General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ESAD

Message started by Pine on 02/26/15 at 11:13:11

Title: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ESAD
Post by Pine on 02/26/15 at 11:13:11

SO wheeler actually did ( according to Yahoo). ISPs in the US are now subject to Title II. I hate it had to be this way, but when basically criminally powerful ISPs pushed too far... it became "revenge of the nerds".

I do truly believe that without the support of online communities, the ISPs would have won... again. Further, this is a win that needs to happen in many more venues and one that needs to be kept front and center in the media and in Washington.

For those of you that have bought the "paid for" canned responses WRITTEN by Comcast and espoused by several Republicans.. please consider looking deep into the bowels of the problem and stop being distracted by the joke/lies of the major ISPs.

Anyway.. happy day for ALL internet users... not so much for ISPs, who will certainly look to jack up prices as quickly as possible before their insanely profitable cash-cow gets opened up.

(there was a report that Time-Warner made 97% profit on residential internet service)

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by WebsterMark on 02/26/15 at 14:53:52

yea, cause every time Uncle Sam gets involved in something to make it "fair" it always gets better...... not.

Terrible day. Nothing's broke, but the Fed's metaphorically pushed the glass vase off the table and it's on the way to the floor, soon to be in a million pieces.....

You 'hate the rich crowd' just kill me....

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/26/15 at 17:05:19

Pine, when the obvious becomes obvious even to you, I hope that you'll have the class to realize that your grasp of things isn't sufficient to allow you to have opinions. People like you are dangerous.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/26/15 at 17:16:33

You guys are nutty...
I don't want my provider directing where I can go...

PS... Pine,.. I had to think about  "ESAD"...
I got it though... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by pgambr on 02/26/15 at 18:42:03

Currently, I pay $45 a month for high speed internet.  I have had no problems or issues of any kind out of my provider.  I'm curious to see what kinds of taxes & surcharges they will tack on to justify their services.

There is an enormous amount of information they are currently unable to manipulate, control, and disseminate.  Currently, there are 6 corporations that control every form of media in this country.  


Best regards,  

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by raydawg on 02/26/15 at 18:46:05

Yeah I don't know anything about it, but I suspect if the gubermint gets its hands on it, we will have to pay somehow.

Glad you figgered out that pine was only sharing a page from his families home cooked recipe book bot. Seems he treasures his own stew.....

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by oldNslow on 02/26/15 at 18:49:59

Relax. This will turn into a huge regulatory clusterf**k just like all the other big government regulatory agency worm - rassles, and the rich, or smart, or both,folks on either side of the argument will bribe, blackmail, threaten, or lawsuit their way into getting what they think they want. They'll win some some of the time and some of the time they won't; just like everyone else that has to deal with government regulations and regulators does.

It aint the end of the internet, or free speech, or the beginning of a new breath of freedom either. Nor is it going to protect us little people from the evil greedy corporations or them from us. It's just the same old Washington bullsh*t in a different sack.  

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by raydawg on 02/26/15 at 19:18:16

1B2524283A2627490 wrote:
Relax. This will turn into a huge regulatory clusterf**k just like all the other big government regulatory agency worm - rassles, and the rich, or smart, or both,folks on either side of the argument will bribe, blackmail, threaten, or lawsuit their way into getting what they think they want. They'll win some some of the time and some of the time they won't; just like everyone else that has to deal with government regulations and regulators does.

It aint the end of the internet, or free speech, or the beginning of a new breath of freedom either. Nor is it going to protect us little people from the evil greedy corporations or them from us. It's just the same old Washington bullsh*t in a different sack.  

Now that I can understand  ;D

Edit: Please ask pine to pass the turdball please   :-*

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Kris01 on 02/26/15 at 20:04:33

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
PS... Pine,.. I had to think about  "ESAD"...
I got it though... ;D ;D ;D...

I'm still thinking, but it's late. I don't get it.  :-?

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/26/15 at 21:18:33

0A3328327170410 wrote:
[quote author=7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 link=1424977991/0#3 date=1424999793]
I'm still thinking, but it's late. I don't get it.  :-?

Start with EAT,  and then DIE...

I can't believe you guys are so anti-goobment to your own detriment...
Just look to the latest vitamin/supplement news to see what an unregulated industry will do for you...
We,.. literally owe our lives to government regulation...

