General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> let's just ask the question

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/15 at 16:53:48

Title: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/15 at 16:53:48

Do I get to decide if I or MY children get vaccinated or do we get TOLD what to do?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by pgambr on 02/03/15 at 17:44:08

Your kids will not be able to get an education without the vaccines.  Yes, yet again you will be told.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/15 at 18:17:18

I want people to tell me how They believe That it SHOULD BE.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by pgambr on 02/03/15 at 18:27:13

You may be surprised by the response you get from the people.  I think a great number of those responses would have strong marxist overtones.

Best regards,

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/15 at 18:54:35

They won't admit the tyrannical attitude they really have.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/03/15 at 18:57:26

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
Do I get to decide if I or MY children get vaccinated or do we get TOLD what to do?

If this is the "Land of the Free"  you will be free to make that decision.....if  a dominating bureaucracy forces chemical injections into human bodies, then those humans are owned and not free persons.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/03/15 at 19:18:14

I think the current system, which I believe is one in which federal agencies like the CDC make recommendations and states make their own legislation, is a reasonable response to the proven benefits of vaccines.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/15 at 20:27:07

IOW, you believe people should be forced to take shots. Right?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/03/15 at 21:52:36

So let's just say,.. you decide, you fear.... soap...
Now you don't want your kids to bath or wipe their assses, or wash their hands afterwards...

Is this okay?...

I guess what you believe supersedes anyone else's health and safety...
It 's your body,... and you also have total control over your child's body as well...

... unless... (do you get where I'm goin' here?)... ;D...

Unless,.. you are a pregnant woman...
Then... you don't control you're own body, or your not yet baked child...
Even though any action you take can have no effect on anyone else outside your family...
Pregnancy is not a transmittable disease,.. neither is abortion...
Smallpox, measles, chickenpox, Tb are...
(if you don't allow immunization), it could potentially infect others... perhaps even a pregnant mother...(killing an unborn child.... which would be a sin)...
I apologize...I
I'm not exactly stating a belief.... moreso pointing out a hypocrisy...

Your rights end at the tip of my nose...
You don't get vaccinated,.. you can spread disease and death..
You have an abortion... well,.. I'm not gonna' catch that...

How do you justify your rights over mine?...

Over 40% of Americans believe the world is less than 7,000 years old...
These same people, believe they should control other people's bodies... and their children...
... and tell them what to wear... and who they can love or marry...

This is not a rational argument...
Rational,.. has left the building...
This is an argument of rationality against religion...
..or,.. rationality against irrationality...
...and God is anything but rational...
He, it is of two minds... conflicted within itself...
God,... smites everyone for everything all the time... he is the "thou shalt not",... the killer of sinners, and executioner of all mankind...
.... on the other hand,... his son, Jesus... is the forgiver of all, and he never condemns... much...
That's the father,.. and the son...
.. and the holy ghost.... (the Ace in the hole)... non-condemner, or forgiver)... (must be Hindu)...

Your rights end at the tip of my nose...
You don't vaccinate,... you can hurt others...
I am other...

Jesus would say,..."Shaddup!,... and take the pin-prick)....
He touched lepers yunnow...   :-?...

Now,... I hope you don't smite me for my interjection...
I don't mean to attack your belief...
Just to point out the confliction...
Do you smite,... or forgive?....
Do your beliefs control you or others?...
...or your children or theirs?...
God will condemn you, while, Jesus forgives you...

I am so thankful to be an atheist...
I rule my own mind...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by raydawg on 02/04/15 at 03:49:00

Second-hand smoke...... can kill and impinges on my right to breath.

Booze is the root cause for more deaths of innocent people than measles.

What shall we do?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by raydawg on 02/04/15 at 03:56:39

392F38253D28253E4A0 wrote:
I rule my own mind...

Gee, a wee bit delusional there eh buddy?

If that being true, then nary a day of funk or negative thought must pass through its confines.....

You, me, everyone is just an extension of thoughts of others, or indoctrination, and we bolster it by searching for affirmations.

But hey, fooling oneself is the easy part, living it, is the hard part

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/15 at 04:48:51

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
IOW, you believe people should be forced to take shots. Right?

Yes. Given the fact several communicable diseases are controlled with vaccines, yes. Now, I'm aware lefties and new age wachos(of which you are a member) will try to push an Aids vaccine in the future or some other thing in the future and that will have to be fought off, but overall I think the methods we have in place work okay for now. There is no "big pharma" conspiracy, no ones putting anything in them to keep money rolling in.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/15 at 05:01:13

Unless,.. you are a pregnant woman...
Then... you don't control you're own body, or your not yet baked child...
Even though any action you take can have no effect on anyone else outside your family...
Pregnancy is not a transmittable disease,.. neither is abortion...

