General Category >> The Cafe >> Goodbye to Sarah

Message started by Dave on 10/17/14 at 09:40:12

Title: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Dave on 10/17/14 at 09:40:12

We knew that this day would come - but it is never easy when it does.  Our 16 year old Black and Tan coonhound has reached the point where we need to say Goodbye.

She has been a part of our family for nearly all of our married life.  She has been a wonderful companion, guardian of the house when we are not home, and a play pal to our cat.  Sarah was easy going, laid back, and as kind and gentle as they come, and she has never started fight - but she wouldn't back down from a fight and was able to defend herself when she needed to and never came out of the fight a loser.  She has traveled with us and was always a welcome guest at other folks homes, we have gone camping, canoeing, family reunions....she was family!

She was unbelievable trusting, and would do anything I asked her to.  She really didn't like being in the water, and one day we were swimming in the pond and she was hanging around on the edge.  I had a big piece of styrofoam left over from our house construction, and I floated it up to the bank and asked Sarah to get on.  She walked onto the styrofoam and I floated it out into the water.  She just stood there calm as can be....and even repeated it later in the day so we could take this photograph of Sarah on her "iceberg"!

Our cat absolutely adores Sarah, and from the first day the 80 pound Sarah could play gently with the 10 week old kitten.  Whenever the cat sees Sarah he runs up and greets her.

Sure.....Sarah had an issue occasionally....just like any family member.  Her right ear was a constant battle to keep from getting an infection, and it is a battle that we never really won.  Sometimes she would drool without boundaries - but she had a couple of acres of underground fence boundary area and we could evict her from the house when the salivary glands were hyperactive.

It is a sad day in our lives - but Sarah has given all the love she can, and has even provided us years of "bonus time".  Her breed is only supposed to live 10 years, and all her siblings passed away years ago.

She is going to be missed.....she was a big part of our family.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/17/14 at 09:44:12

Sorry to hear/read about your loss.

That was a very touching tribute to such a good friend.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Drestakil on 10/17/14 at 09:52:29

Sorry to hear it. It's never easy to lose a pet that's become like family.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Grotsmack on 10/17/14 at 10:12:58

I too, feel for your loss. Our own Buster is coming upon those days, and my good buddy Charlie is not far behind him. I know when their time comes I will be a wreck, because they are family. These dogs are my "furry sons" and will be horribly missed. I pray your pain will be at ease my friend.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by stewmills on 10/17/14 at 10:31:23

Sorry for your loss, Dave.  

Had 4 inside dogs at one point and I understand how they quickly become family members and not just yard pets. I'm certain that she lived a good life with you all.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Dave on 10/17/14 at 10:51:37

333425372D292C2C33400 wrote:
I'm certain that she lived a good life with you all.

We did our best to be worthy.  She may be the only Coondog that would heal without a leash when we went on nightly walks, and we even got her a cat so she could have a pet of her own!

Sarah even had a limited modeling career....and is a "cover dog"! for a local band called "The Back Porch Hounds".

Some of the photos I posted I got from their website.....I just didn't seem to take many photos of Sarah that turned out well.  It is hard to photograph a dog that is mostly black, and have it turn out looking like anything more than an ink blot.

Thanks for all you support.


Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Blinky-FSO on 10/17/14 at 10:59:46

If you are truly blessed, you are allowed to experience this kind of friendship. I am not able to imagine a home without a loyal animal.

Best Regards

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by GBG on 10/17/14 at 11:15:08

Sorry to read this, Dave. In my 36 years on this earth I've been fortunate enough to have two dogs who spanned a total of 28. It's been two years since I lost my Lola, and I still step over the spot where she should be laying.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Dave on 10/17/14 at 11:18:35

One Christmas we were visiting family, and Sarah always came along for the long weekend as they live 300 miles away.  She could stay in the house with us if she wanted, or go outside as they had the same Pet Safe fence as we use at home.

One evening we were all sitting inside and my sister had her Cocker Spaniel in her lap, my niece had her little long haired Dachschund in her lap, and most likely somebody had a cat in their lap.  My wife and I were sitting on a narrow couch that only had room for us side by side...and Sarah came up and stood there staring at us.  This was not normal for her, and it sometimes was hard to tell exactly what she wanted.....but I motioned that she could come up on our laps....and she surprised us all by climbing up and laying down across both our laps.  I guess she wanted to show the other dogs that she had a couple laps of her own when she needed them!  She was never a lap dog.....except that one special time.  

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by stewmills on 10/17/14 at 12:27:43

I didn't know her, but I can say is that she definitely has good taste in beer (e.g. look in the background).  My favorite  ;)

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Tocsik on 10/17/14 at 12:43:41

Got a little tear in my eye as I send this, Dave.
You had a very special gift for a while there.  It's obvious Sarah was loved (and still is) as much as she loved you.  Our pup is almost 12 now and starting to have some health issues so I've had to think of life without Jack sometime in the future, and it's not an easy thought.

I'll raise a glass to your family this evening.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Dave on 10/17/14 at 14:54:28

6F68796B717570706F1C0 wrote:
I didn't know her, but I can say is that she definitely has good taste in beer (e.g. look in the background).  My favorite  ;)

She was assigned to the job of guarding the beer.  We were having an Old Time music jam that telling who might want to take one of your beers when theirs runs out! ::)

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Trippah on 10/17/14 at 15:58:22

Your pain will lesson, but keep the memories of Sarah alive for she was obviously a wonderful pooch.  My last dog was a black and white newfie and I almost never got a photo where you could see her face, that black on black is tough.  God speed to you all.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Todd James on 10/17/14 at 16:04:44

So sorry for your loss, Dave.
We're privileged that you chose to share it with us.