People, interpersonallyare amazingly good and decent,.. but, when it comes to business... screwing is de rigueur...
I don't understand how people can sleep at night with the things they do for the almighty buck...
That's why I do everything I can for myself...

This may be a defining difference between lib and rep...
We trust government more than business... You trust business more than government...
Ask this?... what control do you have over the governance of corporations?...
At least with government you get a vote...
Ask this?... do you expect your beef to be beef?.. or horse meat?.. or dog meat?... Do you trust for-profit decision makers to give you fair value?...
You are too naive...  
We need representatives to insure that our drugs, foods, water, and so many things are fairly represented... including our access to information on the net... (especially you righty/conspiracy folks)...

Admittedly,... lobbying is corrupting our government,.. but this is just another example of the money directing decisions...
We can work to remove the influence of money from government,... but corporations run on it...
They are corrupt by nature...
Do you know a good mechanic?...
Are your vitamins anything more than rice powder and garlic dust?...
Did you really need that bypass surgery?...
So many products and services are screwing us all the time...
This is what Jesus meant when he spoke of the rich man's chance of going to heaven... money is corrupting...

Our guard dog is fat... he don't guard so good...
That don't mean he isn't needed... it means he needs to go a diet...
We don't need to the government of of business,.. we need to get the business out of our government...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by oldNslow on 02/27/15 at 05:00:32


You are entirely correct that some level of regulation in some industries is necessary and desirable. That's what the FDA, FCC, SEC, FTA and all the other alphabet agencys were created for, and are supposed to do. Unfortunately that isn't what they actually do a lot of the time.

Their functions have been co-opted by which ever regime happens to be in charge at any given time - and it makes no difference whether that regime happens to be Republican or Democrat, liberal of conservative, pro buisness or anti buisness; those agency's are simply used as tools to bludgeon the political foes of whomever is in charge, and to reward their friends and contributors.

That's not the way things are supposed to work, but it is exactly the way it actually works most of the time.

This internet stuff is not going to be any different.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/15 at 05:11:17

Not a bad way to seperate the masses.....
Trust government or trust business more?

I trust business more. I can walk away from a business if I want.

If some unelected bureaucrat or traitorous president like Hopey-change decides it's in his interest to target me, I'm screwed. If I made income selling ammo, I just got f'd yesterday by 1 person out of 300 million in this country.

Trump, Gates, Forbes, Rockfeller, Soros, Kochs,  last time I checked ,none of them reach into my pocket and took money out. I give them money for goods and services.

When they do screw me without my voluntary participation, you know how they do it? They buy politicians to rule over me.

Anyone who says they trust government more...should reach between their legs, feel those two round things there?....Use them.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by pgambr on 02/27/15 at 05:55:57

665453424554437C50435A310 wrote:
Trust government or trust business more?

I trust business more. I can walk away from a business if I want.

Well said,  [smiley=thumbup.gif].

WM also eluded to a new executive order.  Our commander in chief thought it is in our best interest to ban 223 ammo.

Best regards,

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by raydawg on 02/27/15 at 07:42:22

As I said, this topic is beyond my grasp, and I don't drink kool-aid by mouthing the parties leadership as we good, they bad, yada,yada,yada....

That mindset is killing this country.

I do however have a question, wasn't the biggest OS provider and software developer trying to squash competition, demanding retailers to only load his programs, or else?
And isn't Gates a big lib?  

One more question too. When telephones were becoming more readily available, radio, TV, etc, were not policies are laws set up to make sure no one  entity could grab a monopoly on them?

If yes, how does this new regulation compare to those?

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by raydawg on 02/27/15 at 07:46:01

3C2B2D212E3E4C0 wrote:
[quote author=665453424554437C50435A310 link=1424977991/0#11 date=1425042677]
Trust government or trust business more?

I trust business more. I can walk away from a business if I want.

Well said,  [smiley=thumbup.gif].

WM also eluded to a new executive order.  Our commander in chief thought it is in our best interest to ban 223 ammo.

