General Category >> The Cafe >> Lost Finger Parts

Message started by MMRanch on 12/23/14 at 18:55:02

Title: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MMRanch on 12/23/14 at 18:55:02

Wondering how long before the "nubbs" are useable for much.   Anyone else lost any finger joints?


Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/14 at 19:26:55

What did you do to yourself?


Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Art Webb on 12/23/14 at 19:33:25

If my old man was alive, I could ask him, unfortunately, he's not
also, what the heck did you do to yourself? :O

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/14 at 21:47:34

Much what?...  :-?...

Jimmy Page is missing a fingertip, and is one of the greatest guitarists of all time...

If you've lost more than one...  
You may be too casual... :-?...

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MMRanch on 12/23/14 at 21:50:09

It involved a boat winch that the cable had jumped off , and about 50lbs of weight.    The easy fix was to wrap the cable around a stick to hold the weight off the winch while I put the cable back where it should have been.     Well , all went well till the stick broke  :o .   The cable twist got my left pinky and ring finger while it was straightening out .  Didn't take not even a quarter/second or so.   It wasn't a perty sight , they moved me to the front of the line at the emergency room.   So , I've got one less joint on those fingers now.  (may not be playing the guitar for a while).   Dr. said probably a year before the nubs were useable , but that seems unbelievable.   Its been 3 day ago now and my chores/do list are/is piling up .  Anyway an idea of other folks have bounced back is what I was looking for.  :-?

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by old_rider on 12/23/14 at 21:54:31

My buddy Mike is an ex ammo troop, he lost two ends (index and middle) and told me it was about six months before he could put decent pressure on them.
He also said now days its like it doesn't even phase him.... of course he lost them about 25 years ago....

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/14 at 22:38:00

There's always bottleneck slide...
Just don't turn to rap or join a boy band...

Seriously,... that sounds horribly painful...
Speedy healing... ;)...

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by stinger on 12/24/14 at 02:59:15

When I was 12 years old on the fourth of July, I scraped the powder out of a roll of caps and packed it into a cardboard container that looked about the size of a M-80. My dad and I were painting the house and at the time he was a cop and told me to get rid of it. I tried to pry the cardboard apart but I could not so I stepped on it to bend the tube so I could get a grip on enough of the tubing to tear it apart. It went off about five seconds later. When it was in my left hand. Our newspaper said it was a small bomb. One roll of caps!  It took the top part of my index finger and middle finger, fused my ring finger at the knuckle and layed my thumb open til it was laying back on my wrist. I was never supposed to be able to move it again but they did not tell me that so my thumb is fine. It blew a gash in my chin and I was blind for several days in the hospital. It also gave my dad a nasty gash in his leg. He was just coming off the ladder right next to me when it hit him also. He ended up with 12 stitches.  It has never been a handicap for me and most people know me for quite a while before they even notice it. I was real lucky. In my other pocket was some 30-06 shells packed with flash powder.

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Demin on 12/24/14 at 03:22:53

I lost my right index finger down to the second knuckle.2 years ago next Wed.
I have pretty much learned to not use it.Still very sensitive in a couple spots.
Mine was due to  Harley primary chain and an intermittent starter problem.Ran it through the starter gears. :o

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Art Webb on 12/24/14 at 07:12:41

That's awful man, speedy healing

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MMRanch on 12/24/14 at 09:05:39

Thanks for the good will guys.  :)   I,m hoping by time spring gets here I'll be ready to grab the clutch and ride .  ::)    Might not wait that long . ::)

Stinger , it sounds like your lucky to be grabbing a clutch at all , I enjoyed that story (now that its in hind-sight for ya).   Glad it worked out good for ya.

Old Rider wrote:
My buddy Mike is an ex ammo troop, he lost two ends (index and middle) and told me it was about six months before he could put decent pressure on them.
He also said now days its like it doesn't even phase him.... of course he lost them about 25 years ago....ld rider wrote:

so I'm hoping for 'SIX MONTHS" to be able to play guitar again , and 25 years from now still be pulling the clutch .  :D     With a special note "stay away from the primary chain on the sportster". :P

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Kris01 on 12/24/14 at 10:18:29

2D3B212E33212D2E540 wrote:
That was .. disturbing..

