General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!

Message started by Pine on 11/10/14 at 08:31:33

Title: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/10/14 at 08:31:33

Will it make a difference? I don't know... why did ti take so long... prolly politics as usual. he will be a lame duck soon, so time to get on  board the PUBLIC.

Now its time to see how much money Comcast will spend to undo this. Don't cry for them though... they can raise the rates to compensate... and have already.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/10/14 at 14:59:07

If you seriously believe that what just happened is gonna be beneficial to the people, youre not looking at it right.. Youre looking at Obamacare for the net,, This is gonna screw us,,

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by pgambr on 11/10/14 at 15:28:46

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
Youre looking at Obamacare for the net,, This is gonna screw us,,

"Net Neutrality is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government.

“[Net neutrality] puts the government in charge of determining Internet pricing, terms of service, and what types of products and services can be delivered, leading to fewer choices, fewer opportunities, and higher prices for consumers,” Senator Ted Cruz said.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/10/14 at 15:49:18

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
If you seriously believe that what just happened is gonna be beneficial to the people, youre not looking at it right.. Youre looking at Obamacare for the net,, This is gonna screw us,,

so, you'd rather have the corporations screw us instead of the government?

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/10/14 at 16:44:23

Ayyyup.. Fo Sho,, You get the goobs in it and youre GONNA get screwed to a wall.. Can you name the last time they did something that went in our favor? I can,, They broke up A.T & T. And that was a Looong time ago..

This is gonna have people running at dial up speeds for High Speed costs of today,, Guaranteed, this is a step Bakkerds for the People,,

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/11/14 at 05:31:20

I don't see where there's an issue that even requires a law to be considered in the first place. What's the problem?

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Paraquat on 11/11/14 at 06:19:52

The problem is that everyone on the internet is equal.
You can buy a candle from Fred's or you can buy one from a major manufacturer.
The major manufacturer isn't making money, but since money is the equivalent of free speech, the majority makes the rules.


Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 07:24:24

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
I don't see where there's an issue that even requires a law to be considered in the first place. What's the problem?

if the ISPs weren't almost monopolies in this nation there wouldn't be much of a problem, but they are, so this is really more of an anti-trust(not sure if I'm using that correctly here)  issue than anything else, it's the government regulating monopolies that the government help to make in the first place

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 07:59:40

here's the best explanation I've seen of this issue.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/11/14 at 08:33:01

As soon as the government gets involved, they will turn into monopolies.
I don't see ISP's as being monopolies currently.

If the issue really involves the question of whether or not Netflix or Amazon or YouTube for example can pay more to run faster, then I really don't have a problem with that.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Paraquat on 11/11/14 at 09:18:40

The problem is Netflix costs 7 dollars.
Comcast's basic package costs me 43 dollars a month. 65 if I bundle with internet.
So 43+7 = 50
Comcast is upset they only get 43 when they could be getting 65.
Although, half of something is more than all of nothing so they want a cut from Netflix.


Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 09:57:01

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
As soon as the government gets involved, they will turn into monopolies.
I don't see ISP's as being monopolies currently.

If the issue really involves the question of whether or not Netflix or Amazon or YouTube for example can pay more to run faster, then I really don't have a problem with that.

no, the issue really involves whether or not Netflix or Amazon or YouTube HAVE to pay more to RUN AT THE SAME SPEED THEY ARE NOW.

the reason the video used packages is because that's EXACTLY how the internet works, it delivers packets, and the ISPs are acting as monopolies in this situation exactly like the video describes

and yes the ISPs are monopolies now, I can't get ANYTHING but comcast for my internet, Alvin isn't a super small town, with 20,000 people in it, but there is NO AT&T, NO Verizon, NO CHOICE, I know of several people in Galveston with this same problem, they can get slow DSL or Comcast, not high speed DSL, and there are several MILLION people who can barely get internet at all because there is no competition to drive ISPs to serve underserved areas.

even Europe, as socialist as they are, has MORE competition for ISPs than we do, you don't see anything weird about that?

