General Category >> The Cafe >> Win 10 Wars

Message started by Oldfeller on 01/21/15 at 10:03:09

Title: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/21/15 at 10:03:09

I renamed this thread as the Win 10 War's battle lines are beginning to become clear, with Microsoft's big PR vapor push and the subsequent release of real responses by Google, Linaro and Android.

Windows 10 for PC will be a free upgrade for all Win 7 and up users.   Not free for everybody as said previously.    So, Win 10 becomes the enforced upgrade path for all active previous Windows versions, as was predicted earlier.

Windows 10 will run on all devices, but must be gotten separately for each device as the code packaging seems to be different per device type.   This may change later on in the development process -- and no they aren't nearly done yet -- just got barely started good actually.

Don't expect it all to look and feel like the presentation slides as we have seen the Win 10 preview shift around pretty drastically as they struggle to make it all work right.  

That struggling isn't over yet by golly.


Wall Street seems to believe Microsoft did good with what they did last year -- and is rewarding MS with higher stock prices although MS blew a lot of their generated revenue last year on free promotions.

Microsoft is putting forward the Image of a Winner during this show and tell and the press folks are eating it up.

Look to see Intel doing the same thing in the next few months ....

Title: Re: Microsoft lays out Win 10 -- free for Win 7 an
Post by Oldfeller on 01/22/15 at 09:47:19

First wart or pimple shows up on the Windows 10 PR face .....

Windows RT tablets won’t run Windows 10

One begins to question if Win 10 is going to run on ARM flawlessly as has been stated all along, since the Win RT machines were ARM based units mgf by Microsoft itself.

Title: Re: Microsoft lays out Win 10 -- free for Win 7 an
Post by Pine on 01/22/15 at 11:05:58

Wall Street seems to believe Microsoft did good with what they did last year -- and is rewarding MS with higher stock prices although MS blew a lot of their generated revenue last year on free promotions.

The stock market is NOT a good measure how well a company is impressing the business world, investors. ect...

The stock market is inflated and is being kept that way on purpose. Investors "can't loose" right now in the market, and so just spread their fresh printed money around to all the big stocks. Not to mention that companies themselves have been taking "near zero" percent loans and buying back their stock. ... and why NOT??? And so the stock buble inflates even more.

Hmmm... I have a bet that win 10 will NOT be "free" but will have a sliding scale from Win 7 and up.. with Win 8.1 being the closest to free. If it is true... then I need to just buy several copies of win 7 at their current discount and upgrade to win 10 later.

Title: Re: Microsoft lays out Win 10 -- free for Win 7 an
Post by Oldfeller on 01/23/15 at 02:05:56

Yeah, the MS weasel re-wording has started already.

The term "free for developers" is the current rewording that MS is pushing out in response to questions about their "free" statements given out during the promo event.

MS is catching ANGER from older version users who have products that are either being DROPPED or IGNORED completely.   You are screwed again, get used to it --- it's MS.

Next, MS will not talk right now about service plans at all -- although they mention in passing that the yearly subscription model is "being considered".

This event was all about IMAGE, as MS's image has taken some licks lately and the company wants to put a bold face on their current 3rd restart on the "final" Windows 10 package (the previous 2 iterations hitting various difficulties in making the spreading leap from PCs to tablets to phones).

MS wants to get folks heads away from the fact they were promised delivery on the new OS nearly a year ago and it is still nearly a year away at this point in time .....  

MS also wants to distract folks from the fact their market share fluctuated within 2% (down, then up, then down again) despite MS's massive and expensive 8.1 give away efforts.

It is all about BUZZ and Chatter and other marketing terms right now, not about any harsh realities .....

PR is PR and that is all this was -- with retractions and "refinements" to all the free statements now coming out daily.


Title: Re: Microsoft lays out Win 10 -- free for Win 7 an
Post by savskad on 01/24/15 at 06:52:00

This is what Microsoft seems to be pushing more towards with most all of their products. They have been doing it this whole time with Xbox Live. I remember it was $65 a year back when I had it. I got tired of continuously having to pay. That's why I switched to Playstation, Sony doesn't charge for online stuff.

I noticed they're even pushing Microsoft Office to that "service fee" system. I suppose they've realized they've become the Wal-Mart of software and can do just about whatever they want. What can the entire business world do about it? They NEED windows. Until Google or Apple ramp up their game for businesses no one really has much choice.

You make a lot more money charging $50 for the year than a one time fee of $150. Especially if someone gets at least 5 years of use out of it.

As for me...I would like to become Linux exclusive.  :)

Title: Re: Win 10 wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/25/15 at 14:39:16

I think that Linux as a desktop replacement for old PCs is going to start to evolve pretty soon into a more active player than just a replacement for obsolete Windows versions on some old moldy Wintel boxes.

Right now several of the Core Linux Distros have staked out other vital parts of computing and are leaving the desktop behind as they go forth to grow and multiply into those new slots.

Both Red Hat and Ubuntu are spending a lot of time refining their server products and have dropped back on their desktop efforts accordingly by widening the time span between new revisions.

Linux Mint is busy selling Mint retail desktop units (and yes at $295 the units ARE SELLING in Europe and Asia and the USA).   For years Linus has said the only impediment to Linux taking more desktop space was that folks wanted a SINGLE full function easy to use distro factory installed and factory supported on brand new factory hardware which until just recently wasn't happening at any reasonable price point.   Face it, $599 isn't a reasonable price point, but $295 IS a more reasonable price point and the new minty green Mintbox Mini units are moving into retail distribution channels.

This is the old $600 Mint box .....

This is the new $295 Mint box .....    no fan is present in either of these Mint boxes as they are both very low resource requiring machines running what is arguably one of the best (and very hardware efficient) Linux distros out there.  

I use Mint personally, and I have lots of good reasons to continue to do so ....

Title: Re: Win 10 wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/25/15 at 20:42:16

As the 64 bit pieces of stuff begin to all fall into place, the exact same-same bits of 64 bit stuff are falling in to both ChromeOS and Android on purpose, laying out interoperability at a very core level.  

Ditto for the stuff in the Chrome Browser as is individually installed on many many different OS systems.

I find my "Google stuff" is coming up now automatically on my phone, on my desktop and on my iPad2 now, so much so that this past week I ordered a $10 stereo microphone for my desktop so I can talk in "Hey Google" instructions to my $80 refurb Linux/Dell hybrid desktop machine as well.

The talk to it stuff is all there already, so I might as well use it.   Got a pink jack on my sound card, so might as well use that too.     ;)

Google may just go do it, such that it is all about the same stuff everywhere without making a big deal about the unification process until it is just about completed.

At Google Campus, there are no separate offices for the Android and ChromeOS boys any more, it is the same group of people sitting in the same office taking orders from the same bosses who are telling them to go do the same things at the same time in a very efficient manner.

When will it roll out?   After the next released candy flavor the existing 32 bit 4.4.x rev stuff will no longer be allowed to go into the Play Store, so at that point in time the new flavor and the last gen 5.1 Lollipop stuff (both operating at 64 bit) will be the only official Android versions with new stuff going into the Play Store.

This would be the natural time for Google to "announce it" since Win 10 will maybe be out by then and you will know exactly what you have to beat for ease of use and the actual real features that are really actually factually going to be coming out of MS in Win 10.

