General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What's for dinner?

Message started by Paraquat on 10/02/14 at 06:05:43

Title: What's for dinner?
Post by Paraquat on 10/02/14 at 06:05:43

With this natural sugar vs aspartame debate going on, chickens with IV's of hormones, cows eating recycled cows, GMO corn...

What's left? What can I eat?


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/14 at 07:19:42

Go look for local providers.

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by thumperclone on 10/02/14 at 07:57:24

beer!! there's a loaf of bread in every pint

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Pine on 10/03/14 at 09:15:38

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
Go look for local providers.

Funny you say that... though the farm is now long gone... my father in law, was a dairy man and while doing doing so, we could always count on him to "split" a bull with us. Generally 4 ways ( he had 3 kids). The cots were very small, $100 up front, maybe $100 for his food, and $75 at slaughter to the butcher ( thats each).

But what you got was:
beef with NO hormones or anti-biotics (at least none during the 3 months leading to slaughter)
Freash - and yes it smells and tastes different
Cut the way YOU want.. ok well mostly. Dern local butcher,,, while not lazy.. sure was not of the.. to make any more work than he had to. Still he was good at what did. We would stand there and watch him cut out meat and make sure to point out what we wanted. ( more roasts or more steaks, or more hamburger)
Oh .. and I learned that I really dont like triple ground beef..its mushy!

Fresh veggies!!  hard to beat fresh greens, but dern they cook down t nothing!

REAL ( non zombie) tomatos... I can hardly stomach those red things they pass off at the walmart as tomatos..

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Paraquat on 10/03/14 at 09:33:12

I got something in the works for you, JoG.
Give me 'til the end of October.


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/14 at 09:52:36

Duude,you gotta at Least gimme a Hint..

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Paraquat on 10/07/14 at 07:07:11

Ok. I'm posting this from my phone so forgive me if pictures are 99 degrees or upside down.
My idea? A grow box.
The idea is not new. I'm sure some of you that survived the 70s know what these are. Probably had one of your own.
But for veggies.
Disclaimer: I don't know anything about gardening. I barely know enough about computers. (
My prototype is very cheap just to prove it out.
I took an old shipping crate. I made it a little bigger and sided it with a piece of OSB I had laying around. ( (
I've been reading about plants and they actually grow best with red and blue lights. A NASA study says 80/20.
The red stimulates chlorophyll production and flowering while the blue promotes internode production and stem strength.

I'll be using LEDs for lighting, which means I'll need a heater.
I could do this all with simple controls but that's no fun.
There was some record cabbage in Alaska. IIRC it was ~127 lbs. They only had 4 months of summer but 16 hours of sunlight in the day.
I'd like to manipulate these parameters. (
So I'm using an Arduino. A small computer that runs C/C++. (
Coupled with temperature, humidity, and soil moisture sensors. ( ( ( (

if this works I can upscale and diversify.
Imagine 5 or 6 of these babies, each one with an ecosystem tailored to the crop.
No pests, no pesticides, no chemicals.
And the water pumps, LEDs, and all components (except for a heater. I haven't sourced a heater yet) are 12 volt so I can run them off a battery and charge them with a solar panel.

I have a PWM and some ni-chrome wire. I might make a heater or buy a ceramic aquarium heater.


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/07/14 at 07:14:56

There are mats made that are heaters. The cost of fluorescent is low..

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by mpescatori on 10/10/14 at 02:20:16

How about we share some recipes ?

I'm bed-ridden with the flu (ordinary kind)  :P

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Paraquat on 10/10/14 at 06:04:12

I tried trading my chili recipe on another forum. No one ever replied.

What have you got in mind?


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Paraquat on 10/21/14 at 11:15:21 (
What's going on in the box? I don't know.
If I attach a serial monitor the device resets itself.
So I added an OLED screen. (
It's not inside the box yet. It's just sitting on my kitchen counter top.
It's in a chive. I had the chive and it's consistently grown back year after year on my porch even though I never watered it so I figured this guy is a good candidate. (


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Pine on 10/21/14 at 11:59:29

Actually...... Steve

I was thinking months ago when my mother gave me me some house plants  for the office how cool it would be to have a USB based system to self-water my plants. I pictured some cute water container (old train water depot) and maybe a train engineer with a tiny hose that sat on the plant-pot rim.  Even if it was just a timed thing .. it would be cool.

well at least as cool at other cube toys...

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by thumperclone on 10/21/14 at 13:01:09

darn quart talk about over engineered...
compost enriched soil kept moist and light walaw yous got veggies

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by old_rider on 10/21/14 at 13:16:45

I use what I got sometimes also....was thinking of turning the 3rd bedroom into a plant room for the winter...
But the humidity thing might not be good for the wallboard, might have to get a dehumidifier.
I was planning on using some of those shallow plastic containers that you put Christmas paper rolls in, and make some shelving.
Hang some buckets from the ceiling for tomato plants..... ect...
Just haven't gotten around to it yet.... but would give me a daily task, to get me off my butt...(still haven't had the back surgery yet)

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by Paraquat on 10/22/14 at 06:14:56

Like I said, I'm not the first to have this idea.

This guy is a little long winded but he has some nifty ideas.
He melted some PVC to make a portable, upright garden. It's somewhere in the middle. Initial investment is ~$350 and after 2 months he thinks he can make it pay for itself. Although it helps, in his case, to have an entire hydroponic water filtration setup and be in a warm, sunny climate.
I couldn't stand listening to him repeat himself so I skipped around. Like I said, good ideas.

Connecticut is the problem. Sunny and 70's last week. Frost warning on Monday. Rain and mid 50's for the rest of the week. Not conducive to growing.


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/22/14 at 12:38:41

Mikky D's profits are falling.. Yet, Gates decides its a good buy. Monsanto has a guy on the board.. Yea, eat there.. Eugenecist central.

If we do a REALLY good job with our vaccine program we can get the population growth in Africa down 10, maybe 15%..


Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by old_rider on 10/22/14 at 21:38:20

I love all the reports that McDonalds Is "falling" or "failing" because profits are down.
Wanna know why?;_ylt=AwrBEiTfhEhU6BMADk3QtDMD

But i'm here to tell you why Gates is saying buy, buy, buy.... because those stores will open again, and while prices are down, it makes sense to buy cheap and sell when it goes back up.

Wish I had his billions.....

I really like the story about Shitpolte's taking McDonalds down...rofl !! McDonalds makes more money in the state of Iowa than Shitpolte makes in the whole of the US.

I don't care if McDonalds is poisoning our minds with pink slime infected with zombie viruses that will make us bend to their will.... i'll still go there and get my dang fix of fries at least once a week....

My new saying is "It's as American as: Football, Hotdogs, Apple Pie and dangit McDonalds Fries!" (to hell with chevrolette)

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/23/14 at 07:19:59

I think youre wrong,, and heres why.. Just as Americans are awakening politically, theyre awaking nutritionally, and they KNOW thst FOOD cant be purchased for the $$$ of a "meal" at McD's.. Its Garbage and they know it,, people are stopping that. Theyre voting with their dollars..

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by old_rider on 10/23/14 at 17:26:54

Yeah, the ones that have JOBS......

Title: Re: What's for dinner?
Post by savskad on 10/27/14 at 06:52:03

7D617C64796C7B6A6566676C090 wrote:
beer!! there's a loaf of bread in every pint

I'll drink to that!  :D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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