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 10:37:34

1E2F3C2F3F3B2F3A4E0 wrote:
The problem is Netflix costs 7 dollars.
Comcast's basic package costs me 43 dollars a month. 65 if I bundle with internet.
So 43+7 = 50
Comcast is upset they only get 43 when they could be getting 65.
Although, half of something is more than all of nothing so they want a cut from Netflix.


it's worse than that. Comcast offers video on demand, for a fee, usually 2-5 bucks a movie, they want you to buy that instead of NetFlix, which is $8 for unlimited streaming.  and that's just the tip of the iceberg at the moment, oh, and it's not just Comcast, Verizon and AT&T also offer video on demand services.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/11/14 at 10:51:32

Wow Jog I am soooo dissappointed.. Ted put his foot in his mouth and your buying it???

Net Neutrality.. and obamacare?? really??? And Yes I have thought this WAAAAAYYYY through.  Ted has been bought by Comcast.. or more likley just re-tweeted what Comcast told him to say.  

There is NO WAY Comcast has NOW or ever had good intentions for the customer.. basically they cant.. but thats another issue.

But you know what... I wanna hear how Ted dumbbutt Cruz has this right .. from you.. You tell me how I need to have Comcast determine what sites I can get too and what sites I cant. I wanna hear it.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/11/14 at 11:01:06

5C4B4D414E5E2C0 wrote:
[quote author=67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 link=1415637093/0#1 date=1415660347]Youre looking at Obamacare for the net,, This is gonna screw us,,

"Net Neutrality is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government.

“[Net neutrality] puts the government in charge of determining Internet pricing, terms of service, and what types of products and services can be delivered, leading to fewer choices, fewer opportunities, and higher prices for consumers,” Senator Ted Cruz said.

Ted is a politician and just repeated every line Comcast could come with.  AND its all BS.... complete and UTTER BS.

Comcast/TimeWarner already operate as a Monopoly... but with full retail pricing. That one fact blows all the above away.

Furthermore... thats taking one small and extremist prediction of the future.

Phone companies have a monopoly.. do they tell you who you can call? or when?

Comcast has owned DC for while and has WRITTEN all the rules for the FCC with regards to cable... I have been to site several times, and read through all the crap out there. What we have here is Comcast thought they could bluster all of DC and the WH to get even MORE control and more money, and the president decided to beat them up a little. Now Comcast has to back pedal and fearmonger.

Prices?? are you kidding??? we PAY THE MOST IN THE WORLD and dont rate in the top 10 for speed. NO thats just an outright fearmongering LIE.

I wanna punch Ted in the mouth.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/11/14 at 11:05:29

50736F685D6E68756F681C0 wrote:
[quote author=1E2F3C2F3F3B2F3A4E0 link=1415637093/0#10 date=1415726320]The problem is Netflix costs 7 dollars.
Comcast's basic package costs me 43 dollars a month. 65 if I bundle with internet.
So 43+7 = 50
Comcast is upset they only get 43 when they could be getting 65.
Although, half of something is more than all of nothing so they want a cut from Netflix.


it's worse than that. Comcast offers video on demand, for a fee, usually 2-5 bucks a movie, they want you to buy that instead of NetFlix, which is $8 for unlimited streaming.  and that's just the tip of the iceberg at the moment, oh, and it's not just Comcast, Verizon and AT&T also offer video on demand services. [/quote]

This is the exact issue the big ISP's were shooting for. Complete and utter domination of what you could stream.  A judge through out stopping them from doing this by saying they were not a utility... and the ISP's were gonna run with it. Now with Obama, saying whoa... the ISP's are scared.  

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/11/14 at 11:06:49

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
Ayyyup.. Fo Sho,, You get the goobs in it and youre GONNA get screwed to a wall.. Can you name the last time they did something that went in our favor? I can,, They broke up A.T & T. And that was a Looong time ago..

This is gonna have people running at dial up speeds for High Speed costs of today,, Guaranteed, this is a step Bakkerds for the People,,

I want you to explain this....

PS;; we already have the slowest for the most...

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/11/14 at 11:17:02

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
As soon as the government gets involved, they will turn into monopolies.
I don't see ISP's as being monopolies currently.

If the issue really involves the question of whether or not Netflix or Amazon or YouTube for example can pay more to run faster, then I really don't have a problem with that.