It is funny, MS loudly and proudly announces "Cortana will coming out with Win 10" and "Hey Google" quietly goes live across the board on all products a few days before that with literally no fuss or announcements at all -- it is just there all over the place in the same week as the Big MS PR EVENT and the announcements about Cortana.  

Google just goes and does it.

I love it when MS gets all braggy about their to be released stuff, because new Google stuff just pops up magically to make their future vaporware totally ho hum by the time it actually does get here.    Please, MS, please go brag some more.

That quiet Google magic, I loves it I do ....

You do realize by the time Intel and MS actually releases any real near to being "reasonably priced" integrated consumer level products built at 14nm that both Samsung and Qualcomm and Apple will be on their 2nd and 3rd generations of real, actually shipped 14nm consumer products by that point in time?

General released ARM stuff has drifted from 28nm down to 14/16/20nm and all the old 28nm ARM lithography lines are getting converted one by one in a rotating fashion.   Same newly renovated line can lay down Plain Jane planar 20nm very quickly for the very best cost position and it can also run 16nm or 14nm FinFEET designs depending on how many additional lithography passes you are willing to put up with.  

More passes, slower production rates, higher product loss values and higher total cost.   The Intel 4% processor speed bump to be gained between 22nm and 14nm (using Intel's numbers, BTW) really isn't all that drastic, so major broad based ARM consumer products might just keep on being designed for a fast 20nm implementation level for a while and everyone in ARM will continue to save all that low nm high production cost money.

Let Intel spray their billions & billions of bright red 14nm arterial blood $$$ all over things while just getting a measly 4% speed bump.  

Mind you, some ARM processors are getting a 20% speed bump out of going from 28nm to the 14nm level, but they are also going to a new architecture at the same time which is part of the 20% real benefit they are getting.   The Artemis and Maya generation from ARM HOLDINGS is out there in the real world now, but has not been publicised at all as it is "still proprietary" and will be held as top secret for the first year.

(Apple gets it all first as they own 30% of ARM HOLDINGS as Apple was one of the original creators of ARM HOLDINGS)

Intel jest loves hurting themselves so much that they will go spend 10s of billions of dollars to go shoot holes in their own feet ....  running 14nm across the board whether it is ready or not or if it even makes sense to do it or not.


Title: Re: Win 10 wars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/26/15 at 05:33:42

You could probably have a column in the local paper. You might even get picked up by others.. I don't know what you are talking about but I read some of it,just for kicks..

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/27/15 at 16:15:39

Windows 10 for small tablets won’t support desktop apps

First wart, no Microsoft RT support at all.   Dropped that whole branch of the Windows family tree < plop .... plop ..... splat > right down on the concrete in a great big 'ol steaming heap of stinkin' stuff.    
Quick,  somebody go get a shovel and a bucket  ......   <pew>    :-/

Second wart, no support for desktop apps for tablets and devices below 8" size.

First logical conflict -- current BingOS Win 8.1 stuff is free for 8" tablets and below (MS is currently loss leadering full price supports for this size span at a great cost to MS) which is the exact same size span that the new stuff won't run upon ????       ::)

Second logical conflict -- you said it was the same OS for all products, but you obviously plan to sell different stuff for phones and for tablets that are less than 8" in size.  

Or are you telling us something SIGNIFICANT here without actually coming right out and stating it ???

"That means Windows 10 for Mobile will likely run on smartphones with ARM-based processors and also on 7 inch tablets with ARM or Intel chips (and possibly on smartphones with Intel chips as well, although it’s not clear if any company is working on Windows Phones with Intel processors)."


Go figure these first few new ones out and get back to us with the answers please.  

And don't forget to go tell Intel you just squeezed them out of all future MS Windows phone business while you are at it .....



:D    .... later info seems to kinda indicate Win 10 for phones and smaller tablets isn't even half finished yet and NOBODY AT MS REALLY KNOWS what it will support or not at this early stage of the game.  

MS needs to shut their PR department up until they have some real information to share -- all they are doing right now is running around blithering & looking stupid with the dumb dumb things they do go say.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/29/15 at 10:50:17

Microsoft Office now available for Android tablets FOR FREE ???!!!!

Holy conflicting moves, Batman !!!

"You can download Word, PowerPoint, or Excel from the Google Play Store for free and use them to create, view, and edit documents.

Some features such as change tracking in Word, synchronizing documents with other devices, or use the apps on tablets with screens larger than 10.1 inches requires an Office 365 subscription.

Microsoft says its mobile Office apps should run on devices with Android 4.4 or later, 1GB of RAM or more, and ARM-based processors. Support for Intel chips is in the works and Microsoft says it plans to add support for Intel-based tablets within the next few months."

When WIN 10 is suddenly supposedly not going to support this size range suddenly you got OFFICE being given away here for free in this same size range ????

..... AND only for ARM processors and ONLY running on Android ????


First, MS is using the new term Mobile Office for it now, it is for ARM chips only and it is sized less than 8" and it only runs on Android ???  

Is there a "giving up here" on the part of Intel on the ARM wars they have been fighting, with them simply giving up on anything less than 8" in size?   MS, being privy to this decision is reacting by moving all their efforts over to ARM in this size range?

Remember, Intel was supposed to cook a chip for MS called Sophia that never came about except for a thing built by the consortium based off the Chinese government's Spreadtrum chipmaking arm.   This one-off oddball chip had a stock ARM CPU and GPU designs, with the exception of an Intel Baseband chipset and an old Intel 3-G radio setup being stuck on instead of the more normal ARM components .....   This oddball was only built once and only went into a $29 loss leader product that MS built for India (still sitting around in warehouses as we speak).

Intel never did put together anything with Rockchip, never really even followed up with their Spreadtrum/China deal in any further fashion that has ever become public.

Is this new sets of data actually MS letting Intel's final "total failure" position out of the bag at last ????    MS is not making any provision for low end Intel ARM competing chipsets because there aren't ever going to be any and MS knows this already?

Intel intends to compete down to the 8" level (larger tablets and Chromeboxes and Chromekillers) but does not intend to spend any effort going lower?


If Intel wasn't spending contra-revenue like water all over the place, where would their market penetration actually stop right now?

Core i-5 and up ???

Reverse the question to become a simple statement.  

Intel can "cash cow" only their core i-5 and up to create revenue to fund all their current contra-revenue schemes.

Intel is having to totally contra revenue support core i-3 and below at this point in time.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/29/15 at 19:38:01

Cyanogen MOD, the open source project group based upon Google Android's freely released Open Android project is undergoing some serious turmoil right now as some of its leadership wants to fork the project away from the other smaller subset of the group that formed the renegade commercial company Cyanogen Inc.  the renegade "let's get away from open source Android and sell the result to the Chinese" company.

So, what could further split the group of ex-rebellious phone rocking teenagers up even more badly than before ???

Microsoft, trying to buy Cyanogen Inc. for 70 Million Dollars,  the same way they bought and then screwed up Skype so badly.   Ditto for Minecraft, etc.   .....

Microsoft has a real problem, no one wants their phone software.  

By paying a bunch of money they hope to buy Cyanogen and get some of what they see the Chinese getting out of Cyanogen lately, a lot of good will and a very good android based OS system.    

