General Category >> The Cafe >> Nickel to copper transmutation energy

Message started by Oldfeller on 09/26/14 at 09:01:23

Title: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 09/26/14 at 09:01:23

"LENR is absolutely nothing like either fission or fusion. Where fission and fusion are underpinned by strong nuclear force, LENR harnesses power from weak nuclear force — but capturing this energy is difficult. So far, NASA’s best effort involves a nickel lattice and hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions are sucked into the nickel lattice, and then the lattice is oscillated at a very high frequency (between 5 and 30 terahertz). This oscillation excites the nickel’s electrons, which are forced into the hydrogen ions (protons), forming slow-moving neutrons. The nickel immediately absorbs these neutrons, making it unstable. To regain its stability, the nickel strips a neutron of its electron so that it becomes a proton — a reaction that turns the nickel into copper and creates a lot of energy in the process.

According to NASA, 1% of the world’s nickel production could meet the world’s energy needs, at a quarter of the cost of coal. NASA also mentions, almost as an aside, that the lattice could be formed of carbon instead of nickel, with the nuclear reaction turning carbon into nitrogen. “You’re not sequestering carbon, you’re totally removing carbon from the system,” says Joseph Zawodny, a NASA scientist involved with the work on LENR."

This one strikes me as a better, "self cleaning" reaction material since the nitrogen produced is a gas which leaves the surface, exposing a brand new reaction ready surface.   The other one's nickel copper system is self-sealing over time whereas the carbon one is cheaper, more abundant and self cleaning.

"So why don’t we have LENR reactors yet? Just like fusion, it is proving hard to build a LENR system that produces more energy than the energy required to begin the reaction. In this case, NASA says that the 5-30THz frequency required to oscillate the nickel lattice is hard to efficiently produce. As we’ve reported over the last couple of years, though, strong advances are being made in the generation and control of terahertz radiation. Other labs outside of NASA are working on cold fusion and LENR, too: “Several labs have blown up studying LENR and windows have melted,” says NASA scientist Dennis Bushnell, proving that “when the conditions are ‘right’ prodigious amounts of energy can be produced and released.”

Read up on the three stories above and realize that the second story's reactor vessel and research was just purchased outright by a top secret classification GE subsidiary.

"The North Carolina company that purchased Andrea Rossi’s e-cat Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) technology Industrial Heat LLC could have some connections to General Electric (GE) and a North Carolina company called Power Generation Services, Inc. or PoGens."

Of course the very first thing they are going to do is remove the word Nuclear from the description, since nuclear in any form is "bad" in the public perception right now.   QUAR is the new name for what is going on in there, meaning QUAntum Reaction since a series of quantum changes take place, with no distinct splitting or direct fusion of one atom to another.   Literally, they vibrate the base material in a gas bath of hydrogen, base material sub atomic items change states, get excited, intermingle with the hydrogen, go to another state, drop another particle (a proton ie charge differential electricity)  and then it all calms down to a lower energy state -- with atoms of the base material quietly becoming another atom on the periodic table when the new rest state is achieved.   Heat energy and +DC+ electricity is released.

Two control inputs are are available to keep things in check, the amount of hydrogen available and the "exciter gun" that does the vibration enhancement.    Plus you could quench the whole thing in water as a dampener if you wanted to "put it out" in an emergency.

:)     Yup, we may live long enough to see some cheap clean energy become available.

Title: Re: Did you know that cold fusion is working today
Post by verslagen1 on 09/26/14 at 11:32:18

What I take away from this is... "we had an accident and it was good"
Since a few labs have blown up I'd say they still don't know what they're doing.

And 1% of all nickel will supply all the world's energy needs.
So in 100 years we're outta nickel and sucking on rocks again?
And apparently they can do the same with other element combinations...
like maybe the ones that blew up the lab?

Title: Re: Did you know that cold fusion is working today
Post by Oldfeller on 09/26/14 at 11:46:06

Here is the good news -- they made enough output energy from these experiments to melt them or to explode a couple of them, but they made no killing radiation levels and the lab guys all survived to keep on trying.

Sounds like there is something there to pursue, anyway.

Title: Re: Did you know that cold fusion is working today
Post by Oldfeller on 09/28/14 at 06:01:02

This Italian guy Rossi had sold his reactor to a company called Industrial Heat, LLC  that is loosely associated with GE and some top secret US gov agencies.   They had him sign a military grade non-disclosure and hired him to work for them, so Rossi simply couldn't answer the questions other scientist put to him any more.

So,  Rossi got snubbed by his peers as a fraud.   The North Carolina company that now owns his original work put in a series of patent requests, but these were put on hold due to lack of confirmation of functionality.   Rossi's personal base patent on the basic idea was also put on hold due to lack of confirmation of functionality.

So, Rossi was given permission by Industrial Heat, LLC to do a technical confirmation at the University of Bologna, to be done by a team of renown scientists, with the proviso that the equipment would not use the also patented steam generation/cooling equipment and the reactor would be totally sealed such that all products (and any changed materials) would be preserved for analysis (and nobody could see the functional particulars inside the sealed chamber).

A technical run that could allow the patents to go forward, but not show any top secret details in other words.   This was agreeable to all parties, including the Patent Office.

There were two test runs of the E-Cat HT:

The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

The authors also note various assumptions they made about the test and that they weren’t in control of all of the aspects of the process but they apparently didn’t consider any of these to be egregious enough to be showstoppers.

And now, the big reveal … the authors’ conclusions:

… if we consider the whole volume of the reactor core and the most conservative figures on energy production, we still get a value of (7.93 ± 0.8) 102 10^2 MJ/Liter that is one order of magnitude higher than any conventional source.

OK, folks believe it now.   They admit that the totally sealed container got red hot and stayed that way for over ONE HUNDRED HOURS after the input power got cut off (and it actually got hotter to boot).   Furthermore, the reaction could be turned off and then restarted and it functioned in the same manner on restart.

Then the panel of renown scientists signed military grade top secret non-disclosure agreements and were then allowed to cut open the sealed vessel after they carefully collected all the gas inside, but they were not allowed to distribute any of this information that is now considered both patented and top secret.

The US Navy is now involved, so think radiation free submarines and aircraft carriers and such and you can see their points of interest.

It seems to be real .....  it gives a high energy output and does not emit a lot of radiation and it has no hazardous waste products akin to what a plutonium plant would have.

Military and their secrets -- ya gotta love them.

Them Italians apparently have some real loose lips thought ...... ink warn't dry on their "shoot me" non-disclosure agreements and they went and leaked a rough sketch of the internals.

Title: Re: Did you know that cold fusion is working today
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/14 at 09:30:32

Hooo,Geeeze, cheap,safe energy,,,,can't let that cat outta the bag.

Title: Re: Did you know that cold fusion is working today
Post by verslagen1 on 09/28/14 at 10:06:14

Now if they can create a process to turn the toxic plutonium crap they got now into harmless crap then we got something.

Title: Re: Did you know that cold fusion is working today
Post by Oldfeller on 09/28/14 at 15:50:00

Guys, it ain't that hard to do.   Well, the tetrahertz generator technology is cutting edge enough but the reactor and the nickel beads and the hydrogen sure aren't anything but "state of the standard stainless steel plumbing".

There will be patent wars and competing camps and every first world military will have a crash program going on and the spies will be stealing each other's stuff right and left all along.

Industrial Heat, LLC and GE will have a few commercial power generating products coming out shortly as they make money by building stuff and selling it.

After all, the steam produced needs the GE turbines and generators to turn it into motion and from there to electricity, etc. etc. etc.

And yeah, it will kick over a whole new wave of industrialization and progress and a whole new infrastructure will be based upon it.

The old coal power plant infrastructure will eventually cash out since it can't compete (look at the energy produced gap between oil/coal and this stuff) and there will be a lot of petro companies trying to squelch this stuff and get in on the ground floors here and there, etc.

Tesla Auto is now quoted as working with the group, but hey it could be GM or Ford doing the car work just as easily.   Ford holds patents on steam cars from way way back in the day that they got when they bought out Stanley Steamer.


If I were a rag-head country that has been funding jihadism, I would very quickly stop all that stuff since my oil will be likely useful only as a lubricant going out into the future and I have now lost all my dollar power and "special protection" that governments were according me.

If they can get the carbon version to run more calmly, then they will really have something.   Carbon is CHEAP and very abundant.   Big big power generating plants may run carbon, and the smaller more mobile ship and train sized plants may run nickel.   Nickel can go smaller, for cars, home heating, etc. since nothing leaves the reactor core and, as we have seen, the core can be quite small and still work just fine.

Al Gore and his "carbon credits" scheme will hit the dirt too -- sorry Al, go invent the internet for us again.



Why the secrecy?   Suppose you pre-impregnate a considerable mass of nickel (or carbon) with hydrogen then give the whole impregnated mass a singe very very strong tetrahertz vibration energy burst?

Yup, we might jest want some controls over this technology and if it is really that simple to do it then maybe those tetrahertz generators should remain top secret "black boxes".

The world is not a friendly place right now .....    business reasons alone would require strong secrecy until all patents are filed and approved.

Title: Did you know that fusion/transmutation works ???
Post by Oldfeller on 09/28/14 at 16:52:34

Rossi Fights for his Patent (More from E-Cat Patent Amendment)

here is the link to the patent amendment

If they try to screw Rossi out of his patent rights he should get him a whole sea of pro-bono lawyers who will represent him (their payment pending his win).

Those trying to do the screwing would do well to remember that old adage "Payback is Hell".


Also note that this is not cold fusion -- it ain't cold, it is red hot to get it started and it stays under 30-40 psi of hydrogen pressure the whole time.

LENR is being objected to for the name as the reaction isn't nuclear as is currently described in the nuclear patent literature.

Look for the name QUAR (QUAntum Reaction) to become the proper legal term that may get mongrelized into QAR fairly shortly.  

Just trust that nobody wants to use the term "nuclear" as as that implies all the radioactive waste products & "dangerous all the time" baggage that goes along with using that nuclear word.


... and yes, some idiot will try to excite some lead powder intending to mint the resulting gold, but the lead will melt and it jest won't work right -- plus lead vapor is toxic as hell.

Title: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 09/28/14 at 17:40:38

First pilot plant is now admitted to be in existence -- it is a 1 megawatt plant and it sits a a customer's facility as some sort of commercial heating plant.

What is it?   An industrial heating plant most likely.   Non-military.   It is already built and it is running and it is undergoing debugging and tuning as we speak.

A submarine uses steam generating plants around the 50 and 100 megawatt size and aircraft carriers use still larger plants (and at least two of them for fueling & redundancy).   The Navy will wait for GE and Westinghouse to give them competitive quotes on developed products .... but trust the ship planners and designers to start incorporating liquid hydrogen storage tanks, etc into some blueprints under development ASAP.

Once again, all this secrecy stuff is a bit aggravating, but you can see now that the patent stuff has been handled that this will all move out from behind the curtain, to be revealed at a pace that the current property owners Industrial Heat, LLC  decides to reveal it.    They paid Rossi 11 million dollars for his first reactor and hired him to work for them under non-disclosure that binds all future work developing the idea to them, not Rossi.  

Rossi as the primary patent holder for his ideas and work prior to the sale will collect a royalty payment, I am sure.

Industrial Heat, LLC has large customers who will control what is known about their own new products that they are currently developing.   Expect patents out of these guys as well.

Trust GE to patent the hell out of electrical generating plants and ship and train plants, everywhere that Westinghouse or GE currently goes expect new patents to be released shortly as soon as "prove out" pilot units can be built by the current competitors in that industry.

Rossi as a person however has trouble keeping his fingers quiet, he posts stuff sporadically to massage his ego and to actively tease his critics as not being able to tell anybody anything is apparently more than he can stand.

Industrial Heat, LLC has put out a bunch of patents pending on what they have done in the short time they have owned the Rossi process.   HOWEVER, Rossi still owns the core general patent on the very base idea which has just moved forward again since he was just now permitted to show that hell yes, it really does work.


.... now what is really whacked is all the stuff Rossi has leaked out that had gotten him hooted at by the scientific community, with "assembly lines being set up to make thousands of units" being the very last item they so strongly and publicly ridiculed him over --  joke is on them, it was all true.    

The core they tested might well be an early production process version of  "the standard commercial heating plant core" ....
This core doesn't look hand built or poorly finished, does it?   Roll crimping/welding the end caps isn't generally done apart from a production type process.

Scientists in general are a bunch of closed minded know-it-all assholes sometimes, you do realize this has been true historically speaking don't you?  

And the next joke is on them too, they now have to be able to state (with their superior intellects and all) what these Rossi quantum reactions ACTUALLY ARE DOING.... and Rossi isn't going to tell them what he thinks (or what his catalyst material is) since they were so durn nasty to him about the whole thing.   Once they can figure it out theoretically, expect the theory to result in some other material "pairs" to become available for use as well.

And them calling Rossi an "alchemist" was not a badge of shame, it isn't too far off of being correct once you consider the historical roots of the word -- Rossi IS a quantum alchemist and his  Quantum Alchemy Reactor might well wind up being somebody's new brand name.  

Accidents and somebody learning how to repeat that result and only then being able to prove how it works have been the real source of MANY scientific breakthroughs.

Think of the Amana Radar Range -- the very first microwave cooking device that hit the market.   It was really kinda bulky and overpowered and sorta clunky to use too.   It came about because somebody found a hot cooked pigeon on the lower edge of a radar dish ....  It was just a standard Raytheon radar emitter inside a metal box.

Refinements have happened with that too, no?   Much much smaller and more efficient now.

I for one don't care -- finally a source of cheap clean energy.    I likes that a lot ......

Go back up to the graph and do the math -- this energy source is >100 TIMES more economical and >100 TIMES more powerful/efficient than gasoline or natural gas or coal.   Right now it is limited to stationary uses, but this may change as the terahertz exciter system gets lighter and more refined.   Plus, as they learn how to ramp it up and down from low to  high back down to low, you may be able to start the core just once after installing a new core and just throttle it back down low and leave it idling between your intermittent full power uses.    

Just leave your car reactor idling at 300oF all the time if the fuel is cheap enough.  Car will be stay defrosted and  at least partially warm in the winter time just waiting for you to get in it and go.   Fill your water tank up once a week and go ride jest as much as you want to .....