Best regards,

That is not a absolute true statement.
If you live in area where only one utility company delivers the service, you is stuck with that. Yes, you could move, but lets get realistic.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/27/15 at 07:52:04

Realistically, no matter where you are, the goobs can't be moved away from or another service chosen. Pointing out that seat belt sometimes fail is not a good argument against them.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/27/15 at 07:57:05

Sure,... you can choose not to buy an i-pad or a Ford,.. but,...
... if you wee in a motorcycle accident and was rushed to hospital... you don't have time or choice, you must have the expectation that these facilities will meet standards and the people will be qualified...
You also must expect the water from your tap to meet safety standards...
Electricity, gas, etc...
Microwave ovens should not leak radiation... the platics that store your food should be safe...
The materials that are in your plumbing?...

The vitamin industry is unregulated,... and it is corrupt... many of the supplements you buy are not as advertized, and are mostly rice powder...
This is shameful, but profitable...

Recently, it has been found that many faux fur clothing items are actually made of animal skins... The animal product is cheaper...
Shameful, but profitable...

Money is a corrupting influence...
So many things you pay for are not what you think...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by raydawg on 02/27/15 at 08:35:10

3721362B33262B30440 wrote:
Money is a corrupting influence...
So many things you pay for are not what you think...

Or who you elected   ;D

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Paraquat on 02/27/15 at 11:08:14

Look at nuclear power, or drones.

It was a chance. We wanted supreme control. Once other countries said "Hey, we can do this" is when regulation became an issue.

The nuclear power is the hindsight. Drones are the future.

If we don't establish fair and balanced regulations for drones now then there won't be any protections when other countries start using them.


Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/27/15 at 16:05:48

C'mon Row, let's be honest with ourselves. Sit down,watch TV.  Make note of how many times you see ads to join a lawsuit against a maker of a pharmaceutical product that killed or wounded people,, all FDA approved garbage.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Kris01 on 02/27/15 at 18:38:55

7563746971646972060 wrote:
[quote author=0A3328327170410 link=1424977991/0#8 date=1425009873][quote author=7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 link=1424977991/0#3 date=1424999793]
I'm still thinking, but it's late. I don't get it.  :-?

Start with EAT,  and then DIE...

Oh! Got it.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by raydawg on 02/28/15 at 06:55:02

How odd......

I tried to find what is in this new regulation, they didn't tell anybody exactly what it was going to pertain, nor have they yet, why?

I ave always believe transparency meant you could see it.....
and when I did something good, I was proud to let everyone in.

How can you be for something you don't even know what it is?

I know, I know, ESAD.


Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/15 at 07:33:09

435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 wrote:
C'mon Row, let's be honest with ourselves. Sit down,watch TV.  Make note of how many times you see ads to join a lawsuit against a maker of a pharmaceutical product that killed or wounded people,, all FDA approved garbage.

About 20 years ago... Lawyers and Drug companies were allowed to advertize on TV... Before that they weren't...
Another deregulation move,... maybe Lib's did it, I don't remember...
Anyway... it was a bonehead idea...
Now, every other commercial is for a pill, or a class action suing the makers of the pill...
Lawyers used to chase ambulances,.. now they chase class action suits..
Mo' money...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/28/15 at 11:51:43

Did you intentionally fail to grasp the meaning of the post?

Lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies are not baseless. The lawyers HAVE to show injuries.. injuries CAUSED by the FDAapproved products..
The FDA being one of the regulator agencies...  can you even Do the math??

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/28/15 at 12:13:07

As a defense lawyer, let me correct you.  Lawyers only have to SELL a story to a jury, regardless of whether it's factually true.  Suing a pharmaceutical company is easy if the jury is composed of people like you are, who always thinks they are being duped by businesses.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/15 at 13:18:38

+1... what Jerry said,... and he's a lawyer... ;)...
They throw enough class action suits out there, and sooner or later they'll hit a jackpot...  then, the 20,000 "damaged" parties will get $200 each, and the firm get's $40 million...
Follow da' money...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/28/15 at 13:37:58