Microsoft hopes folks will let them continue to sponge off of Android and actually have a 7" tablet and phone presence just as long as they can use Cyanogen Inc. as their cover company.

Problem is that the open source minded folks will immediately fork the real guts of the CyanogenMOD project way the hell way from the renegade Cyanogen Inc. and give it a new name ASAP and leave MS holding the empty name brand sack that used to house some pretty neat software stuff.  

They might even booby trap the deal by including a some well hidden Linux code in places where they can go find it later (then legally declaring the MS Cyanogen product to be OPEN SOURCE under the terms of the Linux GPL License presuming it is worth even taking back at that point in time).

Sound familiar?    Once totally ostracized, the ones who make the sale will not be able to continue to support the level of excellence that got MS interested in the first place.    Plus, once the Linux code goes in MS will back away very quickly knowing they are being intentionally sold a pinless leverless smoking hand grenade by some greedy ex-rebellious teenagers.

:-?    my my my my .....   playing the "if you can't beat them, buy them" card again, MS?

If MS is still choking on the mobile portions of Win 10 and MS is faced with having rebooted the mobile portion of the thing several times now with no commandingly good product at the end of yet another rebuild yet again. So, maybe MS is just looking for a face saving way out of the mess they are mired in now.

So, perhaps this is the last minute end game "find a way out" strategy to allow the PC portion Win 10 to move forward into completion while letting "Cyanogen Inc." own the ongoing failure of the phone portion while keeping MS's skirts clean and separating MS and Win 10 from the ongoing phone debacle in the minds of the PC people who still like to think that MS is all knowing and wonderful.

Kinda like Intel did with Rockchip -- "not our fault, Rockchip didn't do what they said they could do -- not our fault this time" as they leave the phone and 7" tablet playing field.

If this thinking is right, look to see MS dropping all price supports, free softwares and Tech Dollars in the sub 8" mobile area very shortly as they totally abandon 7" and mobile -- kinda like Intel has already done as unsold "contra revenue supported" products continue to build up in warehouses all over Asia.

If this thought is correct, then MS should move to sell the good portions of their software (like OFFICE) directly into the Android mainstream as separate products intended only for larger >8" android tablets (the size span where MS OFFICE can actually fit).   Price should be high enough to keep the OFFICE team going on out into the future, should Google actually go and combine Android and ChromeOS into something too good for MS to compete against on the low end of things.

Look to see MS and Intel group all tablets 8" and up into their PC numbers saying that "since it is large enough to run full sized Windows 10 it actually is taking up PC market share".   This way the 8" tablet business hides completely inside the larger world of PC and that ugly little 7" stuff we can't be bothered with goes away completely.


Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/30/15 at 04:27:46

Further refinements to the Cyanogen story.

MS isn't going to be the only buyer -- MS is now trying to put together a consortium of buyers to create a wedge into Android such that the consortium as a whole can act to disrupt Android, offer alternative "standards"  and try to leverage Android away from Google.   Show the Chinese a separate source for Android, one that will play "let's make a deal" with them?

Bold attack plan there, MS -- but, are you are counting on Google to do their habitual "go play Switzerland" thing while you actively try to cut their throat ???

What if they don't play Switzerland this time but act to block you then go after your balls again?

Is this the gloves coming off at last?

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/15 at 07:15:52

The thread title has tittilated my tiny twisted troublesome thinking equipment from day one. The idea that someone could
Win 10 wars
When I've had such trouble with winning one lousy fistfight...mehhh, you get the picture.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 01/30/15 at 07:50:21

OnePlus phones immediately dumps Cyanogen Inc. as their phone software.  

MS, even the rumor of it is the kiss of death, everywhere in the open source circles.


Justin, you just love the backstabbing and maneuvering and one-upmanship that goes on in mobile all the time.

Me, I like the endless new and different and eventually better that comes out of it .....

New item for today, OxygenOS which is a CyanogenMod clone now being put out by OnePlus, a Chinese company.

:)    MS jest teaches them Chinese to go rip off some more software all the time, they do .....

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/15 at 10:31:28

Man, I thought geopolitical,economic 007 treachery, false flags and black ops and All that was something,,  the stuff you follow is some pretty convoluted stuff. I appreciate the tech savvy required to be Able to grasp the meaning and importance of the maneuvering the corporations are doing.
I wasn't kidding when I said you could probably have a column in the paper..

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/01/15 at 07:54:43

"Dell has been offering Ubuntu Linux as an alternative to Windows on some of its laptops for the past few years. Now Dell is adding two of its most interesting new laptops to its line of computers that are available with Linux.

The Dell Precision M3800 Mobile Workstation is now available with Ubuntu and there will soon be an Ubuntu-powered developer edition of the new Dell XPS 13 ultrabook as well.

Configuring the Dell Precision M3800 with Ubuntu instead of Windows will knock $101.50 off the price tag."

OK, let's make a prediction -- Win 10 doesn't get any better than what we are being shown out of the Win 10 Preview right now, basically some slightly cleaned up operating screens over the same Win 8.0/8.1/Win7 base that we  have been seeing for 4 years now.


Prediction on yearly Win 10 maintenance cost ~$40-$60 a year but this will INCLUDE Office 360.


Ubuntu is prepping up its competition.   Google is unifying Android and Chrome by inches.


Intel has no drastically better chips to show anybody.


ARM will hold the next Artemis and Maya 64 bit generation completely secret until Win 10 rolls out completely, then bust Win 10's arse for speed and features and integration.


Google has more problems with Cyanogen clones in China than it ever did with Cyanogen.


People decide they really don't like Material Design all that much and Android goes back to a more traditional interface next time around.    Android 5.0 and 5.1 remain relatively unused accordingly.   Google goes 6.0 with Artemis and Maya and all the new improved 64 bit ARM processors that mate up with it.    Most people go 4.4.4 directly to 6.0 when they upgrade.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/03/15 at 04:06:15\

Raspberry Pi 2 can run Windows 10, Ubuntu Core (and more)

You vaguely remember the Raspberry Pi from two-three years ago when it made a big splash as being a real functional computer for school kids to "learn computer programming" upon while in early grade school.  

For $35 each kid could have one to torture to his heart's content, sorta like that little toot a tone Tonette flute they gave you so you could get exposed to music.   Millions and Hundreds of Millions have been put in the hands of school kiddies and indeed they did lap them up and turn them into remarkable robotics projects which have been haunting the HS science fairs ever since.

Broadcom finally quit making the chipset (ARM v6 was like way way out of date) in any real volume and replaced it with a "more current" ARM v7 chipset swinging four A7 LITTLE cores and a full GIG of systems memory (with Broadcom really intending to overspec the little thing to future proof it a little bit so they could continue to run it for a while).

Price was the same, size was the same, ball connect solder pattern was the same,  but it required an update on the Raspberry Pi's guts as extra memory was needed and the difference between the v6 and v7 generations was somewhat pervasive on all the connected bits and pieces and ALL THE SOFTWARE HAD TO BE UPGRADED AS WELL.

Ah, the software mass originally had to be rewritten "down" for the then obsolete v6 processor, so now the software needed to be moved back up to v7 which is still the main mass of stuff these days.

A quad core A7 with a gig of memory is enough grunt to run Win 10 embedded, and it is plenty enough to run current full versions of Android 4.4.4 or Ubuntu or Linux Mint at a respectable rate.