Web heres the problem:

Cable TV is dying, and the new delivery mode is internet. Comcast/Timewarner DO have a monopoly effectievly, and EVEN use that as an excuse for letting them merge  (another issue).  What ISP's want is to be able to decide what traffice goes at what speed. However.. and lets use TEd Cruz here... the would only last for a short time. Eventually Slow means DEAD.. I mean zero traffic. So the ISP gets to determine what traffic gets through and what does not.
Everyone wants to use Netflicks.. but hey lets use THIS WEBSITE.
So Comcast decide they want to get into Forum hosting, They will charge $50000 per month for a forum just like this one. Now your free to NOT use their hosting, but your traffic will be limited to 3 posts per day, or you can pay for "high speed" for $60000. Dont you love corps?

Oh wait you say.. fine I will jump to another ISP.. except those two own 95% of the US market... So for 95% of us we dont get to choose.

Comcasts retort.. oh we wouldnt do that, customers would leave.. REALLY?? and go where.. Dish? That is who Comcast says are thier competition... We cant leave.. there is no other high speed network.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/11/14 at 12:19:14

Admittedly, I need to look into this closer, but I still don't see the need for regulation. Your example of Comcast charging $50,000 is just not realistic. The corporation cannot kill off consumer demand. If they do, they're out of business. There are plenty of examples.

With the exception of taxes and property values, prices generally become lower over time  or the value of the product increases. It's either one or the other.

And yes I do love corporations because corporations respond to consumer demand.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 12:46:09

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
Admittedly, I need to look into this closer, but I still don't see the need for regulation. Your example of Comcast charging $50,000 is just not realistic. The corporation cannot kill off consumer demand. If they do, they're out of business. There are plenty of examples.

With the exception of taxes and property values, prices generally become lower over time  or the value of the product increases. It's either one or the other.

And yes I do love corporations because corporations respond to consumer demand.

not when consumers can't demand anything, consumers have no leverage here.  

now, this does depend on how you look at the Internet, if you see it as just another fun thing you have in your life that you can do without, then this probably isn't as big of a deal for you,

but if you see the Internet as a workplace tool, a way to find jobs, a way to communicate with your loved ones, a way to innovate and improve your life, a way to network professionally, a way to market, etc. . .  then this is more of an issue, it's actually a move to keep things more or less how they are, you want more speed, you pay for it and you get it, not less, they shouldn't get to use your paid service for their negotiating tactic.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/11/14 at 20:43:44

If the internet gets classified as a utility as Hopey-change wants, we're f 'd. It will be like Obamacare. The 'top' will get knocked down to the bottom rather than the bottom getting pulled to the top. I understand now what Cruz meant now. Speeds will slow down, service will suck, the internet will function like every other monopoly. Don't do it.

Consumers are not experiencing problems now and why would they in the future? As long as there is a demand for high speed, it will be available as long as government does not try to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 23:01:33

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
If the internet gets classified as a utility as Hopey-change wants, we're f 'd. It will be like Obamacare. The 'top' will get knocked down to the bottom rather than the bottom getting pulled to the top. I understand now what Cruz meant now. Speeds will slow down, service will suck, the internet will function like every other monopoly. Don't do it.

Consumers are not experiencing problems now and why would they in the future? As long as there is a demand for high speed, it will be available as long as government does not try to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

Consumers are experiencing problems now. I have ONE option for internet. It's not the best, and it's NOT cheap. but there is no competition to drive the price down. Comcast HAS abused their customers in the past, to make NetFlix pay more, not to make Comcast's customer's pay more, but to make NetFlix the company pay more. Service ALREADY sucks.

oh and Ted Cruz has received $47,000 from ISPs according to  now there are democrats who have received more money from ISPs as well, so this IS NOT a partisan issue

oh, and Net Neutrality is what we have NOW. so yeah, this move by the Obama may not be the most ideal solution, I get that, but if you want your internet service to be like your cable service, where the service sucks and you are being nickle and dimed for everything, then keep on supporting "free market" people like Ted Cruz who is PAID to take the corporations side on this.

