General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Truth is...

Message started by Serowbot on 02/06/15 at 09:53:54

Title: Truth is...
Post by Serowbot on 02/06/15 at 09:53:54

Vitamins are good...  but they may be mostly powdered rice... :-?...
Eggs are bad,... but they may be good... :-?...
Butter is bad,.. eat margarine, it's worse,.. no go back to butter,.. no margarine is good again... :-?...
Exercise... but not too much, or it's worse than doing nothing... :-?...
Carbs are bad, because cavemen lived forever and never got sick... :-/...
Drinks tons of water,... you can die from water intoxication... :P...
The two longest lived people in history were lifelong smokers,.. so don't smoke... >:(...
The world is run by lizards... and they're very rich... :-?
All religions are...  never  mind... ::)...
If you see a bear, make yourself appear really big and loud,... or, curl up in a ball so that you are more bitesize... :-?...
Motorcycle safety...wear lots a gear, and never, ever start the bike... ;)...

Got any more?... :-?...

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Paraquat on 02/06/15 at 11:02:32

Everything in moderation.


Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Pine on 02/06/15 at 11:22:24

Immunize.... autism is better than the mumps

Wear a seat belt ...or the air bag may kill you!

Don't own guns as they are evil .. but don't tell anyone you don't have one

ABS - but you need to use them proper and not pump them

Cell phones - who wants uncooked brains??

Will that be cash or the lifelong easy credit plan?

I choose to excersize my right to say the constitution is out-dated

The only thing worse than a Democrat ... a republician

The USA enjoys a two-party system

Cable TV... $69  OR Internet + netflick + CBS streaming ... ~ $69

All (land based) life needs oxygen .. oxygen is the source of cancer causing free radicles

My fav:  Diet Coke 120 calories .. Mich Ultra 95 ... drink up!

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/06/15 at 16:13:44

19283B28383C283D490 wrote:
Everything in moderation.


Soo, moderate moderately?Or can we moderate to excess?

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by raydawg on 02/08/15 at 10:35:21

Truth is...... 99% wrong, all based on what I have been fed to believe.

Truth is...... there are no absolutes.

Truth is...... subjective.

Truth is ...... swearing to tell it, even if you have to lie, in a court of law.

Truth is....... spin.

Truth is...... found in a legal bounding document authored by lying sacks of manure, that can be amended whenever they deem necessary.

Truth is....... foreign to politicians.    

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by MnSpring on 02/08/15 at 16:44:11

Truth is.......  Elected Officials,  'Moving the Carrot".
Truth is.......  Appointed Officials, 'Moving the Carrot"

Solution is ........  "Stand on you two feet, and  Don't Take IT"
YOU, hire them,  YOU  Pay their wages!

Was just in AZ.  Looking at a city lot. Small Town
Went to the, 'city', asked to see their, 'zoning book'.

Was asked, (by the city clerk:) "Why".
I said, (Politely), because I want to know the Zoning requirement, on what I can do, what are the front/back/side yard setbacks, type of structure, land use, out buildings, etc. etc. ets.

I was told: "Well it may not be in the, 'book', but this is what we do".

EXCUSE ME !@.   >:(  Just because one is a, 'OFFICIAL of the City', it allows that person, to, 'MAKE THINGS UP". ?????

Stop Being,  "SHEEPOL". !

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Paraquat on 02/09/15 at 06:05:02

425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 wrote:
[quote author=19283B28383C283D490 link=1423245235/0#1 date=1423249352]Everything in moderation.


Soo, moderate moderately?Or can we moderate to excess?[/quote]

The first one.


Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by thumperclone on 02/09/15 at 07:48:47

there is no truth only perception

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Serowbot on 02/09/15 at 08:00:45

6F736E766B7E69787774757E1B0 wrote:
there is no truth only perception

So true... :-?...

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/09/15 at 19:24:16

That's your perception...

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by thumperclone on 02/09/15 at 19:30:36

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
That's your perception...

you the harbinger of truth?
you who has never had a true thought of your own?
you who relies on others perceptions to voice
as your own??

gimme a break jog
refill your perkadan

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/09/15 at 21:56:52

the truth is the truth,even if it is as yet undiscovered.

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by WebsterMark on 02/10/15 at 05:44:57

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
[quote author=6F736E766B7E69787774757E1B0 link=1423245235/0#7 date=1423496927]there is no truth only perception

So true... :-?...[/quote]

So false.

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Serowbot on 02/10/15 at 07:46:42

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
[quote author=6F736E766B7E69787774757E1B0 link=1423245235/0#7 date=1423496927]there is no truth only perception

So true... :-?...[/quote]

I guess nobody gets sarcastic, irony... :P...
Maybe I should have posted,...