It is more processor and memory than a XP box had when it was new.

It is equal to or better than what came on the early Win 7 machines.

Broadcom and the Raspberry Pi folks have put out a LOT OF COMPUTING POWER into the eager hands of them little kiddies -- let's see what they go do with it.

$35 sure buys a lot of computer these days .....   the little computer comes with Raspian, which is a full OS, some games and has the common Office type softwares -- all for $35.

Once again, you are teaching kids Linux from the very beginning.  Then they grow up and get a Chrome laptop when they get a bit older .....



What games can you run on the old Pi?

Better way of saying that is what systems can you emulate?    Answer:  lots of them:

Amiga (UAE4All)
Apple II (LinApple)
Apple Macintosh (Basilisk II)
Armstrad CPC (CPC4RPi)
Arcade (PiFBA, Mame4All-RPi)
Atari 800
Atari 2600 (RetroArch)
Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon
C64 (VICE)
CaveStory (NXEngine)
Doom (RetroArch)
Duke Nukem 3D1
Final Burn Alpha (RetroArch)
Game Boy Advance (gpSP)
Game Boy Color (RetroArch)
Game Gear (Osmose)
Intellivision (RetroArch)
MAME (RetroArch)
NeoGeo (GnGeo)
NeoGeo (Genesis-GX, RetroArch)
Sega Master System (Osmose)
Sega Megadrive/Genesis (DGEN, Picodrive)
Sega Mega-CD (Picodrive)
Sega 32X (Picodrive)
Nintendo Entertainment System (RetroArch)
N64 (Mupen64Plus-RPi)
PC Engine / Turbo Grafx 16 (RetroArch)
Playstation 1 (RetroArch)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (RetroArch, PiSNES, SNES-Rpi)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum (Fuse)
PC / x86 (rpix86)
Z Machine emulator (Frotz)

What can you run on the new Pi?    Answer -- lots & lots more of much more modern stuff

Or if you want the shortest answer  .....   Steam for Linux and most all Android games

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/03/15 at 05:04:01

Now for the non-official "leakage release" from MS as they prep ONE (1) NEW Nokia brand ARM BASED Qualcomm 805 processor equipped tablet will run Win 10 as a "proof you could do it if you were stupid enough to actually go buy one".

Win 10 is just as porky as Win 8.0/8.1 ever was, it just has some new screen layouts to pretty things up a bit.   I don't look for a really slimmed down Win 10 to ever come about, as MS is taking the "hold our breath and everyone will eventually get as porky as we are" approach to things.

Either everyone loves Win 10 or they hate it for being just a reskinned Win 8.1 --- but harsh reality says that Win 10 is still going to be very fat and porky and slow and "resource hog" demanding compared to all ARM processors and ARM OS systems.  

The thin light quick Windows 10 we all wanted simply hasn't ever appeared ......

Google continues taking the slow "by inches" approach to putting their stuff together -- this week scanner support for SANE standard scanners went into place for Chromebooks and Android.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/03/15 at 13:05:42

ARM Holdings has just released a new cortex A-72 chipset which is three and a half times faster than the A-15 and uses 75 percent less energy.

This is significant because Intel just released their new chip and it is only 4 percent faster comparing it back to their old one.   3.5 times faster is like a 5x improvement (compared to your old stuff in both cases) over what Intel just released as its improvement.

PREDICTION ..... this is a combination of smaller lithography,  a new generation of processor layout, and new ARM \ Linaro software that incorporates that new big cache that Google and ARM are using.  

Next,  the only reason you are hearing about this now is somebody's getting ready to put the first product out with some A-72s inside it.

Scuttlebutt has Samsung and Qualcomm being the most likely candidates for pushing Cortex A72 out early, but the things are actually reflected in the Apple A-9 and upcoming A-10 monster chipset Apple designs (A-10 will have 4 of them).

Intel feels like they are on very very shaky ground at this stage of things, and are having to sell their Skylake well below cost to simply keep on making chipsets for Apple.

This will not end with Skylake, but will continue with Cannonlake as well .....

ARM Cortex A-72 is intended for:

Key target markets include:

Premium smartphones
Larger screen mobile devices
Enterprise networking
Wireless infrastructure
Digital TV
Automotive ADAS/IVAI

Google is pushing for driverless delivery vehicles (over the road trucks first).  These are the chips that will make that happen.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Pine on 02/03/15 at 18:44:49

Ack I am late to speaking to the WIN 10 for Pi2...

I have been eyeing them since they came out. Now that one can run a Linux, Win and Driod... this could be a fun little doodad... or several.

Note that they have been turned into little mine controllers for Bitcoin... so it aint all fun and games.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/03/15 at 22:34:55

Going back to the Raspberry Pi 2 for a minute, Eric Upton the dude that pulls it together was clear that Broadcom isn't racing to keep up with the Jones, but is going for industrial applications over the long haul and they do see the RP2 as being an industrial controller.

(duh, the original RP1 sold at least a third of its volume to be resold commercially as a custom Linux controller for a whole mort of oddball uses as it cost 1/2 to 1/3 as much as a real controller would cost and could do more stuff)

Broadcom will up the chipset again in 2-3 years to just kiss the bottom end of what is current at that point in time.   My point is (and will continue to be) that this is an adequate enough Linux box right now at the RP2 level.   It is fast enough not to bore you to death .....

Issue I really have right now is my current 10 year old $80 refurbie 3 ghz Core2 Duo Dell box with 4 gigs of systems memory looks good to last me the rest of my life running Linux Mint and all my various Steam for Linux games just as good as could be wished.

I got NO unmet needs -- and my Linux box is rock solid and I listen to my wife whine about her Windows boxes and laptops misbehaving all the time (I just point at my rock solid Linux set up and promise her I can fix her issues just as soon as she retires or else gets sick enough of the whole mess to give me the go ahead).


Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/03/15 at 23:04:05

16mn finFET is the lithography node this is all planned for.   The Mali 880 graphics cores that go along with Cortex A-72 are 1.8 times faster and 40% more energy efficient as well.

I predict these A-72s will go above all Intel Core i3 chipsets and settle in the upper half of the Core i5 ranges, perhaps impinging into the low Core i7 ranges for the very best of the group.

....... clearly PC capable chipsets .....

I predict MS will roll out a Win 10 or Win 10.x variant intended to run on these chipsets, as they will lose market share if they do not VERY SPEEDILY do this .....

;)    This will signal the start of Intel's death throes as Intel cannot compete on price and must rob their upper end to price support their bottom end and the two ends are starting to merge now.

"Ten partners have already become licensees including Rockchip, Mediatek, and HiSilicon, and products are expected in (early) 2016. Further details may be found on ARM’s Cortex A72 and Mali-T880 product pages."

Watch Rockchip continue to ignore Intel -- as Rockchip certainly understands what is in Intel's tool box having the rights to paw through it at will looking for anything usable ....

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by verslagen1 on 02/04/15 at 07:09:10

14373F3D3E37373E295B0 wrote:
 (I just point at my rock solid Linux set up and promise her I can fix her issues just as soon as she retires or else gets sick enough of the whole mess to give me the go ahead)

Keep telling yourself that, you know as well as I do some users can crack granite.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/04/15 at 07:43:29

Actually, she fouls up very little on her own -- apart from responding to instructions given by the box to download this new update (that isn't).   I can't count the times she has put in Yahoo search bars and other junk stuff by "doing what the machine told her to do."  

