General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Google this.......

Message started by raydawg on 10/04/14 at 07:58:13

Title: Google this.......
Post by raydawg on 10/04/14 at 07:58:13

Due to a circumstance that arose in my life with loved ones, it gave me the motivation to look into the reasoning why people need to be right.....

HA, I went there ( Need to be right ) with the hope of "arming" myself with insight into how I could use this information to bolster my argument against them, when/if we visit the "disagreement" again  :P

I got schooled  :o

Google " need to be right" and perhaps learn a thing or two about yourself  :-*

Title: Re: Google this.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/14 at 08:57:51

I'm going to do that,because I've already given it a lot of thought. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I have even pointed out some of the emotional,self protection,unwilling to see the truth,because THAT would require admitting to ones self ithat they had been wrong and it's emotionally safer to deny the facts than suffer the pain of being wrong,which comes with the necessity of change in many areas of life. When ones entire "Concept of Reality" is based in lies and propaganda,it makes admitting that a very difficult thing,because the consequences of that are that Now you'll see the world through a different pair of eyes.. My wife literally cried. I kept showing her evidence that contradicted Normal Happy " I am an American,we are number One, Land of the Free,raahhraahhraahh" b.s.,, she said
Please don't change my reality....

But, now she is Happy, because she sees Through the lies..

I went looking,just post a link to whatever it is you think explains it.

Title: Re: Google this.......
Post by thumperclone on 10/04/14 at 10:58:26

ignorance is bliss

Title: Re: Google this.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/14 at 12:12:04

Yep, but it wont help a guy know what to do.. Just continually believing as the majority believe isnt helpful, to the individual OR society as a whole..
I REMEMBER when I finally found the information that proved to me that what my Gut Instincts had TOLD me was going on. I was Physically uncomfortable for 3 days. My Axis, my core beliefs, that I had been instilled with thru school, media and family, were GONE. I had to UNlearn the BS and go out and dig up historical evidence that supported the new base idea, that we had been not just lied to, but Literally brainwashed, into believing the goobs love us and that Murca is Number One and some kinda global Boy Scout.. Nooo,, we have been taken over, from the top, and we are the Globalist, Eugenicist, Mobs Thug arm, and OUR People are having the fruits of Their labor Harvested and Used to take OUR freedoms and spread war around the globe.. WE are making THEM wealthier and helping them consolidate power.

And SCREW YOU buncha little imps who are paid to record and read and report on people like me,, You Dont REALLY think that the powers you work for trust or respect YOU do you? Theyll kill you as soon as theyre done with using you.. You betterGET on the right side of ALL of this.. You can make Snowden look small.. Come out,,TELL what youve been getting paid to do,, You just Think the price is too high.. Just wait till you see whats in store for people who would screw their own country,screw their neighbors and friends,, They can DO anything to us.. Rebel,, see what happens.. Why,, the things they can put on a computer,, they can make ANYONE look bad.. You too.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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