"God gives us love. Something to love, He lends us."
     Alfred Tennyson

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by arteacher on 10/17/14 at 19:05:38

I know how you feel- several times over. I have had 4 dogs and several cats that I have had to "release" from suffering the pain of old age over the years. We have favored Lab retrievers, purebred and crosses, all our lives.
The chocolate lab we have now will be our last as we will no longer be able to care for a dog properly. My advice is this: adopt a new friend quickly. It will help you through the grieving process immeasurably. Years ago we had to put down a friend and my wife took it very hard. Without telling her I went and purchased a young dog and let it go in the house. My wife heard the dogs nails on the floor and said "you better not have gotten another dog, I'me too upset right now" and the dog went up to her and put it's head on her lap, as if she knew my wife needed consoling.
Unfortunately, taking a friend to the vet and saying goodbye does not get easier, at least in my experience. I am not a very emotional guy, but the last time I had to do it the vet and a nurse had to console me for quite a while before they would let me drive home.
Again, my deepest sympathy.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by engineer on 10/18/14 at 08:39:26

So sorry to read about you losing your dog.  Pets become such an important part of families these days.  It is really a painful thing to put them down.  

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by runwyrlph on 10/18/14 at 09:08:45

Looks like a really good dog.  Sorry Dave

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by kimchris1 on 10/19/14 at 10:52:46

Dave, my heart aches for your and your wife's loss.
Your Sarah was a beautiful and loyal companion.
It was a year ago this past July that my Rottie
John Wayne had to be laid to rest.
I know how hard it is to have to go on and yet you
do have the wonderful memories and pictures that
you can never have taken from you.

I will offer this advice. Once your heart allows you to
think of doing so, check out your local humane shelter.
OH I do know how hard it is to see all those dogs there
and yet their is one or even possibly another that could
use a good home and enjoy your companionship.

In the past year we have adopted 2 dogs from the Humane
Society. Buster is a 7yr old Pug.
Goldie is a mix terrier and was 3months old.
Both are unique in their own ways and continue to make
us laugh and feel loved in return.

Again hugs to you and your wife for your loss.
Maybe in time you will find a small dog to ride
in a carrier on the back of the bike with you.
Hugs.. Kim & Genie

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Jeff71 on 10/23/14 at 09:42:59

Sorry Dave. We have a 16.5 year old diva of a cat and we know we only have a few more years with her. It's something we don't want to talk about.
We had to give our other kitten away to a farm years ago. YEARS ago. and it still rips me up to this day.
We only grieve because we remember how much good we received.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Pine on 10/23/14 at 12:44:16

All love for "big ole dogs" .. though most of my were just pound pooches. As a child we had a german shepard.. so i was always around BIG dogs. They never scared me. So when my young wife and I went looking for a house, it shocked her ( but not me) when I pulled up in a drive and had two big ole huskeys bounding towards me. I casually opened my door and was greeted by the two with slober and licks and so much hair. I asked the owner if they knew where the address was and complimented them on thier dogs. ANd they on me for being a 'dog person". Meh I actually like both, but yeah big ole dogs.. pretty rule.

Now I have to go watch ole yeller...

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Dave on 10/23/14 at 13:25:49

Thanks for all your support.  It is getting just a bit easier each day.  It will be a week tomorrow afternoon.  It is a big change as she no longer greats me with her wagging tail each night as we come down the gravel driveway....somehow she could tell time and was there to meet me when I would come down the gravel drive.

I buried her in a nice grassy area near the pond.  We plan on planting a Burning Bush to mark her resting place.



Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Steve H on 10/23/14 at 18:59:53

So sorry about your dog, Dave. It's always hard to lose a 'member of the family'.  They give us so much love and happiness. The memories can never be taken away. We always wish we could have them around just a little longer.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by ZAR on 10/23/14 at 19:20:48

Dave I feel for you. We had to let our girl Claire go this past Christmas. Even though she was not the first we had to let go on it's still painful. You never forget them,just smile more when you remember her antics!

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by LostArtist on 10/23/14 at 20:19:35

sorry for your loss, dogs are some of the best people, better sometimes.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by S-P on 10/24/14 at 22:29:26

Dave, Man, I'm so sorry to hear that. We lost 3 dogs in the space of 8 months. It is hard. My condolences to you and your wife.
"A dog is better than I, for a dog loves and does not judge." Abba Xanthios 5th Century.

Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by savskad on 10/26/14 at 21:12:58


Your story has me getting all teary-eyed over here. She's a beautiful girl, she will be missed dearly, I'm sure. When I was growing up, my dad had a couple dogs, 2 dalmatians, 1 was a mix (Roxy), the other purebred but spotless (Amy). When Roxy passed, I believe I was younger and didn't really see my dad's reaction. However when Amy passed, it's the first time I ever remember seeing my Dad cry. She had been a "rescue" but of a different sort. There were some purebred dalmatian breeders who had her and were going to put her down as a puppy just because they didn't want anyone to question the purity of her siblings. My Dad took her to save her, one of the sweetest dogs we ever had.

It's amazing just how they truly do become our best-friends. My wife and I have a little Chihuahua Poodle, Niko, he's sitting right here looking at me as I'm writing this. He wants me to throw his ball for him, loves to play fetch. He's 3 years old now, and it seems like yesterday when we got him. I do not know WHAT I will do when his time comes. I try not to think about it.

I can hardly imagine what you're going through. Offer you my best wishes Sir. She's in a better place now, happily floating on her iceberg.  :)


Title: Re: Goodbye to Sarah
Post by Art Webb on 11/30/14 at 10:54:59

Just now saw this, so sorry for your loss
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