Yep, them Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash updates are NOTORIOUS for adding Yahoo crap to your machine if you just do what you are told.

I don't get many of those because I don't get targeted by many Windows scams.   Occasionally I am tempted to do one just to see what would or would not happen.   Likely Linux would create any requested directories named as requested and the junk would just go sit in there harmlessly since it isn't ever used by the Mint OS.

Every time I want to see what Windows naturally devolves into I can go look at Grandma's machine -- every visitor, cousin and grandkid in the world has hacked that poor sucker up sideways.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/04/15 at 08:15:58

More stuff on the A-72, also showing the energy consumption on the yet to be released matching LITTLE chipset for the first time.    These are some pretty drastic energy savings .... and you can count on the Orient to use a lot of these new LITTLES in multiples of 4-8 really really quickly as low cost and battery life is king in the orient rather than just pure performance.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/04/15 at 08:38:42

"We're still not far into 2015, but ARM has already announced a trio of new products that will begin making their way into commercial phones and tablets next year. There's the Cortex A72 CPU, a 64-bit ARMv8 design that's around twice as fast as the current Cortex A57 and 3.5 times faster than Cortex A15; a new Mali-T880 GPU that's around 1.8 times as fast as the current high-end Mali-T760; and a new Corelink CCI-500 interconnect that promises to double the amount of system bandwidth in SoCs.

All of these designs are available for chip makers to purchase now.

These performance estimates are pretty vague and don't come with any numbers from actual benchmarks or apps—early announcements like this rarely include as much context as we'd like. Still, if these performance claims are in the ballpark, ARM is continuing to push the performance of its CPU and GPU designs into the low end of Intel's territory, just as Intel's low-power products are beginning to make some headway against ARM chips. Intel is basically giving chips away to gain groun, but the performance and power consumption are about where they need to be in any case."


Nice balance on this report, no rave, just facts.   Intel is carefully orchestrating a plan that is penetrating the top end of ARM's turf by giving away chipsets and ARM is deeply penetrating Intel's cash cow home turf now by making much stronger faster chipsets at their standard profit levels while selling their stuff through dozens and dozens of vendors.

Yes, that new, higher up ARM penetration area does have some synthetically raised Intel prices (prices that were done on purpose by Intel to support the Intel freebie giveaway stuff on Intel's low end) so the price differential between the vendors is kinda extreme right now.

It begs the question though, when Intel has to begin to price support the new penetration area, from just exactly where will they suck the money from to do so?

Not from Server Space, as this new A72 with that broad fast data bridge is intended to drop into ARM server uses as well.  

Intel has been hit hard by this A72 ARM release, as is only beginning to come fully apparent.

Since the A72 thing is tailored to go into the least capable of the ARM Fab Plants, it has to be considered a very general release at this point, intended to go across the board in a big way.   This is mirrored by all the Chinese suppliers who have already bought in to it.

To roll out as planned, A-72 must quickly move aside the old existing products based upon a low sales price, good availability and much much better performance.

And remember, some of those old existing products that will be rolled up soon are Intel's old bread and butter "contra revenue" supporters in the server world.

::)       ..... ouchie!!   sez Intel

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/05/15 at 01:46:51

Why is ARM taking over in servers?  

Energy cost is the largest cost element of running a server farm and the A57 generation got into server farms in the first place by saving half on primary running energy electrical bills and saving half again on the cooling refrigeration system electrical bill.  

Saving half of the ongoing energy costs of running the place PAID for the new ARM server racks inside of one year, an ROI which a bean counter will take every time it is offered to him.

A72 is twice as efficient on both compared to A57 generation of products, so look for a similar wave of replacement to take place in the server farm arena next year.   Anyone running tech older than 3 years old needs to be looking hard at their energy bills again ......

Next element is the new BIG trend of server farm CUSTOMIZATION.  Facebook and Google are both examples of large customers who now custom design their own matching ARM server processor racks and matching home written Linux softwares for use in their very own server farms.  

Major customers like these are knowledgeable enough to NOT be fooled by Intel's claims of "superiority" because they don't run MS operating systems at all and they DO understand ARM intimately.   Linux is what they use, 100% everywhere as stipped down Linux is the fastest lightest OS out there.

Can MS bullshite their way back into the server farms using their 14nm tech ???   No, not with only a 4% efficiency increase (compared only to themselves) which is all they have to claim right now.   Their 14nm generation is NOT more energy efficient than the current 20nm planar ARM RISC stuff, much less the 16nm finFET ARM RISC stuff that is coming on board now.

And especially not if they have to price support all of it because their new 14nm process costs too much to run.

I would say that Intel would have to use their very best production process TO MAKE A 14nm ARM HOLDINGS DESIGNED RISC CHIPSET in order to have any possible advantage to show a server customer at this stage of things.   Do what they were doing with Altera, in other words.

x86 CISC compatibility is not an advantage any more here in the age of Linux servers, nor is putting in MS compatibility features .....

Intel has always had a habit of running off to "do a new tech" every time they get into trouble -- so look to see Intel start spewing off a lot of stinky brown future talk of 10nm before they have even finished their first production runs of 14nm.

Intel is in trouble again, their house of cards is beginning to get shaky again and they can't find any money sources to pay for "contra revenue" to support literally over half the stuff they make any more.


Intel is now frantically looking for a savior tech ....  looking at things like these.

I am waiting for Intel to break to the dark side, to go RISC and start using ARM HOLDINGS designs just like they had to do on that Spreadtrum produced $29 phone chipset that they were peripherally involved in making for MS's Nokia semi-smart phone.   Or agree to produce an ARM design for somebody else, like they did for Altera, except this time do a LOT of it.

There is nothing stopping Intel from doing this, other than misplaced pride.   Plus the glaring fact they really aren't very good at it (failed to produce for Altera on schedule twice in a row) and their USA based production costs are 3x what they need to be (which is what drove Altera to TSMC finally).


Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/05/15 at 16:40:41

Radio Shack, RIP ......  they filed bankruptcy today in Delaware.

Best Buy has diversified into toys and board games and appliances/TVs and are selling chunks of floor space to various direct vendors of certain tech items.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/06/15 at 00:08:15

Now we wait a bit for the smoke to clear and Intel to respond before ARM outlines their final killing stroke, the LITTLE side of the new equation.

ARM has a good starting point right now in the A53, which is why they have the luxury of waiting for Intel's counterstroke before finalising the rest of their big little package.

Intel can go high, and come out with something "over the top" of A72, but I bet it wouldn't be as efficient and as scaleable -- Intel already  has Core i7 chipsets out there that are more powerful and way less efficient and that is why they will finish losing server space this time around.  

Intel will need to use 14nm generation to REFINE what they already have .....  they need to defend their existing turf, not blow tons of money all over trying to get into ARM's low end neighborhood.   Intel, you failed at that for four years running, YOU FAILED, get used to it and GET PAST IT.

Then ARM can rip the bowels out of whatever Intel comes out with using a new more energy efficient LITTLE that is enough more powerful such that it is over half as powerful as the final Intel chips and yet so much smaller and simpler and cheaper to put on silicon wafers.

