General Category >> The Cafe >> homo slackass-erectus

Message started by paulmarshall on 02/08/15 at 21:06:26

Title: homo slackass-erectus
Post by paulmarshall on 02/08/15 at 21:06:26
They are referred to as homo slackass-erectus, created by natural genetic downward evolution through  constant spineless posturing, and spasmatic upper limb gestures, which new research has shown to cause shorter legs and an inability to ambulate other than in an awkward shuffling gait.

The "drag-crotch" shape also seems to effect brain function. Expect no eye contact or intelligent verbal communication.  Unfortunately most are highly fertile.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Art Webb on 02/08/15 at 22:00:53

This forum needs a 'thumbsup' smiley

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Oldfeller on 02/08/15 at 22:19:54



over to the left of the text box you type your post into, it is called "View All Smilies"

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by jcstokes on 02/08/15 at 22:48:45

Annoyed with this stereotyping, I've got short legs, why do you think I ride an S40? I did get a thirty year government home loan in 1978 and repaid it in late 1984.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by arteacher on 02/09/15 at 04:30:43

I don't care if they wear their pants like that as long as they don't show their underwear. When a kid comes into my class showing his boxers I tell him that neither I nor anyone else, is interested in his shorts, and to hitch up the pants. Unwillingness to do so means a trip to the office, which doesn't scare them anymore anyway.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Blinky-FSO on 02/09/15 at 05:29:44

This fashion fad has been around since when, the 80's? A long time for a fashion fad. So there has to be a deeper reason. I always assumed it was a statement of gay rights. I mean, who do these guys think likes looking at their backside?

Good hunting

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/09/15 at 05:33:14

I have watched guys walk around with one hand holding their pants up.
I've seen these guys with 1/2of their boxers showing, that's only possible because someone Convinced them that is cool. Proof that the herd can be played.. There is nothing fun about pants that won't stay up.. I DO care how they wear their pants,because it is a window into their ability to think for themselves.. It screams
I must fit in
I need to feel cool
I'll CARRY my pants if I have to, just so the thugs will like me.

For the long waisted, short legged, and those cursed with a flat butt that WON'T keep pants up, you have my sympathy and I can tell the difference,
But you can get some cool suspenders... I would, if I was one of those people who are always having to pull them up..
I worked for a family, father and 2sons, none of them had a butt, fought with their pants all the time, and I got a lifetime of
Plumbers Butt
Exposure,   agggh...

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Dave on 02/09/15 at 05:57:34

I am afraid that maybe this all started with String least he did wear suspenders most of the time.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Serowbot on 02/09/15 at 07:28:56

Rumour is, vaccinations cause it... :-/...

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by old_rider on 02/09/15 at 09:56:28

makes it hard to run from the law also

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by paulmarshall on 02/09/15 at 11:37:39

323B2B2C37333D2B580 wrote:
Annoyed with this stereotyping, I've got short legs, why do you think I ride an S40? I did get a thirty year government home loan in 1978 and repaid it in late 1984.

Not wanting to annoy anyone and I didn't mean to stereotype anyone I have removed the sentience about living on Government handouts.
Sorry jc.
I have short legs too but not that short.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by verslagen1 on 02/09/15 at 12:49:56

090010170C080610630 wrote:
Annoyed with this stereotyping, I've got short legs, why do you think I ride an S40? I did get a thirty year government home loan in 1978 and repaid it in late 1984.

In a line up of those saggy a$$ed fella's and you...
you'd be the long legged one.
And a loan is not a hand out.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by MnSpring on 02/09/15 at 14:03:27

I heard in the Late 70’s, a, ‘gang banger’, got out of jail.
His, ‘friends’ were waiting for him.

He lost a lot of weight while in Jail, and his pants didn’t fit.
But he was Used to, having very loose, and too big, prison pants.
(Because he was a small guy, and had become used to,
dropping his pants, and bending over)

When he got out, with his, ’now’, to big pants.
and when he, ’swaggered’ to the car, with his gang banger buddies in,
they all thought he was, ‘kool’, cause he ‘did time’, and had the prison, 'tats'.
And had a, ’new’ way of wearing ‘pants’.

So to be, ‘kool’, also, they started doing the same thing.
Not thinking, that, ‘hanging down, loose pants',
represented that he was someones, B*&$# in Jail.  

At least, that is what I was told, is the reason !  ;D

Several years ago, at a local Trap range, our Squad finished the round, and were looking at the scores.
I said: “OK Boys, now lets take up a little collection for our,
‘puller’, because it is apparent he cannot afford the right size pants and hat”.

The next week, (And the rest of the season),
he had correctly sized pants, a hat that fit,
and the hat, was facing forward.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by paulmarshall on 02/09/15 at 16:11:11

1B380526243F3831560 wrote:
I heard in the Late 70’s, a, ‘gang banger’, got out of jail.
His, ‘friends’ were waiting for him.

He lost a lot of weight while in Jail, and his pants didn’t fit.
But he was Used to, having very loose, and too big, prison pants.
(Because he was a small guy, and had become used to,
dropping his pants, and bending over)

When he got out, with his, ’now’, to big pants.
and when he, ’swaggered’ to the car, with his gang banger buddies in,
they all thought he was, ‘kool’, cause he ‘did time’, and had the prison, 'tats'.
And had a, ’new’ way of wearing ‘pants’.