Choooo ...... Chooooo !!!!     chugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachugachuga

;)         or since it is so durn cheap you could afford the 3x efficiency loss to do a little bitty quiet steam turbine            whirrrrrrr ......

Everybody gets an air horn / steam whistle for a car horn !!!     WHOOOONK !!!!

And you thought that Steam Punk stuff was jest bad science fiction ......

Title: Re: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energ
Post by Oldfeller on 09/29/14 at 09:56:50

This is not a real pic of anything having to do with Rossi's stuff, it is for thought puposes.


You can see the 18 outermost tubes in the Rossi experiment, so you can suppose a construction somewhat similar to this picture.

Imagine the centermost core being supplied with hydrogen gas separately from all the other tubes.   Imagine it being kept at monitored 300o at all times while the remainder of the tubes get their hydrogen and exciter inputs shut off when not in use.

Get in the car and hit start, hydrogen gas and exciter on the center core go to full and the hydrogen gas and exciter get turned on on the next innermost ring of cores.   They quickly ignite and transfer heat to the next outermost ring of cores which then are then ignited.   You could bring this thing up to full power inside a minute while keeping your idle fuel use limited to only one central tube at 300oF.

Note also that you could be rolling quicker than that provided you had a flash boiler tube laying next to the center tube that was only used when starting the plant back up.  

Them old steam guys never had the luxury of little bitty ARM processors controlling electrical valves, with knowledge from embedded thermocouples now did they?

Title: Re: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energ
Post by Oldfeller on 09/29/14 at 10:20:48

Now, is it all a fraud?  gives you a 15 year perspective on Rossi's secrecy and how it affected what his peers thought of his progress over the years.

They suspect him of heating the rig though the ground wire, etc.   He is thought of as a charlatan not a scientist.

NASA however, believes it.

The Facts will roll on out now, so we shall all see what is what.   Right now this latest test is lambasted for bad math as it is only 50% as wonderful as originally stated.


Title: Re: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energ
Post by verslagen1 on 09/29/14 at 10:25:33

so in the future we're gonna need remote start no matter where we live?
not just in Minnesota?

Title: Re: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energ
Post by Oldfeller on 09/29/14 at 14:07:50

I would think that you would be able to start out at easy parking lot speeds almost at once using a flash boiler tube running down the center of the tube mass (right next to the center tube).

Full power would take a minute or so .....

Tesla's approach is to run off battery power at all times with an on-board steam engine generator that runs continuously and acts as a community network power generation station when the car is parked and plugged in to wall power.  Your utility would credit your bill for the power you generated.

This way the constant power output on the QAR system is never wasted even when running at minimum (just staying lit).   The system can be very specifically tuned (like those on-board gas generators in an RV).

Since the generator runs at a fixed speed it can be tuned for maximum efficiency.  Same sort of plant could power your house.

Scientists are now complaining that QAR does not generate the amount of gamma radiation that they would expect.  

Me, I think that nobody really knows all the things that are going on inside those little tubes stacked inside that SS case.   But I think they will eventually figure it out.

Title: Re: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energ
Post by Oldfeller on 09/29/14 at 15:42:24

News for today,  Rossi says 3 old test units have been given out to third party scientists for verification.   One of these units is still on a thousand plus hour continuous run already.   Reports are expected in the November time frame.

The industrial 1 megawatt units will run ongoing as well, racking up large hours by then as well.

If this keeps up it will get harder to ignore .....

Title: Re: Vibratory nickel to copper transmutation energ
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/14 at 15:54:44

Everyone knows how unstable scientists are..I wouldn't be at all surprised if the guys who understand the what and how of this exciting new stuff just up and kill themselves. I don't recommend air travel for them and I SURE would not want to be a passenger on the plane with him/them..

Title: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 09/30/14 at 02:40:35

Rossi does strike me as an excitable Italian fellow with a warped sense of humor -- he actually provokes his detractors by giving out tidbits of "A" information that leads them to give out a published massive reaction of type "B" while Rossi knows that confirmation "C" is due to roll in next few week to make them all look like idiots.  

And then he laughs at them all the while until he can stroll up to get his Nobel Prize in a few years.

Let's think of it this way using the fact base from this article.

Rossi now works from here:    A lab in Research Triangle Park, close to Raleigh NC.   His two main business partners have office suits in the business section of downtown Raleigh.

.... having shown these guys enough real data and real tests to convince these guys to pay him 11 million dollars for his E-Cat design.   Since this level of support has come in behind the project in just a few months it has progressed and refined the E-cat idea tremendously.    His partners want a first product to sell, not a research project, so expect the E-cat core to start looking like a furnace component more and more and more.

These people have all the resources and contacts necessary to make up small production runs of E-cats using the already noted production type welded cases and all the industrial contacts to put these pilot units into industrial heating plants where they can be run continuously under constant load with individually tuned inputs.   They have investors lined up to buy stock in the new company, so funding isn't the issue -- getting the patents done is the current issue.

Nobody knows how long an E-cat furnace core will last, not really, not yet.    And this info is needed so you can sell the things ..... so duration and yield levels over time is the next series of tests.

Why all the secrecy?   Patents have not yet been granted.   So it is a dance to protect the development that makes the trick work AND to verify the realities of the process enough for the patents to progress on to completion.  

To his detriment, Rossi has also in the past seeded some red herrings into his posted and emailed words to send his competitors off down some blind alleys while NEVER mentioning the critical real trace catalyst elements that are needed for his process to really work.   Rossi's past active flow of disinformation has now resulted in some of the current headwinds with which he has to deal.

Now, let's take it from the Patent Office's perspective.   This stuff looks on the verge of working, but they don't want to grant generally worded very broad vague patents to Rossi that will choke off everybody else's development efforts at this very very early stage.   It is better to do nothing and let the free for all continue as NEW PATHS are being uncovered that may be actually better than Rossi's path.

Plus they have had people actually submitting briefs AGAINST all these patent applications saying that this stuff CANNOT work according to any known quantum or nuclear methodology in use today.  (duh, that is why it is groundbreaking and worth a patent)  

Rossi himself as an individual does have many strong detractors, some of which are almost pathological in their hatred of the man's secretive nature and his various minor slight of hand tricks that were done while playing with their heads.

Tesla got the exact same treatment from the establishment and the Patent Office and his issues were merely pride, poor English and no personal interaction skills to speak of -- this resulted in Marconi being granted the radio patents and the Nobel Prize for radio while the Patent Office denied Tesla's prior patent applications due to minor technicalities and some very poor English.

Rossi has shown a development path to the Patent Office but he has not shown successful implementation up until just recently.   His competitors are making similar progress down some different pathways, so this situation will likely be allowed to continue and Rossi will be reined in to more exact and specific wording that applies only to his pathway.

Industrial Heat LLC retains some of the best patent attorneys in the world, so Rossi's original poorly worded bad English patent application is being amended as we speak.

So Rossi and crew WON'T DON'T CAN'T say exactly where they are right now and how it all works .... if they did other people would be out there with competing patent claims ASAP.

BILLIONS of dollars of future revenue are at stake with every step they take in getting patented and then into real production.

So far I have seen in the last week alone that Rossi and crew are further along that folks really know, with MULTIPLE secret real world testing installations that now have many total thousands of hours of run time on these first production process type samples that they have produced off their first prototype assembly line.

Is this legal?   Currently, yes .....

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not currently believe Rossi is for real, and this is very good for Rossi and company right now.  

Expect all reference to "nuclear' to disappear from all materials from this point forward, with the Quantum Reactor (QUAR) naming to be used consistently for what is going on inside those little tubes.  They want to separate themselves from "nuclear" and all of its bad image, all of its insanely restrictive laws and regulations.

Trust that once these current secret test sites are know, the NRC will be there very shortly with gamma radiation recorders and particle detectors looking for "failures to properly shield" and "lack of proper containment vessels as required by current NRC regulations".

Now, if these things do throw particles or radiation or have any hazardous by products -- then by golly Rossi and company might go to jail for a few years, especially if any unknowing innocent people are harmed.

Due diligence says this is not the case, these new investors don't sound like stupid people.  Nor are the people who are working with them on this project.    Each installation has radiation and particle instrumentation and auto shut downs out the wazoo as part of the test regimen.


If it makes you feel better, think of the E-cat as an esoteric heating element that seems to output more heat than one would expect from just the very high frequency input electrical energy.

The fact that this E-Cat heating element is constructed akin to a set of reactor cores (inside a well shielded welded shut miniature containment vessel) shouldn't put you off too badly, but certainly some testing on some intentional housing ruptures produced by piercing both the casing and the rods while at full operational output need to be done from a safety point of view.   They simply need to know what would happen in case a fanatic shot one with a pistol .....

Meltdown testing has already been done repeatedly -- if the nickel powder melts the whole thing just stops.   Use of Boron as a shielding agent and a moderator was developed to stop this erratic spiking in temperature.    E-Cats ramp slowly and it stays at whatever temperature the high frequency exciter tells it to stay.

The "exciter" high frequency input controls the temperature and that is kept under 1,300oF to make sure no section of the inner ring of tubes goes over 1,450oF and melts its powder.   Copper has a  higher melting point, so the end product isn't going to melt any sooner than the nickel.

So, there isn't any China Syndrome with this energy source and it always fails safely.   It requires no cooling and you can see the shielding required in the picture above (each E-cat core IS a separate containment vessel).

So, is it all a fraud?   Is Rossi a charlatan or is he a Nobel Peace Prize winner?   Does he get rich, or does he go to jail?

;)    ....... time will tell.   Nikola Tesla died discredited, pennyless and alone after inventing AC power, AC generators, AC electrical motors, the radio, wireless power transmission and doing some very strange classified things with the USS Philadelphia during WWII.   The Secret Service came and took all Tesla's unpublished papers and his death ray experiments and his ray projection apparatus away when he died and locked it all up.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by mpescatori on 10/02/14 at 00:33:00

Oldfeller wrote:
"Them Italians apparently have some real loose lips thought ...... ink warn't dry on their "shoot me" non-disclosure agreements and they went and leaked a rough sketch of the internals."

I'll take offense to that, thank you very much. Nothing has been said about this, this side of the Ocean.
In fact, I'm reading about it thanks to YOU, not thanks to a "MediterraneanLeak"

Rossi does strike me as an excitable Italian fellow with a warped sense of humor -- he actually provokes his detractors by giving out tidbits of "A" information that leads them to give out a published massive reaction of type "B" while Rossi knows that confirmation "C" is due to roll in next few week to make them all look like idiots.  

No, my dear, this is called "Industrial counterespionage". Protect your work from hustlers (especially foreign ones)  by telling them what they want to hear, and olny a portion of such... never what is really going on.
Meucci's exoperience with Alexander Graham Bell is worth mentioning.  ::)

As for the rest, IF all this should prove its worth...
...expect your son's next car to boast not "300 miles with a tankful" but "100.000 miles/half ounce" of [solid fuel]


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/02/14 at 04:58:19

It's funny, nobody who reads about E-Cats and Rossi comes out neutral on the subject.

Prediction time ......    His new partners are putting out patent applications on the actual real world applications that they are developing POST purchase.  They bought the E-Cat idea and the then prototype process and have developed and refined it.  These patents are well worded and are more concise and are of the sort that routinely pass review.

Rossi may get himself mired into some sort of Patent Office fur ball over his original poorly worded, incompletely developed original patent applications and his partners may wind up getting control of his ideas and move on with them based upon their own patents as they move the E-Cat into real world uses.  

They will be able to point to a plethora of real patentable concrete ideas and quite frankly they understand the patent system well enough to use it to their advantage.   They certainly can prove that on January 24, 2014 they bought the E-Cat concept and the original reactor from Rossi and then kept him on as an employee past that date.

In the end, it may become clear that Rossi completed his work to the real patentable level POST sale as an Industrial Heat, LLC employee.   Thusly, Rossi may get the Nobel, but not all the money.

Books will be written about this guy Rossi as he has beat his head against an insolvable problem his entire adult life -- chased down pathways that didn't work and finally it seems MADE it work against all odds.  

And now he may get Tesla'd over it.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/02/14 at 06:51:27

"The other day (Sep 30th), the crude oil futures broke sharply and was down $3.50 from the previous close. There was quite a bit of chatter around the floor about it, but nobody could find a news story that would account for such a dramatic break in crude oil. There were a even few big energy traders around that were scratching their heads. The next day, the futures tried to bounce, but failed and fell off hard later in the session and the stock market got hammered. As PD noted above, we’re currently down another $1.75 in NYMEX and Brent today.

To me, this is a signal that the report is coming soon, and it is already causing ripples throughout the financial world. The people that trade the energy markets heavily are the most well informed people on the planet. The kind of people that monitor cell network congestion inside shopping malls rather than wait for a consumer spending report to come out, or spend billions installing private fiber lines to shave 7ms off their round trip times from New York to Chicago.

With all that is going on in the world in Ukraine and the Middle East, crude should be lurching it’s way toward 110 per barrel, not tumbling down to 88. I understand that it will be years before the Ecat has any real effect on gasoline consumption, but the futures markets are just a reflection of collective human emotions and perceptions."

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/02/14 at 07:37:31

Patents are a full disclosure of an idea and skirting a patent is easy.

Rossi needs to write a broad patent so his idea currently designed for nickel and maybe carbon isn't skirted by redesigning it for some other combination by a competitor.

You know what they say about lawyers... anyone that represents himself has a fool for a client.  Same goes for patents, it's another language.

If Rossi is writing his own patents... he's a fool.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/02/14 at 08:43:26

The Patent Office has already forced Rossi to focus down to only the one nickel/copper reaction process that he can verify actually works.   This leaves all the other players a clean road to chase their particular variant (and there are several out there making progress as we speak).

Please understand, Rossi sold this work, his IP, to somebody who now owns that IP.

He had no patent on the idea at that time and indeed his original patent wasn't about a bare red hot glowing core thing anyway, it was much closer to a cold fusion in a heavy water bath  (ie   a scientific experiment).   He has since then amended that patent over to the hot E-Cat process.