That's the magic of LITTLES you know, and why the Orient loves them so much.   Buy a single license for the LITTLE and simply stack them up in a pile to overwhelm the competition, cheaply quickly and neatly.

Remember, the current, quite capable and well centered A53 is actually stronger than the old A9 chipset used to be.   Now what blows my mind is the A72 will be about the same physical size and same power consumption level as the current A53 LITTLE and yet it is going to be a big, swinging a wide large capacity data bus that can carry server sized data loads no less.

ARM will take great care building a new LITTLE that is stronger still than the A53, uses that big new server level bus, yet I bet it tucks into old existing product designs (two for the space of one) using the same ball grid spacing so it can drop right into old motherboard designs (a slick trick that has worked out for ARM very very nicely in the past).

Think of all those A53 quad core products suddenly coming back out on the same old board designs as Axx octas ......     :o

MS and Win 10 and the capabilities they put into the ARM version of the OS actually play a part in this next affair, since the whole of PC space is now in contention.    This is no longer just about phones and tablets ......

A72 will define the upward penetration attack that ARM can take, but the new LITTLE will define the defense of the ground already taken.

The speed at which Intel is driven to go to 8-10nm will tell you how well the completed attack/defence actually went.  We are no  longer able to get sales data in these warring zones because Intel and MS both are now intentionally withholding this information.

(which might be because it isn't  all that favorable to them).    :-X

Intel will sell some chips into the ARM camp as well as the x86 camp.   Supposedly MS will supply an OS to both camps as well.

There are many alternative approaches to computing now, with most folks now owning at least 2-3 of what is a whole crowd of alternative approaches to computing.

Apple is still sitting on the sidelines developing their next play, watching and judging which players are strong enough to support their chipset needs for one full season.

Google is googling its way by inches into making up a single real OS system.   MS is struggling hard not to write the same old crap all over again.

We got the traditional American desktop computing infrastructure slowly collapsing all over the place as their markets become very small and irrelevant.    What comes out of Korea and China will determine what computing is to be in the upcoming year.  

We got everybody putting out handheld devices that outclass the old Cray II supercomputer and any of them could run your monitor and keyboard and mouse if you just hook them up.


..... speaking of which, ComputerWeekly just rolled up what is available out of Intel's performance last year -- so enjoy sorting through Intel's strange exaggerated fiscal reporting and realize that Wall Street downgraded Intel afterwards, discounting some of these financial results since Intel "reorganized" during the midst of rolling them all up (hiding what they could while they did so).

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/06/15 at 07:00:04

That was a cheap easy prediction .....   people are already asking Intel when they are going to get to some beneficial lithography that will make their stuff actually perform better.

So how long until we get the next die shrink?

Intel’s Taha Khalifa recently told Gulf News that the first 10nm processors are scheduled to launch in early 2017 — but followed up with a statement saying that 10nm chips are in development but that the company isn’t ready to discuss timing yet.

As some folks have noted, a few years ago Intel had listed 10nm chips as “in research” and expected to launch in 2015 or later. At this point it looks like later is a safe bet.

For all of 2015 and 2016 Intel will be slowly rolling out 14nm while TSMC is hitting 16nm  while pushing out better designs that are more energy efficient.    

Samsung is already producing Apple A-9 chips in volume at 14nm and once that wave is free they will make some Exynos chipsets for their own use at 14nm.    Samsung will also then make some 14nm chipsets for Qualcomm, as will Global Foundry once the Apple runs are over.

Apple's A-10 will run at 10nm built at whomever can make the 10nm cut in 2016-17 .....

You could argue that Intel has totally lost their lithography lead at this point in time, but certainly they will have no functional advantage off of what thin shade of lead they still have if they can only eek out a 4% speed advantage out of 14nm compared to their old 22nm process.


10nm is much more involved than 14 nm since 10nm chips will be able to run at only 2.4 volts of battery power.   To make 10nm 2.4 volt products requires the whole supply chain to "down volt" and physically shrink themselves and that will have many many players who will operate at different speeds to get there.

2 years to finish 14nm and to see the first 10nm products (most likely Apple again).      ;)

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/06/15 at 09:27:16

Will Windows 10 be the tide that raises both Intel and Microsoft?

Only if it is clearly better than existing OS products at doing the same job and actually makes users HAPPY to use it.

Will Windows 10 cause all the MS lovers out there to upgrade their hardware?   Well, no since Win 10 runs on old hardware too it could just be a software bump to replace all the OS stuff that MS has so graciously stopped supporting.

Will it be sold in family packs?   Yes, I hope so --- cheaply too I hope.

I may bum an instance from my daughter who will buy a pack to keep herself and her hubby current on their work supporting machines.   Stick it on my wife's best machine so she can decide if she can live with it.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/06/15 at 10:04:44

Remember Ubuntu Phone?    Yep, it ships next week in Europe (made in Spain).    Meisu in China will do the first Chinese mass market version by mid summer.

These are FOSS phones, free and open OS and free and open software and free upgrades forever as long as the distro survives.

This also signals the first large Linux distro that is willing to modify itself to run native on Android processors as a main release.   That signals a whole crop of new little Ubuntu desktop boxes from the orient, you know that right?

I look forward to it since where Ubuntu goes, Mint follows shortly.

Ask me if I know people who would buy such a phone if T-Mobile happened to support it?  Yep, daughter and son in law are firm Ubuntu people.   They buy brand new Wintel laptops and throw the OS into the trash can and put Ubuntu on it.

Ack, but they also like Android .... a lot.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/07/15 at 05:51:46

Speaking of FOSS phones, what happened to Firefox phones ???    

.... now that we have Ubuntu phone on the scene getting ready to take the same trek down the same footpath .......

Answer, a promising Firefox start up in the emerging markets just flat petered out when Android and Microsoft began to wage low end price war in the exact same emerging markets -- and then the Chinese came in droves with Cheap Cheap Cheap Chinese Android/Cyanogen rip offs that ran just dandy on the local carrier's system as a BYOP.

Also Answer, worldwide the Bring Your Own Phone rage is killing off all new to the market low end items, as you can buy a good used BYOP that is a 2 year old mainline phone (reseller rebuilt with new battery, etc) on Ebone and have a REALLY GOOD PHONE with better features for less money than any startup phone with very limited and buggy features.    

There is a worldwide organized market now for fixing up and reselling your old hand me down phone that you let Verizon hold for a mere $20 credit when you traded up last time ....

A Samsung Galaxy III is hard to compete against at the sub-$100 price point when it comes with a fresh new battery and updated software and a rebuilders one year guarantee .....  it certainly kicks the crap out of a limited feature Firefox phone or an Ubuntu phone that still isn't completely written yet.

[smiley=embarassed.gif]               .....  so, recycling killed the Firefox phone .....

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/08/15 at 15:33:05

Intel 14nm Cherry Trail ships.     read down, this smells like a pre-announcement or a design release, we are 6 months away from shipping real product from the Intel foundry.

Nobody says how many or to whom or at what level of "contra revenue" price support was needed nor what "technical support" level was needed to cover all the extra memory and components that an Intel based Win 8.1 tablet would require.  

If if shipped to go into Android products, how did Intel fix the base incompatibility issues that exist with 10% of the existing Android apps before they shipped it ???

