General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> american sniper

Message started by thumperclone on 01/30/15 at 22:06:57

Title: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 01/30/15 at 22:06:57

saw it this week... powerfull

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/01/15 at 11:14:25

Were you one of the folks interviewed in this video?

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/01/15 at 18:52:53

Pay to get propagandized.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/02/15 at 10:23:14

2A353334292E1F2F1F27353972400 wrote:
Pay to get propagandized.

used my senior discount!! :D

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/02/15 at 17:27:05

me thinks not  tis a true story
you want pg read any bible

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/02/15 at 19:10:55

2D312C34293C2B3A3536373C590 wrote:
me thinks not  tis a true story
you want pg read any bible

Do you feel that Chris Kyle and his fellow soldiers were heroes defending America?
What do you think about the Butcher, that al Qaida guy with the drill?

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/02/15 at 19:31:24

Yes, Kyle was a sniper.
Yes, he killed a lot of people.

WHY? That so many Americans believe we have good cause for these Wars is a Result of Effective Propaganda.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/03/15 at 08:34:07

the term hero is misused imo, some called dale earnhart a hero
the guy with the drill was a sadistic nut
chris was a zealous soldier
I saw the movie to be about the man more than about the war

release timing is strange as the trial for chris' killer is about to start    

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Serowbot on 02/03/15 at 09:15:20

Isn't it a bit weird that Kyle claimed to have killed 2 carjackers and 30 looters during Katrina?...

The "Butcher" is a fictionalized character based loosely on this guy...
Abu Deraa...

I saw the film,.. it was pretty good...
... but, it did Yankee doodleize the facts... :-?...  

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by RatdogWillie on 02/03/15 at 09:23:13

5A465B435E4B5C4D4241404B2E0 wrote:
the term hero is misused imo, some called dale earnhart a hero
the guy with the drill was a sadistic nut
chris was a zealous soldier
I saw the movie to be about the man more than about the war

release timing is strange as the trial for chris' killer is about to start    
Why did you say the movie was "powerful"?

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/03/15 at 22:48:26

635045555E5666585D5D5854310 wrote:
[quote author=5A465B435E4B5C4D4241404B2E0 link=1422684417/0#7 date=1422981247]the term hero is misused imo, some called dale earnhart a hero
the guy with the drill was a sadistic nut
chris was a zealous soldier
I saw the movie to be about the man more than about the war

release timing is strange as the trial for chris' killer is about to start    
Why did you say the movie was "powerful"?

I saw myself trying to do his job
don't think I could

have you seen it or are spouting like jog

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/05/15 at 22:44:27

the spouters vacated ;)

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/15 at 22:56:29

At some point the law of diminishing returns kicks in and the obviousness of the futility of hoping to get you to see just makes expending further effort a waste,, dream on..

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by 12Bravo on 02/06/15 at 22:29:44

How many here have ever served in the military let alone been in combat? I have and was glad to know we had backup whether is was a sniper or an Apache.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/06/15 at 22:42:54

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
At some point the law of diminishing returns kicks in and the obviousness of the futility of hoping to get you to see just makes expending further effort a waste,, dream on..

what color is the sky in your world?
( borrowed line)

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/15 at 06:53:20

Not sure what the color of reality is.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/15 at 08:27:47

No, I haven't seen it. No, I've never eaten crap. I feel equally able to evaluate the value of some things without actually trying them.

Read the very end, about Pat Tillman.

Clint Eastwood is now by far a much better Director than he is an actor. In the last ten years two of his films rank amongst America's best, 'Grand Tourino' and the under-rated, excellent 'Hereafter.'

In 'American Sniper.' he has kept Directing until he got it wrong. As a film, it fires blanks. As a video game and recruitment poster it is right on target. As a piece of cinematic storytelling, it has absolutely the clumsiest, sloppiest, most gutless ending I have ever seen in a movie.

In order for a film or any story to work, it has to have characters,  people, that you care about or identify with or root for. It's an edict as old as David and Goliath. An outstanding Director and Writer can suck you in to caring and liking and cheering for
people whom in real life you might abhor. There's no better example of this than 'The Godfather.' In this classic, probably the second best movie to come out of Hollywood since 'Citizen Kane,' Director Francis Coppola and Writer Mario Puzzo weave a tale and paint pictures that have you passionately embracing a Mafia family of gangsters and killers, except, in the beginning, Pacino's character.

