regulate,... and become a vegetarian...
Others will see it as a need buy guns and consider overthrow...

One thing that seemed clear...
Put down yer' frikkin' "Smart" phone !...

PS... I think we're supposed to quit SS.Com too... :-/...

Title: Re: i like this
Post by MnSpring on 03/04/15 at 17:20:15

Knowing the area:   A-Yep !
First time in AZ, down by, Ajo, (2 hours so of Phoenix) In Feb.
I wanted to go out in the desert. A friend arranged a Jeep for me to use,
and went over to that house, and he explained to me, the things that were necessary.

The Jeep had, 2 spare tires, a 5 gal water jug, and other misc things.
He told me:  Now, you, coming from MN, do NOT drink coffee in the morning, and DRINK, a cup full of water EVERY, Hour.

Well, (of course), I didn’t need no stinking water, after all I didn’t sweat!
(2% humidly), after all I, ‘knew’, when to drink water.
(being from MN, and having 100 degree heat, sweating the sec you walk outdoors, with 80% humidity, one, needs to replace the water.)

So I went on my merry way.  
6AM to 9PM, running around, looking at things, way out their,
NOT sweating, (Coming from 10-30 BELOW, to 60-70, ABOVE)
Of Course, I didn’t need no stinking water, after all I didn’t sweat!

When I got back that night I had the WORST Headache I ever had.
(Much worse that the worst hangover I remember)
 Dehydration = Huge Headache.

So, if you come to anywhere in the, North, Country.
And want to drive 7 MILES, out on the lake,
and it is -20.

LISTEN, to the advice of those who, live their. On what to do.
When you do,  you WILL, have a pleasant experience,
And Probably, catch some good fish  LOL

Title: Re: i like this
Post by Serowbot on 03/04/15 at 17:53:44

People in Ajo think fish are a myth... ;D... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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