Nice spec bump for GPU/video though -- graphical throughput increased about 20% on early reporting products so there is some meat available in the new 14nm from Intel -- but only compared back to itself though -- so if you were 25% behind and got 20% better, where would you actually be?    

Actually, with this design release Intel is just now getting competitive to the 20nm ARM products that shipped last year, but please don't knock it, because Intel actually moved some ARM will move again that much further and quicker.

Win 10 is coming late this year, Intel is likely shipping some 14nm to put it on .......   all should be ready for Wintel to make its big come back and take over the mobile world yet again.

::)    Hey ..... did you two Wintel guys manage to find enough billions in pocket change to fund your 2015-2016 contra revenue attack plans yet ??

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/08/15 at 16:38:53

Now, let's spray some air freshener into the air to dispel the HUGE brown vapor cloud that Intel just blew out their butts and see where things really actually really are --- by checking with the people who really actually do it.


"The final session of the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium (The CxO Panel) ending 1/14/2015 was the most interesting for me because executives from three of the four most influential semiconductor companies were on the panel: Dr. Goeff Yeap of Qualcomm, Dr. Jack Sun from TSMC, and Mr. Mark Bohr of Intel. Who is fourth you ask? That would be Apple of course. In my opinion the most interesting question asked of the panel was: Which foundry will be first to FinFET?

The CxO panel closes the conference with a conversation between Dan Hutcheson and several esteemed executives at a CxO level. This year, we will be examining what it takes to practically transition a new technology to manufacturing and through its yield ramp. There’s no magic in it for these execs: they have to make finFETs yield today while rolling 10nm and 7nm processes down the gangway from pathfinding into development. It is a task that has consumed many at prior nodes. They have closed their doors on Moore’s Law. Our panelists are the champions who won at these nodes and will keep moving down the scaling path. They will do this with a combination of their own internal excellence and an unparalleled ability to partner with others to align a global base of researchers and engineers — all towards hitting a specific ramp date that is exactly two years after the last one. They’re going to talk about how it’s done against a background in which every node gets bigger, faster, and riskier. They’ll provide their vision about the future, the challenges, and the opportunities.

Mark Bohr not only spoke at ISS he showed up. I sat in the row next to him and chatted with him during breaks. He was not on his phone, he paid attention and took notes. He also graciously accepted a copy of “Fabless: The Transformation of the Semiconductor Industry” and I sincerely believe he will read it.

Which Foundry will be First to FinFET according to me:

Samsung 14nm LP Q1 2015
GlobalFoundries 14nm LP Q2 2015
TSMC 16nm FF+ Q2 2015
Intel 14nm 2H 2015
UMC 14nm 1H 2016

Mark’s answer to the question by the way was “not Intel Foundry”. Another interesting comment from Mark was that Moore’s law will continue another 10 years but he says that every 10 years. Mark also explained to me the difference between the 14nm processes used for the Intel CPUs and SoCs. It really is the same process, same basic transistor structure, materials, design rules, and minimum interconnect pitches at the lower layers. The SoC version however has a wider range of devices (high-voltage and ultra-low leakage transistors) and a few more process steps. The bottom line is the processes are similar enough to run in the same "copy exact" fabs and that is quite an achievement, absolutely."

Mark Bohr, the executive in charge of Intel's foundry group says Intel won't go into real volume production on 14nm until second half of 2015.

This means MS will stall on releasing Win 10 until Intel is pushing out real production quantities of 14nm chips to put it on ....

This means Apple and ARM and Android will be shipping their 14nm ARM soc products in volume well before Intel does their Cherry Trail for at least a quarter, maybe actually perhaps even a full half a year of real prior shipments before Intel gets out there with their  ??? competitive ???  first efforts.

This looks bad for the Wintel team.        :P       Intel has frittered away it's "technological advantage" completely at this point in time and is now running behind the power curve.


Apple has put out their new 2016 10nm quad core A-10X chipset this past week for production quoting, with both Samsung and TSMC responding with proposed 10nm processes and their quoted pricing for the doing the whole business.  

Apple will likely NOT split the pot between these two since TSMC was unable to fulfill their quoted volume for 20nm A-8 which meant Apple had to go back to Samsung for the balance of 20nm A-8 production which did not make Apple happy with TSMC.   By then Samsung had a better yielding 20nm process actually up and running so Samsung actually filled a large chunk of the A-8 production amounts.

(Apple then gave the 2015 14nm A-9 quoted business solely to the Samsung/Global Consortium as TSMC had no running 14nm process to base a quote upon and as such TSMC got denied as an A-9 vendor).  

TSMC is not seen as a totally reliable Apple quoter, in other words, and one really has to question their ability to leap from 20nm all the way down to 10nm in a single bound.    

TSMC is currently suing Samsung for taking most of last year's Apple A-8 business away from them in the hopes of getting some Samsung 10nm production technology sharing as part of the final lawsuit settlement ....   TSMC needs the tech boost from the superior Samsung/Global/IBM technology.

And Intel is not seen as player yet in the 10nm world AT ALL WHATSOEVER right now -- certainly they did not quote the Apple A-10X RISC soc business as the other players did do.

WARNING:  Apple may really actually plan to go over to ARM on the lower end laptops with the 2016 A-10X generation, a move that has been rumored widely in the Apple community in the last few months as the A-10X laptop chip is going to be a BEASTLY POWERFUL RISC processor.    

Intel may be tapped only for their Core i7 equivalent very upper end 14nm chipsets to go into the very highest level of Apple Mac brand laptops and desktops.  

So, Intel might lose 60-70% of their Apple volume in other words .....

ODDS OF THIS HAPPENING GO UP DRASTICALLY if Intel is a half year late again with producing Apple's 2015 Skylake laptop chipsets ..... and especially if Intel can't meet it's promised price points.

Here is an Apple analyst saying that Intel might well get denied next year just like TSMC did this year for failing to meet this year's production dates.    I don't know where he got the graph, but that graph doesn't look good for Intel if they bobble their SkyLake hail mary pass this year.  

This graph shows Apple having contingency planning and the chip generations planned out right now to go away from Intel by 2016.


Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/09/15 at 06:37:25

Here is a well written opinion on Apple's 10nm A-10 replacing Intel mainly because Intel has been screwing Apple's release schedule up for the last 3 years running, plus costing extra unplanned product dollars out the ass.

"Furthermore, it looks like I misspoke in 2012 when I said an A-x chip couldn’t power a high-end Mac. True, the A7 is optimized for mobile devices: Battery-optimization, small memory footprint, smaller screen graphics than an iMac or a MacBook Pro with a Retina display. But having shown its muscle in designing a processor for the tight constraints of mobile devices, why would we think that the team that created the most advanced smartphone/tablet processor couldn’t now design a 3GHz A10 machine optimized for “desktop-class” (a term used by Apple’s Phil Schiller when introducing the A7) applications?

If we follow this line of reasoning from two years ago, the current advantages of ARM-based processors vs. x86 devices become even more compelling: lower cost, better power dissipation, natural integration with the rest of the machine.

For years, Intel has argued that its superior semiconductor design and manufacturing technology would eventually overcome the complexity downsides of the x86 architecture. But that “eventually” is getting a bit stale. Other than a few showcase design wins that have never amounted to much in the real world, x86 devices continue to lose to ARM-derived SoC (System On a Chip) designs."

