General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The real truth about amnesty

Message started by raydawg on 11/21/14 at 17:00:28

Title: The real truth about amnesty
Post by raydawg on 11/21/14 at 17:00:28

I believed all along the repubs, dems, and those in Washington, who meet behind closed doors, the real power brokers, see this opportunity to capitalize on the immigration issue.

Consider this, as evidenced by the low approval numbers for politicians, and the election results of no one is really safe anymore, they (the committee) decided they could use this working class as a means to address some of those nagging issue that are getting folks worked up.

They started with the minimum wage argument, why, so they could get more revenue into the coffers when these folk are forced into the "system".
Sure, it will be short-lived, but they will play it big when SS has an increase in contributions.

Folks, we are nothing more than an Amway Ponzi scheme that needs an influx of bottom rung participation to support the upper levels of the pyramid....
Remove the base, it crumbles.

We can now boast the coast of HC is lower as it is covering 5 million plus more instantly, what a great savings, eh?

And too, now war is almost inevitable, a lot of committee members make a lot of $$$$$ from it.
It will play really good too, in a patriotic sense, the good guy (us) the bad guy (them) and give all politicians fodder to flaunt their hard wotk on making the world safe, etc.

So now we have a fresh crop of soldiers who will be called on to serve.....
Spill their blood, not the blood of the well heeded aristocrats and moneyed committee members extended families, etc...


Title: Re: The real truth about amnesty
Post by pgambr on 11/21/14 at 18:53:05

I tend to think this EO was a means to garner future support for their party.

Title: Re: The real truth about amnesty
Post by raydawg on 11/22/14 at 07:57:37

Makes no difference, the two party system has become a facade, both only care about preserving their own collective wealth, using each other as allies, a diversionary tactic to keep the focus off their real goal.....

You have a much better chance of selling ice cubes to desert dwellers than those who live in igloos.....

Title: Re: The real truth about amnesty
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/14 at 21:57:10

IF there Really Was a difference then they would at Least repeal a law once in a while..

Title: Re: The real truth about amnesty
Post by Paraquat on 11/24/14 at 06:15:13

The best argument I heard was one I didn't even consider:
social security

Chew on that a while.


Title: Re: The real truth about amnesty
Post by Pine on 11/24/14 at 09:18:49

6077717D7262100 wrote:
I tend to think this EO was a means to garner future support for their party.

This   8-)

Title: Re: The real truth about amnesty
Post by pgambr on 11/28/14 at 03:23:32 » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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