General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Yo Bot.......

Message started by raydawg on 02/20/15 at 13:00:42

Title: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/20/15 at 13:00:42

Hope you (or anybody else) field the question........

Obama has tried a different tactic dealing with ME problems/issues.
We know most administrations have used the threat of, and the actions, of war/combat, with (a) troop presence in trying to stabilize areas of conflict.

Seems we are no closer to ending these "problems" than before.

Now he offers his take of economic solutions and democratic/social considerations as a way to deal with those who of " Islamic" faith who would rather fight the opposition/enemy than to dialogue or extend liberties to those who don't see things, and believe things, as they do.

Tell me Bot, is not Obama trying to "push" his beliefs on them, as a fix?

It reminds me of Christians who "believe" they know a better way and stand on street corners, bullhorn in hand, exclaiming to all who are not saved are going to hell.
They will tell you they are doing this because they care for you and don't want you to die and go to hell.....

The danger of trying to "fix" others, is often we become trapped in our own hypocrisy.
As the elected official representative of our nation, he has advanced his own beliefs, without regard to our system of governing, on the global stage, giving the appearance that he thinks he is superior in reasoning and beliefs, than many around the world.

I don't fault his "heart", as a believer myself, I believe I see where his "hope" generates.
However, I believe this is where separation of church and state needs to exert itself, in our elected officials, as with abortion, gay marriage, etc, on a smaller scale.  

Your thoughts bro?  

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by pgambr on 02/20/15 at 16:12:07

I don't know why anyone is surprised.  In one of his books he said to paraphrase:  "When the political winds change directions I will always stand with the Muslims."

Best regards,

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/20/15 at 18:28:22

Standing with a Muslim is not the same as standing with a ISIS Muslim.....

I abhor abortion and consider it grossly wrong and in most cases, unnecessary.....
However, I do not condone or sanction any sort of violence visited on those who have them, or people who provide them.
If my faith is true, by that I mean do I believe all that my Bible says, then I must heed all of it, and that means I must let the Lord judge those who willfully sin without repenting.

Perhaps in context that is what Obama is doing  :-/  

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by thumperclone on 02/21/15 at 00:13:34

me thinks a crusade is over due
not to the religion but the ones who bastardize it

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by WebsterMark on 02/21/15 at 05:32:07

Telling others to stop pushing their beliefs.... Isn't that in and of itself pushing your beliefs on others?.....

Your problem ray seems to you can't admit to or don't belive in, absolute truth. Much of the world is grey, but much is clear cut. Abortion is wrong, child porn is wrong, robbery is wrong....Islamic Facist are wrong. ISIS is wrong. There's nothing wrong with speaking out against evil.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/15 at 06:28:13

5E425F475A4F58494645444F2A0 wrote:
me thinks a crusade is over due
not to the religion but the ones who bastardize it

You wanna expand on this dude?

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/15 at 07:03:10

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
Telling others to stop pushing their beliefs.... Isn't that in and of itself pushing your beliefs on others?.....

I think how and why you share your beliefs is the telling.....
If invited to dialogue, then its an honest expression of how and why you believe as you do. However, words are often cheap, your actions are the truth revealed....

Your problem ray seems to you can't admit to or don't belive in, absolute truth. Much of the world is grey, but much is clear cut. Abortion is wrong, child porn is wrong, robbery is wrong....Islamic Facist are wrong. ISIS is wrong. There's nothing wrong with speaking out against evil.

See your above post directed at me  ::)

PS: Yes, much of the world escapes my ability to discern. I see it through my bias eyes, wisdom tells me I should not act upon an assumption, even if I can get justified by those who hold the same view.
Absolute truth exists, of that I am certain (absolutely) I just know it is best left to the one who created truth.

Responding to physical actions of others is not the same as reacting to their beliefs, exampled by those who harm abortionist under the exemption of their faith, for harming (killing) a fetus, as opposed to killing those who don't adopt your faith.

Speaking out against such I have no problem, I just question the method, as I exampled by those standing on a corner yelling through a bullhorn.
What they share is gospel truth, but do you honestly think any of those seeds will find fertile soil, or more likely to cast the intended audience attention to them, assigning "their" truth (interpretation) that those Christians are nuts, instead of pointing to the saving grace of Christ?

A bullet has the ability to stop a threat, or an innocent bystander, but it also has the ability to stop the one who holds it.....
If not handled with care and discernment.

So can words.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/21/15 at 09:15:47

7F6C74696C7A6A0D0 wrote:
Hope you (or anybody else) field the question........

...Now he offers his take of economic solutions and democratic/social considerations as a way to deal with those who of " Islamic" faith who would rather fight the opposition/enemy than to dialogue or extend liberties to those who don't see things, and believe things, as they do.

Tell me Bot, is not Obama trying to "push" his beliefs on them, as a fix?

Your thoughts bro?  

If poverty and subjugation are lifestyle choices,... then, I suppose Obama is pushing his beliefs on them...

Reminds me of the Tea Partiers crying out for their God given right to be denied health-care... (while most are on Medicare and Social Security, or disability)...