I agree, more government regulation isn't the ideal way to solve this problem, but allowing monopolistic companies with a long HISTORY of abusing their customers run roughshod over consumers isn't a good option either.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/11/14 at 23:42:56

here's the deal, we both have the same fears, an unusable internet, but you fear government's over-regulation and I fear corporate abuse.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/14 at 04:30:03

And HOW OLd is the net? Is it showing ANY signs of being so terrible?

You want Perfect? Youre about to get the LEAST perfect you can imagine,,

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 05:19:24

61425E596C5F59445E592D0 wrote:
here's the deal, we both have the same fears, an unusable internet, but you fear government's over-regulation and I fear corporate abuse.

Correct. But I still say I see no problem now. My company's hq is in Sweden, our us hq in nj, I'm in St. Louis. My customers are all over the us. I use internet with no problems now 10 hours a day contacting these people continually.

And this implication Cruz supports this because of $47k is nonsense. They gave Cruz money BECAUSE he supports less regulation. He's probably supported less governmental regulation since the 3rd grade for crying out loud.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/14 at 05:36:45

1C3F2324112224392324500 wrote:
here's the deal, we both have the same fears, an unusable internet, but you fear government's over-regulation and I fear corporate abuse.

AT&T was a monopoly, the goobs busted them up years ago,, Until then YOU couldnt even own a phone, you leased it,,

Market pressures drive corporations, they dont just make Laws,, they develop policies.policies that drive the bottom line, THEY Can Go Broke if the Customer doesnt like the way theyre being treated..

Put the goobs in charge..

Now who goes broke?
Where do the people go to say they dont like a policy?
Yea,, look how thats goin..


Go read the Constitution,,

What is the JOB of the government?

Point to the part where its their JOB to run anything but the military..

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/14 at 05:52:48

You may not LIKE the source, but until you can SHOW me where the content is Factually Incorrect, This IS what is being planned. And, based on the history of the actions From DC, not just now, but in the recent decades, This IS what they DO. And, he is a lame duck, and, the mid terms are over, so, he is gonna DO what collectivist, global elite operatives DO. Nakedly, in public, unashamedly, AND still garnering the support of the same idiots who believed Obamacare was a good deal.
Some people Just wont learn.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 08:08:49

675552434455427D51425B300 wrote:
If the internet gets classified as a utility as Hopey-change wants, we're f 'd. It will be like Obamacare. The 'top' will get knocked down to the bottom rather than the bottom getting pulled to the top. I understand now what Cruz meant now. Speeds will slow down, service will suck, the internet will function like every other monopoly. Don't do it.

Consumers are not experiencing problems now and why would they in the future? As long as there is a demand for high speed, it will be available as long as government does not try to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

Web .. I am sorry but again this is just spinmeister non-sense. Tying Obamacare to Title II is like comparing guns and flowers.
Next: basically costwise... US ISP is a monopoly, and Comcast admits this, when convenient. So saying it will become a monopoly... silly statement.
Lastly: the ONLY reason Title II is being looked at is because Verizon sued so that they could double dip profits by charging both parties. The Judge said IF the FCC called ISP's a Title II then the ISP's could not do this, but as is they can... its all private.  So blame Verizon, not Obama.
Now explain can you back up the stements about stuff going up and down? Forget the ISP rhetoric... in your words how would you fix the situation.
Current choices are:
ISP control the content and speed ( and price)
Governement resticts control of content and speed

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 08:21:32

6D5F58494E5F48775B48513A0 wrote:
Admittedly, I need to look into this closer, but I still don't see the need for regulation. Your example of Comcast charging $50,000 is just not realistic. The corporation cannot kill off consumer demand. If they do, they're out of business. There are plenty of examples.

With the exception of taxes and property values, prices generally become lower over time  or the value of the product increases. It's either one or the other.

And yes I do love corporations because corporations respond to consumer demand.

Ok so busted I used outrageous prices.  What a more accurrate picture?

ComCast has UltraViolet as its streaming service.. it is a DIRECT competitor to NetFlix. UltraViolet is a function of RIAA. Prices are per movie and are about $6 - $10 EACH...  Netflix is a service to stream a movie for About $8 per month. There you go.