You had to know to wasn't going to let this slip past me......

My position is consistent, yours is not. I do believe the state has a compelling interest in forcing a few vaccines to be taken because it protects a child who can't protect themselves which is no different than protecting an 8 month old unborn child from a hole being drilled in their head and brains sucked out.  

...and God is anything but rational...
He, it is of two minds... conflicted within itself...
God,... smites everyone for everything all the time... he is the "thou shalt not",... the killer of sinners, and executioner of all mankind...
.... on the other hand,... his son, Jesus... is the forgiver of all, and he never condemns... much...
That's the father,.. and the son...
.. and the holy ghost.... (the Ace in the hole)... non-condemner, or forgiver)... (must be Hindu).

I think this pool's a bit to deep for you. You should probably stay out of it least for a while.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/15 at 07:08:21

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
My position is consistent, yours is not

Mine is consistent also...
Your rights end at the tip of my nose...

Your position,...
Wrong, but consistent...
Good for you...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/15 at 07:53:53

Hey IF  The shot Works and You took it, then me getting sick won't hurt you, right?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by pgambr on 02/04/15 at 08:01:16

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
Hey IF  The shot Works and You took it, then me getting sick won't hurt you, right?

I think you call that one a rope-a-dope, didn't see it com'in.

Best regards,

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/15 at 08:19:09

No vaccine works 100%...
Eradication of a disease requires "herd immunity"... that is, a large enough percentage of population immunized to allow the disease to die out...
Cases have dropped from 500,000++ per year, to just a few hundred in the US... but that number is now climbing back up, due to non-participants...
Worldwide,... 400 people per day still die from measles... even though more than 70% are vaccinated... (not enough for herd immunity)...
It's estimated that 500,000 lives have been saved since measles immunization began. Still, over 100,000 are dying per year...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/15 at 08:36:33

Well, you can take the shot. Leave me alone.

Not only are vaccines NOT 100%effective, they are Admittedly potentially harmful, SO, the Decision to take a shot is not a foregone conclusion.
Deny autism, okay? Even if you are correct in that, some DIE from the vaccines,, go look, there are several children recently,permanently,completely and forever DEAD after they were given a shot. So, while YOU'RE comfortable that the benefits outweigh the risks, IM NOT, so, unless you're ready,willing and ABLE to repair MY life and undo the pain and loss caused by Your demand that I DO what I don't believe I should do, maybe you should go back and read a bit more about Murca, land of the free and all that.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/15 at 08:56:46

I'm not making anyone do anything... :-/...

Mods don't have that kind of power... ;D ;D ;D...

No immunization button... :-?...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/15 at 09:28:10


Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Paraquat on 02/04/15 at 09:28:20

Why do we have to vaccinate at all? Let nature run it's course.


Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/15 at 09:32:18

What someone supports when they vote counts.
Vote for a tyrant, you're a tyrant.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/15 at 15:53:21

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 link=1423011228/0#12 date=1423054873]My position is consistent, yours is not

Mine is consistent also...
Your rights end at the tip of my nose...

Your position,...
Wrong, but consistent...
Good for you...

Your position says you're okay with sucking a babies brains out of her head and tossing away the body as trash.
My position says no to that.
I like mine better.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/15 at 16:47:28

You and your baby brains... ::)... never gets old... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/15 at 17:20:33

Hey,ya use the tools ya got, right?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/15 at 20:05:23

It's the facts man, I can't help it if you gotta joke to get around it. I would too if I was in your position.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/15 at 07:29:37

Here you will see that there are sufficient injuries and the burden of proof is squarely on the claimant. Read it, understand it. TRY to lay all your self righteous judgement down and SEE what vaccines are DOING to people. If it happens to someone you know or love,will you still be so supportive?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Trippah on 02/05/15 at 15:06:16

Wether you like it or not, humans are a group animal (with some famous exceptions) and the group should make some choices as to what is or is not acceptable behavior.  Measles is a highly contagious disease which can attack those of us most vulnerable- our very young.  Given the resources used to bring these young into existence, it is stupid to put them unnecessary risk.  So yes, measles innoc should be mandatory.  

If you are willing to go to prison for manslaughter should you get and transmit the disease to some child; I would be Okay with that given I'd provide some instantaneous "justice" to you should it be my grandchild that dies due to your arrogant attitude.  Putting yourself above the rest of humanity is a bit arrogant don't you think? ;D

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/15 at 16:05:37

You're aware that some DIE because of the shot,,right? You're okay with that? You'll fix the damaged lives? You want the responsibility? Or you just want to hide behind a law ?