There is no "freedom" in being impoverished, hungry, is sick... :-/...

Peace,  Serow

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/15 at 09:41:54

Your thoughts on this article...... by Alastair Roderick

The international aid community was sent into conniptions this week as reports from the UN High Level Panel meeting in New York to decide on a framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals indicated that no target for the eradication of absolute poverty (those living on less than $1.25 a day) was to be included, despite strong lobbying by the British and other European nations.

A focus on absolute minimums is not just about morality, it is highly political. The reduction in extreme poverty is the headline achievement of the MDGs, and so not emphasising this is tantamount to criticising the very idea of development frameworks in general, and the coalition that came together over the MDGs specifically. It was also indicative of the NGO-centred worldview that says the project of lifting people out of poverty is owned by Western aid agencies.

As outlined in a previous blog, and in the Schumacher Institute's submissionto Beyond 2015, the civil society group lobbying the UN High Level Panel, the post-2015 process is in danger of misapplying the lessons of the MDGs and letting hubris overtake analysis.

The NGO world-view unfortunately treats the MDG process as a finished project whose achievements no longer need defending. However, the general consensus that the new framework needs to incorporate more environmental goals - and even add Sustainable Development Goals to the mix - hasn't begun to address how this can be achieved while protecting the gains already won.

Research from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the CONVERGE project, among others, demonstrate that a growing crisis of environmental decline and resource shocks expected over the next few decades is likely to increase poverty, not decrease it. Yet despite the implications of systemic environmental and resource shocks for current poverty levels, the current frameworks imagines it can go one step further and not just abolish poverty but end inequality too.

Despite a major theme of the post-2015 consultations being the need to better integrate environmental and development targets, the largest aid groups rarely mention the significant barriers to pursuing these quite different goals simultaneously.

The MDGs worked so well because they were politically astute, and because a limited window of opportunity existed to build a coalition and avoid the most contentious disagreements. Even the Americans eventually signed up. The new process is based on the assumption that poverty can be redefined as inequality, and somehow this is connected to protecting the environment, as if these problems occur in discrete boxes and that protecting the environment would never be interpreted as a constraint on the economy.

Save the Children claim that the two tests that need to be passed are 'eliminating poverty in all of its forms' and 'address[ing] the inequality and discrimination' that leads to poverty, without mentioning that a significant form of poverty is caused by stress within the economic-environmental systems within which people live. Describing these as 'inequality' is even less precise than describing them as poverty.

I don't criticise the aid agencies for their motives, but I do question the outcomes. Save the Children have produced good research showing that income inequality leads to, for example, worse nutrition for the very poorest children, widening literacy gaps, and rising prices putting basic commodities out of reach even as the overall economy booms.

Oxfam, who have long invested in research, have developed the useful concept of planetary boundaries, limits to environmental damage bounded on their lower flanks by 'social floors', minimum standards of income and social protection that may require short-term growth to achieve. This at least shows some movement towards the idea that economic development has to be reconciled with environmental protection in recognition that each is dependent on the other.

But success can lead to hubris, and this can obscure the lessons of the past. One of the main reasons that the MDGs were such a success was that they set concrete, achievable and measurable goals with realistic deadlines, and the information on progress was made freely available. The data published publicly on MDG targets can be found here, but even for the headline indicator of the Goals - people living on less than $1 a day - this data is patchy and incomplete.

The current publicly-available dataset on poverty reduction dates from 2010, but only a few countries report data up until 2010 with some countries' data dating back to 1995, only five years older than the 1990 base-line and a full five years before the MDGs even began. Again, absolute poverty reduction was the gold-standard measure for the Goals. Given that the data is poor on the fairly uni-dimensional measure of those living on less than $1 a day, how are we supposed to trust the data for a multi-dimensional measure such as inequality?

Further still, the vast numbers lifted out of absolute poverty are overwhelmingly located in the BRIC nations, as much as 80% by some estimates. This reduction in poverty wasn't based on some Oxfam inequality programme, these nations have averaged 6% growth each year since the MDGs began and inequality has shot up. Which of these nations would be first in line to switch their economic strategy from high growth to inequality reduction?

There has been a growing consensus on the way forward with the Goals: keep going on things that are working; address those that aren't (such as sanitation); differentiated responsibilities; and new SDGs such as on clean water, food systems and ecosystems.

Both the UN and the aid-agencies seem to be leaving things out, however. The High Level Panel is running into the political reality of trying to define poverty and inequality in such a way as to be agreed by 190 countries including huge, fast growing economies such as the BRICs, rich countries with flat-lining economies in Europe and America, and poor countries undergoing commodity and land booms desperately trying to promote new manufacturing bases.

This worldview is happy to trumpet the headline achievement of the MDGs, a reduction of those living in absolute poverty, without being honest about where those ex-poor people live. Poverty has been reduced for these people by state-directed export and commodity-led growth strategies that owe little to Oxfam or ActionAid and the rest.

