General Category >> The Cafe >> Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website

Message started by savskad on 10/27/14 at 12:52:14

Title: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by savskad on 10/27/14 at 12:52:14

Hello, I'm not sure if this belongs in rubber side down or not since it's not a bike specific question.

I was just wondering what trip planning software/website y'all use. I personally am a fan of just jumping on and seeing where it takes me. However, this coming Sunday I will be making a trip with a group of people 5+ right now and wanted to plan out a route and hopefully be able to email it to everyone so we're all familiar with it.

I've come across sites before, but not sure which ones are good. I was today just trying to use My Maps from Google (Not their normal and after about an hour of screwing around with it, I gave up. It still seems to be in the beta phase as after 6 or so waypoints it started trying to tell me which route I should take, not listening to the one I WANT to take. Computers are slowly trying to take over!

Haha, anyways, free is best, but if there were a software that wasn't ridiculously priced, I'd consider buying it.

Anything smartphone compatible is that much better, just need to be able to pick specific routes, not just the quickest way. I like taking the nice, slow, country roads!

I've heard Microsoft Streets & Trips is decent, can anyone vouch for them?

As always, thanks for any advice!   :)

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by verslagen1 on 10/27/14 at 13:04:01

well you get what you paid for.
I just use google maps, there is a save feature that you can share with others.

What I'd like is a "gas buddy" feature that'll pop up gas prices every 100 miles along a route rather than every where.

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by Blinky-FSO on 10/27/14 at 13:21:02

Try Honda Trip Planner. You can share the trip as public and designate it to keep you off the Interstate if you want. You can set it up as trip "legs" also to plan your gas stops. Although I never have used the feature, I believe you can download the trip to various GPS and navigation devices. Free so take a look.The only issue is that the ETA estimates and stops are based on a Goldwing.

Good Hunting

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by savskad on 10/27/14 at 13:44:58

Maybe I'm just being picky...I have 6 destinations on the map I created on Google maps. After I completed the route ending up at the start point, it wouldn't save. Then after that it wouldn't let me add anymore point without trying to rearrange it all on me.

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/27/14 at 15:08:33

I use a road atlas and piece of paper and a pen. Map it all out old school.

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by savskad on 10/27/14 at 15:40:38

65535249547D58554F553C0 wrote:
I use a road atlas and piece of paper and a pen. Map it all out old school.

I like that best too, but when you have a group it's easier to figure everything out first so everyone is on the same page.

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by HondaLavis on 10/28/14 at 10:13:05

Planning a trip on your phone isn't always easy since they want o use their mobile versions.  I've found the Harley Davidson ride planner to be super easy to use.  You just keep adding locations, and you can still edit the route by dragging, as it uses google maps.  You can save your routes and share them with people, but that requires a login.  It only takes a minute or two to set it up.

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by sjaskow - FSO on 10/29/14 at 09:39:42

I used to use Google Maps, but I really hate the new interface so I've switched to since it does POI (Points of Interest) better.  Back in the dawn of the internet age, I used to buy Street Atlas from Delorme: since I could say "I want to stop every 100 miles" and it would pick POIs for me.  However, I haven't used it since about 1999 or 2000 so I can't say that it still does that.

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by MMRanch on 10/30/14 at 08:12:52

Just what you ordered !

Enjoy !   ;)  send / post some pictures ...  :)

Title: Re: Whats a good trip Planning Software/Website
Post by savskad on 11/04/14 at 13:40:24

Well I ended up just being more patient with Google Maps, was able to route it out after a little practice of having to deal with the little glitches it was having. Is an excellent site to look for rides in your area. I went ahead and added my ride to their site. in case anyone is curious. It doesn't have a "Trip Planner" but it can help you plan a trip if you want to discover more fun rides without having to physically seek them out (sometimes, however, thats the best way to go about it  ;) ).

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