Rossi does have some professional patent lawyer help on the technical re-write, but he also has several sets of opposing people now filing briefs against his motion now claiming Rossi lifted or played off their earlier work.

Rossi will have his Patent Office fur ball I do suspect, but Industrial Heat LLC has a clean well documented purchased IP origin and very clear developed concrete ideas that they have created since then that are "patent pending" and IH can run for a long time under that patent pending protection while Rossi's fur ball goes through the courts.  

Industrial Heat isn't directly tied up in Rossi's original patent fur ball at all, since they purchased the idea and the first working reactor from Rossi before he ever got it fully patented.   The image below shows some clean and discrete Industrial Heat LLC patent pending work, a commercial heater type furnace core.

Books ARE being written right now, in two parts -- first the early works of all the cold fusion people and then a separate work about Rossi in 2008 through today pitched as a follow on volume.   A third volume about the re-industrializing of the world will follow that.

Do you think that maybe the Patent Office is political for much, or swayed any by special interests?    :-?    :-/    Thomas Edison and Con-Ed were tight with the Patent Office and between the two of them they screwed Tesla over good and just about put Westinghouse out of business with their BS shenanigans back when electricity use was all getting started.

Westinghouse's patents on what you DID with Telsa's work stayed solid all the way though, and brought fortunes to both Westinghouse and to GE (Edison and Con-Ed's descendant) once GE bough shared patent rights to AC power from Westinghouse in a legal settlement.

Tesla just plain got reamed ..... by the Patent Office and his own arrogant nature -- he was going to make his fortune off his next great idea (of which he had several after that but lacked the skills to hold on to).

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/02/14 at 09:39:24

Click here for sterling engine

Next step is a steam generator plant, then one hooked up to a generator (a power plant).    Also in the works is a smaller more portable thermocouple based design that generates 12v electricity directly from heat (built right into the shielded core).    This would be nifty for campers, emergency rescue use, etc. etc. as you get 12v power (for lights) and heat at the same time.

Each separate implementation that is brought to commercial reality is worth its own patent.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/02/14 at 14:18:47

There is more flux showing up in the futures stock market - if you have any stocks that are energy based, coal, utilities, oil, please consider what a formal report on E-Cat would do to these industries.

Stock prices are based upon emotion and perception more than reality sometimes.   Announcement of transformation energy will affect some stocks.

Report is coming out in October.   The 8th is a number if you can believe any particular day.

Don't let your retirement plan evaporate on you without you doing something appropriate to move your asset mix -- get on line or call your plan hot line -- get out of the canned retirement plans, they all include utilities and energy stocks ......

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/03/14 at 09:30:47

The impact on the oil industry will be $4 Trillion in stranded asset risk, as reported this spring by the London School of Economics. Here is a link to the stranded asset story

sbc_bankHSBC has warned that 40-60% of the market capitalisation of oil and gas companies was at risk from an alternative to fossil fuel arriving, with the top 200 fossil fuel companies alone having a current value of $4tn, along with $1.5tn debt."


Justin's comment about Rossi not flying is a good one, and I wouldn't be taking any long walks outside either.

This top secret E-Cat information needs to be secretly distributed in some fashion such that a "gas main" explosion at Rossi's lab will not destroy it all.

You have major oil industry magazines now writing articles about what E-Cat is going to do to them.

Lots of folks, including all the ragheads, have real  $$$  reasons to want Rossi dead and his lab destroyed.

HOWEVER, those that have predicted we will run out of oil in the next 10 years now have some hope for the future.

Environmentalists will quickly verify that E-Cat is green and safe and then they will be all over it.

Living "well" while living off the grid will be possible at last.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/04/14 at 10:35:19

Now, the good news is that this is semi-fictional.   Only half these statements are real and true at this time.


Sweden, South Korea and China move forward with both multiple application patents and LENR tech pilot plants.
smaller than a half height water heater

in 2012 China grants LENR patents to California firm Brillouin for a water to steam reactor that could be based upon HOT E-CAT technology with NO PROOF OF FUNCTIONALITY BEING REQUIRED.   China permits patents on ENGINEERING CONCEPTS, does not require proof of functionality at the time.   Several other direct application patents are nearing Chinese patent approval.

US Patent Office drags its heels under the direction of political bosses and oil lobbyists while China, Sweden and South Korea takes over the lead in controlling the patents on future energy "direct applications".

Swedish and Chinese and South Korean firms move quickly into production using the "patent-rejected" Hot E-Cat technology.    Industrial espionage is suspected.   Patents are being granted by the home nations.

USA loses out on controlling "future energy" due to excessive and stupid US Patent Office requirements and Nuclear Regulatory Agency red tape.


Now, the good news is that this is semi-fictional.   Only half these statements are real and true at this time.

HOWEVER, if the Patent Office keeps their thumbs up their butts within 60 days they will all be true.

What does it take to derail the US Patent Office?   Just a few briefs saying the stuff can't possibly work that way while the brief filers hurry to get their own patent stuff ready in other countries.

The Patent Fur Ball now begins in earnest .....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/04/14 at 13:29:46

Brillouin was founded in 2009, the company has fairly good scientific community respect, whereas Rossi had not much to none.    Godes at Brillouin will take a shot at explaining the Rossi Hot E-Cat reaction (why there are no free neutrons and no hard gamma radiation) while Rossi says nothing on the subject for fear of letting his secret ingredients out of the bag.

Brillouin has just been granted US Patent Office base patents on the new 25% improved tetra hertz exciter that makes the LENR reaction go better, while Rossi still has no patents granted at all on anything at all by anybody anywhere at the present time.

China has already granted Brillouin real applications patents on LENR steam generators, while Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC seem to be shooting for furnace heater cores and still have not the first real finished US Patent Office patent nor any Chinese patents either.

Please remember, Rossi can claim (and possibly prove) that all these other guys cranked up their current E-CAT research thrusts AFTER the US Patent Office published Rossi's 2008 patent application and laid out the Rossi E-CAT process that the US Patent Office then went and denied the patent for because of several briefs written from other scientists (who had read the published patent application) saying it couldn't possibly work.  

"It has no functional basis in any current chemical or nuclear theory" as written in 2008 by the naysayers was true enough at the time, old style chemical or old style nuclear theory hasn't caught up with the transformation energy field at all yet.    But patent law does not require you to give a full theory for your device, just show that your invention works.    Rossi has done that now repeatedly.

Rossi will be in a fairly good position to ask that his patent be back dated to 2008 when the fur all settles out of the air and the Patent Office is forced to admit it DOES work (and it will require a new quantum transformation theory which ISN"T required for patenting a new idea BTW)  .....  

However, with the US Patent Office asking and getting are always two different things.  

It is becoming clear that a synthesis of several people's ideas and work is really needed to optimize LENR energy into a full manufacturing reality, so the Patent Office's current procedure of granting patents on the smaller proven out bits and pieces as they come to full fruit may well intentionally be the way USA patents on LENR energy are handled.

However, this is not the system China follows.   You apply first, they grant you the patent.  Because of this response speed issue, the Swedish, South Korean and Chinese national LENR patents are being granted as we speak.   The USA will in the end not control the patents on these new energy sources as our USA Patent Office is simply too stubborn, slow and stogy.

:)        dat kitty fur, it is jest a flyin'

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/04/14 at 19:58:42

News flash ......   China apparently wishes to "own" transformation energy and control the patents within their legal system

"The Cold Fusion Now website is reporting that Brillouin Energy Corporation has been granted a Chinese patent for its low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology. If this rumor is true it could mean that Brillouin is the only company which has been granted an LENR patent by one of the world’s major powers.
As far as I know China is the only country where Brillouin has a patent. The company is currently have the SRI International laboratory in Menlo Park, California, testing its LENR boiler technology. The Brillouin boiler is based upon work done by Robert E. Godes who is currently serving as the company’s president and Chief Technical Officer. The patent apparently covers Brillouin’s latticed assisted nuclear reactions and quantum fusion technology.
Brillouin has not been able to get its patents approved in the United States or Europe. The US Patent Office reportedly has a long standing policy of not accepting cold fusion related patents.
It is unclear what exactly Brillouin has patented in China because the company has not yet completed tests on its technology. Brillouin which is based in Berkley, California, has managed to get $2 million in venture capital to fund its work."

Ouch, that has to hurt the Industrial Heat LLC guys feelings.         :P


The Brillouin guys go on YouTube to explain in lay terms how their version of hot E-Cat works.   The layman's explanation is overly simplistic, but it does tell you why there are no loose neutrons and no gamma radiation.

Yeah, we know, the stuff works -- Rossi has been doing it for years now but has been refusing to say exactly how his works due to patent concerns.   These Brillouin folks don't claim to have invented the base idea, but they do theirs differently using excitement pulses or pressure waves in a gas flow supported column of powdered nickel using a different form of exciter.  They claim higher efficiency and better temperature control.  THEY DO have granted application patents on a proposed steam plant that have actually been granted by China.   By its nature, their system is more complex and expensive compared to Rossi's system.

They do have patents now on their three basic applications and on their new exciter equipment that makes it work 25% better than what was available last year.   So they now feel they can tell you all about it ..... they have been granted a LENR patent by China and feel protected from being ripped off.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/05/14 at 06:59:56

Robert Godes, of Brillouin Energy Corporation explains how they have protected their technology with 19 patent applications outside of USA's jurisdiction.

OK, LENR works, is recognized as real by quicker, more nimble acting patent offices in China, South Korea and Sweden and 16 other countries.  

Local nation patents have now been granted in China and the explanation for how it works and why there are no loose neutrons and hard gamma radiation have been given publicly on YouTube.

Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC have been screwed over by the US Patent Office who it now comes out has had for years an internal policy not to grant cold fusion patents.   This internal policy has screwed Rossi over royally as they didn't even look to see it wasn't cold and wet but hot and dry.  It was transformation energy, not cold and not wet and not cold fusion.  

It was lattice assisted Quantum Transformation, if they had bothered to look ....   

Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC only have recourse now through the Federal Court System.

Industrial Heat LLC have a clear path to continue developing and selling their heating plant cores since they can show that completed industrial application pre-existed Brillouin's most recent China granted patent, and the fact they use Rossi's much simpler core structure (which was put into patent abeyance by the US Patent Office requiring "proof",  proof which was then ignored when it was shown to them) with a new requirement of third party scientific review laid down on Rossi to replace the functional proof that had been shown.  

It becomes obvious that the US Patent Office has just been stalling, under directions from somebody.

A big court battle will be required to resolve this patent mess, or else a quicker settlement out of court involving a cross licensing agreement between Brillouin Energy Corporation and Industrial Heat LLC to share each others IP.    

(This is the solution that GE and Westinghouse wound up reaching over Tesla's invention of AC generators and AC electrical motors, BTW)

Or, the US Patent Office could get off their dead butts and do a current review of Rossi's patent application (especially in light of all their excessive BS requirements that they had laid upon the man that the others were NOT required to do in China, Sweden and South Korea) and grant him his 2008 patent.

It is Tesla all over again, with the US Patent Office simply unable to recognize innovation or something that is "beyond current established scientific thinking" at all.  

It also appears that non-English speaking non-lawyers need not apply to the US Patent Office.

America has joined Great Britain in the "over the hill club" it seems.    

China is where you go with your innovative new ideas now-a-days.

Rest assured, China will not put any barriers in the way of any LENR based cheap, clean energy & heating implementations.  

Inexpensive green LENR based portable room heaters will be out within a year, manufactured in China for sale in China -- with home heating and commercial heating systems and power generator systems following on shortly.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/14 at 09:47:49

Ima hafta talk to a guy about this// Much as I am NOT a Wall Street/Investor kinda guy,, IF he says
Duuude,, better get in on this.
Well,, Ill get in..
If he Doesnt AND it blows up into something incredible,, Ill, well,, poot,, I dunno,, Cry?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/05/14 at 10:20:55

Rossi & company have "at risk" investors (11 million invested) lined up already -- they can't go public until they have a patent and whatever commercial approvals are needed.   First assembly line is already built and pre-orders have already been taken for thousands of implementation sites.  The US Patent Office is their current hold up, but there will be others to get past.

Brillouin wouldn't take any investors past the core group (2 million invested) until they had a patent -- since they now have a Chinese patent I would expect them to be accepting more money and taking on some Chinese partners to build their products in China under Chinese laws and patent protection.    

The Chinese government will NOT ALLOW anything to get in the way of this dirt cheap energy -- approvals will be hand stamped as needed.

Justin, you like me are just hind tit runt boys now -- we won't see it for years after China has it all over the place.

America HAS no energy policy, just Al Gore and his boys.     And the oil lobbyists .....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/14 at 11:25:13

While WE produce and ship oil, just to import more,, anyone else get a big "Huhh? moment outta that?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/05/14 at 12:38:39

Fully 30% of our economy has something to do with oil.   That's scary, Justin.

Some articles are saying China will go LENR and stop buying so much of the stuff, so oil will be cheaper and last longer.   Fact is our economy would be hurt by "no oil" far far worse than China's would be hurt.   Think of it as economic warfare if you want to, but that China patent was done very much on purpose.

The American big oil lobby is real and has been working to squash this stuff for decades.  Their reasons were selfish, but the overall health of our economy was supported by that squash work as well.

But woopsie, them LENR kitties are out of the sack now and you can't catch them all much less stuff them back into the sack.    The rest of the world needs cheap energy and will allow these patents to fly.

I am sorry our economy will be hurt by this, but it has to come out sooner or later.

I look to put a LENR portable heater in my den as soon as they become small enough and economical enough to do so.  Likely it will be made in China by a Chinese company.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/14 at 20:04:45

You see the destruction of oil prices that Could have happened,I get that. I was a mechanic,making a fair living when oil went through the floor.. Just as a nation using"monoculture"farming theory is at risk of famine,so a nation so dependent on a single thing is not a well designed economy. The cronyism that got us here is to blame. Had the mavericks been allowed to run, no Nafta, follow the law,control immigration,we would have a Real economy.. not this dying hurrah. America Can't have that technology... Agenda 21 won't allow it. Our Debt to China may have been a consideration in the patent office. Orr,we can all go on believing that the condition of the nation is just the culmination of a crazy series of mistakes and bad judgment.... But, if we are to believe that,wouldn't the law of averages have seen at least a FEW mistakes that DID NOT screw US?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/05/14 at 23:38:36

Chew on this tidbit -- Rossi has a distributor partner in Sweden who is CURRENTLY BUILDING 1 megawatt low pressure steam generation plants that fit inside a small shipping container that are being built under the Swedish patent.