Nor are they honest about what a switch from poverty-reduction to inequality-reduction would politically entail. Inequality has grown in each of the BRIC nations in the last 15 years, as it always does in countries experiencing rapid economic growth. So to approach Post-2015 negotiations calling for a reduction in inequality when these nations have secured development success precisely by rejecting the Western-NGO's new focus on inequality is to invite failure.

There is a real danger of over-reach because of a world-view that says that what is measured is what is important, that those with money have answers, and that donor's values are universal values. Imagining that poverty is on its way to extinction, this mind-set segues seamlessly into outlawing inequality, confusing once again process with outcome.

As we are debating whether we can transition from poverty-reduction to inequality-reduction (and let's outlaw bad luck and meanness while we are at it) an actual, existential, threat hangs over this whole process. Unless you can reconcile development goals with the significant environmental change and resource depletion expected over coming decades, then all of the progress to date will be reversed and inequality will suddenly seem at lot less important again than absolute poverty.

Two worldviews collide, disorder ensues, and eventually something better rises from the ashes: synthesis. But after synthesis can come hubris, and after hubris comes nemesis. The Post-2015 process is in danger of hubris, of assuming that technical fixes can be applied to problems such as poverty and even to making the world more equal. You have to get the politics right first, and these are not hubristic times.

And this one too.  :-*

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/21/15 at 11:43:08

41524A57524454330 wrote:
Your thoughts on this article...... by Alastair Roderick

Too many words... ;D...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by pgambr on 02/21/15 at 15:09:14

6076617C64717C67130 wrote:
[quote author=7F6C74696C7A6A0D0 link=1424466042/0#0 date=1424466042]

Tell me Bot

Reminds me of the Tea Partiers crying out for their God given right to be denied health-care... (while most are on Medicare and Social Security, or disability)...[/quote]

I believe the title of this thread is appropriate for this inquiry.  Serowbot, why do you have such dis-contempt for the right?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/15 at 00:31:46

You caught me drunk,.. so I'll risk an answer... ;D...

Basically,... it lacks empathy...
I like the idea of smaller, more efficient government... I also support individual rights, and freedoms,... but not at the cost of others...

I could be a right-wing communist... ;D...
... or an empathetic conservative... :-/...

The richest country in the world, should not have so many poor, uneducated, sick, and homeless people...
We will not stay the most powerful if we ignore our own people...
Cut spending on wars, and take care of our own...
I'd much prefer my tax money go for food, shelter, and care, than bullets and bombs...

It is too much under the thumb of Evangelical Christian rhetoric...
God, might have leaned right, with all his curses and condemnations,... but his son, was a lefty, feeding the poor, healing the sick, forgiving the sinners...
Jesus would have been a community organizer...
Don'cha think?... :-?...

Peace, Serow...
... and thank you PG,.. for your respectful question...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Pine on 02/22/15 at 08:28:01

Good thread!

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/22/15 at 18:47:02

It is too much under the thumb of Evangelical Christian rhetoric...
God, might have leaned right, with all his curses and condemnations,... but his son, was a lefty, feeding the poor, healing the sick, forgiving the sinners...
Jesus would have been a community organizer...
Don'cha think?... Huh...

Bot, you can not separate the trinity without changing everything and thus rendering it mute.

To pick out what suits you, me, or anybody, is the very element that seems to give you fits about organized religions.
I get what you're saying, and it doves with my questions, as man inherently thinks his own beliefs are the best.....
Just like those yelling in a bullhorn on the corner, or you, Obama, etc, telling others they need to ________ for the good of ________ .

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/15 at 20:07:09

26352D30352333540 wrote:
Bot, you can not separate the trinity without changing everything and thus rendering it mute.


I can...  I'm sorry if you can't...
Incredibly sorry...

I do believe Jesus could...

There is no condemnation in the teachings of Jesus of anyone, other than for those who would judge or condemn, or feel superior to others...
The ultimate, rebellious son...

I personally, as an atheist,  feel most amazed,.. that the one religion that embodies the teachings of Jesus most... is the one that doesn't acknowledge him as a messiah...
Then again,... Jesus was a Jew... :-?...

I don't wish to argue.... I don't wish to insult...
I'm just stating what I see, as an outside observer... with no religious ties, training, or affiliations...

As a self-trained atheist,... I was never indoctrinated to any bias or direction...
I will say... I admire all religious endeavors that seek to make the world a better, more caring and peaceful place...
... and they all do... (perhaps not successfully)...
Buddhists... direct thought and peace inward...
Hindus...  respect for the unknown and intangible...
Hebrews... for emphasizing the reward of giving rather than asking of God...

Christians and Muslims become a little harder for me to quantify... but,...
Christianity did give the embodiment of caring in the persona of Jesus...
... and Muslims, of which I know the least,... did value and respect, the accomplishments of mankind as divine in itself...

No religion is without virtues or faults...
They are reflections of us all...
I will pick and choose, the good and bad from all, and be the best I can be...

Ask yourself this... if your beliefs have you condemning, and judging others, more than bettering yourself as a human being,... what is it giving you?... and what are you giving to others?...