I had no initial interest in seeing this film. Having seen every Bogart and Cagney and Eddie G. Robinson gangster movie to come out of Warners during the 30's and 40's, by the time the 70's, with Viet Nam and Civil Rights on everybody's mind, I had no desire  whatsoever to revisit overcooked and overdone crooked Italians from the Truman era. But I had to. It was my job. I was a film-critic.

Within minutes of 'The Godfather' I was no longer a film critic. I was a fan. I've now seen it a dozen times. That's what good story-telling is all about.

On the other hand, 'American Sniper' turned me from an Eastwood fan, back into a critic. This is the perfect film to show at film schools on how not to tell a story.

I should tell you honestly,  I also had little desire, excerpt for my liking of most of Eastwood's work, to see  this film. If, at first, I didn't want to see fictitious gangsters in 'The Godfather,' I was repulsed by thought of seeing someone depicted as a hero in a fake war which Bush and Cheney and Rice and Collin Powell all lied us into. I mean, these are real gangsters. Not one word of this truth is uttered in the entire two tiresome hours of video game target practice and carnage.

In fairness to Bradley Cooper and the actress who played his wife, they were compelling. But you notice I said 'played;' and that's what it was. It was 'play acting.' We saw as a kid how Chris Kyle, whose book the film is based on, might be beaten with a belt if he wasn't tough, and a good shot and a good hunter. I was hoping Clint would somehow turn me into a fan by revealing what would compel someone, who didn't have to, who had a young family, why he'd return four times to a ravaged Iraq to shoot from ambush 180 people. Unless that's what he loved to do. Kill people. A legalized, uniformed serial killer.Who can love or even like someone like that? You know who can? The people who voted for Bush. Who else? But Clint failed.

There's a brief attempt to try to make him appear human when a young boy picks up a grenade launcher dropped by an Iraqui whose head Kyle has just blown off. The launcher is heavy as he tries clumsily to raise and fire it. The kid is in Kyle's scope, as he mumbles to himself, 'Drop it,kid. drop it.' Which the boy does. That's it. It reveals nothing. It is meaningless. As is this movie. As was the war.

The only remote reference to this is when a fellow Seal asks him if he's ever wondered why we're here? Again, That's it. Nada. Nothing relevant. And the reason Eastwood doesn't have Kyle give his buddy a good reason is because Eastwood couldn't think of one. Neither could Bush or Cheney. That we were there was enough. Now we're there we've got to support the troops!

And that is the flimsy, stupid answer Eastwood puts in Kyle's mouth when he responds, saying, 'We've got to kill these savages here. Do you want them in San Diego?'

Does anyone, anyone in America actually believe that Iraquis, who had nothing to do with 911, with no Air Force, no Army, no Navy are going to invade San Diego?  How? By disguising themselves as Mexicans and sneaking across the border?

And calling them 'savages' when they are defending their land and families from the real terrorists, as Martin Luther King said loudly, us. Spelled with a U.S! It's what what we called Indians when we stole their land. Or 'gooks,' what we called Vietnamese when we wanted that other fake war escalated..

The real Chris Kyle was found by a jury to be a liar. Fellow SEAL Jesse Ventura was awarded nearly two million dollars when Kyle claimed he punched the former Minnesota governor out. Researchers have found dozens of other tall tales in his writing. One that appears to have made its way into the film is one of the movies high points, for Eastwood anyway! For months an Iraqui sniper every bit as proficient as Kyle, has been popping off American engineers and contractors trying to rebuild the country. (That in itself is laughable.) So, like one of Clint's old spaghetti Westerns, it is now the black hat versus the white hat. And, wouldn't you know it, Clint's wardrobe man puts the villain in black, with a beard to match.

After Blackie pops off another one of our good guys, Kyle spots him through his high powered scope. Over a mile away. And gets him from that distance right through the left eye. And get this colossal cinematic idiocy...With a slow motion bullet!

Some in the audience cheered. Like kids at a Roadrunner cartoon. It pleases the kind of audience that Shakespeare, in Hamlet, called the 'Groundlings!' Even atheists will be compelled to say, 'God save us from these idiots!'