What is HAPPENING right now: Comcast is routing Netflix streams such that they get bottled up in the net. UltraViolet streams never have that issue as they get routed so that are delivered timely. Throttling? not really, Comcast say they don't throttle, but they cant say they don't give competitors as much grief ( and therefore the competitors consumers) as possible. AND to top if off they make Netflix pay extra!

No matter what a corporation is REQUIRED BY LAW to look out for shareholders values. That is above all else.. BY LAW.  Comcast has an effective monopoly, therefore they can charge ANY amount with near impunity and have for years.
As noted in one article, Comcast cable subscriptions went down for qtr 2 2014, but profits when up.. how? Comcast raised internet subscription rates to shore up cable losses. The existence of corporations do not insure low prices.. thats competition. which US ISP's DO not have.  

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 08:31:42

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
You may not LIKE the source, but until you can SHOW me where the content is Factually Incorrect, This IS what is being planned. And, based on the history of the actions From DC, not just now, but in the recent decades, This IS what they DO. And, he is a lame duck, and, the mid terms are over, so, he is gonna DO what collectivist, global elite operatives DO. Nakedly, in public, unashamedly, AND still garnering the support of the same idiots who believed Obamacare was a good deal.
Some people Just wont learn.

Jog... I will try and look at this at lunch. And have my retort. As I said Obama waited 6 years to say something ... I have zero illusions that his timing isn't political. I am not suddenly his biggest fan. I am for net neutrality... which actually is much more than just Title II.  

In fact.. if ALL I considered was money.. I would think that the Comcast has PAID for this whole thing.. both sides.. just so they can get some conclusion.. its been dragging for 10 years. Even if Comcast loses.. its becomes something they can fight. As it is .. its just not moving.  As always .. follow the money.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 10:38:01

Next: basically costwise... US ISP is a monopoly, and Comcast admits this, when convenient. So saying it will become a monopoly... silly statement.

Not a silly statement. My objection is turning it into a government regulated utility.

Current choices are:
ISP control the content and speed ( and price)
Governement resticts control of content and speed

The way you worded your choices makes for a clear answer. The first one of course.

I would rather have private corporates responding to consumer demands in charge of almost anything rather than government. Few exceptions of course, but they are few.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 10:39:58

The existence of corporations do not insure low prices.. thats competition. which US ISP's DO not have.

and are you saying government regulation of this industry as a utility will add competition?  Now that's a silly statement...

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 10:41:48

Now explain can you back up the stements about stuff going up and down?

Relative prices always come down for most goods and services over time in a free market.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 10:51:36

Now explain can you back up the stements about stuff going up and down?

Relative prices always come down for most goods and services over time in a free market.

I regretted writing that as soon as I hit the enter button because there's a lot more to that statement involving supply curves, demand curves etc...   But generally speaking, real prices for a product come down as technology improves performance. Example: when the first wave of adjustable golf drivers came out, the prices were $700. Today, you can get one better than any driver that was in that first wave for $300. Consumers wanted this product but not enough at that cost so mfg had to adjust. Flat screen TV sets, cell phones, laptops, tablets etc.. have all done the same. I pay more for my phone service today than I did 20 years ago, but I have more features today, so much so, what I do today from a communication point of view bears little resemblance to what I did back then when I had a land line and paid for each long distance call.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 11:47:04

655750414657407F534059320 wrote:
Now explain can you back up the stements about stuff going up and down?

Relative prices always come down for most goods and services over time in a free market.

I regretted writing that as soon as I hit the enter button because there's a lot more to that statement involving supply curves, demand curves etc...   But generally speaking, real prices for a product come down as technology improves performance. Example: when the first wave of adjustable golf drivers came out, the prices were $700. Today, you can get one better than any driver that was in that first wave for $300. Consumers wanted this product but not enough at that cost so mfg had to adjust. Flat screen TV sets, cell phones, laptops, tablets etc.. have all done the same. I pay more for my phone service today than I did 20 years ago, but I have more features today, so much so, what I do today from a communication point of view bears little resemblance to what I did back then when I had a land line and paid for each long distance call.

Actually I agree with you 100% .. except the US ISP is not an example of a free market. There is little to no competition.