First ones (3) were built and sold and shipped last year, ditto for the second wave this year and the third wave with improved E-Cat cores is being built as we speak and are already sold.

"The fuel cost works out to be $1 per megawatt-hour, apparently, which is utterly insane — coal power is around $100 per megawatt-hour.  The data sheet for the 1MW Plant tells us one interesting tidbit, though: Despite producing 1MW of power, the plant requires a constant 200 kilowatts of input power — presumably to sustain the reaction. The spec sheet also says that the fuel (specially treated nickel and hydrogen gas) needs to be recharged every two years.

Earlier this year, when Rossi finally allowed some independent scientists to take a look at his cold fusion tech, a prototype E-Cat device had around 10,000 times the energy density and 1,000 times the power density of gasoline."        

For contrast, lets look at a 1 megawatt solar farm (at 4.5 acres of land and umpteen solar panels).   Wind generators are similar in acreage.   A Rossi system fits in a standard 20 foot shipping container.

Sweden believes Rossi's E-Cat is for real.    Here is a multi-page analysis of the entire state of LENR energy as reviewed by the Swedish Electrical Energy Commission's R&D arm Elforsk who are actually using LENR pilot plants and are planning to retrofit their coal based electrical generation systems with it when LENR matures and scales up enough.

At 50 pages long this is the exhaustive history and current practice of commercialized LENR companies.    
If you were wanting to go actually buy something, this is your Grainger Catalog of LENR.



Elforsk, which is electricity industry joint R&D company, is responsible for gathering information for the electricity industry on issues that may be of strategic importance and have great impact on tomorrow’s energy systems.  The program area Surrounding World and Systems in Elforsk scans ongoing research and development to be able to prepare the industry for important breakthroughs and build necessary knowledge to challenge or affirm further development.

Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, LENR, is an area which has received increased attention over the past two to three years. When a dozen companies present that they are engaged in commercializing LENR technology, this may possibly indicate an unexpected discovery and this discovery in the future may affect the energy supply in the community."

If you can slug through the entire 50 page report they will lay out EVERYTHING they know about LENR and who has done what and which ones are likely to be commercial successes.

Sweden, like China are not dragging their feet or refusing to believe or actively putting road blocks out in front of LENR like the US Patent Office is doing.

China and Sweden both want and need clean safe energy.   Neither want coal fired electrical plants and the air pollution that goes with them.   They don't want the constant risk of a nuclear disaster either.

In the report Elforsk makes a salient point -- if it works, and it is radiation free and hazardous waste free and it is very inexpensive THEN USE IT.  

The quantum theory of the actual reactions will catch up with the practice eventually.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by mpescatori on 10/06/14 at 01:02:43

More than "Rossi risks being Tesla'd", I'd say that, unless a "fairy godmother" steps in, he risks being "Meucci'd".

Meucci was an Italian inventor who figured out a way to "send voice over telegraph".
Unfortunately, he did not have the economic means to develop a working prototype and patent it.
He traveled across Europe but never found a sponsor (sounds like Columbus, huh?)
He then traveled to the US, where he found a job with Alexander Graham Bell...
...who, miraculously, patented the telephone the very next year !

Ask worldwide, and other than Italy and very few other Countries, everybody will tell you the telephone was invented by A.G.Bell.
The truth is Bell was the first to market the device.
As you often hear, "show me the money".

If it is true that China and Sweden are already hot on LENR, then the US may have already lost the race.
China is China, with 1bn++ population and the world's largest growing economy.
Sweden is EU, and a patent filed in Sweden is valid throughout the EU.
So those two markets are already "booked".
Africa is also very much in the hands of China.
What is left ?
South America, Australia and ...  ::) ...  ::) ...  :-/ ... not much, eh ?

I better read that Elforsk paper and see my investment manager...  ::)
I just have to scrounge up $8.99 to sign up to ScribD... :-X

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by mpescatori on 10/06/14 at 01:04:18

"The fuel cost works out to be $1 per megawatt-hour, apparently, which is utterly insane — coal power is around $100 per megawatt-hour.  The data sheet for the 1MW Plant tells us one interesting tidbit, though: Despite producing 1MW of power, the plant requires a constant 200 kilowatts of input power — presumably to sustain the reaction. The spec sheet also says that the fuel (specially treated nickel and hydrogen gas) needs to be recharged every two years."

So what ?

If I can produce 1 MW by using a mere 200KW, then I have "created" 800 KW out of thin air.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/06/14 at 09:36:07

Well, so far the only information on "total life" is that commercial steam generator systems will benefit from having their cores recharged every 2 years for maximum output.

Here are three (3) of the "larger" sized bare cores that are inside each of those squarish looking thermal blanket things inside that 20 foot shipping container.   There are 150 of these babies in 20 foot container making steam 24 hours a day for 2 years.

You turn 8 bolts, pull the cartridge, stick in another one with a new gasket and then ship the mostly used up cores back for refurbishment.

A similar system is planned for the commercial heating plants, using easy access replaceable cores.

Good news is that the E-Cat tech will only get better and better over time.  

After the secrecy ends cores could be designed to be vertical, with you pulling a cover, pulling the exciter and heater out of the powder mass, vacuuming out tall he loose powder from the core recess, sticking the heater and exciter back into place and  pouring in fresh new powder around the electrics through a charging hole yourself.    Keeping the air out is the challenge in all of this, of course.

Some bright boy will come up with a wand with a hydrogen gas "air gun" in the center and a hydrogen gas vacuum tube around that which can blow/suck out all of the old powder and blow in the fresh powder without ever letting any air get into the system at all.  

Air is bad, btw, it interrupts the reaction, causes oxidation of the nickel powder and does not participate in the positive heating results at all.   The cores sit under 30 psi of hydrogen gas while in use to feed the reaction and to keep the air out by positive pressure.

Something new, some very well used E-Cat cores are showing 11% copper and 10% iron content from what supposedly started out as 100% nickel powder.   Apparently the transformation process can go up one more than one element if given enough excitement, time and temperature.   Heat output goes up when this starts to happen, but "erratic" becomes more of an issue as well.

As understanding and control of this next level reaction gets better, look for the cores to suddenly start lasting 3-4 years or longer.

Now, what is neat is that a custom built (glass) Brillouin type tall glass air column system could sort out the used mixed powders into nickle/copper/iron fairly quickly so the unreacted pure nickel powder can go right back into use.  The copper/iron reacted granules can be sorted magnetically very quickly.    

In all cases the used powder could be re-refined or it could be put directly into batches of stainless steel production as nickel and copper are a normal alloying element of stainless steel.


I just figured out the way to safely reuse/dispose of all the waste products from LENR -- where is my patent and my 11 million dollars?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/06/14 at 15:31:19

Lets Seeew,, 2 KW in, 1 Meg out,, Hmm,, Is that economical?
Well,, Lets say I invest $2,000.00 and get a Million back,, Is that okay??

Once I get the output I can fed 20% back in and maintain it,, so,, Ima call that a working model,,I dont care if its a 100% pure Perpetual Motion machine,,

Something new, some very well used E-Cat cores are showing 11% copper and 10% iron content from what started out as 100% nickel powder.   Apparently the transformation process can go up one more than one element if given enough excitement, time and temperature.   Heat output goes up when this starts to happen, but "erratic" becomes more of an issue as well.

I wonder if there are any of them working on it trying to get it to make silver or gold,, Or any other Precious Metal,, & there are some,,

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/06/14 at 20:00:20

They got iron without meaning to, so logically with the right exciter you might be able to go higher, but you HAVE to start with some high melting point metals and not hit a low melting point metal on the path to where you are going.

Lead ain't one.   Forget it.   Tungsten is a better possibility but you'd need to run the reaction up near its melting point and guess what, what are you going to put it inside that won''t melt?  Once again, forget it.

:)   Rossi may be using the iron dust as a moderator material to calm out his littler cores to keep them from getting too excited and melting down.   It would also catch and trap any oxygen that got into the core by accident.

I think Pons and Martin and company are owed an apology from those who trashed them so very badly 28 years ago.

Rossi is owed a patent, limited to just his Nickel/Copper mixture using his packing and igniter system and the general Nobel glory should be shared by anyone who was working with him in Italy at the same time he got it to working.    As scientists, they used to share ideas freely back and forth before it got sorta buisnesslike and got all bound up in dollars and patents.

Brillouin has a different system, they should be granted a nickle/copper patent on their hydrogen gas flow float system that pertains to their gas lifted and agitated "compression wave column" system only.   Brillouin has patents already on their exciter system, and that is good and the way it should work.   Patent how yours is different and better.

Either the US gov relearns how to GET OUT OF THE WAY or everyone should move their development thrust to Sweden or China, who are the countries who currently don't get in the way of progress on something new like LENR.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by mpescatori on 10/07/14 at 00:49:48

If all goes well... we might really see our children driving electric automobiles that get "10thou miles/ ounce of nickel"...  8-)

...or whatever metal... just a pellet, by the way... with an switchable process that avoids keeping the system in use when the car is parked.

Frankly, I can't wait !

Gas will be sooo cheap ! (or horrendlusly expensive, a bit like aviation fuel for those P-51 Mustang enthusiasts out there...  ;) )

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/08/14 at 06:09:46


"In summary, the performance of the E-Cat reactor is remarkable. We have a device giving heat energy compatible with nuclear transformations, but it operates at low energy and gives neither nuclear radioactive waste nor emits radiation. From basic general knowledge in nuclear physics this should not be possible.  Nevertheless we have to relate to the fact that the experimental results from our test show heat production  beyond chemical burning, and that the E-Cat fuel undergoes nuclear transformations."

Well, it is 53 pages long and exhaustively scientific (tough to read).   It is clear to see the base material changes going right on up the isotopic scales for nickel but the reaction stopped short of making copper.   Trace elements present in the starting mix WERE NOT PRESENT IN THE ASH, so it is obvious the trace elements are going somewhere and do not remain in the leftovers of the process.

Two things were intended here, first, to show in a scientific fashion that E-cats perform isotropic transformations and release copious heat energy in doing so which is the requirement of the US Patent Office.   Second intention was to protect the full bore Rossi process from any detailed disclosure.

It will be interesting to see what nits are picked over this one.  

First nit I find is that they stopped it short of making any copper, which is a key element in Rossi's stated process.   This is a big disappointment to my eyes.

Second nit is that IT ISN'T ROSSI'S NORMAL COMMERCIAL PROCESS, it is a solid sealed tube with lithium hydroxide (for hydrogen production) and nickel powder showing that terahertz excitement and heat release a magnitude more transformation heat than can be accounted for.   The experiment is successful at doing showing this excess heat production and it clearly show the nickel isotopes marching on up the transformation ladder.   It also showed that a replaceable solid sealed core system is viable commercially, with the lithium hydroxide providing the needed hydrogen.

Third nit (and this is a big one) is that NO COPPER WAS FORMED in this small scale sealed system -- so it isn't operating nearly as "energetically" as Rossi's previous E-Cat core systems have done.

This small scale exercise also made it clear that although Rossi is still protecting his key trade secrets he can show the E-Cat isotropic ladder transformation effects using just plain nickel powder with some lithium hydroxide to provide the hydrogen atoms.

The question remaining is it enough so to get the Patent Office satisfied with their current "peer review" technical objections?

But, increasingly, it also becomes obvious that the US Patent Office isn't interested in granting this patent for whatever non-business, non-scientific political reasons they may really have.    Test results like this one will not change that attitude, I do not think.

It is also becoming increasingly unimportant that the USPO get off their butts and do their job as the US Patent Office isn't the whole world and there are other patent offices in other countries that are not so unresponsive.   Rossi/E-Cat and Godes/Brillouin ARE being granted patents in other countries using the same proofs and evidence that are and have been rejected in the past by the USPO.

Now, given a clear picture of the first stages of nuclear transformation, can the scientific community REPEAT this relatively simple experiment, verify the isotopic shift that was shown and come up with a theory as to what happening internally inside those nickel powder granules?

This isn't Rossi's job as entrepreneur,  his job is to show that the thing works and to package it in a fashion that is marketable.    He has done so.  

Folks getting all tied up in their knickers over the disruption of all their pet nuclear theories is all well and good.  That is their career and professional life after all and their world just changed on them all over again.   We understand that they are upset by all of this mental disruption by a person they don't respect for very much.

So, go talk to Godes at Brillouin about his current theory if you want Theory.   Him you respect well enough to talk to.  Argue loudly all you want if that makes you happy, but you can go argue against Brillouin's theory but you can never see what actually happens inside these E-Cat cores --- you can only derive it bit by bit by experimentation.

Meanwhile Rossi is commercializing the idea and prototyping large heavy duty steam production systems, commercial sized heat plant cores and now portable home heating cores.

:P                      :-/      

Some folks are going to view this test as a "failure" as it did not show the high energetic copper transformation.   It wasn't a high energy run.  They do have to acknowledge all the 3.6x extra energy produced and the isotopic transformations of the nickel powder however.   They also have to acknowledge that Rossi can fuel his cheap ceramic cores with totally sealed solid materials that make his cores a plug in replacement and toss it in the trash non-hazardous commercial ready system.

A used up florescent light tube is more hazardous than what was shown with this test system.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/14 at 06:24:30

This site is blessed by its wide  member base, got so many kinds of thinkers
And we have an antique geek.. I would not even Know about this if not for you

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/08/14 at 08:35:35

This new tiny very simple solid lithium hydroxide hydrogen gas producing E-Cat core that was just tested by the scientists -- does it represent a prospective simple safe portable electrical home room heater ???   Rossi submitted this particular core for scientific peer review for a reason, so just what commercial aspect does it cover?

What is new about this mini-core is the hydrogen gas required by the reaction is produced inside the reactor by breakdown of lithium hydride powder releasing the hydrogen gas -- this core is NOT supplied with hydrogen gas but is completely self contained.