I can stop laughing at that pic! ;D

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Demin on 12/24/14 at 13:28:38

This was about 2 weeks after I lost it.

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MnSpring on 12/24/14 at 15:12:46

I personally have not lost any, 'finger', parts;.

However, MANNY, people I have known, (and some are still alive).
Have had parts, of fingers/hands/arms, taken off from,
'Corn Pickers', And they ALL, have adjusted Very Well.

I believe the, 'key', is, while, 'healing', is, move to the, 'point of pain', then back off. Each time, the, 'point of pain', movement, is used, it will afford a little more movement.

It truly is unfortunate to loose digits.
But that loss, CAN, be overcome.

I Personally know a person, who lost, all but the, ring finger on left hand, and all but the thumb on the right hand.  (Frost bite)
And he drives a MS  Just Fine !

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by youzguyz on 12/24/14 at 17:51:24

6F564D571415240 wrote:
[quote author=2D3B212E33212D2E540 link=1419389702/0#9 date=1419423410]That was .. disturbing..

I can stop laughing at that pic! ;D[/quote]

Arrgghhh.. deleted my post by mistake.   The pic is below..

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Art Webb on 12/24/14 at 21:57:44

1A390427253E3930570 wrote:
I personally have not lost any, 'finger', parts;.

However, MANNY, people I have known, (and some are still alive).
Have had parts, of fingers/hands/arms, taken off from,
'Corn Pickers', And they ALL, have adjusted Very Well.

I believe the, 'key', is, while, 'healing', is, move to the, 'point of pain', then back off. Each time, the, 'point of pain', movement, is used, it will afford a little more movement.

It truly is unfortunate to loose digits.
But that loss, CAN, be overcome.

I Personally know a person, who lost, all but the, ring finger on left hand, and all but the thumb on the right hand.  (Frost bite)
And he drives a MS  Just Fine !

My Dad could, with his 'reduced' hand (was missing  ring, 1/2 middle, tip of index, thanks to another guy's  careless moment with an ax in his youth) tighten a bolt to the point almost no one besides him could get it loose
he had a habit of constantly squeezing this rubber ball he carried with him most everywhere he went

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/25/14 at 00:54:34

Because I reached for the governor on a Detroit diesel I now get a10%
discount on a manicure. The turbo sucked my hand in. Old guys I had been around were always saying
When you get hurt really good it don't hurt right then.

Clearly getting the bone ripped out of a finger,leaving a bloody tube with the profile of a turbo blade routered into it doesn't count as
Hurt really good

Cuz it hurt,, felt like a red hot sledgehammer mashed my hand,,
It's been 29 years, I'm still careful with it, cuz thumped just right it's Very unpleasant.

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by youzguyz on 12/25/14 at 02:12:58

MMRanch, I sure hppe you heal fast, as I would like to see you in the Texas Hill Country this spring!!  :D

However, these subject lineups are getting more bizarre  :o

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Kris01 on 12/25/14 at 10:49:28

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
Old guys I had been around were always saying
When you get hurt really good it don't hurt right then.

I'll 2nd that!  Later on though.... :o

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Dave on 12/25/14 at 11:44:11

MM, sorry to hear about your.....loss!

I have never lost any digits yet - but I did put my index finger through a window when I was about 9.  It cut the meat to the bone and you could roll the end of the finger off the end and look at the bone.  The hospital sewed it back on and it works fine.  It was very tender for a long time as the nerve was cut and although it was mostly normal a couple of months later - if I accidentally banged my finger on something it really hurt.

You will be back riding in the spring without any might have to learn a new guitar style.  Django Reinhardt burned his hand badly in a fire....and learned to be one of the all time great jazz guitar players.€?v=T5jtcxtMzAE


Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MMRanch on 12/25/14 at 17:41:55

that guy's hand looks real familiar !  ::)

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by ToesNose on 12/26/14 at 14:20:25

Aww man MM so sorry to hear about your accident   :'(  

Good MoJo heading your way, wishing you a speedy recovery and an easy acclimation to your new digits.