Personally: the first cable company to come to my area started in 1979 or 1980, I know I was in high school. Theu offered a special, free install if you subbed while lines were being run, So I did.. yes, I in high school paid for cable to our house.  It was about $18. Here we are in 2014 and I pay over $70 per month. What failed? Simple: in this town there are two options, AT&T and Comcast. But due to CO's AT&T has many issues with real high speed internet. So really there is only one. But either way... wheres my price drop?
PS; no TV did not get 3 times better.. no matter how many food channels, garden channels, travel channels, sports channels, weather channels, news channels they add.  

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 11:52:05

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
The existence of corporations do not insure low prices.. thats competition. which US ISP's DO not have.

and are you saying government regulation of this industry as a utility will add competition?  Now that's a silly statement...

No of course not. I am saying there is no competition now, and ONE fix would be to have it declared title II, so that reality  and policy would meet and protections could be put in place.
I would prefer not to have title II, and have courts go back to saying that the FCC can tell ISP theys cant double dip and control content and speeds.  But according to the courts we cant do that if the service is just a privately owned non-utility.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/12/14 at 12:27:34

real world policy vs the un-existent free market alternative

real world policy, is sloppy, may not get great results but may protect against abuses of the system.

un-existent free market alternative - would require undoing 80+years of government granted "natural" monopolies

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 12:29:39

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
You may not LIKE the source, but until you can SHOW me where the content is Factually Incorrect, This IS what is being planned. And, based on the history of the actions From DC, not just now, but in the recent decades, This IS what they DO. And, he is a lame duck, and, the mid terms are over, so, he is gonna DO what collectivist, global elite operatives DO. Nakedly, in public, unashamedly, AND still garnering the support of the same idiots who believed Obamacare was a good deal.
Some people Just wont learn.

Paragraph2; Instead of me proving this false.. IW needs to prove anything in this is true. its not. Obama stated that he was for net neutrality and that if title II was neede to do so he would support that.  IW cannot prove that Obama mandated anything they wrote in the paragraph.

Paragraph 3: Obama did not say he would use EO, not even hint at it. Obama is severly limited in controlling Wheeler ( Chair FCC). Of course bill was drafted, but no EO was drafted either.

Paragraph 4: "there are no gatekeepers... there are no toll roads" Incorrect. Comcast and other ISP have FORCED netflick to PAY them to allow their content. Thus in a very real sense ISP are gatekeepers and do charge a toll. What they want now is the abilty to determine speeds based on packet data. So yes they want to be gatekeepers, that is what has been deadlocked all this time.

Paragraph 5: Really "good sources state" reveal the sources or get lost.  Oh as to:" Obama has already passe a law that if your site..." sorry that was BUSH. Mill Digital Copyrights act.. I worked in a library at the time, so yeah... We still have to teach students and faculty about that.  It also let Disney keep rights to Mickey Mouse even though time is way over due.

Paragraph 6: OMG so silly... net neutral means that packets move with out regard to content or address.  how fricking twisted to now say neutral means to packet sniff.

Paragraph 7: Really??  "The public at large are totally ignorant of how law is made. It is not crafted by Congress but politicians."  OK .. right there.. this is why you dont quote IW. So congress doesn't craft laws?  However, they are correct in that non-elected agenies then do go on to make "law" via regulations.

I could go on but lunch is loong over. This piece is not a good place on which to base judgement for net neutrality.
I suggest you lok at this vid and see if we cant find some common ground. To be honest the vid is from July and I cant recall if he is for or against Title II or if he even speaks to it. Remember Net Neutral and Title II are NOT the same.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/12/14 at 12:30:37

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
Next: basically costwise... US ISP is a monopoly, and Comcast admits this, when convenient. So saying it will become a monopoly... silly statement.

Not a silly statement. My objection is turning it into a government regulated utility.

Current choices are:
ISP control the content and speed ( and price)
Governement resticts control of content and speed

The way you worded your choices makes for a clear answer. The first one of course.

I would rather have private corporates responding to consumer demands in charge of almost anything rather than government. Few exceptions of course, but they are few.

as long as the services and prices are equitable then yeah, of course, but how do you trust a corporation, who's only motive and only master is profit to do that.  

its like would you rather have a benevolent dictator (the monopoly) or a regulated representative governement

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/12/14 at 12:34:44

Just because its o dern funny.. IW saying congress does not makes laws, politicians do....