ISIS,... is bastardizing the Muslim treatise...
Many Christian offshoots are doing the same...

If it isn't making you a better human being,.. it is a waste of time...
If it is making you better,... bless you...
If it is making the impact of your short time here, have more positive motion forward, god bless your God...

PS,... I will not participate in tit-for-tat insults...
I am a lone voice here, and cannot win a shouting match...
I'm just voicing this lone view, because I was asked...
I hope some part might unleash a freedom of thought to other possibilities of personal betterment...
Just be the best person you can be...

Peace, Serow

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by mpescatori on 02/23/15 at 02:42:18

My two cents' worth...

"Christians and Muslims become a little harder for me to quantify... but,...
Christianity did give the embodiment of caring in the persona of Jesus...

Muslims and Christians are the only two Monotheistic religions who, to my knowledge, have waged war at themselves, splitting into too many theological currents for one to keep count,
and eventually deifying their Prophets in order to impose themselves onto who simply wasn't interested.

Mark my words, Catholics in the US are NOT the same as catholics in Europe... you guys (US Catholics) are much more prudish, or have such a reputation.
Episcopals in the US Vs. Anglicans in England; Lutherans, Methodists or Evangelicals in the US are much more militant and "Bible thumper aggressive" than their counterparts in Europe.
Nobody in their right mind in Europe would even half think of climbing onto a soap box and shout "I am a true Christian, you guys have got it all wrong".
Far, far too many "woodshed preachers" and "Church of Jesus" tailor cut to one specific preacher's thoughts.

The Greek/Russian Orthodox are perhaps the only ones exempt from this "New / Old World Christianity" comparison.

Muslims are the same. You will find religious extremism in the poorer Nations, in the poorer portions of the population, in the poorer districts of town.
More Muslim extremism in Pakistan thna in India, even though "officially Hindu" India actually counts a larger Muslim population than Pakistan itself.
More Muslim extremism in those parts of the world, where the ruling class, regardless of religion, was seen/known to have done business with the "greedy Christians" (read that as "Greedy US / EU corporations").
Declining Muslim extremism (or integralism) in those parts of the world where the economy is OK ad things work and everybody's happy or at least satisfied, such as Indonesia or Malaysia or the Uunited Arab Emirates...

But... go to France, or England, where the Algerian/Arabic immigrants have created a 2, 3, 4 generation working class of Muslims, and you will see that religion is a part of their cultural/national identity and heritage.
They feel "different, emarginated" and they stress their being different instead of trying to be more "alike".

Just to prove my point, the Hindi (Indian) population is extremely well amalgamated into British society, and there is NO Hindi Integralism.
The Jamaican/Caribbean immigrants are equally well amalgamated, and there is no "Rasta" integralism (I will weed you to death, white man!  ;D )

This has nothing to do with petty crime, this has to do with nationalism.

You guys and the Brits supported Zionism at the end of the 19th Century, and insisted on the creation of a Jewish State of Israel?
OK, fine...
Are you ready to support Wahabbism and allow the creation of the Muslim State of "Al Whateveriya" ?


Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/23/15 at 04:01:11

Ask yourself this... if your beliefs have you condemning, and judging others, more than bettering yourself as a human being,... what is it giving you?... and what are you giving to others?...

I agree with this in total, and will extend the observation in asking everyone else as well, what justifies your beliefs and allows you to reject those of others?

Can you, can I, can anyone?

Am I justified in taking a man who lives in a dirt floor hut and tell him he needs to live in a home I feel that he needs to?

He needs TV, and all the other trappings of the great US mindset so what, I can feel like I helped him to my lifestyle?

Am I smarter because I have a degree from some university that our society puts a value on such?

BTW, every atheist I know, which are many, thinks he is smarter than those who believe in Jesus.....
In doing such, they have enjoyed the very emotion of feeling superior to others, the very same claim of hypocrisy they assign to believers......

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by mpescatori on 02/23/15 at 05:43:26

"BTW, every atheist I know, which are many, thinks he is smarter than those who believe in Jesus.....
In doing such, they have enjoyed the very emotion of feeling superior to others, the very same claim of hypocrisy they assign to believers......

True, how true.

However, I have yet to see two atheists fighting over whose idea of atheism is more correct,

whereas it is all too common for two Christians (or two Muslims) of different denominations bash each other to death and beyond over whose idea of "God" is "more righteous".

Not to mention "My Jesus loves ME more than your Jesus loves you"

As I said, you guys have an issue with "designer Jesus"

Try this in Europe and you'll have the local shrink come and interview you (and think about finding foster care to your kids...)

GOTT MIT UNS, anybody ?  ::)

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/23/15 at 06:25:57

This is not news, you believe one size fits all, and those who differ interpretation and argue accordingly are wrong in your opine, which, means you believe you are right....
Even the disciples argue amongst themselves.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/23/15 at 07:23:24

Atheism teaches...  
One day,.. I will die, and I will become nothing more than dust... and so will you... as will everyone...
We are all together for this short time. We all have this gift of spark to enjoy...