Next item of interest is the fact that this ECAT is made completely out of cheap ceramic material -- the same material is used in toilet bowls.  The tube is made of die extruded ceramic.  The end caps have the lead wires cast in place and then they're glued to the tube using ceramic cement after the powder is loaded.   The ceramic cement cures out when the unit is first turned on, making a hydrogen tight unit.   This is a very heat resistant very cheap "use it and throw it away" assembly.

So far in the last 3 months we have seen a substantial sized hydrogen gas fed multi-tube shielded commercial heater furnace core, a VERY LARGE hydrogen gas fed steam generator core and now a tiny little self-contained (solid lithium hydroxide hydrogen supply) core that maybe might be suitable for a portable room heater?

It is obvious that Industrial Heat LLC and Rossi are commercializing the E-Cat idea and are rolling forward with marketing plans and actual prototype products in countries that have granted him patents.

And we still don't know how long these things will last before requiring servicing or replacement.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/09/14 at 01:05:45

First reactions of the scientific community are beginning to turn away from "he's cheating somehow" to "we don't know how this works at all ....."

Then the physics start flying and the discussion becomes impossible to follow.   At least they are discussing the results instead of doing character assassination on the people involved.

Here is a link to a ONE PAGE summary of the report that makes it easy to read and digest as it is written in layman's English.

Next, here are some simple dimensions on this new sealed solid fueled ceramic core.

It is 3/4" in diameter and 8" long.   With the end caps in place it is right at 10" long.

The entire powder load (metal and hydrogen source powder) weighs a little less than a cigarette.

The power required to "ongoing excite" this rig is about half a hair dryer.

This thing was run for for a month, outputting 3.6 times the input excite energy and the break down analysis showed very little of the powder was "used up".

The excite and the yeild wasn't maximized, it was minimized for ease of math and tracking, yet it achieved and maintained 1400oF (dull red hot) for 32 days.

Two of these little cores could make up a very respectable portable electrical room heater.   Because the excite was turned down so low they would last a long time.

This won't happen in reality until the excite supply gets shrunk and tuned and into a real production component, since the excite has to get small enough to go into the portable electric room heater as well.

So, Rossi has shown the US Patent Office a range of cores from tiny to very large and he has proven commercially in Sweden that the idea is commercially viable.    He has also shown that he isn't going to build anything in the USA until a patent is granted, but he will build products in countries where his patent rights are protected.

This will NOT BE IN THE USA until the oil lobbyists get their hands removed from up the butts of a bunch of sock puppet bureaucrats, and the sock puppets go back to doing their jobs.

Look to see real products coming in from China, Sweden, South Korea seeking UL approval, etc. as the logical next step.

Lastly, expect some turmoil in our oil based economy as even the news of this test is tracking against the futures market.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by old_rider on 10/09/14 at 09:47:12

Sounding more and more like steam driven vehicles are a "thing of the future", instead of the past.

Lots of good info.... lets hope someone in our land of plenty can figure out how to "almost" duplicate this process good enough to "make it work" for our good citizens.

I like the steam engine idea bouncing around in my head..... if on "low" that thing produced 1400 degree heat...  with "half a hair dryer" power load.... it could actually produce propulsion, which in turn could charge a battery that would "start" it.

I imagine there are already patents being written for it as I type.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/09/14 at 09:55:03

Elforsk CEO Oloffson says: Swedish Energy Institute to Build LENR Research Initiative

"Here are some of the key points Oloffson makes:

Clear isotope changes in the analyzed fuel indicates instead that in the case of nuclear reactions at low temperatures.  It suggests that we may be facing a new way to extract nuclear energy.  Probably without ionizing radiation and radioactive waste.  The discovery could eventually become very important for the world’s energy supply . . .

If it is possible to safely achieve and control the now indicated nuclear reactions waiting probably eventually a fundamental transformation of our energy system.  It can open for decentralized energy supply.  Electricity and heat can then be produced with relatively simple components.  Climate Efficient energy would be very cheap. . .

Elforsk takes now the initiative to build a comprehensive Swedish research initiative.  More knowledge is needed to understand and explain.  Let us engage more researchers in searching coat phenomenon and then explain how it works."

Sweden has granted a patent to Rossi & crew, so this isn't an attempt to  hijack their patent -- but instead it is an honest attempt to get the Swedish Scientific Community and the Swedish Military coordinated to get behind a rapid push to understand the theory behind what Rossi is so obviously doing.    AND TO THUS IMPROVE IT ONCE IT IS FULLY UNDERSTOOD .....

Sweden sees this as a realistic pathway to energy independence for their small mountainous oil-less country.

Sweden's military has been running one of the very first 1 megawatt E-Cat steam plants in cooperation with America's DARPA organization.

The two militaries see E-Cat as becoming a significant mobile power generating source that might be downsized to the point it is able to be carried in a truck or towed behind a Humvee on a trailer.   A diesel oil generator without the tanker trucks of diesel oil, in other words.


Also we get the first mention of the "inherent steady state" with any sort of explanation.

When an early experimental E-Cat would suddenly go up in output and melt down, it was called a "spike" and mix efforts were spent trying to get the spikes to be below the melting point of the nickel powders and other materials.

Once this was achieved, it was discovered that you could spike but not melt down and YOU COULD THEN UNPLUG THE EXCITER and the reaction would continue endlessly until the wires were hooked back up and the exciter was put into intentional "randomization" which messed up the steady state and shut the E-Cat down.

Issue with melt down (and partial little zone melt downs) still continue when running at "steady state" as the hot spots are localized and quite high up in the temperature range.

Work is being done on an "On-OFF" excitement which would crank it up, let it run at steady state then "counter-excite" if steady state crept up too high to the point of threatening melting something.

At steady state COP values of around 6-7 are seen .... outputs of over 6 times the normal input exciter current.   But remember, at steady state the exciter isn't running at all, it is turned off.  

These 6-7 COP values are the sorts of values that make energy plants and DARPA guys drool because at steady state is it 100% constant running free energy and it can and run and run and run for months that way.

Higher values are seen and reported, up to a COP of 10, but only in core styles that have very active in core cooling, like internal water pipes that are flashing water into steam continuously with a computer controlled high speed variable inlet valve.   COP of 10 in a simple solid core design generally means the core is melting the powder right now and your failure shutdown is imminent.

Better Control is the entire game now, better control means higher output levels with the same hardware.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by old_rider on 10/09/14 at 10:02:43

Well if DARPA has a hand in it.... our military will use it (unbeknownst to us) for awhile before we see it in public.

And even if is relatively cheap to produce (is it?), our items (heaters, generators, vehicles) will no doubt be expensive as hell to purchase and use.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/09/14 at 10:13:37

DARPA has solar tents and all sorts of other neat tricks already in the wild.    DARPA's job is to stay ahead of the curve and give advantages to our military in all support functions and weapons,  etc.


Mainstream media (radio and TV) are scheduling interviews with Mats Lewan, the guy who wrote the book "An Impossible Invention" and Mats also maintains all the E-Cat web pages and blogs.    Mats is one of the Rossi insiders and Mats would make a good public "talking head" as Rossi is barely an English speaker and is sorta eccentric anyway.

TV will like this handsome Nordic person's appearance and they may actually listen to his explanations.     oh boy, them futures are gonna dip yet again ....


What are the 3 large hollow tubes on both ends of the E-Cat?   They are heat shields to make sure the non-contact temperature tracking equipment did not accidentally track the long red hot power leads on the exciter and the resistance heater (on initial start up).  

They wanted to collect data only on the E-Cat's ceramic body.   See the picture of the E-Cat running in the dark to see what it was all about.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/09/14 at 19:30:54

Headline of the first written news-like coverage:    Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers, seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/10/14 at 05:31:12

Well, this is the first written press release by a major national mainstream scientific publication.   It includes two quotes from two major players, including the head of the New Energy Foundation and NASA's Propulsion Research and Development Laboratory Alternate Disciplines Leader.

New, Safe Nuclear-Like Process Exhibits Excess Energy Release, Isotope Change

A comprehensive report by reputable scientists on a potentially very important technology was released yesterday that could herald the beginning of a new era of energy production, according to the New Energy Foundation.

William Zebuhr, Chairman of the New Energy Foundation, states,

“This report demands worldwide attention, so that our current understanding of nuclear science can be expanded. It is a challenge to science that these results so far have no convincing theoretical explanation, but the experimental results cannot be dismissed or ignored just because of lack of theoretical understanding.”

Michael Nelson, Alternate Discipline Leader for SLS Propulsion at NASA’s Propulsion Research and Development Laboratory, notes,

“I was impressed with the work that was done to insure the measurements claiming a 3.2 to 3.6 COP were accurate. Aside from the fact that this could not have been produced from any known chemical reaction, the most significant finding to me is the evidence of isotopic shifts in lithium and nickel. Understanding this could possibly be the beginning of a whole new era in both material transmutations and energy for the planet and for space exploration. This is an exciting time to live in and this is an exciting technology to witness come about.”

Industrial Heat LLC is getting requests from lots and lots and lots of places for one of the little ceramic E-Cats and the specifications for how to excite it.   These folks are getting back a price and a spec sheet and some notes on how to keep sensing clean and reputable, then comes the US Patent Office zinger, this "full technical disclosure" shipment can only be made  after the US patent is released.    Orders will be taken at that point in time.

Ain't it nice, when the Patent Office gets hoisted on its own petard ???

Now all these high school science teachers, colleges, universities, US Government Agencies, various world governments, etc etc etc are all calling the US Patent Office wanting to know when their shipment can be made.   "What is the hold up?"
Folks are seeing just how their Patent Office really works, it's response speed, etc.

Meanwhile, Sweden and China move on with their official programs, which are FAR advanced in front of the USA's very late start at the gate.

Meanwhile, the owners of the "Stop Rossi !!!" sites are busy taking them down.   They have collected their last paycheck from whomever was paying for all of that slander and disinformation that they were pushing on the scientific community for the last 5 or so years.

And Rossi is jest a grinnin' .....  everything he had said was simply --- true.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/10/14 at 07:55:04

This is an exciting time to live in and this is an exciting technology to witness come about.”

an understatement.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/10/14 at 08:56:52

Breaking news story from NetWorkWorld

Could ultra-cheap, clean energy be just around the corner? The return of Rossi and the E-Cat

"This is the most convincing data so far to support Rossi's claims and, assuming that all is as it appears, we can start to ponder a future where transportation costs are trivial, every house, business, data center, you name it has it's own power and heat generation system, every power company becomes obsolete, every third world nation gets to play with the big boys economically, and Andrea Rossi becomes the richest person in history by orders of magnitude.

This is very much a "watch this space" event ... stay tuned."

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/10/14 at 09:40:38

Where is Brillouin right now?    They are working on a hot hydrogen gas filled cylinder type reactor with nickel powder in it that is supported in a fluid like state by the moving hydrogen gas.   Increasing the gas flow separates the powder grains further apart, moderating the reaction.

Brillouin says they can get COP up around 8-9-10 without melting down the powder and that they can control their reaction up or down at a very fine level.

They are also working on a hydrogen gas only system that steps hydrogen up the isotope ladder and this system would be melt free and able to work at much higher COP values, values that exceed all current nuclear reactors.

Needless to say, Brillouin's systems are more complex and costly than Rossi's and accordingly Brillouin has run through his 20 million in original venture capital without making a commercial plant out of one of his ideas yet.

China has granted him a patent, but no one else has as he has no functional commercial plant of either type to show anyone.

He will get the capital he needs to finish his work, based off the success (and the limitations) of Rossi's work.   Brillouin will likely stay stationary as his equipment is complex.

BlackLight LLC is trying a different approach, they allow the process to run wild by making a very fast series of mini-explosions in a reactor chamber (which yields COP values over 10) and they try to use the brilliant white light from the explosions for direct electrical power generation along with the very significant heat that is generated.   Once again, they will likely get their capital to finish their work, but it will likely stay stationary.    

Note:  this could make up a photon/steam drive unit for a deep space probe with practically NO changes to what they have right now.   The powder is wet when it gets detonated so both ionized steam, nickel vapor and intense light would exit the chamber at very high speeds.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/10/14 at 11:24:07

Application... for the immediate future, I see nuke power plants being converted world wide as well as all convention fueled plants too.

But, I don't see a home application other than a heat source until they make electricity direct from heat efficient.  Economy of scale will still favor large steam plants.

I see a return of the city power plants and possibly community based.

At least until johnny starts growing a third eye.   :-?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/10/14 at 13:48:38

Versy, remember the little tiny motorcycle turbo units that nobody said could be made until they were made?   Turbos supposedly couldn't work unless they were over 6 inches in diameter on the impeller side?

I am expecting that once somebody has a really really cheap steam source suddenly someone else will figure out a tiny little turbine that it can spin fast enough to generate 22O volts pretty efficiently.

I'm thinking that your excess power can be sold back to your utility to offset your summer AC bill and you'd size your home power plant for a lower steady state accordingly.  

Hey, you could get steam hot water and room heat and STEAM AC off of it too, just taking the post turbine hot water and low pressure steam flow and channeling it away at reduced pressure to do those things.

Look it up, steam AC is real and it was done back in the 1930-40s quite frequently on deluxe steam trains.


Brillouin is your man for retrofitting your old coal or nuke plant efficently ----  Rossi is your man for making you a room heater or a home power plant or a steam car or maybe an affordable light steam motorcycle.  

Godes at Brillouin also says his controller tech can control a Rossi style solid core much better, giving it fine level output control.    Perhaps some synergy between the two companies can occur to make things happen quicker.

Blacklight can get you out past the edges of our solar system with his mini-hydrogen explosion based rocket drive.

They all have a roll to play -- but none of them are playing at all right now because of oil lobby guys and some dumb Washington bureaucrats are not granting them patents.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/10/14 at 15:20:34

7A5951535059595047350 wrote:
Look it up, steam AC is real and it was done back in the 1930-40s quite frequently on deluxe steam trains.

yep ammonia cooling cycle, used in space craft, great when you have top notch mfg and inspection.  terrible if you have a leak.  I think there's a reason it's not used in home applications anymore.

yep I can see a combined power plant, water heater, a/c unit, I just think the full application will be a while off.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Serowbot on 10/10/14 at 16:29:32

Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary proofs... then, compound this with Rossi's dubious past as a convicted huckster, and I ain't gonna' hold my breath...
Quote from Gearhead's discussion section...
"It is a real mystery, why people do not see behind Rossi's scam. The new test was done by the exactly same people than before, with Mr Rossi pulling the strings. And the claims of nuclear transmutations in the report are pure nonsense, as Stephan Pomp has already shown."

