General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Most Distrusted News Sources

Message started by pgambr on 10/21/14 at 10:26:25

Title: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by pgambr on 10/21/14 at 10:26:25

You know there's a problem with the media when Al-Jazeera is trusted more than NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. As Pew research's Journalism Project shows in the following table, the study attempted to measure not just whether people had heard of a variety of news sources, but which ones they really trusted when it came time to get straight info about politics and governments.

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by Pine on 10/21/14 at 11:52:06

Color me perplexed... So Rush is Liberal and MSNBC is conservative?

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by thumperclone on 10/21/14 at 13:05:03

172E2922332835470 wrote:
Color me perplexed... So Rush is Liberal and MSNBC is conservative?

no... those groups mistrust those shows the most
glad to see rush is so high on the list
my mil would carp if she knew

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by MnSpring on 10/21/14 at 19:19:10


So, reading,  "The Fine Print".

A,  Conservative,   'Trusts',  "RUSH",    More,
Because  they, 'Dis Trust",  MSNBC,  More?

Yea, I understand it.  But the way the, 'poll'  is worded,
it gives the,  OPPOSITE EFFECT !

WHO?   Did this Poll ?????????
Left or Right  ?????

 You do know, "Polls are like Prostitutes",
'once you lay them down, you can do anything with them'.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by mpescatori on 10/22/14 at 10:25:46

Well, it's nice to see a source I quote so much is among the most trustworthy.


Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by oldNslow on 10/22/14 at 11:13:54

25382D3B2B293C273A21480 wrote:
Well, it's nice to see a source I quote so much is among the most trustworthy.


I like BBC news also, but "trusted" and "trustworthy" don't mean the same thing.

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by Pine on 10/22/14 at 11:28:41

Many of those I do not consider "news source".. Colbert report??? Rush??? They are entertainers!! They not only admit as much BUT define themselves as such.  no wonder the US is in such a sad state of dis and mis information.

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by old_rider on 10/22/14 at 21:54:51

One question,
Who runs ?
Can they be trusted?
Hell I can put together a site with a name like

and there are still going to be people that will swear its the best news site on the internet

and unless there is an actual street address, where one could physically go there and see how they run it, you just can't say it is real.... even though they post "trusted" news sources "most" of the time.

You can fool some of the people most of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

If you got a key to that place, I wanna see it..... 8-)

Title: Re: Most Distrusted News Sources
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/23/14 at 18:08:25
LEW Rockwell
Alex Jones
Sometimes wrong,but not a constant droning of agenda driven lies.

WHEN wrong,these people admit it.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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