Religion teaches...
One day, you will die and become dust, but I won't...
We are all together for this short time.  
Then you will burn forever, while I live forever with (Jesus, ... 72 virgins, ... wings,... pretty much anything I want)...

Bummer... :-?...
;D ;D ;D...

...but,... good luck with that... :-X...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/23/15 at 08:11:18

Luck..... Where is luck in the equation?
Does believing sustain me, allowing me to look inward and address my sin & shortcomings without being beholden to the justifications of others....
Does it reveal in me the truth and wisdom of my problems are self manifested, not that I have to bake a cake for a gay couple.....or demand no display of nativity scenes because I have the authority to do so, and the weakness and perhaps fear that it might persuade someone else to believe against what I don't believe and that threatens me?

As you stated, what good is believing in something if it doesn't make you a. better person

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by old_rider on 02/24/15 at 10:28:13

Sorry, I feel the need to step in...

I am not the most educated person in the world, nor the most intelligent.

But it looks as though the believers are being very hypocritical to those who chose not to believe.

Does not your scripture ask you to "not judge", "love your fellow man"...
"he who is without sin to cast the first stone"...

I know most of those quotes apply to the story that was being told of someone in the book, but those are guidelines by how you should live you lives.

Simply by generalizing Atheists as a group to think they are "above" everyone is like an Atheist saying the same about religious folks saying "we will pray for you".
Simply because you believe, and stating you are "a better human being", than those poor souls who do not.

And there in is the hypocrisy....... "they [think] they are smarter than us", you are being judgemental..... is that a sin?  

Were as a lot of Atheist say "those Christians think they are better because they believe and we don't"...

Don't class all for the statements of one....  

I was baptized when I was 9.... was in an orphanage from 6-11 years old... bible study 3 times a week, church twice a week... learned a lot about "faith" and the bible.... had to memorize it.... I found it a great tool and guide, I also found it confusing and found that those who taught it did always follow it.

I ran across a thing when reading about the crusades and the family name "McGraw".. I thought they were Scottish..... (I am actually from a german decent) it comes from the Scottish education government any tin hats might not believe its an accurate progression of history... the very first sentence is what gets me ...

So as a former believer (self proclaimed Atheist now, because I truly cannot believe, even though I tried) I ask this one question.....

Why are all religious folk not Christian now?

I think this: Because back the day (before 1500), a majority of the folks (one church) believed in the story of Christ and it was the separate races (or groups if you want to be politically correct) that interpreted the story differently due to the language barrier and mans interpretation of the words another wrote. And then yet another group decided to use the tithes to their own personal advantage and not just the church (isn't that a sin?).

As I have grown, I have learned much about people and beliefs, and I have formed my own "opinion" about the religious culture.
Being an Atheist is not "a belief" or a "religion".... I do not gather with other Atheists to worship anything, I am not part of an Atheist Cult.... Just because there are Atheists that are evil, does not mean I am evil.. It would be like me seeing a chevy pickup truck and calling all pickups chevy's.

So please don't generalize when quoting something about someone...

Judge a person by what he or she does or says..... not by what other people do or say....

In the end, you will be a better person for it by not condemning all others for one persons actions....

After all I don't think all Christians believe as you do about everything.... or Catholics... or Muslims .....

There, I had my say..... thanks....

I wish you  well in all your endeavors....

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by WebsterMark on 02/24/15 at 11:01:06

this has turned into quite a thread!

started to read the latest reply by old_rider and had to stop quickly.

Does not your scripture ask you to "not judge", "love your fellow man"...
"he who is without sin to cast the first stone"...

I suggest you stop, find those verses about judging in the Sermon on the Mount, try and forget the dime store, liberal interpretations of those verses, and read it again.

then come back and tell me if you think that's what it really says.....

I'm going to read the rest of your post now!

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/24/15 at 11:53:16

Not sure if that was/is directed at me or not, however, I will field it  ;D
First, all opines and input is appreciated, no need to feel sorry.

If I am reading your reply correctly, you are saying the same thing as my original posting/topic in how Obama is judging, or using his beliefs to set policy.
Re: atheist, I never said all as incorporating everyone of them, I used it in the context of " all the ones I know " which is a true statement, even if it doesn't bear witness to what another person experiences.
And all the people I know do judge others with prejudice, myself included, it's how we navigate through life. It is nothing more than a tool unless it is used to damage another person based on assumptions.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by old_rider on 02/24/15 at 13:39:47