"Once again, the input power was not limited and properly measured and the "dummy" (blank, control) run was not at all like the actual power run.  This leaves all manner of ways to cheat, most obviously through a wiring trick like this one:

Worse yet, while he pretended not to participate, Rossi was heavily and personally involved at crucial times.  He was handling the device when it was started, switched from dummy run to power run and when the ash was removed!  How is that an independent test?   And Levi, Rossi's long time close friend ran the whole thing!  What a joke!

Rossi created an environmental disaster with Petroldragon and then most probably cheated the DOD out of $9 million due to his contract about claimed high efficiency thermoelectric devices.   There is nothing to suggest that any such device was ever delivered or tested and there is evidence that what Rossi delivered were surplus defective parts from a San Diego company, made in Russia!

It is absolutely astounding that anyone still trusts this man and allows him to be present when his device is tested

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/10/14 at 20:13:10

You know the difference between a kill-joy and a realist?

Not much.. dangitt, Rowboat,, I was enjoying the idea..

Actually,I know as little about your claim as his.. For all I know, it's all made up..  What to believe?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/10/14 at 20:27:03

Sero, please give us the gearhead link reference so we can read the entire thing and make up our own minds.

So far the only factual thing I recognize is that Rossi did indeed spend 6 months in jail over Petrodragon which was a waste disposal system that "superburned" hazardous waste materials.    He was found guilty of fraud and of Italian hazardous spill laws and a cleanup was required of the site after Petrodragon went under.   Another way of saying it was his superburn process did not totally destroy to the elemental level the nasty chemicals Rossi was given to dispose of although it did reduce the long nasty complex molecular chains to far shorter, less hazardous materials.  The post burn results were still considered hazardous waste by the Italian authorities.

And yes, Rossi carries years worth of freight from that episode and some other very early things he did, none of which hold up much weight against what the reputable Swedish and Italian scientists did in this rather meticulous testing run.

Rossi's starting powder mix (using a secret catalyst) IS his trade secret.   Trade secrets are not parts of patents because they are never disclosed.    I was amazed to see the full pre and post burn elemental analysis as published by the scientists, which only shows that they were open and honest.

To say these scientists were in collusion with Rossi to cheat on this test is libelous, and some of these frothing anti type people have been sued successfully very recently for internet posted libel and slander and character assassination.   Blacklight's guy took on a couple of these sorts and won in court quite handily.   They don't even post things about Brillouin or Godes because they KNOW he will come after them.  

Rossi makes a cheap and easy target for these people, however, as they can say enough bad things about him that are real, before starting in on their froth about hidden wires, etc.

Give us the Gearhead person's web address for his comments that you have referred to,  please.

If Gearhead person wasn't there during the test, then he sure is making a lot of stuff up.  

Was he there?


Someone has already written a rebuttal of sorts for Mr. Gearhead person and his frothing bros.

The Conspiracy Needed for E-Cat Fraud (Donk970)
Posted on October 9, 2014 by admin • 25 Comments
This comment was originally submitted by Donk970 on this thread.

"What cracks me up about the claims being made by the skeptics at this point is that the conspiracy that is necessary to support the claim of fraud for this length of time is so far reaching and involves so many people and organizations and requires such complete incompetence/dishonesty in both the scientists doing tests and the investors that it’s ridiculous. It’s far easier to believe that the E-Cat is just what it claims to be."

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/11/14 at 05:33:24

Lithium Iron Nickel Hydrogen

"Not only did the recent report show clear and credible evidence of anomalous heat as well as isotopic ratio changes, proving that Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer is a clean nuclear process, with no externally measurable radioactivity involved, but it also divulged some important information that may enable replication."

Good article in layman's English about how it works (as much as anyone understands right now).

I took away that iron is put in there from the beginning and isn't produced by the reaction as was earlier thought.

I also learned that the lithium melts and coats the other particles since it melts at such a much lower temperature.   This gives you a film adherence and an atomic transfer layer on each particle of powder.


It is a good read for those who are interested in more details about the test and a layman's explanation of what is  known and not known at this time.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/11/14 at 06:04:46

At Last, Fuel For Our Dreams

This is the first major media news coverage, by CNN.   They do a fair job of it, but do not get technical at all in their coverage.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/11/14 at 14:43:46

OK, sounds like Industrial Heat, LLC will need to do another test run or three based upon completely different sets of scientists.   It will have to be scientists that do not know Rossi.  Tests where Rossi will be hundreds of miles away and never gets any closer than that.   One where Rossi will not ever touch any of the components or the test rigs, or even breath the air in that same state, ever.    

NO ROSSI ..... none at all.

Rossi has apparently played too many head games with too many scientists in the past to EVER get any consideration from scientists in general ever again.  


Rossi is the half painted monkey of scientists.

Or else the basic mindset that this stuff CANNOT be real is so ingrained in some scientist's minds that they CANNOT even CONSIDER any data that does not follow their preconceptions.  

Hidden wires, that must be the answer .....   

Or else mebbe the pathological personal hatred of Rossi runs just that deep.


I am reminded of an old printed National Geographic magazine and an article about howler monkeys in a zoo ......  animal behavior scientists painted one of the howler tribe half white and tossed it back in and the other howlers immediately ostracized it, threw dung at it, beat it, sodomized it then eventually killed it and ripped its body apart.

Scientists apparently sometimes behave a lot like howler monkeys .....


The Chinese will take what they now know from Brillouin and Industrial Heat LLC and start up their own program and it will go from concept to products VERY quickly and the resulting patents will all be owned by the State.    The Chinese won't care why it works, just that it does work.   Copy cat Rossi cores are being built as we speak.

Sweden will have their scientists making all sorts of E-Cats and Brillouins all over the place.  Sweden will replace their aged out coal plants by refurbishing the boilers and turbines that they already have with a new E-Cat or  Brillouin type steam source.  Sweden will honor Rossi's and Brillouin's patent rights.

America will believe when they have to.   But not right now.  Right now Industrial Heat, LLC needs to put out a little self-contained ceramic core E-Cat Lab Kit complete with exciter and lab instructions so high school physics teachers can all run the experiment as a required part of Physics Class teaching the proper debunking techniques for all of that funny half painted science stuff.    

"Find the hidden wire" will be  how it is described in the course syllabus.   You get an "A" if you can convincingly find the hidden wire that isn't really there without getting yourself in trouble legally or professionally.... You will have to postulate a conditional theory that requires there to be a hidden wire inside the ceramic body (which is why you can't point to it or connect to it).  

The A+ students will conditionally postulate that the alumina ceramic body itself is the hidden wire, conducting high frequency resonating current induced from the infrared heat sensing equipment (which did seem sorta kinda large and over-powered robust to you, right?).  

Failure to find the hidden wire means that YOU FAIL High School Physics-- no college for you, buddy boy.    Can't have any of them stupid young potential junk scientists getting into any real college or university, no sir.   Teach them to toe the line early, and also weed them out early if they won't play ball with the Establishment.

Then Psychology Class can discuss the "scientific denial issue" as a worldwide mental health issue, one that has been true over the ages.

History and Sociology Class can teach about the beginning and the end of "Oil Age" based upon the infamous Standard Oil up to Industrial Heat. LLC Story.   It was just a little one century blip in the ongoing Age of Steam after all, just a little 5 decade foot note.

And in Mexico, they will get a new Day of the Dead pinata, a scowling half painted Rossi head all stuffed with candy that the kiddies all beat with nail studded sticks until his oversized head pops open and showers goodies all over them.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/11/14 at 19:52:43

Here is more of Rossi being Rossi and scientists being scientists.

That's four more scientists now looking around for some nail studded  pinata sticks to go whack Rossi with .....


In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove -- RIP       go to 9:40 minutes for patent office bias and fraud

This guy was articulate and the camera seemed to like him.   He was murdered shortly after this was video was shot -- he was found beaten to death with a bunt object at the end of the driveway of his parents old home.    Coroner says a hardwood baseball bat was his pinata stick.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/14 at 22:20:47

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/12/14 at 17:38:10

“Most Important News of the Year” — Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson Comments on

E-Cat world now has a thread for how to improve the next E-Cat test to further remove any chances of any future frother comments.   #1 suggestion so far is get rid of the glowing 6" long lead wires (stupid and unnecessary).

Several true & real post doctorate level scientist type frothers have been put on public notice that their professional standing now rides on their frother statements winding up being correct and real, and that they are given notice by their peers that their recent irrational frother attacks are all recorded now and they will be called to account for their lack of professional deportment later on after this is all over and settled.   Dr. Stephen Pomp is the one this was personally addressed to.

Libel and Slander are a biatch to defend against, after patents are all granted and production items are being delivered commercially.

;D     Yep, some asses are really really hanging out there now, hoping not to get chopped off later on .....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/13/14 at 03:23:51

Brillouin’s Robert Godes on the E-Cat Report

Godes comes out in support of the results of the Rossi test, suggests some of the reactions that  have been puzzing people (the missing copper and reduction in lithium) might have been due to vaporization and escape of the metal vapor or else absorption of the vaporized metal into the somewhat porous alumina ceramic body.   Remember, at the point of release there is plenty of energy to vaporize the tiny bit that is reacting, even though the remainder of the powder granule does even get get melted.

Remember, that active charge weighed less than a cigarette and the alumina tube's mass was easily 500 times that large, with the "missing" elements only weighing in on the order of a hundredth part of a gram.   And ceramic is porous and liquids and gasses do get filtered commercially through ceramic filters all the time.

Godes is a class act compared to many in this fray and he seems to understand and articulate his thoughts better than most.   Of course he speaks English as his primary language ..... which many of the others do not.

Folks in the comments are wondering which will make it to a commercial product first, Godes or Rossi.   Godes will likely do larger coal plants before Rossi does but Rossi will make it into home heating and commercial heating long before Godes finishes his first steam plant.  

Rossi has already produced 3 steam plants two of which were purchased by military arms of various countries.  Rossi is now getting somewhat personally over-extended and says his resources will be dedicated to getting all 3 existing steam plants up and rolling, with all of them hitting COP of 6 or better continuously, and thusly eventually getting paid for honoring his contracts on the first 3 steam generators.   He has stopped production on any new 1 megawatt steam plant orders until this is accomplished -- read this as internal resources, running out of.

Rossi is still throwing out "commercializations" right and left now, one new commercialization with each new public demonstration.   He is proving out the commercialization clauses of the patent laws as quickly as he can and clarifying that he was there first.

Industrial Heat, LLC is hiring new technicians right now as more hands on deck are needed.  A team of new people will be formed over each commercialization shortly.   Rossi will pop between team to team as needed.

Godes will willingly share information that does not affect his coal plant & major new energy plant goals.    Rossi is currently hunkered down, he isn't saying much to anybody at this stage (that last set of pinata stick wounds on his noggin haven't healed up yet).

Godes also keeps bringing up the point that all of the new energy people are actually working on the same set of reactions now, just using very different production mechanisms and control systems.   Godes considers the basic nickel/copper transformation patent to be so diluted and diverse now that he spends no time trying to patent that any more, instead he patents his control system very carefully as that is currently patentable and is going to be worth more money to him in the long run.  

Rossi's nickel/copper transformation patent application clearly predates Godes and the Rossi patent is getting USPO continuances while Godes patent attempt was simply final format denied due to a prior patent application and no proof of commercialization or even of functionality in the eyes of the US Patent Office.

Godes can defend his rights to use the base reaction at the same level as any of the rest of the non Rossi guys, but if he can control his reaction better (and if his controls indeed do work "better" even with the other guy's reactions) then he has his lock screwed down tight on making the controls for this new energy source.

The person who can simplify and reduce the size of the control modules and give it really good "just verging on overheat" control is the one who will win in the end.    

Really, if you have 6 thermocouples per core (splitting it up into zones) and one output frequency generator per core that you are tuning the thing to keep the hottest thermocouple closely below a given set value.   The ends closest to the frequency generator get the hottest at first and use up their nickel first,  then the reaction moves on down the tube to the fresher nickel in the middle.

Rossi is getting experience juggling 150 of the big steam cores right now, and he does that by giving each core a dedicated controller.   He has "keeping it from melting the powder" down pat now, he is still having trouble keeping the COP up over six however as the reactors keep trying to jump up too high and his current controller system is running as an on-off control which cuts the overheating core off temporarily.   Rossi runs a "stutter reactor" system, in other words and his is spending too much time with it turned off.   It is on until it gets close to overheat then it turns off for a while while the reactor cools down a bit.

Godes big steam plant cores are gas lifted, and his controller can increase the gas flow to separate the grains further and thus variably moderate the temperature sensitivity.    The gas flow also constantly moves the powder around, keeping hot spots and burned out spots from developing.  It is a MUCH more complex system than Rossi's.   Godes has two input control systems, one for excite and one for gas flow.    the Godes system also has provision for replacing the nickel power on the fly, which means they never have to shut it down, ever.

Godes first plant refurb will be a huge project and will require hundreds of millions of dollars in initial investment.   He is waiting for the money to get started, so Rossi having some early success is helpful to him.

Godes first "commercial plant" will be a miniaturization of his big plant ideas and will be about the size of a short electric water heater.    But he hasn't built that yet either.   Godes has already run through 2 million in start up capital, wants 20 million more to go to the next step ....  and will need a lot more to continue his work to his first refurbed coal plant.

Rossi is making a lot more motion using a lot less money, but he is now running out of his key Rossi resource.   Industrial Heat, LLC is hiring people and forming teams to carry the work forward, one team for every major steam plant and one team for each additional commercialization that is opened up.   Rossi will no longer be a one man show.

If the Patent Office will go ahead and grant the Rossi nickel/copper patents, then major existing companies could be allowed to step in and pay a royalty to Industrial Heat, LLC to run with the idea inside their own infrastructure.    Carrier Group could build their own implementation of the home heating plant, as could Trane and Reem, etc. etc.   No one will do this until the patent issue is settled as they would be lawsuit food if they did.

