General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Good 911 documentary

Message started by tcreeley on 12/14/14 at 18:14:24

Title: Good 911 documentary
Post by tcreeley on 12/14/14 at 18:14:24

911, The New Pearl Harbor
This was a good documentary that I watched over the last few days. It is well done and provides some new information that I was unaware of. It goes beyond the 911 report. It is long 4-5 hours. It is hosted by an Italian site.
It asks questions that the 911 report does not answer.

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by TrevorKlein on 12/18/14 at 11:25:29

thankx for the website but gonna watch it later on as it is 4 hours later

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by RatdogWillie on 01/17/15 at 19:10:41

If it conflicts with the official conspiracy theory,
then Webster won't watch it.

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by WebsterMark on 01/18/15 at 17:35:18

RAT! Where the hell you been buddy?! Your little gremlins have been busy the past few months doing all sorts of mean and nasty things after getting marching orders from the secret cabal of Jews who run the world...  Can't wait to hear "the real truth" from you...

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by mpescatori on 02/02/15 at 05:40:46

687F6E79797079651C0 wrote:
911, The New Pearl Harbor
This was a good documentary that I watched over the last few days. It is well done and provides some new information that I was unaware of. It goes beyond the 911 report. It is long 4-5 hours. It is hosted by an Italian site.
It asks questions that the 911 report does not answer.

Thank you. I have bookmarked it.  8-)

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by pgambr on 03/24/15 at 16:33:28

This is a bit interesting.

UK Citizen Won Law Case That BBC Had Advance Knowledge of 9/11

A British judge ruled in favor of a UK citizen who said that the BBC’s premature announcement of the collapse of WTC Building 7 proved advance notice and constitutes a violation of the UK Terrorism Act as the BBC did not report to authorities that the BBC was told the building was down before the event happened.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by WebsterMark on 03/25/15 at 10:01:06

No, he didn't win anything. It was a conditional discharge. He owes 200 euro or something like that. if he doesn't pay, he could still be prosecuted. The judge said he didn't believe he had the authority to rule on the terrorism act. in fact, the judge said (and I quote): "Even if I accept the evidence you say, this court has no power to create a defense in the manner in which you put forward"
The judge did not want to get involved in this as it was a local issue involving a broadcast license. this is like hiring a lawyer to argue a speeding ticket by demanding the cops provide evidence the radar gun had been calibrated, etc....  Judges don't want to mess with it so they dismiss and ask for court cost. I've done this myself before. It is not any 'victory' at all.

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by pgambr on 03/25/15 at 17:14:55

I will cast the dissenting vote.  Like I mentioned in my first post, this is a bit interesting:

1)       A major international media outlet reported the event 23 minutes before it occurred.  
2)      Clearly, the BBC had privileged information.
3)       How did the BBC obtain this information?
4)      Although he did not outright win the case, he was given an unconditional discharge, which is a confirmation or affirmation of sorts.  The legal argument had enough merit to hold its ground in a court of law or they would have told them to pound salt.
5)      Incidentally, collapse of the WTC7 was not mentioned in the official report.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/15 at 17:37:56


we were sent to document the event

And how is it possible to send someone to document something unless you know it's gonna happen.

To be clear, I can Know something is gonna happen and not necessarily
Be responsible.

I don't know WHO is responsible,exactly, but I feel comfortable that there was involvement by some of our high level people.

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/15 at 06:48:27

The BBC explained what happened a thousand times. Wait for the next tragedy to unfold on live TV and count the number of mistakes commentators make as news trickles in. All morning there was speculation #7 would collapse. The news anchor misheard a comment and thought it had finally collapsed, that's all that happened. Nothing more. BBC executives were not involved in 9/11.

Title: Re: Good 911 documentary
Post by mpescatori on 03/28/15 at 03:28:09

Here's an interesting precedent...

"07/28/1945 - A U.S. Army Air Force B-25 crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in fog, killing 3 aboard and 11 on the ground."

So... a B-25 can crash into a brick&mortar skyscraper and it is still standing today...

...but a "bulletproof" hi-rise such as the WTC will crumble like a deck of cards ?  :-?

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