So to be, ‘kool’, also, they started doing the same thing.
Not thinking, that, ‘hanging down, loose pants',
represented that he was someones, B*&$# in Jail.  

At least, that is what I was told, is the reason !  ;D

Several years ago, at a local Trap range, our Squad finished the round, and were looking at the scores.
I said: “OK Boys, now lets take up a little collection for our,
‘puller’, because it is apparent he cannot afford the right size pants and hat”.

The next week, (And the rest of the season),
he had correctly sized pants, a hat that fit,
and the hat, was facing forward.
I heard that too. Due to losing weight in prison is the origins of baggy pants.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Kris01 on 02/09/15 at 19:47:28

I can see kids doing it to look cool but when you're a grown man in your 30s or 40s, pull your bleeping pants up!!!! It makes you look like a knuckle dragging mouth breather!  >:(

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by MnSpring on 02/10/15 at 18:05:13

“ … knuckle dragging mouth breather!  …”

Maybe, that is the look they are going for?

After all, that group, has been told, time and time again,
“They Are Special”.
And they believe, they have, ’special’, ‘Rights’, the rest of us don’t have !

Of coarse, their are times, I wear, ‘Lederhosen’,
But, when I JUST, I wear, that, ‘dress’, it does, NOT, make me, ’SPECIAL”.

And, guess what,  'Just Because', one, 'wears' their pants,
in such a fashion.  It does  NOT, make they 'scarey'.

Just the same, as when I stand in a, 'beer garden',
at a event called, 'Stifenst', fest. It does NOT make me,
nor do I intend it to, make me, 'scarey'.

When one is walking down a, 'skyway', with a MC frame in hand.
When one is walking down a, 'Big City Street',
  (And unzips a jacket, and put a hand under the other armpit)
Show  NO  Fear of the,  "Pants  Daggers".    !!!!!!!

Either, let, those people, 'think' they are , 'scary'.
or show them, they are NOT.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Art Webb on 02/10/15 at 21:12:31

i heard it actually evolved as a way to hide guns in areas like NY, where carry is absolutely forbidden, at least for guys like that
Supposedly they hid their handguns in the empty space between their junk and their pants crotch

As far as scary, I think they look hilarious, especially the big fat old ones in their late 40s who can't walk right even without the half masted pants
d00d, you're darn near 50, fat, have trouble walking due to your hips / knees being messed up, and the pants in question are Walmart sweats with holes in them because you can't afford new stuff
you are NOT a 'banger

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Serowbot on 02/10/15 at 21:29:27

It does relate to prison wear,... but not weight loss... (most prisoners gain weight in prison)...
Baggy,... was a humiliation technique... as was pink underwear, and green bologna lunches...

It is sad,... that prison wear has become fashion...

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Kris01 on 02/11/15 at 17:39:59

When I was in school, if your underwear was showing, you'd get a good swift reminder -- the five knuckle kind -- to pull up your pants on the playground.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by paulmarshall on 02/11/15 at 18:00:36

4F766D773435040 wrote:
When I was in school, if your underwear was showing, you'd get a good swift reminder -- the five knuckle kind -- to pull up your pants on the playground.

The good old days I remember them.  :)

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by stewmills on 02/11/15 at 20:08:49

- If I owned a business, I would openly and outwardly deny them service regardless of what lawsuits someone tried to throw on me.
- If they were my kids, I'd beat them.
- If they were my kids friends, I would not allow them in my house or my kids to be seen with them.
- If they were my employees, they would be fired due to insubordination.
- If they came in to apply for a job, I would immediately ask them to leave and not even explain why. If they are too stupid to not figure it out, that's not my problem.

And what really irks me about it, is most of these numbskulls don't have jobs but are running around in over sized designer jeans that 'someone' paid for.

Needless to say, I am 100% for any rule, regulation, city ordinance, etc. that makes this deemed inappropriate and eligible for a fine for indecent exposure.

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/11/15 at 22:09:39

Yeah,just what we need,, a rule or a law,,
a Decent society would shun such idiots, the Market of public opinion
SHOULD make such behavior uncomfortable enough that people just stop.
Sadly,the dumb masses just accept aberrant behavior as if it were normal.
Except for those who have studied and concluded that taking vaccines may not be safe and effective, THEY are pressed by the masses, because the media makes it a big deal,

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Kris01 on 02/12/15 at 17:43:35

It supposedly is a law around here. They don't enforce it though.

On a side note, there was a story on the news about 2 strippers who were fined for indecent exposure. What's the world coming to?

Title: Re: homo slackass-erectus
Post by Art Webb on 02/12/15 at 20:57:02

While we're ripping on this stupidity, and it is stupidity, I do NOT support laws telling folks how they may or may not dress, aside from indecent exposure
remember that every generation has their 'thing' and mostly the others think it's pretty stupid
the Duckass and leather jacket crowd of the 50s didn't care all that much for the hippies of the 60s, who didn't like the disco d00ds of the 70s, who didn't like the 'let it be' sorta folksy longhairs of the same decade, and a lot of those guys didn't like the leather, n spikes of the headbangers who came next, and then there are / were the Metrosexuals of the early 2000s » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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