This is how the real progress will be made, the commercial big boys getting involved.    

Please note that South Korean companies routinely ignore any US patents and go forward anyway, letting their legal departments stall and delay and in the end settle the resulting patent violation issues.   Samsung does this all the time nowadays as "time to market" is their primary driver.  China just takes the idea and permits no lawsuits if they have a conflicting patent (which they now do, btw).   Sweden just honors existing patents and pays the relatively small royalties.

The issue is now "best control", as the facts of the reaction, that it is real, is somewhat of a done deal now.

Rossi needs to show us a vertical core that has an electric vibrator at the bottom to remove the burned out powder to a sealed dump tube.  A sealed infeed tube to refill replacement powder at the top to balance out what is removed at the bottom completes the system.   He can't copy the Brillouin hydrogen gas float system but he can do a powder replacement mode inside his larger static core system that he has now using simple air or electric powder vibrators.

Until Rossi shows this, he becomes limited to replacing or recharging his larger cartridges one by one by one.   For his smaller plants this isn't a big deal, but for the LARGER power plants he will need to be able to run them all the time, 24 hours a day at full power.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/13/14 at 06:30:03


The full 54 page Rossi report has been downloaded 77,000 times in the first week it was out.

Originally, the full report was to be limited to energy professionals in an on-line trade journal that requires members to "honor" patent pending works displayed there.   The general public was supposed to only get a 15 page synopsis.

Instead the general public got the whole 54 page report with full elemental analysis which gives out way way too many critical details that now has some unauthorized folks trying to do their own Hot E-Cat experiments.

You are going to have some crazy kranks posting about their made up E-Cat experiments just to fool and confuse people.   You will also get some serious scientists attempting real verifications.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/13/14 at 11:00:04

There are people who have been keeping records of Rossi's posts and they are slowly stringing it together.

Here is his nickel composition, where he gets it from and what he does to it to catalyze it (using iron).

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/14/14 at 08:59:11

Oh well, you can't cut and paste this stuff to the YaBB text box as it can't handle the original formatting.

So just read it, the gist is that it seems that lithium,  carbon, iron, silicone (from the cylinder walls) oxygen and every other durn thing got grabbed by the ongoing march up the nickel isotope ladder and got itself transformed into Nickel 62.   Pure Nickel 62.   The metal lattice size grew atom by atom.  The resulting particles they are talking about are HUGE compared to the starting particle size.

This explains no hard neutrons and no gamma radiation, it is a form of low energy accrual of some type.

This is NOT the standard hot e-cat reactions that have been studied for so long either, it is a NEW form of e-cat with a solid hydrogen source in a ceramic container that is doing some flat amazing things that no one expected -- not even Rossi and Industrial Heat LLC.   They expected to form some copper out of it and THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN because they intentionally kept the excitement lower than they have ever done before (they were trying to keep data collection dirt easy by making sure there were no shut offs on the exciter due to the core overheating).

Pressure is mounting for a re-do under even more severely controlled conditions with every bit and piece carefully weighed  (encased in a starting 1 atmosphere of pure hydrogen outside the ceramic body, with the ceramic body inside the fitted calorimeter chamber) so that all gases produced can be studied as well as getting a more rigorous energy in and out figure.  

They anticipate the outside hydrogen gas will get sucked into the transformation process and to wind up with a partial vacuum at the end ot the test as EVERYTHING gets sucked into the nickel 62 transformation process .....  They think that outside air got pulled in and used up during the original test and the nitrogen and oxygen carbon dioxide and other elements in the air got transformed as well.

If they can prove this out -- then the new ceramic low energy E-Cat room heater cores that comes out of this test series might just use air atoms and normal water vapor and ceramic wall material vapor as its ongoing fuel source once it has transformed all the low isotope nickel into nickel 62.  

The ash that remains unchanged at the end shows us those items that will not take part in the transformation process, which in itself is good information to know.    We will need something to make the cases out of after all -- and  the warm up heater electrical elements will likely have to moved to be outside of the case (or else they will get consumed too).

The lithium that remained in the reactor ALSO went up to its highest stable isotope.   This was actually a valuable side effect as Lithium 7 is rare and it is used in standard nuclear type things.

Industrial Heat LLC will not have any problems getting a fresh set or three of scientists to beg to do this next test -- their interest is all piqued now.

This last one, with other incidental elements apparently becoming nickel 62 (the highest level nickel isotope with the strongest nucleus and the strongest electron bonding) seems to hint a potential way of transforming other lighter atoms into the heavier parent (highest isotope) that the main lattice made of --- THAT has got a LOT of interest going on right now.


And yes Justin, somebody is going to be trying to do this with gold particles surrounded by some lighter elements.....

Alchemy is staging a come-back it seems.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/14/14 at 09:37:35

Mitsubishi applies for and is granted LENR patent in Japan

Toyota begins LENR implementation/experimentation work


Do you think it might be for real ???

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/14/14 at 10:15:47

Energy 2.0 Society Announces Launch to Promote LENR as Clean and Affordable Energy Source

(Press release)

Posted on October 14, 2014 by admin
The following press release comes from the Energy 2.0 Society.

JAMAICA, Iowa., USA    October. 14th, 2014 —

The Energy 2.0 Society today announced that it has launched as a nonprofit corporation dedicated to educating the public about low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology.  LENR  (sometimes referred to as ‘cold fusion’) has been the focus of a small group of dedicated researchers over the last 25 years.  LENR produces heat energy through the interaction of certain materials on the atomic level. It differs from conventional nuclear power production in that no radioactive fuels are used and no radioactive wastes are produced. Unlike carbon-based energy sources, LENR has no air or greenhouse gas emissions.

Recent tests and demonstrations have confirmed the validity and usefulness of the technology, and it is likely that commercial-grade products will be on the market the next few years.

The Energy 2.0 Society is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that will initially focus on educational efforts by holding meetings, conferences, webinars, and using social media and other internet channels to provide information about LENR.

::)   I dunno, they keep on talking about that hidden wire thngamabop dealibop whatsit .....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/14 at 11:27:55

So just read it, the gist is that it seems that lithium,  carbon, iron, silicone (from the cylinder walls) oxygen and every other durn thing got grabbed by the ongoing march up the nickel isotope ladder and got itself transformed into Nickel 62.   Pure Nickel 62.   The metal lattice size grew atom by atom.  The resulting particles they are talking about are HUGE compared to the starting particle size.

This is FN awesome and terrifying at the same time!

They can generate pure Ni in one reactor and burn it in another.
But they don't know what will react with what to make what yet.
Do you remember the fears regarding the 1st nuke bomb?
"what if it starts a chain reaction and blows up the world?"

All we need is for some rare unobtanium to drift into the reaction and cause a explosion.  one bit of stray star dust and we're history that no one will be left to record.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Pine on 10/14/14 at 13:32:55

I spent several reading on this onthe web. To be sure very above my head.

Though I do gather:
You said the first unit was sold and in operation as a heat plant: From what I can tell this is purposfull semantics mis-mash. The unit creates HEAT... it does not create electricity.. therefore is is billed as a heat plant. If it did create electricity... there may be political ramifications.. ie nuclear. Now in truth.. so what.. the heat boils water and makes steam to turn turbines.. same as nuclear power plant.. same as gas/oil/coal power plant.

The 1MGwatt plant in a box.. actually has 300 cells. I point this out because.. it SEEMS to me it could be scaled back to house size. Say 10Kwatt.

While the nickel and Hydrogen are cheap, there is supposedly a third mystery element that increases the effect LENR. I suspect that a re-charge (every 2 years) will be much more than $2. Even if the mystery item is nothing more than FE (iron).  I also wonder how the re-charge works, can I drop by Wal-mart and exchange my cylinder ala propane?

It still seems that scientists consider this just one level above a hoax, but business seem to be lining up with the money to get in.  

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/14/14 at 15:44:20

History of the very first 1 megawatt steam heat plant is sorta funny ....

Rossi built it for a company called Industrial Heat LLC.

They wouldn't pay him for it because it never made the 6 COP continuous power production goal (as measured simply in steam generated, no fancy metering was required).

But they were still interested, and offered him some money for his Intellectual Property.

They finally settled on 11 million dollars cash and a slice of the resulting Industrial Heat LLC, and Rossi would go to work for Industrial Heat full time.

The second plant went to a military who stuck it in a warehouse after the run off was over.   (it worked, and that piece of information was what they were after)

The third unit is the one they are busting arse to get COP on as that is a key thing to them now, making the higher levels of energy output (refining the controllers, etc).

Brillouin claims their rig can generate 100 COP, but they still haven't built their water heater sized prototype to prove that out yet.   They have been offered the 20 million they say they need, but it is conditional on seeing 100 COP ..... ain't happened yet but is possible.

Godes at Brillouin has announced a new type of Hot Tube reactor using titanium and tungsten powder -- hey Justin, guess what it makes when it get cranked up all the way .....  yup, gold.   And supposedly quite a lot of energy while doing it, too.

Godes isn't noted for his sense of humor, so I take it  --- factually.   But I grin while I do it.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/14 at 16:21:41

if that thing makes gold... count on the price of gold to drop like a rock or gold as the case may be.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/14/14 at 18:55:14

Well, you got to understand that Godes has been starving for funding, and if he can make a little bit of gold I bet he gets the rest of the funding that he needs .....   even if he has to make it himself.

;D    You best bet there is a patent application for the new E-Cat materials already in the USPO's in basket already from both Godes and Rossi.


CBS reported on the ExtremeTech article -- AND "by reporting on the ExtremeTech article" as the item of news they aren't saying anything binding in case it goes all hoax on them.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/15/14 at 09:36:29

‘Compact Fusion': Lockheed Martin Announces Fusion Breakthrough — Plan Commercial Reactors Within Decade (Press Release)

Me Too !!!  says the Lockheed Skunkworks

Within 10 years there will be SMALL very powerful pinch bottle magnetic fusion plants competing with Brillouin and Rossi systems, each of them making steam  for medium to very large steam plants for varying uses.

Here is your video


This crucial difference means that for the same size, the CFR generates more power than a tokamak by a factor of 10. This in turn means, for the same power output, the CFR can be 10 times smaller.

Small enough to power a ship. Production units in ten years., THIS is the definition of a game changer. Pull every dime out of oil and fracking. Do it now. It just peaked.[ch65279]

If you are curious, this article in an aviation magazine tells you all about it.   Yes, they were shooting for a fusion powered "stay up in the sky" prop plane and for space vehicles.

Do you sense the perfect storm is coming?  About the time Brillouin and Rossi get into all the little places that need power, we will finally get a HUGELY powerful fusion plant out of Lockheed to do the big stationary power plants.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Pine on 10/15/14 at 13:04:49

Transmutational gold is not new... but as I recall it used a form of Mercury. it also cost about 10 time as much to make the gold as gold could be mined for.  But the point was just to prove it could be done.

I really love the science of all this. As I understand it stars make all the elements. Normal operations of stars are good up to  and including iron. But that's it. Any element above that comes about due to a nova type condition.  So think about it... all the gold and silver and mercury... all that exotic stuff.. really is exotic. It came to be on earth only because stars long before our mere 5 billion year birth, went through their entire life cycle and created the elements we now relish.

And here, now man is dabbling at replication of that feat.

As to the energy front, I suspect there is lots of stuff to still figure out. Generating 300 degrees F is really swell, but how much water/cooling effect can it handle before the cell slows down and or drops the reaction.  That 300 number is at "no load" as best I can tell. This makes me wonder that the 300 cell "heat unit" may be running many of those in series, meaning they just can't take the load.  

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/15/14 at 18:41:22

300oC equals 572oF

Got to watch those science johnnies, they like all things to be in metric ....

Unless stated as oF, assume metric

Then you still occasionally do the ASSuME trick even doing that.


This current experiment was run very low temp and was incidentally bumped up to 800oC just to see what an excite increase of 100 resulted into what sort of temperature increase, but in all cases the stuff was not run up even near to the overheat stage.  

The excite stayed on the whole time first at a low then a medium level, which is now thought to be why the results were so different from what was normally seen.  Normally, copper gets made when the E-Cat runs right on up to top temperature, then cycles off until it cools down a bit then blasts back on at full excite right back up to max heat.

Running under heavy load, and running under a CHANGING heavy load is what is very very hard to do.

Rossi's current COMMERCIAL STEAM PLANT control system and cycling are much more complex than the simple lab stuff we have been allowed to see so far.

Simple home and commercial heating systems don't have to run killing high temps (they are just heating air) and they generally run fairly steady light loads -- this makes them "easy to do" products to move on first.   What Rossi showed us in the latest ceramic cored test rig is a prototype room heater unit.   And I think he learned that he could build a bigger ceramic core and run it at a low excite and get ample heat and a MUCH LONGER LIFESPAN and some high isotope end products from the dead cores that might be commercially salable.

Still need the base patents though -- still waiting for the US Patent Office to get off their kiester.   At this rate we will be buying a Chinese room heater designed and built under Chinese patents.

America is so screwed up now we can't even patent the things that are developed here, so we have to "export" the patent and get it built in the new place under that places patent protections.

We are just as bad as the British now-a-days .......  can't build, can't patent, can't compete.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/16/14 at 02:40:36

There are many esoteric energy sources that have been investigated, proven to work and "warehoused" by both the US military and some large US corporations at the military's request.

This is EXACTLY what they did with the 1.5 million dollar E-Cat plant they bought from Ross (his #2 plant).  They ran it off, verified the outputs, then shut it down and put the container in a storage warehouse.  They had found out what they needed to know about the technology and they weren't interested in it.

Please understand the US Military has been doing this for TWO CENTURIES, investigating new break away technologies to see what the potential military applications are, then squirreling them away to keep them out of the hands of our potential enemies.

FOR EXAMPLE:  Thorium reactors (liquid salt bath fission reactors that pumped the hot liquid molten salt fuel through a heat exchanger) were investigated and pilot plants were built and RUN for decades while the technology was shelved as not being what the military wanted.   Would have made a GREAT low pressure relatively safe commercial reactor system for local power plants, long lived, cheap and easy to maintain -- but it was not what the military needed for submarines and aircraft carriers.  