I did say they came from stories in the book, and were a good moral guide.
I did not implicate that they were verses as a "commandment"....
As a man created in "his" image anyone can interpret the book and use it as best as he/she can, because isn't ones mind also an image of the creator?
Most just don't see it that way..... they tend to go by the interpretations of those who deem themselves "teachers" or "shepherds".
One does not have to be "ordained" to teach the word.
Also, I have not read the book for more than 40 years now, because back then I got what I needed from it.
But I do have a computer and can use a search.... and people put stuff online and profess that "its the truth".
I just thought I would point out that folks with religious belief should not condemn others for their belief or "non" belief.
Because condemnation or judgement cannot be passed but by the one at the gate, or so the book says.
I loosely describe the texts and teachings as I remember.... but I think my point gets across..... and if someone tries to "pin point" a meaning, it just tells me their mind is already made up and their interpretation is different than mine..... so be it.... i'm not here to say I'm the one that is right....just express my opinion about it.
And that is one of the reasons I no longer believe, that among other things....people tend to try to bend their followers to their line of thinking.
I'm do not debate well, and sometimes I don't get my point out as well as I should, but it does not bother me how you see me..... its how I see me....
And as a caring person, it bothers me to see others profess their status above others... when in the end... as I see it.... you will be just dust in a box, just like me.
And the memories others have of you, is what you will become after that.
Well that and the fact that we have computers now and can put our visages and comments up on the internet.... which who knows, some one in 3034 might see this post... and start it anew!

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by oldNslow on 02/24/15 at 16:01:35

old_rider wrote:

And the memories others have of you, is what you will become after that.
Well that and the fact that we have computers now and can put our visages and comments up on the internet.... which who knows, some one in 3034 might see this post... and start it anew!

" Can't stop the signal Mal, The signal goes everywhere..."
                                                                                  Mr. Universe - "Serenity"

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/24/15 at 16:21:07

Not really wanting to get into theology here, that was not the intentions of this post, I blame Bot for steering it that way  :-*

But of course, I need to make one final observation re: the bible and how it relates to me.
I see the bible as a living bible, its meaning changes upon my understanding and growth through this life.
It does not change the context of it however, if that makes any sense.
It is not a handbook for me to learn about, and execute condemnation of others, based on the teachings of others, no, but an avenue to get deep inside me, my why I do, what I do, and the cause and effect of my words and actions.
It leads me to repair, or acceptance, of all things in my life, "IF" I have the capacity to be willing to believe what it shows me about myself.

I would be, and for most of my life, was, at a struggle to find these truths.
I used all sorts of diversionary tactics, and denial, to avoid accepting the nagging emptiness of a missing element I felt existed but beyond my grasp....
This is why I say you can not separate the trinity, for it was through the holy spirit that I was able to muster what was needed to see and admit to MYSELF what and who I was, and why I did what I did....
Talk about freedom, mercy, a boogieman was squashed and serenity was now a gift I enjoyed.
I can't, nor do I believe I will ever be able to say I am "sin" free, I am a sinner, and will die a sinner, and my flesh turned to dust as some of you say, however, the me that is free, the orb of who I am will move on, never to be erased, nor undone.....
Exactly what that is, I can't say, nor can my imagination capture it...
All that I know is that it calms all, and cast me to a place where none of the evil and hurt I have seen, and done, exist....ever.

I hope all of you can look inside yourself and face what you see, you deserve it, we all do, everyone of us has a free will, I hope you use it....
Peace and joy to all  :-*

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/24/15 at 18:11:52

Way to go,Ray..
You might consider a book.

Asking for the ancient path
Jeff Baron

I went in search of God, ran into me,
When He showed me my heart, and I was forced to see it for what it was, I was a wreck for a coupla days..
Grace, God's speaking into our lives, showing us we need to change.
Mercy, His patience with us while we fail to hear.

Of course there is more..

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by old_rider on 02/24/15 at 23:35:10

The path...

And the belief there-in...

I will personally read the words of, and interpret the meanings of, ANY man.... no matter the language (if interpreted correctly), the interpretation of,or leaning towards, belief of  or understanding of, the  wholeness,  of the psyche....

Personally, I take unto myself, the writing, the essence, or suggestion of any writings, however small, truthful, misleading, or semi-misleading....of a path or of futures or past...

Because, as an entity of one.... a "soul", looking for, ever searching of meaning...understanding of....any belief, greater understanding of the question ....WHY.... and simply, that one question... WHY...

Why are we here?
Why have we been created?
Why would a creator deem us plausible?
Why did we come into being?
Why did our universe align to the miracle of man?
(miracle meaning serendipitous creation of a being)

Just keep asking......and don't believe in what IS as MAN explains it....
Simply because someone says it happened, and we exist, does not mean we totally understand WHY...

You can ask yourself why, and listen to one million peoples explanations of how we got here and why we are here...but each and every one of us will have his or her own opinion based on what they have learned and or what they have been taught....

What if someone was "isolated"?
Totally isolated, and not taught the supposed "history" of man?
If you were to talk to them, what do you think they would tell you about your religion or your belief?
Would they be wrong? What about their experiences? Would you disbelieve them if they told you they had seen god? or a supreme being?
How could you perceive to prove them wrong? as primitive as they are?

Ok, back to Obama.... is his belief really that important?
Should we not as a nation tell him to pass this bill?   Without the immigration leaniency toward immigrants?

Should we start a theological post?