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 12:54:41

PS; no TV did not get 3 times better.. no matter how many food channels, garden channels, travel channels, sports channels, weather channels, news channels they add.

That's your opinion things did not get '3 times better'. Given the market responded to the demand for those channels, I would say yes, things did get better and the real price did in fact go down.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/12/14 at 13:07:27

as long as the services and prices are equitable then yeah, of course, but how do you trust a corporation, who's only motive and only master is profit to do that.  

its like would you rather have a benevolent dictator (the monopoly) or a regulated representative governement

Like I said, I trust the profit motive of a corporation far more than a government agency with appointed decision makers delirious with power. Corporations innovate based upon my needs, governments innovate based upon what they think my needs are.

Greedy corporation gave us the motorcycle we ride, the computers we type on and the internet services that carry it. I have no idea, but I'm sure you are correct when you say the current situation is not completely a free market as it is in my industry for example. All in all, i'll side with the greedy corporation.

Besides, I'm a national account manager for a corporation and I know what we do. We respond to market demands for higher quality products that deliver value. We have to convince our customers to buy our products rather than our competitors products. The only way we can survive long term is to establish a reputation as the company to turn to when a problem arises. We beat our competition, we demoralize them, as Mike Tyson says, we want to eat their children! Our customers benefit from the greed of our owner whose greed is not necessary entirely for money but equally to reign number one in our industry. And in turn, almost everyone on this forum, has benefited from my companies products, but you would never know it.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by LostArtist on 11/12/14 at 13:41:23


this is an excellent video that explains a lot of the complexities of this situation.  

it does not champion government, it blames government in much the same way that Web and JOG do, as I've been saying, these are government created monopolies.  

this video goes into the HISTORY, the 80+ year history of this mess we are now in and explains it well, the jokes are delivered very dryly though and don't always come through well.  

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/12/14 at 17:46:38

You might be right,guys. I just have no faith in the goobs touching Anything and not making it wurser... track record and all that...

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/13/14 at 09:25:00

637C7A7D60675666566E7C703B090 wrote:
You might be right,guys. I just have no faith in the goobs touching Anything and not making it wurser... track record and all that...

Agreed... internet users in the US are in a bad state and ISP's have DC under thier thumb, or would not have this mess. The ONLY reason both DC and the ISP's have not been able to strong arm consumers anymore than they do is because there is whole net community that KNOWS want the real story is ( not that we are more enpowered by it). Unlike say the railroads for the 1800's or automobiles of the 1900's, the internet supports its own "intelligence" .. a community of hobbists and researchers that although they have to give control over to corps and governement.. they non-the-less know how the thing works or should work.

Again, I am not saying that government or corps are the good guys, instead they are in kahoots, with Joe Q Public the looser ( or at least paying for it).  

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/14 at 11:11:20

Ive thot more about this.. I am certain this is gonna be bad for Us.. The net is HATED by TPTB,

C&P from a post I made in a forum

And NOW the jerk wants US to believe HE is gonna Saaaayve us from The EEeevil internet providers by giving us Goob "protection" over services and costs under the NAME of Net Neutrality..

Uh Huhh,, I can see how this is gonna go. TPTB HATE with passion immeasurable the Fact that the Net allows US a way to communicate and unite for a cause and scream bloody murder when TPTB are stpeping on toes..
You dont believe it has worked to accomplish that?
Cliven Bundy's son wanted to fly. He and his daughter were Screened", till they missed their flight,, which meant they missed the family meeting they were going to, so, he went home,, BUT, he thot that Since he had been labeled a turrist, he decided he would see if he could still buy a gun,, Sooo,, he stopped in and Tried to. Noperz,, Mr. Bundy, YOU, sir, are on the "You cant buy a gun" list..

SOOO,, he went on home and posted the facts online.. In a matter of HOURS the FBI called him and told him he was cleared to buy a gun, now..

WHY? Because his complaint was acted on by a BUNCH of people and they Lit UP the phone lines,, and this was reported to have been on a weekend.. You doubt it? RESEARCH it and show me,, If Im wrong, hey, unlike some people,, I CAN admit it.. Im looking forward to finding out the report I heard was inaccurate..