Bot -
While I'm not a plaintiff's lawyer, as I said, I'm on the defense side, I do believe in the contingent fee system.  Sometimes plaintiffs win in cases when no person, or groups of people could ever afford to litigate based on an hourly rate.  
I had such a case about 15 years ago,  It concerned a 3 fatal airplane crash.  Plaintiff's theory was nuts, and after a 6 week trial, they lost after the jury deliberated for only about 3 hours.
But, the plaintiff's 3 lawyer team not only wasted 6 weeks in trial, and 2 years in preparation for $0 in fees, they ate well over $100K in expert fees, hotel bills, meals. etc.
The trial was in a smaller city, and my team stayed in a modest Holiday Inn - lawyers and experts.  My hotel bill alone, which the defendant's insurer paid in the end, was over $11K for the several rooms for those 6 weeks and our meals.  And that was a modest priced hotel in a small town.
So, plaintiff lawyers swallow a goose egg fairly often - you only hear about the wins.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/15 at 13:52:50

I'm not knockin' the law,... just the corrupting influence of TV advertizing...
I think it makes the fishin' too easy...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by oldNslow on 02/28/15 at 14:05:22

To return to the original subject of this thread:

If I understand correctly what this is net neutrality nonsense is about,I have to wonder; do we really want the same outfit that can't put together a functioning health insurance website  to be in charge of the internet ? ::)

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/28/15 at 14:08:27

Bot -
When I began practice in 1975, lawyer advertising had just become allowed.  The reasoning, according to the liberals who advanced the idea was that the average guy ought to be able to get information about potential lawyers, and what they do.  Same goes for doctor ads - I see them everyday, particularly about corrective eye surgery.
Consumerism has trumped the idea that professions aren't just commercial enterprises.  I wish we could go back to the old days, when professional ads were banned, but going back never happens.

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Serowbot on 02/28/15 at 17:17:18

7E717D777C717A767166737166140 wrote:
Bot -
When I began practice in 1975, lawyer advertising had just become allowed.

40 years!... I thought it was about 20... ;D...
Funny, how everything is longer ago than you remember...
Gettin' too old...

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by thumperclone on 02/28/15 at 22:21:05

I remember when prez ronny 'deregulated' the banking industry..
look what happened

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by WebsterMark on 03/01/15 at 04:48:09

59565A505B565D515641545641330 wrote:
As a defense lawyer, let me correct you.  Lawyers only have to SELL a story to a jury, regardless of whether it's factually true.  Suing a pharmaceutical company is easy if the jury is composed of people like you are, who always thinks they are being duped by businesses.


I "sold" a million insurance policies when I was younger by "proving" a value that wasn't really there. When phrases like "big oil" and "big  "pharma" are in our lexicon nowadays, half the battle is won in court.

(I've officially used up my quota of air quotes....)

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by Pine on 03/02/15 at 11:24:52

744A4B47554948260 wrote:
To return to the original subject of this thread:

If I understand correctly what this is net neutrality nonsense is about,I have to wonder; do we really want the same outfit that can't put together a functioning health insurance website  to be in charge of the internet ? ::)

Depends. Washington is pretty broken, and the lobbyists are in charge.. when three or for corps, run the internet for the entire country and make all the rules.. things is broken.

We could point at examples of what the government has done well and has done terrible all day. You chose one that was probably pretty terrible.  I think NASA has done us pretty good. Do you really want ISS run by Jet-blue?

Ah JoG... that was so harsh. People like me??? what am I like? You certainly agreed with my economic view points. I have been in networking and computers since BEFORE IBM ever built a PC. I worked with an ISP when everyone HAD to use modems. I have browsed teh FCC website and READ for myself what the lobbyists have put into place there. And recall all of this was brought to a head NOT by the FCC... but by Verizon, who used the FCC so they could charge both their customers and content providers... and who with all the other ISP's are chomping at the bit to be able to control all content. Control is money.  To be sure I would have preferred that the FCC not need to use Title II, but .. blame Verizon.

Oh .. and I just read where Verizon may have just perjured itself. Seems they don't REALLY hate Title II afterall... they only hate it for internet.

Of course lets be honest there is always some truth to the lies the ISP/phone companies put out. I suspect that they will look at ways to keep cheating customers by hiding behiding government regulations.

Heres one. Those "locked" cell phones. Did you ever think that the CONTRACT you took out for 2 years, meant you bought the phone at the end of the contract. You did. You own the phone. Yet the cell phone company often as not will NOT unlock the phone the you now own.  

Title: Re: WOOT! One for the good guys Republicans can ES
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/02/15 at 16:34:57

Sorry, the ESAD thing set wrong with me, and I'm not even a Bub,,
I'm going to go with

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