Yeah,yeah, CRY me a river over the source,, ARGUE with the content..
Now, if You demand MY grandson get,, well, you do the math.
You're not thinking,, and you're a well meaning TYRANT.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/15 at 16:15:08

6077717D7262100 wrote:
[quote author=3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 link=1423011228/0#14 date=1423065233]Hey IF  The shot Works and You took it, then me getting sick won't hurt you, right?

I think you call that one a rope-a-dope, didn't see it com'in.

Best regards,

SO, take the shot and let me be..
But, what about the Current measles victims who have BEEN vaccinated?

See, the shot is not only not safe, it's not exactly effective, YET, you would DEMAND I take it..
Murca, land of the free, right?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/05/15 at 16:47:27

Children under 1 to 1 1/2 year are too young for vaccination...
If they are exposed to the virus,... the odds are 90% they will get measles...

150,000 people still die every year... mostly infants and elderly, many more have permanent damage including deafness...

A handful of people have died from the vaccination,.. these folks were allergic to eggs, although the vast majority of egg allergic people still don't get sick from the vaccination...

This is just another talk radio, internet myth... run amok...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/15 at 21:29:40

Isn't it funny,, a woman, so TOTALLY sovereign over her body she can put the baby inside her to death, YET,  the State can force her to take a vaccine... and the masses fail to see how weird that is.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by thumperclone on 02/05/15 at 22:42:56

factless arguments again!!!
only a few states require vacs...
what happened to the jog who gave up on this forum page??
thought he found the spiritual path??

btw my flu vac this year barely works

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/15 at 22:53:29

Barely? CDc admits that it's a total failure..
You don't need to worry about what I do, unless you are unable to deal with it..
The point was lost on you, I'm shocked..

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/06/15 at 05:12:03

Jog, your stupidity on many subjects is mind-boggling, But at least on your goofy 911 conspiracy crap, no one's likely to die. A few postback you had the gall to say do the math.....when everyone on here has been doing the math showing how ludicrous your position is. There are five kids in a Chicago kindercare today with the measles. Let's just wait and see how many were not vaccinated.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/06/15 at 05:15:54

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
Barely? CDc admits that it's a total failure..
You don't need to worry about what I do, unless you are unable to deal with it..
The point was lost on you, I'm shocked..

And you lie without shame. Below is the CDC's website and their statements on the flu vaccination this year. Kindly search through there and highlight the phrase total failure and send it back to me.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/06/15 at 07:57:14

You wanna split hairs? A government agency admits to less than stellar results and you don't get it? It's a BUST ,your desperation is palpable,,

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Serowbot on 02/06/15 at 09:19:19

Facts are so irrelevant in the TT...

;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by thumperclone on 02/06/15 at 10:14:51

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
Facts are so irrelevant in the TT...

;D ;D ;D...

fact jog is never wrong

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Pine on 02/06/15 at 11:44:45

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
Do I get to decide if I or MY children get vaccinated or do we get TOLD what to do?

So I went back and quoted the OP. yes, I read the other posts, but am limiting my response to the OP.

Current Legal: You get told

How I would do  it: You get an option... do it or leave.

Leave means leave the community.. the schools.. all government and private "public" areas ( parks, stores, fast food joint)

Why? A vaccine "helps" to prevent the "spread" of a disease. It does not stop it, nor prevent 100% of people 100% from ever getting it.
If a community decide they want the public that then shares space and air, to meet a minimum inoculation, then I think they should be able to set that standard.  

I am FORCED to pay taxes
I am forced to wear seat belts
I am forced to wear a motorcycle helmet
I am forced to have liabilty insurance
I am forced to pay for city water and sewer and trash pick up, if I live in the city. Having my own well would NOT preclude my participation.
I am forced to have concealed carry permit.
I am forced to buy all new cars with ABS and air bags and a recording chip for the last 10 seconds before air bag deployment
The police and or insurance can recover that chip without my consent
I am forced to provide my children with heat and AC and with the CURRENT standards of the day.. though my mother never had any of such

Such is a reality of a shrinking country. Shrinking in that as the population increases and land mass stays the same, we area all forced to meet minimum standards (and pay for them) in order to maintain a safe, comfortable, and polite society as humans are ever crowded more and more closely.

As a libertarian.. MY peeve is that the FEDERAL government insists on making regulations to supersede those of states and communities. Were it left to me the USA would be a patch work of regulations as approved by the local population. To be sure it would be a pregnant dog to move around. But it would reveal very quickly what works and what does not. Folks would flock to areas that met both their ideal of freedom and their need for minimum standards.

Well you asked.....   ;D

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/06/15 at 13:49:49

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
You wanna split hairs? A government agency admits to less than stellar results and you don't get it? It's a BUST ,your desperation is palpable,,

Yes, Brian "Jog" Williams..... I want to split hairs. You are pretty doggone lose with facts all the time, but lets try to tighten this one up a bit shall we.