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by runwyrlph on 12/26/14 at 16:21:37

Wow, there's more of us missing digits than I knew.  I thought it was just me and Frodo!

Glad you're recovering and that it wasn't worse than it is!

I lost the first joint of right thumb - amputated due to sarcoma about 5  years back.

Some Thoughts:  

Don't be afraid to use pity to manipulate your wife

( "Owww... honey could you hand me another beer?")  ;)

In my case it was really tender at first, but now doesn't bother me.  After it healed up, but was still very painful, I used to tap it as hard as I could stand on the table, chair leg, whatever was handy.  Doc said that would eventually desensitize nerves. He was correct.  Once you get the area less sensitive, you'll learn to use it like before.

I think you'll be able to learn to do whatever you did before, maybe easier than you expect.  I have a stubby right thumb (I'm right handed).  At first it seemed very difficult to do things like tie shoes, button collars, but within a few months I was figuring things out.  

Phantom feeling was weird at first.  I used to close my eyes and "touch" my thumb tip with my index finger I swear I could feel it!  Also used to itch some.  That's been done for quite a while.  

I would say very roughly a year until I seldom thought of it.  

About the only time I feel handicapped by it now is when I'm trying to start a small screw or bolt into a threaded hole I can't see.  (You know, when you're reaching down in the tiny space beside your car engine)  Thumb just not long or sensitive enough now.  I just have to use my left hand.  

good luck MMranch!

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MMRanch on 12/26/14 at 21:17:33

All these stories leaves me thinking "I wasn't normal till I lost a couple of pieces"  ;D

I can't thank ya'll enough for the support .  :)   I drove my "manual clutch" four wheeler today .   It was still sitting where I parked it the day I came back to the house on the way to the emergency room .   It seems that pulling the strings on any finger makes all of them tighten up a little.   The pain patch works !  ;)

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by prechermike on 12/29/14 at 04:29:22

Way before my time my daddy worked at the milk plant in town, one machine waxed the paper cartons they put milk in and everything associated with it. The proper procedure was to shut the machine down and steam clean it to get the wax off, especially off the chains and sprockets. The improper procedure was to use your finger to pop the wax out of the chain links before it went into the sprocket. You can guess what my dad did. Worked out fine, until chain, sprocket and finger connected.

He mashed his finger right index finger off at the first joint. He talked about many doctor visits with the doctor telling him he was going to make his finger pretty, none of the mushroom shaped stuff that was common back in the day. The doctor would take some kind of snips and trim the end of the finger, basically whittling it down. Daddy said the dr would slide his glasses down on his nose and snip away, pieces flying around the room. Occasionally, the dr would hit a live part, and daddy would tell him it hurt. The dr would reply, I' didn't feel anything and never slow down. In the end, it looked just like the last joint was simply pulled off, like a new end would just fit perfectly on there.

Daddy was right handed and never seemed to have any trouble, I believe he pulled the trigger with his middle finger, but that's the only change he made. And that bone on the end of his nub was bad when it came smashing down on your head! It was as hard as the bone underneath, he often amused us kids by busting things with it, besides our heads.

I have no idea how long it took him to get it toughened up or before he could use it, like I said that was before my time. But it never was a handicap to him. MMRanch, probably won't be to you either, once you get used to it.

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by MMRanch on 01/05/15 at 19:29:14

Should be ready about time the weather is :

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/15 at 22:06:05

Yikes... that looks painful...but...

An adventurous life is measured by scars...
Seems wasteful to leave this life without wearing this body out...

Congratulations on living this life, instead of just existing ....

Title: Re: Lost Finger Parts
Post by stinger on 01/05/15 at 23:37:44

I was born left handed. At the time of my accident I was 12 years old. The Dr. gave me three small rubber balls and said he wanted me to learn how to juggle. My next appointment was in a month and he told me I would be right handed from then on. He was right. At the end of the month I could write almost as well with my right hand as I could with my left before the accident. You will find that losing a couple of fingers is no big deal. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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