Ive heard some "In POwer",, cant recall names or dates, but the general tone of it was

The internet was a mistake..

Anyone believing the same bunch who has brought us lies, ruin and closing coal plants down, raising electric bills,, all the steps I see are steps to Decrease OUR power, increase Their control.
This is Not a benevolent government. It IS tyrannical,, and, unless we change the way we deal with it, iyts gonna continue..
SO,, Pray,, pray For OUr Leadership, that their hearts be changed,, That THEY turn away from seeking selfishly,, and Become public servants,

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/14/14 at 14:32:32

OK this seems to have about run out of steam... i have been very vocal.. probably too vocal. I apologise if I can across as holier that thou on this subject.. but tis near and dear to me.. and it is something I have been following for many many years.

So prediction time!!
I predict that Obama after having said his piece .. is done with it. There will be no EO for Title II.

Further I predict that Title II will NOT become the law of the land. Before you jump for glee, understand the current status of the network cannot and will not continue. To date the net has been quasi-government(via universities) .. it will become private. As such (which is what the courts told Verizon) private corps will clamp down on thier parts of the net. Netflix, and hulu will go away or will be bought up (in name only) by ISP's and thier model will change to be like UltraViolet. TV cable will continue to diminish and most "entertaiment" will be via pay-per-view style over the net. General cost will go down, but to actually get any content you will have to pay extreme amounts of money.. to the ISP or (sometimes in a round about way). Speeds will continue to flounder as the private monopoly that exists will be more powerful than any other entity including govrnment. Afterall, you can have all the "free speech" you want as long as you pay US (ISP) to have anyone hear it.
Welcome to ComCast land .. try the green pill...... or else.    

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by pgambr on 11/14/14 at 18:05:23

Here's a rhetorical question, well sort of.  When was the last time either party passed a compressive bill that was done for the right reasons, without earmarks, and excluded special interest groups?  I can't think of one.  

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/17/14 at 14:10:30

4D5A5C505F4F3D0 wrote:
Here's a rhetorical question, well sort of.  When was the last time either party passed a compressive bill that was done for the right reasons, without earmarks, and excluded special interest groups?  I can't think of one.  

Seward's Folly.. the purchase of Alaska for ~$.02/acre seems to match that pretty well...

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by pgambr on 11/17/14 at 16:27:26

Actually, that is an excellent example.  Although, the purchase occurred nearly 150 years ago.   :-?  

Do you still have that v-star?

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/17/14 at 20:36:23

I keep hearing more and seeing it as a worse and worse thing.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Trippah on 11/19/14 at 21:05:10

There is no sense worrying about it.  Dow Chemical made sure we all live better through chemical enhancements to include a love  canal.  Can't beat that with a stick.  Please stop regulating the investment banks so we can leverage our money and cause a world wide financial meltdown (but a few hundred made billions).  Oh wait, you think the only the companies are evil.  Good heavens, the church says if your gay you are evil.  Another church says if you don't kill the nonbelievers you will go to hell; kill 'm and you get a lot of virgins.  Oh no, it isn't only the Church, the third leg is the government which has run wars big and small the entirety of my life and will do so till the really " big" one.  The guys at the top sell us shite and then ask us to smile so we can check on how white our teeth can be.  Give me a good motorcycle  and a naughty woman - the rest is all B.S.  Oh all right, through in a good Porterhouse also, thank you. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/21/14 at 14:03:39

445355595646340 wrote:
Actually, that is an excellent example.  Although, the purchase occurred nearly 150 years ago.   :-?  

Do you still have that v-star?

yep.. just spent near a grand to get it going again... so what was that about Yamaha quality? got it fixed just in time for the cold to move it... dabnab it...

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by pgambr on 11/21/14 at 15:11:09

Sorry to here that, that particular model is supposed to be extremely reliable as well.

Title: Re: WOOT Prez Obama does something RIGHT!
Post by Pine on 11/26/14 at 13:11:58

so well I had forgotten about this OLD video.  Note that date is back in May of 2014 .. and is well before Obama said anything about Title II.  The video was really posted about Comcast and TW .. but it does speak to Title II: » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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