You said CDC admitted total failure which is a million miles from the truth.

a government agency is run by people. last I checked, people screw up fairly often.....  I remember them saying early on they were having to take an educated guess on which strain was going to be dominant. Seems like last year I remember them being closer, but didn't hit it exactly. Wasn't 3 years ago when they hit it just right and flu was at lowest point?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/06/15 at 13:57:38

Pine; I think you're correct. The community enforces vaccines' or rather the states do, but the Feds at this point do not. I think most states you can opt out.

You'll get no argument out of me for limiting government and I take a back seat to no one as far as being on the look out for government over reach by a bunch of unelected bureaucrats.  

And I realize there is a danger government (it will be the liberals of course)  will force more and more vaccines on us citizens and I'll fight that. They've tried already with the HPV vaccine and that fights not over.

But Measles vaccine aint one of those that's in question. If your local school district demands a measles vaccine and you're a conspiracy freak like Jenny McCarthy or Jog; then you got to home school or move.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/06/15 at 16:27:40

If that's Not admitting failure,what is it?

Just take the time to LOOK for

CDC admits flu vaccine does not work.

Try it, unless you just don't wanna hafta admit it. It's a BUST.. If you were selling something that worked as poorly, you'd get sued.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/06/15 at 19:51:04

Jog, you can't be that stupid! It doesn't say that. It says exactly what I said. You're losing it dude. Drop the silly vaccine thing, move on....

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/06/15 at 21:21:27

I guess I am that stupid.. still looks like an admission to me

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/07/15 at 06:23:52

It was an admission, an admission they did not guess correctly on the dominant strain, it was not an utter failure. Those are not even remotely the same thing.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/15 at 06:52:02

If YOU sold a product that worked equally well, YOU would be in trouble.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by thumperclone on 02/07/15 at 22:42:15

trying to produce a 100% effective flu vaccine every year is a crap shoot
we cannot second guess virus mutations,

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/08/15 at 21:06:09

So, people should be given the option... people should be given the option,no matter what,, it's MY BODY and if I don't want something pumped into it, that should be my choice.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by thumperclone on 02/09/15 at 19:35:35

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
So, people should be given the option... people should be given the option,no matter what,, it's MY BODY and if I don't want something pumped into it, that should be my choice.

it is an option in most states

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/09/15 at 21:58:03

But is that how YOU want it?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by old_rider on 02/10/15 at 04:35:35

There are more of us YOU's than JoG's... this is a democracy.... majority rules...
get the shot....

They sell cars that don't work 100%
We fight wars with equipment that don't work 100%
When you get an operation you sign paper work that says the doc does not say it will fix you 100%
Ain't nothing out there that can promise 100% and deliver it 100% of the time, nothing...
Oh and the Autism Society corporate big dogs say  "measles shot does not cause autism"
It was in the news...yes television and written....

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/10/15 at 22:24:30

It's a Democratic REPUBLIC. You're conflating majority and power. Why do we need a First Amendment if all that's needed to shut off someone else's right to express their opinions is a majority wanting them to shut up?
Democracy, a pure democracy, is just mob rule.
And look, you're demonstrating that point.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/11/15 at 05:49:12

You're 99% correct Jog, except this is not a free speech issue or INDIVIDUAL privacy issue. This is not a case that prevents you from stating your opinion on 9/11 or getting a getting a tattoo or growing a beard. This is a public health issue where centuries of case law backing the concept "for the greater good" come into play. The elected representatives of this Republic have determined through direct legislation or adoption of recommended protocols from industry experts (CDC) that for the greater public good, the negative consequences from vaccines far out weigh the positive benefits.

This is especially true when your negitive consequences are provably false in some case and outright nonsense in others.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Paraquat on 02/11/15 at 06:04:09

"For the greater good"...

Where have I heard that before?


Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by WebsterMark on 02/11/15 at 15:52:42

A million different places, almost all of which are right, a few went bad, which are the ones you choose to focus on I guess.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/11/15 at 21:54:03

If the shot Works, take it.. take 2,leave me alone.

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by verslagen1 on 02/12/15 at 10:04:43

interesting how everyone has forgotten about Ebola.

would you invite someone fresh from sierra leone to live in your 3 generation household?

Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by Paraquat on 02/12/15 at 11:07:01

I thought Kim Kardashian's ass cured Ebola?

We, as a nation (sadly), were talking about one thing and then the other and forgot all about the first.


Title: Re: let's just ask the question
Post by old_rider on 02/12/15 at 23:18:00

oh, no, they are still flying them into the US to cure them....

and I was blind for three days, because of that ass..... was like a sunspot on my eyeballs.... how can that be attractive?.... does take all kinds I guess. :o 8-) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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