When Kyle finally returns to his family, and almost kills his own dog after a brief flashback, he ends up at a VA hospital. The doctor asks if he has any regrets in killing 180 people. He says, 'No, I would have killed more to save our guys!'

The doctor then says there are soldiers in the hospital who still need saving.  So, after Clint shows us real soldiers with real limbs lost, Kykle befriends some, and takes them to the gun range. For therapy.

And this is where the movie ends. In one of the greatest, clumsiest, most cowardly collapses in story-telling one -o -one. As Kyle climbs into his truck with what looks like a tense young man, and the wife watching suspiciously from the doorway, the screen goes black.  On this black screen up pops the information that Chris Kyle was shot by a veteran he was trying to help.

It gets even worse..

The bible, or some other good book, said, 'Those who live by the sword, die by the sword!'  Kyle lived by the bullet, and we should have seen him die by the bullet. In the head. Then we should have seen the disturbed vet then blow his own brains out. Then we should have gone to black. And stayed there!!! The audience would have been stunned. And speechless. And then perhaps the movie would have finally made a point. Made some kind of sense.

Instead, after the sentence on the screen, the credits roll and under them Clint shows newsreel footage of the long elaborate military funeral. It turned from a moving picture to a recruitment poster.

Chris Kyle may have truly done some heroic things in Iraq to save some of his buddies. As did thousands of others. But that does not a hero make.

You know who was a military hero, though, an American hero? Pat Tillman. After 9/11 Pat immediately gave up a lucrative successful career in there NFL, and believing Bush, enlisted to get 'the bad guys' in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, it didn't take him long to realize, the bad guys weren't in Kabul. They were in Washington. He now realized he had to go back and fight them. He was in contact with leaders of the anti-war movement here, and planning  to join them when he was shot and killed. Probably by us!

Instead of making a movie about a soldier who kills 180 people, why not make a movie about a soldier who is trying to save thousands.

Do you think Clint Eastwood would have the balls, or the convictions or the smarts to make a movie about Pat Tillman?

I doubt it!

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/07/15 at 22:35:18

you evaluate using others opinions? and then call something you haven't witnessed crap??
you really are a misguided being

the color of the sky in your world is black

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/08/15 at 21:17:11

No, I heard about the movie, I know about the war, I remember Pat Tillman and here I find someone expressing my opinion,it's a load.  Suck it in if it swells your chest,,,

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/09/15 at 09:39:13

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
No, I heard about the movie, I know about the war, I remember Pat Tillman and here I find someone expressing my opinion,it's a load.  Suck it in if it swells your chest,,,

just seems your expressed opinions are based on others perceptions
not your own

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/09/15 at 19:23:14

I'm not eating crap just so I can say I know it tastes bad.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 02/09/15 at 19:34:22

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
I'm not eating crap just so I can say I know it tastes bad.

you are right you just spew crap spawned by others

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Art Webb on 02/24/15 at 17:04:24

the 'revised' ending of the movie is not even close to the truth, the marine who shot Kyle (and another veteran who was there to help him) in the back did not kill himself, he ran, how is that a 'better ending?'

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by old_rider on 02/25/15 at 02:00:23

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
No, I haven't seen it.
I had no initial interest in seeing this film.
It gets even worse..

The bible, or some other good book, said, 'Those who live by the sword, die by the sword!'  Kyle lived by the bullet

Oh yeah, I deleted all the other 15 paragraphs you posted...

If you did not see it, then how can you print such an elaborate explanation of the movie....

Let me guess.... someone else did it for you... you just cut and pasted their "critique"........

JoG..... please.... post your opinions not everyone else's ... or did you actually watch the movie and not the clips?

Crap... I can't even cut and paste correctly... how am I going to prove my point? ;D

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/25/15 at 12:30:14

So, someone goes and eats up the load of propaganda and tells me that it was a POWERFUL movie.. I DON'T go watch it,, I have years of experience with evaluating events and seeing lies and I have an Opinion about the movie, the value of it, and basis for it. I believed it was a load before anyone saw it. I just used the reviews that line up with my preconceived notions. Have we forgotten that it took years for the truth about Vietnam to come out?What REALLY happened with the USS Liberty? Who has the guts to admit that to themselves? Who can actually believe that we are righteous in being ANYwhere shooting people?