Remember, Apple Mac OS is "Unix based" (it smells a whole lot like Linux).   Motorola RISC chipsets was what it was built for originally and that is also why Apple still owns a third of ARM Holdings (back in the day Apple helped found ARM Holdings in the first place because Apple started out as a RISC house).

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/09/15 at 06:49:08

"Of course, a switch from Intel processors to custom ARM chips would be a major transition for Apple, not only in terms of hardware, but also software for its OS X platform. One rumor from earlier this year claimed that Apple had built a "completely equivalent" OS X operating system in ARM, with several prototype machines already said to have been developed.

Specifically, it was said that Apple has developed an iMac desktop with four or eight 64-bit quad-core CPU cores, while a Mac mini is said to have been made with four such cores. In addition, it was claimed that Apple has developed a 13-inch MacBook sporting up to eight 64-bit quad-core ARM chips CPU cores.

Apple already made a switch along these lines once, in a massive transition from IBM's PowerPC chips to Intel's line of processors. That switch proved beneficial to Apple, allowing its machines to run Windows and also tapping into Intel's speedier chips, and as a result Mac sales went to new highs."

Take a memo:   When MS puts out a Win 10 ARM version for tablets then Apple can dump Intel with no downside to those who want to run Office on their Mac as MS will support ARM natively at that point in time.   The ARM based Mac will be able to run all the necessary MS softwares natively at that point ....  especially since you can now find MS Office versions sitting in both the ARM Playstore and in the Apple Marketplace.

Plus, the Mac's Bootcamp was always a pure software based emulator anyway, so it could emulate Windows x86 on the A-10 processor just as well as it ever could previously on an Intel/Mac chipset.


Them Mac boys might be getting cores and quad-cores all confused in their heads because they simply don't realize they aren't the same thing .....  they are "it just works" Mac guys after all.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/09/15 at 08:10:39

Google shares its plan to nab 80% of Microsoft's Office business

The Plan is worth reading as the Price Waterhouse folks came up with this plan as Google spent 3 years in tech rewrites while carefully converting 80% of Price Waterhouse's people to Google Apps -- it is a real workable real-world plan that has real potential when combined with the new functionality of Chromebooks and Chromeboxes.

The gist of this PW plan is that intranet based companies can do this with very high security at VERY low cost and they can just license MS softwares for those very few functions (like Excel or Powerpoint) that really have some driving needs and a historical base that has to be supported.

The cost savings is HUGE .... and the ROI is under one year and pays back the same amount every year thereafter.

Yup, Google is indeed making a big push at Big American Business .....  and ironically their major mass of takers so far are brand new businesses in emerging economies that HAVE no long MS history to protect.   They love the low low cost and the instant shared work capability and complete ease of mobile usage ....  American companies tend to have people sit at desks in offices,  while Asia has them moving around all the time using a laptop & phone continually.

Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/12/15 at 06:11:38

Meanwhile, MS's attack plan against Chromebooks is in full swing, with people actually buying Win 8.1 Chrome Killer machines spec'd with not enough memory and not enough processor to work very well.

Folks think they love their Windows enough to make up for the slack, but what they are finding out is that slow and slower wears VERY quickly on the nerves.   Once a chrome killer starts to accumulate some industry standard bloatware and mostly fills up its minimal drive space with local loaded games and programs, it slows down to be unusable fairly quickly.    

Yes, Virginia -- MS OS products do slow down naturally as the system accumulates poorly integrated updates, the registry gets ugly and the patchwork becomes even more patchy over time.  

A full drive can become PAINFULLY slow as it loses the space to write a larger file without stopping to shift other things around to have enough room to do it ......  and remember, the biggest files on your PC are your registry files which are always getting added to and replaced every single day of your life.    

Once your MS OS decides to fragment your larger files, things get really really really slow since every read and every write get involved in dealing with split files.

All this is doing is making it painfully clear that Win 8.1 is just a porky slow "ever growing" OS compared to Mac OS and to Chrome OS when you run it on competitive sized hardware.  

Those with enough money are running to Mac in droves.

The world is quickly learning that "local load" MS products require a lot of resources compared to Web based products.    Of the things available now that run off the web, Chromebooks sets the performance pace with Chrome Killers coming up further and further behind in most aspects.


Microsoft is learning along with everybody else .... a bit more quickly since starting up the Chrome Killer class of Win 8.1 laptops to be sure, but learning all the same.

There is yet another rewrite of Win 10 choking its way through MS -- this time actually intending to go for some speed and better use of resources.       Finally.  

MS realizes that if they drop what they got for Win 10 right now into the current marketplace it will lose yet again -- so it is try try try try try again time at MS.

MS is also finally telling the truth about "the free Windows 10"  --  not really free at all, just free for the first 6 months after you get it in FALL of 2015, after which the subscription fees begin in 2016.

Will Win 10 be good enough?    Not right now ..... but there is time enough to try try yet again.

HOWEVER, Win 10 is good enough to cause Apple to do better.   Win 10  is good enough to cause Google to do better.    Thank you MS, for getting our favorite vendors to do better even more quickly than before.

Is Win 10 good enough to be your one and only computing venue?    No.

That boat has sailed --- people like their tablets for casual consumption.   People like their phones for casual consumption.   People use PCs at work or for sitting down whacking away at work stuff at home.  

Yes, you can use a PC to do everything --- but you already have the phone and you already have the tablet.

And in some cases you already have your Chromebook too .....


Title: Re: Win 10 Wars
Post by Oldfeller on 02/15/15 at 21:45:20

Now, this is partially a vent and partially a continuation of the previous post.

I just opened up the Win 7 machine that was brought back from Grandma's house and planned to begin cleaning it up.

Ha !!!    Fat chance of that, after spending a solid hour on required NON-MS upgrades and updates I still haven't been able to do one planned cleanup item except attach the wifi to my new router (bought since the Win 7 laptop was here last).  

All the rest of the time has been spent tracking through chained Java updates and Adobe Reader updates (finish one and the next one pops up as they are chained in time series and must be done in order).

This is no exaggeration -- I can reload Linux Mint off the DVD and tune it completely in less time than the weekly MS and MS software world takes just to download one week's worth of stuff.

Microsoft sux, really it does.   Now the box is telling me I have 57 critical MS security updates and 33 optional updates.   Let's see how long this takes to struggle through.

Screw it, I'm going to bed while it downloads and installs all this stuff ......

Microsoft sux -- in Linux this stuff takes minutes per month (if you are industrious enough to do it monthly).   Chrome OS takes care of it totally in the background and it DOES NOT EVEN SLOW THE CHROMEBOX DOWN.    In a Chromebook you don't have to mess with this piddly shite ever .... not ever.

Worst case, and by this I mean you totally fubar your entire Chromebook completely somehow -- a complete reload of the entire machine (OS, formatting and all) is called a "powerwash" and it takes 5 minutes to do.  

Other than that, what can go wrong with a Chromebook anyway?

Linux Mint reload takes 10-15 minutes, Chromebook reload takes 5 minutes, Microsoft Windows takes HOURS worth of maintenance and you HAVE do it every month  ......

gack !!!

Windows sux.

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