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
[quote author=6F736E766B7E69787774757E1B0 link=1423245235/0#7 date=1423496927]there is no truth only perception

So true...  ;D...[/quote]

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by WebsterMark on 02/10/15 at 11:23:53

Maybe everyone understood your point better then you understood your point.......!

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/10/15 at 22:15:58

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
the truth is the truth,even if it is as yet undiscovered.

And that's the truth

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by MnSpring on 02/11/15 at 11:04:16

justin_o_guy2 wrote: ... the truth is the truth, even if it is as yet undiscovered.

The Truth, (was)  =  The World is Flat
The Truth, (was)  =  The Sun revolves around the Earth.
The Truth, (was)  =  A Human Being will never walk on the Moon.

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by pgambr on 02/11/15 at 12:49:21

5E7D4063617A7D74130 wrote:

justin_o_guy2 wrote: ... the truth is the truth, even if it is as yet undiscovered.

The Truth, (was)  =  The World is Flat
The Truth, (was)  =  The Sun revolves around the Earth.
The Truth, (was)  =  A Human Being will never walk on the Moon.

Everything is suspect to further scrutiny.  E.g. we celebrate Columbus day.  There were millions of inhabitants in North America prior to his arrival.  If someone should be credited as the first European to the western hemisphere is was Leif Erickson.  He made it 400+ years before Columbus.   [smiley=lipsrsealed.gif]

Best regards,

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by verslagen1 on 02/11/15 at 15:28:40

7A6D6B6768780A0 wrote:
Everything is suspect to further scrutiny.  E.g. we celebrate Columbus day.  There were millions of inhabitants in North America prior to his arrival.  If someone should be credited as the first European to the western hemisphere is was Leif Erickson.  He made it 400+ years before Columbus.   [smiley=lipsrsealed.gif]

Best regards,

Ah... you've never watched "The curse of Oak Island"

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by pgambr on 02/12/15 at 05:56:41

Ah... you've never watched "The curse of Oak Island"[/quote]

No, I haven't seen any of it.  If I remember correctly they thought a hidden treasure was buried underneath a booby-trapped mine or something.  Did they ever find anything?  Or, is this Canadian folklore?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by verslagen1 on 02/12/15 at 09:58:44

455254585747350 wrote:
No, I haven't seen any of it.  If I remember correctly they thought a hidden treasure was buried underneath a booby-trapped mine or something.  Did they ever find anything?  Or, is this Canadian folklore?Best regards,

These guys are experts at dragging out finding nothing.
But people are proposing all kinds of theories...
it's templar treasure, free masons are involved, or it's pirates.
anywho, long before columbus

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/13/15 at 00:45:11

If it's my problem to solve I'd build packers to inflate and pressure up between them. That's how I'd go about plugging the flooding tunnels..
Pumping a dye to prove that a tunnel existed between the packers, then pump cement,then water, to drive the plug into the tunnel and not leave the main shaft full cement.

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by verslagen1 on 02/13/15 at 08:27:43

The problem is the island is so dug up that the original clues are gone.
I think I would go in there with ground pen radar and map the place out.
Any tunnel you decided to close would need to be done in a way that was reversible.  So I'd use a balloon of sand, or something dissoluble.  Last thing you want to do is block something you'll need to go into later.

If the ground pen radar is unsuccessful, then I'd be looking for robots to crawl thru all the tunnels and do mapping.

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Flint on 02/13/15 at 21:57:02

I worked with a fellow about 30 years ago that had been on Oak Island and asked him about it.  He was from Newfoundland and went out commercialy fishing in the area with his father when he was a kid. The Oak Island "mystery" itself he had no real idea what it was all about.

The thing that made me interested, and him as well, was a small island in the area where they would beach to untangle their nets ect. before heading home.  The rocks on the island had weird writing that his Dad called "Frenchmen's Scribbles" all over.  His father had never been further than a few miles from their village on land and had a grade 3 education.

Years later Bryce, who ended up being fluent in French, figured out the the writing was more like Egyptian hieroglyphics than French.  He has a few university degrees and is no dummy now.

Last time I saw Bryce, probably 20 years ago, I had a bit of cash and offered to fly him out and go back to the island and investigate it.  Unfortunately he said it would be impossable for him to find it.

My theory it that it was Ogam script.  It has been found all over the east coast of the U.S.

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by old_rider on 02/25/15 at 02:11:40

I hope you all never talk to physicists..... they will prove mathematically that you cannot stand in a shower and get "wet"....
Well , that and one plus one does not equal two.....
And that the world is "round"....
Or that you can walk around the world and meet yourself....if you walk fast enough....
Smart people scare me.....

Title: Re: Truth is...
Post by Kris01 on 02/25/15 at 16:31:43

It's not "smart" that is scary. It's "smart and arrogant". I consider myself to have above average intelligence. I do not, however, go around making the less intelligent people of this world feel stupid.

"Smart" is fine. Just keep the attitude in check. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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