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by verslagen1 on 02/25/15 at 14:38:27

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
So, someone goes and eats up the load of propaganda and tells me that it was a POWERFUL movie.. I DON'T go watch it,,

So, for all you know whoever you quoted didn't see it either and could be spouting some other load of BS.
Just like all the other sheeple.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Art Webb on 02/26/15 at 15:16:37

If you want to hate on the Vietnam war go straight ahead
If you want to hate on the men who went over there and did their duty, I'm not with you
Same with Iraq / Afganistan
Soldiers don't make policy, they fight.
if they're ordered to fight the wrong foe, or the right one, for reasons you don't agree with, that's the fault of the administration

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/26/15 at 16:59:40

Acknowledging that those who have swallowed the lies and trotted off to kill people, remember, this is a volunteer thing now,  well, you're too wrapped up in emotion to have a real discussion about,is that "hating  " on them, expecting them to Not be Schmucks?
And the economy kinda Demands people "volunteer  ", but how many see that?

You DO know that Pat Tillman was murdered?  And why?

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Art Webb on 02/27/15 at 08:29:49

Joining the service to begin with is voluntary, though it wasn't during Vietnam
going in theater when ordered to once you've joined is NOT, you take an oath
you say the truth about Vietnam didn't come out for years afterward, but you call those who didn't know schmucks
That's a personal attack, on folks who didn't know better, and thought they were defending their country, so yes, you're hating on them
I've spoken to many Nam veterans, and none of them were all that bloodthirsty or evil, I doubt, if I talked to a lot of Afgan / Iraq vets, they would be either, that characterization is typically applied by the extreme liberal left, like the NBC talking head who referred to Kyle's carrying out his orders as 'killing sprees' as though he were just shooting folks for fun
I highly doubt that's an accurate characterization, or the guy wouldn't have suffered from PTSD
no different in my view than those who called returning soldiers baby killers without ever facing the reality of 'babies' charging your unit with live grenades
this is the first I've heard of Pat Tillman, you're saying he was murdered by the gov't? and neither the liberal (war hating) or conservative (supposedly war loving) media ran with it? that's very interesting, I'd like to see the data on that

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Art Webb on 02/27/15 at 08:40:45

213225243B3630323966570 wrote:
[quote author=6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 link=1422684417/15#24 date=1424896214]So, someone goes and eats up the load of propaganda and tells me that it was a POWERFUL movie.. I DON'T go watch it,,

So, for all you know whoever you quoted didn't see it either and could be spouting some other load of BS.
Just like all the other sheeple.[/quote]

this, as well
If you don't want to watch the movie,fine, but don't make statements about it if you didn't see it, because you don't know, and you don't have any idea if the reviewer was in any way fair about the review, as they often politicize their reviews
Making statements about something you have no actual knowledge of aside from 'somebody told me that' is not a good way to be taken seriously
Interestingly, I agree with you on some things you've posted on in this part of the forums, but this time I do not
I'm not saying the movie is good, I didn't see it either, though I might, but i also don't blast a movie based on what reviewers say, because I've seen too many reviews that were obviously just hate mongering via personal bias / political views

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Ed L. on 03/10/15 at 15:38:09

Well gee, I'm reading the book and so far it is about a SEAL who loved his country and happened to be in the right place at the right time to get the most kills as a sniper. He also picked up a bunch of medals during his service.
 It's a gun ho book but what do you expect, it is about war and how one person who loved what he did survived.
 I'll wait till the movie hits cable before making any judgment on it, so far the book is a good read.
Wasn't Pat Tillman the service man who got killed by friendly fire and then had the incident covered up? Don't understand the connection between the two.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/15 at 18:40:29

Tillman, gave up a pro career because he BELIEVED the BS about the war.
Got over there,SAW the truth, Told people that he was gonna tell others about it when he came home,,
Was shot in the forehead, while screaming who he was.
Of course Williams is not a great source, go find your own,,


Source: NBC TV

On the Nightly News tonight Brian Williams reported on a Medical Examiner's Report showing Tillman had a cluster of three gun shot wounds to his forehead in a 2 in diameter. IMPOSSIBLE to have such close clustering at the distances reported by the troops involved. Said he was ignored.