Crickey! I should not post while under the influence! ;D

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by mpescatori on 02/25/15 at 02:30:08

4D4E46504B464750220 wrote:
Sorry, I feel the need to step in...

I am not the most educated person in the world, nor the most intelligent.


Judge a person by what he or she does or says..... not by what other people do or say....

In the end, you will be a better person for it by not condemning all others for one persons actions....


After all I don't think all Christians believe as you do about everything.... or Catholics... or Muslims .....

There, I had my say..... thanks....

I wish you  well in all your endeavors....

Sorry, OLDRIDER, but Catholics ARE Christians...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by mpescatori on 02/25/15 at 02:50:49

7370786E7578796E1C0 wrote:
I did say they came from stories in the book, and were a good moral guide.
I did not implicate that they were verses as a "commandment"....
As a man created in "his" image anyone can interpret the book and use it as best as he/she can, because isn't ones mind also an image of the creator?
Most just don't see it that way..... they tend to go by the interpretations of those who deem themselves "teachers" or "shepherds".
One does not have to be "ordained" to teach the word.
Also, I have not read the book for more than 40 years now, because back then I got what I needed from it.
But I do have a computer and can use a search.... and people put stuff online and profess that "its the truth".
I just thought I would point out that folks with religious belief should not condemn others for their belief or "non" belief.
Because condemnation or judgement cannot be passed but by the one at the gate, or so the book says.
I loosely describe the texts and teachings as I remember.... but I think my point gets across..... and if someone tries to "pin point" a meaning, it just tells me their mind is already made up and their interpretation is different than mine..... so be it.... i'm not here to say I'm the one that is right....just express my opinion about it.
And that is one of the reasons I no longer believe, that among other things....people tend to try to bend their followers to their line of thinking.
I'm do not debate well, and sometimes I don't get my point out as well as I should, but it does not bother me how you see me..... its how I see me....
And as a caring person, it bothers me to see others profess their status above others... when in the end... as I see it.... you will be just dust in a box, just like me.
And the memories others have of you, is what you will become after that.
Well that and the fact that we have computers now and can put our visages and comments up on the internet.... which who knows, some one in 3034 might see this post... and start it anew!

Sorry, I disagree.

Does one not have to be a graduate of the School of Medicine to call himself a Doctor, M.D. ?
Does one not have to be a graduate of Law School to call himself a Lawyer or a Judge ?
Does one not have to be a graduate of Civil Engineering or Architecture to call himself capable of designing a new building ?
Would you really put yourself into the hands of a shady speakeasy pushing snake oil as a "one size fits all" medical remedy ?
Would you really put yourself into the hands of a shady speakeasy pushing soft words in a court of law ?
Would you really put yourself into the hands of a shady speakeasy pushing sweettalk to build the home you will live in ?
I think not.

So how can one simply dance up and down the aisle like John Belushi and holler "I see the Light!" and expect to "know the Word"?
There's a lot more to it than just the "feelgood factor".
That is why not only Catholics and Orthodox, but Anglicans, Methodists and Lutherans also have Seminary Schools/Colleges.
Else, you WILL one day come across someone who, perhaps in bona fide and perhaps not, will give you a comfortable speech that is imbued with "feelgood" but hopelessly wrong from a theological standpoint.

I quote from Matthew, Chapt. 5:
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven..."

Therefore, anybody who insists that Jesus came to give "the Good News" and that "the Old Testament is over" is terribly wrong.

Again, Matthew Chapter 7:
"6 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."
"15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves...
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ "

Sorry, OLDRIDER, I cannot agree with your words.

I do not thump and holler "Catholics are good and everybody else is bad" but I cannot accept the thought that someone with (perhaps) even fewer studies and less preparation than me may come and assume they can teach me about theology.

My personal opinion, of course.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/25/15 at 03:32:55

51425A47425444230 wrote:
Not really wanting to get into theology here, that was not the intentions of this post, I blame Bot for steering it that way  :-*

23302835302636510 wrote:
Hope you (or anybody else) field the question........

...Now he offers his take of economic solutions and democratic/social considerations as a way to deal with those who of " Islamic" faith ...

Tell me Bot, is not Obama trying to "push" his beliefs on them, as a fix?

It reminds me of Christians who "believe" they know a better way and stand on street corners, bullhorn in hand, exclaiming to all who are not saved are going to hell.
They will tell you they are doing this because they care for you and don't want you to die and go to hell.....

...As the elected official representative of our nation, he has advanced his own beliefs, without regard to our system of governing, on the global stage, giving the appearance that he thinks he is superior in reasoning and beliefs, than many around the world.

I don't fault his "heart", as a believer myself, I believe I see where his "hope" generates.
However, I believe this is where separation of church and state needs to exert itself, in our elected officials, as with abortion, gay marriage, etc, on a smaller scale.  

Your thoughts bro?  

Bot did it... ;D ;D ;D....

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/25/15 at 04:30:25

Knew you would bite  :D

As to the remark from old rider about teachers.....