The connection IS

propaganda,, lies, trying to keep the People in support of their wars.
Let's try to remember, Vietnam was all based on an attack by N.Vietnam that NEVER happened..
Look at the ship Israel attacked, the Liberty,IIRC, spend time there.
LBJ ordered, ORDERED jet fighters back to their carrier. They desperately needed to sink it, so Egypt could be blamed..Spend Time on that topic. Lies are what they told for years and years. Men given medals they could not even talk about..

USS Liberty

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Ed L. on 03/10/15 at 19:50:52

Come on JOG, the Spanish Americian war was started when the battleship "Maine" blew up. After beating the snot out of the Spanish it turned up tha the Maine blew up from a mechanical malfunction. It's been going on for a real long time.
 Your are ranting about the way it is done, I agree with you but we stand a snowballs chance in he!! to change the system.
 Tillman stood for what he believed as did Cris Kyle in American Sniper. Think most people are more worried about the weekend game than who runs the country. We all need heros, if not who do we look up to.
 I've my dogs !!!

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/15 at 05:17:47

I didn't mention the Maine. Please,address the points I made, alleged Historical Events, lies,to manufacture consent and protect the lies from the light of truth. Tillman was silenced.
Ignoring the obvious because KNOWING the obvious won't change the way things are done? Huhh?

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Ed L. on 03/11/15 at 12:57:17

Jog, I mentioned the "Maine" because it another example of misinformation and coverups that have been going on long before we were born and will be going on long after we are dead. I was agreeing with you not trying to disprove anything you think.
 Even if everything you state is true there is NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT !!! quit giving yourself high blood pressure.
 I'm done, need a new tin foil hat ;)

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/15 at 18:28:47

Regardless of whether you were agreeing,, I disagree about
Nothing can be done.
Silence is consent. Only by continuing to point out the lies and propaganda until the masses start to see is the only way to change it. The

I can't do anything about it.

There is no way to stop it.

Attitude is part of the problem. I see the lies NOW. I don't have to wait 20 years and wait for some secret report,, Who really believes the BS about ISIS and AlQueda? Yeah, YOU field an army.. YOU feed, transport and arm a few thousand.. just a buncha angry guys who got together? Really?

How Convenient. Not a country, Ohh,no,, wars can be declared and the people can actually see if we are winning or not.. But, if the Enemy is a roving pack, in one country today,another next week.. ohhh, the people who make money selling weapons,,, you can do that math..

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Rylee on 03/11/15 at 20:08:56

I've read through this thread and dont wanna get wrapped up in all the conspiracy talk but did wanna comment. I served as a CCT in the airforce from 93-99 and was attached to several ranger and seal teams and got to meet quite a few of the best shooters this country has ever trained. I was deployed with a JTACs team during operation Gothic Serpent in Mogadishu. For those of you not familiar that's where the "Blackhawk Down" movie came from. I spent 3 years in Kuwait/Iraq during the 1st gulf war and numerous USSOCOM high profile deployments. The story although shined around the edges for Hollywood painted a pretty solid picture of the mentality of a man who's job was that of Kyle's. I saw a lot of awful stuff and in service of my country took part in plenty of "police actions" that even a simple man would question the validity of.  Years later I've questioned things but while I was in that uniform I was given a job to do and nothing else mattered besides completing said job. I've spent so e years in therapy. Delt with PTSD and everything associated with it. I ended up become a chef even though I was a certified air traffic controller through combat just because I wanted to separate myself from the mental strain of active duty.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by thumperclone on 03/11/15 at 22:14:07

Rylee thank you

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Rylee on 03/11/15 at 22:18:24

584459415C495E4F404342492C0 wrote:
Rylee thank you

Thumper it was an honor to do what I did and even with all the after duty problems if I could do it all over again I wouldn't change any of it.

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/11/15 at 22:34:24

Taliban bad.
Ruined the poppy harvest.
We, the Drug Enforcement Agency of the world, invade.
Now, the oppressive regime AND the invaders( That would be us ) HATE drugs,, so, in a war torn country, the poppy harvests climb to record levels.
Are we really so naive?

pictures troops guarding poppies

Think about it..

Title: Re: american sniper
Post by Serowbot on 03/11/15 at 22:50:22

5E7F4457351B0 wrote:
... if not who do we look up to.
 I've my dogs !!!

I love your dogs... and I don't even know them...
No dog does anything without his full heart in it...
I know that...;)... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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