This is exactly what I refer to when I example Obama, and Holder too, who discount and minimize Fox news for any opposition reporting.
They demagogue it and the rank and file slurp it up.
Never once giving into the fact those who find it worthy of their attention and a fresh break away from one sided reporting of the other outlets, is just a different of belief and opinion these folk hold....
They use their pulpit to preach their beliefs without welcome of those who oppose, that is my point.

BTW, morning bot, have a wonderful day  :-*

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/25/15 at 08:05:05

Fox doesn't just give opposing views,... they use opposing facts...
It is sad that they need lies to validate their views...

We are all entitled to out own opinions and beliefs,... but not our own facts...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/25/15 at 11:33:15

Fox went to court to prove that they have a First Amendment Protected RIGHT to LIE and present it as NEWS. Understand, they were not trying to secure a protective shield in case they were WRONG, but to prove that they could fabricate stories and force their Reporters to spout those lies while Pretending that they were fact.
Know that about Fox and believe the others? If voting changed anything it would be illegal.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/25/15 at 12:27:48

Oh, facts.... I never said facts, why are you?
Like Dan Rathers and a bogus attempt to damage dubya with a fabricated story?
Or more recently Brian Williams?
Yea, fox has that cornered huh....  

My point is that a lot of people feel the networks you hold in high esteem were not meeting their needs, you can argue why, however, that does not erase a fact that fox sprang to being to fill that void. I get it, you say those folk are sheep and wrong, that is your fact and your belief.... Have the tolerance and open mindedness to extend to them the very right you extend to yourself without prejudice.... That is the whole point of my thread, uh, before you hijacked it  ::)

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/25/15 at 13:15:43

if people take a minute and scan the different "News " channels they will discover that sometimes it's not just the same stories but the same words.
And WHY would everyone have the same stories? In a market of a given number, how can I Outsell the competition if EVERYONE is selling the same thing? Offer something different, but think back, go Way back,   Remember
the last Michael Jackson bad man, messing with kids,blahh blahh blahh, constant and everywhere,   anyone who wanted to increase their market share only needed to talk about ANYTHING else... And, there was Much to be talked about,, in Florida, there was a Hotel with a temporary fence around it and a group of very influential people inside...
It's not just the B.S. they are trying to feed us, it's also about the Real issues that they Are Not saying anything about.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/25/15 at 15:29:28

51425A47425444230 wrote:
That is the whole point of my thread, uh, before you hijacked it  ::)

I highjacked a thread titled,.."Yo Bot"?...
Call it "Yo JOG", next time... :-X...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/25/15 at 16:05:04

2432253820353823570 wrote:
[quote author=51425A47425444230 link=1424466042/30#35 date=1424896068]That is the whole point of my thread, uh, before you hijacked it  ::)

I highjacked a thread titled,.."Yo Bot"?...
Call it "Yo JOG", next time... :-X...[/quote]

:D ;D ::)

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/25/15 at 16:31:40

WHA!?? WhadIDeww?? Did I do something wrong again?

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Serowbot on 02/25/15 at 17:25:44

Hey, JOG,...
How does Raydawg argue so much, and still not have a 1,000 posts?...

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/25/15 at 18:05:44

He hasn't been here for 10 years like me. Give the man some time. He's intelligent AND opinionated. Post counts Gonna pick up.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/25/15 at 18:56:15

Somewhere in this thread it said be very careful what you wish for  :-X

I love the very fact, as in FACT..... that we can banter and still be jovial with one another, shame more can't experience the simpleness of it  :-*

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Pine on 02/26/15 at 07:25:35

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
Fox went to court to prove that they have a First Amendment Protected RIGHT to LIE and present it as NEWS. Understand, they were not trying to secure a protective shield in case they were WRONG, but to prove that they could fabricate stories and force their Reporters to spout those lies while Pretending that they were fact.
Know that about Fox and believe the others? If voting changed anything it would be illegal.

Yep they are an "entertainment" channel.  I seldom if ever watch them. They lost credibility with me LOOOONG ago. Odd thing was.. it had nothing to do with politics. They lied about some silly crap.. and then would not fess up to it.

I use to watch our NBC affiliate for news.. but I got pissed off at them, so been watching CBS for the past 6 months. Of course if I want to KNOW something, I look to the internet. Most news gets little to no coverage on TV.

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by raydawg on 02/26/15 at 08:05:08

I have not watched any commercial news programs in years. They are there to make money, plain and simple. They will report accordingly to what they ultimately believe will generate the most income. They are nothing more than a glamorized nation enquire who hold themselves in a higher esteem than used car salesmen

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by pgambr on 02/27/15 at 16:50:45

I got rid of my TV 5 years ago.  I don't really miss it that much.   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Best regards,

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by Kris01 on 02/27/15 at 18:40:05

Ya ain't missin' a thing!

Title: Re: Yo Bot.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/28/15 at 00:44:53

Back when we had 3 channels I could almost always find something entertaining, right up until they signed off and the test pattern came on.
Now we have like 138 or so and thanks to Netflix, entertainment..
Really, some of the MOST LAME ideas for a show.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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