A thorium reactor is bulky and "low yielding" in the eyes of the Military.    Plus, you can't make a bomb out of its produced materials, so the military doesn't need it.   It got warehoused because Uncle Sam needed fast breeder reactors to make more and more Plutonium for their various uses.

Thorium ore, suitable for use "as is" in one of these molten salt reactors is a common rock in parts of the USA.   Plus, a thorium molten salt reactor is a natural low yield breeder reactor, with the last unit that was ever run having 1.4% more active thorium in the salt bath than it did when it was first fired up.   The last thorium reactor in the USA was decommissioned and the site was very easily cleaned up in the 1980s.

China and Sweden are building new thorium reactors though, as they are interested in cheap clean energy that they can afford to run.   Melting some rocks and making energy from it meets these goals.

The thorium blueprints gathered dust in the US archives until retrieved and published by former Nasa engineer Kirk Sorensen. The US largely ignored him: China did not.

"As I reported in January 2013, China’s thorium project was launched as a high priority by princeling Jiang Mianheng, son of former leader Jiang Zemin. He estimates that China has enough thorium to power its electricity needs for “20,000 years”.
The project began with a start-up budget of $350m and the recruitment of 140 PhD scientists at the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear and Applied Physics. It then had plans to reach 750 staff by 2015, but this already looks far too conservative.

The Chinese appear to be opting for a molten salt reactor – or a liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) — a notion first proposed by the US nuclear doyen Alvin Weinberg and arguably best adapted for thorium."

So, Jiang visited the Oak Ridge labs and obtained the actual designs by simply asking for them after reading an article in the American Scientist two years ago extolling thorium. His team concluded that a molten salt thorium reactor -- if done the right way -- may answer China's short term energy prayers.

AND what are WE pursuing ????

The US gov is currently funding full fusion magnetic pinch bottle reactors a la the Lockheed Skunkworks project as it can be both very small and VERY VERY VERY powerful.   Billions are going into this program (and we hope it becomes successful sooner than 10 years).   However, it will be considered a military advantage when it arrives and it will be kept as such as long as possible.

Rossi's E-Cat might make up a nice portable room heater or a home central heating furnace here in the USA.   In Sweden, it fits their use model better and gives them what they need as a much better fit than here in the USA.   Key advantage is NO RADIATION and NO CLEANUP.    Small and decentralized fits Sweden better than the USA.

America industrially and commercially is currently stuck in the OIL/COAL model, with 30-40% of our economy being tied up making OIL/COAL products and using them.   Moving to some other form of energy will HURT us in the short run, causing economic disruption and likely resulting in loss of income and jobs.

Politicians and lobbyists don't like that idea.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/17/14 at 09:23:45

OPEN SOURCE E-Cat attempt starts next week !!!!




A post on the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Fund’s Facebook page announces that they are going to go for a replication of the E-Cat, and begin in six days. They state:

“Well, the jury is still out on weather the HotCat is real, not surprising giving the earth shattering implications in the report – but rather than dwell on what it all means, the MFMP has been forging ahead with trying to see if it actually is!

When we do this, it will be a significant departure from our normal way of working, in that for the first time we will not be working with the hands-off blessing and cooperation of the claimant. We would also want to make sure we have enough funds to make it happen – ie have a lot of concurrent iterations at the same time – and that is going to take cash and resources.”

The MFMP has been consulting closely with Bob Higgins, an independent LENR researcher and member of the MFMP team, who has worked up a design which is as close as he can to the reactor used in the Lugano test (based on the data provided in the report) and has come up with a model which he calculates will weigh 8 grams less — and there is some speculation in the post about those missing eight grams.

There will apparently be more information posted soon on the MFMP’s site with a detailed description of the planned reactor.

The team is looking for comments and ideas from the interested public, and seeking to determine if they will be able to raise the necessary funds for this project. It sounds like an ambitious move, but it’s fascinating to see a serious replication attempt proposed!"

Now, this is what I find interesting -- there is no US patent yet, so what they are doing is perfectly kosher.

Second, should it not work at all, then it is clear that Rossi et al are holding back key information that makes the difference between working and not working.  As such he HAS NO INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION of his trick really at all yet and the US Patent Office will kick out his application again accordingly.

So, Rossi should come forward to cooperate with these folks as this will lead to his patent getting approved -- Rossi standing mute will get his patent kicked out again AND if these folks do get one to run later on on their own steam with no non-disclosure protected help from Rossie then they can donate their system to the world under one of the standard FOSS licenses and that will immediately kill Rossi's patent hopes forever.

Rossi should come forward to offer whatever "key tricks" help he needs to give these guys and do it under standard "non-disclosure" terms and let them document what they are doing very thoroughly otherwise.

Otherwise, they will likely keep at it until they figure it out themselves and then it will all be open source from then on.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/19/14 at 11:46:27

OF, in the post above your last you touch on the military being the decision makers.. I agree that's close. It's a great cover story. Now look at the horribly toxic waste and then LOOK at where the reactors are placed. Many are sitting DIRECTLY on fault zones. They KNEW that when the decision was made. One sits on the intersection of at least two faults...
The same eugenics families have been running things for a very long time.
The agenda is becoming so obvious,so many are waking up,that pressure is mounting on them. That's Why it suddenly became Smart to declare that by closing our borders would CAUSE the spread of Ebola.. The fear of getting it will cause people to stay home,not go to the mall,not shop for anything less than essential, crippling the economy,giving them the "reason" for the economic collapse. That it's been set up to fail will only be seen by the few of us who have been saying it's about to crash. The wheels are coming off,the Ponzi scheme is crashing,, Unless they have a Cover Story to blame it on, they are DONE...
You CAN'T Accidentally choose to place nuclear reactors on known fault lines..over and over,,
I'm aware of people making mistakes, I've done it.. Sometimes I do something and realize I hadn't taken something into consideration and IF I didn't put it together "this way" instead of "that way" I was gonna hafta take it apart and change it. Sometimes I shaft myself,sometimes I don't..
Point out a time when they " made a mistake" that UNscrewed US..
And after a law is passed or  agenda chosen, only one time can I remember the voice of the people being heard,they go forward into oblivion,against the will of the people,except for about a year ago,when they tried to get the people on board for attacking Syria. Of course we are still doing everything we can against them,just not openly.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/21/14 at 03:35:55

Brillouin/Godes is still waiting for somebody to fund their first 1-10 megawatt steam plant ($20 million).    Brillouin/Godes concept of "all the cores inside the same reactor" means his plant must have a powder change system built into it that allows powder changes on the fly.   If his plant were to get sick, it would have to be totally shut down tor full teardown disassembly/maintenance.  This is a disadvantage when the whole process is a brand new processs as nobody wants to shut down a key production process while you work on it.

A Brillouin/Godes steam plant is MUCH more complex internally than a Rossi steam plant, and is much more expensive to build.    A Brillouin/Godes plant would likely scale up size-wise better than a Rossi plant would, but a big one would cost a WHOLE LOT more money to build.    

Rossi has prototyped much larger, leg sized cores but has never built a  steam plant with them yet.   He calls them Super Cats .... and they are hard to keep from overheating in spots internally.

Rossi's current 1 megawatt steam plant only costs 1.5 million dollars to buy.  Rossi has done 3 each of his one megawatt steam plants now and he has been making progress at his basic design.   Needless to say, the cost will go down when customers license the technology and begin building the things in volume.

His first plant took 150 large E-Cats to get the job done.  This last plant, the one located inside a customer production facility that is running against a real production related changing load has gotten continuous updates to the software & the cores and has been DOWNSIZED cat by cat to keep the output down at the required level.    

Better control and heat tuning means fewer E-Cats are needed to do the job.

Rossi is currently running 103 of his large E-Cats to get the job done.   This is a 31% efficiency increase since he started this particular plant up.

The 47 E-Cats taken out of production due to efficiency increases is one entire BANK of E-Cats.   This now means the Rossi plant can have simultaneous maintenance done on an entire bank of E-Cats come powder change time without interrupting production.   This is an advantage.

Plus Rossi has shown his model is "update friendly" as his more advanced newer power cores can be plugged in at will since the flange design is consistent.   Indeed, it seems his old stuff can be rebuilt into his newer stuff at rebuild time, which saves the customer money.

Plus, buying a Rossi plant can be painless.  Rossi will rent-to-buy the plant for you, you just pay him the standard industry rate for steam produced and the surplus goes towards your plant purchase.   Bean counters LIKE this, as they pay out a current expense that is the same money as what they have been spending and in a few years time they suddenly own an asset that they didn't have to pay capital $$$ for.

General Managers like this plan too as Industrial Heat, LLC owns the steam plant and all the teething problems until it is totally worked in, settled in, your various maintenance and production people are all trained and it is totally paid for.   This is a smart way to handle an emerging technology as it CHANGES AND IMPROVES so very rapidly, getting better and better all the time on Industrial Heat's dime.


Rossi's model is an easier sell, especially when he can show a track history of putting plants into industrial concerns successfully and Brillouin is still stuck at the starting gate due to his big starting price.

Rumor has it that Industrial Heat LLC has a production partner in China now.   This is not confirmed, nor is the China patent for whatever is going to be built there.

There are signs of LENR motion going on in China, however ......    they have an entire large government agency that was just formed for the pursuit of alternative energy sources that is headed by the son of the former Premier.    Several Chinese companies have applied for LENR like patents just recently and one of them may be a Rossi partner company.

I am still looking for that Chinese room heater unit ....  they may just plug it as "high efficiency" heating elements similar to all those ceramic room heaters that are out there now and wisely leave off all the LENR and "reactor" BS that would scare people to death and bring down the Atomic Energy Commission on their heads.

Just say it is a high efficiency heating element that is 3-4 times more efficient than previous electrical heating elements.  

:)      I mean its not like they actually know how it really works or anything like that ....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/14 at 07:31:04

I am totally digging this thread and your keeping us abreast of developments. Best thing I know of going on in the world, so, thank you,,

Bean counters LIKE this, as they pay out a current expense that is the same money as what they have been spending and in a few years time they suddenly own an asset that they didn't have to pay capital $$$ for.

Im no bean counter, but if I could spend the money I spend every month for propane and in a few years suddenly own a machine that did  what the propane was doing,, wow,, no increase in operating costs, no Pain to swallow, just suddenly, a regular monthly bill Dies,, and Im still in business? OHH BayBee! 8-)

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/23/14 at 05:56:30

Make Money, Do not Pollute.    (‘The Time of Tests is Over’)

With the recent declared projects to replicate hASis E-Cat being announced and people floating lists of what is required to get started with their unauthorized discovery testing, Rossi and Industrial Heat have now declared that the "time of tests" is over for them and they will now focus all energy on their customers.

They aren't going to give out any more information whatsoever.

Rossi has preserved how his trick works, but more of it is creeping out every time one of these tests take place.  Industrial Heat owns the trick now, not Rossi -- Rossi sold it to them for 11 million dollars.   Obviously Industrial Heat wants their 20 years of uninterrupted money making potential left undisturbed by any further disclosures and have told their employees to stop talking.

Enough has been disclosed now --  shut down with the silly public tests -- forget the patent office -- we have customers lined up waiting for us.

Industrial Heat is swinging into implementation mode.   Science and the Patent Office will catch up eventually.    Industrial Heat has documented their prior art clearly enough and proven it works.   Rossi's patent application is current and he is first in line chronologically to have his base patent granted.   "Patent Pending" protection is in place, so it is time to meet all the various certifications and requirements.

Now that Industrial Heat is installing E-Cat steam plants at customer facilities they are now collecting the 10,000 run hours of safety other related data for their industrial and commercial certifications.   Industrial Heat is knocking down the various certification requirements, one by one by one.

Having to "prove" LENR is real is kinda stupid at this stage of the game.  How this stuff works is a Trade Secret of which the secret ingredients and the excitation methods will never be disclosed.   Get used to it.

There are many existing companies whose energy use costs are way more than their payroll costs and raw material costs.   Most Malls and large commercial buildings up north have HUGE heating costs to contend with every winter.   Call them low hanging fruit and go pluck them ....

Industrial Heat has discovered that in business the only demands they are really faced with are "make us money safely and do not pollute".

So far, no radiation and no pollution and no toxic clean up costs have come up.


This certification process will continue and I'll mention any benchmarks that get passed as it rolls along.    Industrial Heat has sufficient funding and just needs a few years of peace and quiet to collect all their certification requirements off their first plants.  

Like all new technologies, it will change and progress as it matures.   Once they start licensing the tech to existing corporations then this LENR trick will move into high gear, but until the basic safety and pollution certs are done this cannot happen.


Steam punk makes a BIG comeback now .....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/23/14 at 07:08:46

New scientist's wrinkle -- LENR is a 'natural process" and cannot be patented any more than fire can.   This exclusion was applied BTW to both fission and to fusion energy.

(It is odd that the half painted monkey is so hated by the other scientists that they would deny the painted monkey his patent while NOT even admitting his trick even works.)

LENR is now theorized to be a natural phenomena  that works in the molten cores of planets, where the elements have settled out according to weight and LENR occurs in the boundary zones between the metals.   LENR may be associated with the magnetic fields which take place because the molten iron core is rotating at a different rate than the Earth.  

Folks have wondered about that iron core rotation -- what drives it?   They know from the geological record that the magnetic poles (axis of rotation of the iron core) has shifted dozens of times over the history of the earth.   Something other that inertia is making that sucker MOVE AROUND as well as rotate faster than it should.

Folks have wondered why the generation of the earth's magnetic field didn't slow down the Earth's rotation (and it does, but very very slowly, very much slower than it should) but they also calculate it takes a whole lot of energy ongoing to drive that big big magnetic field.

Why do some planets cool off and their cores freeze and some do not .....

There is an energy engine inside the earth, we have known it all along but now we have a theory and a name to put to it.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Pine on 10/23/14 at 08:55:09

Finally !!!

an explanation for that "molten core" thing.

be kinda cool if we could now fire up the core on Mars.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/23/14 at 13:42:34

I mite not be able to patent fire, but I CAN patent the valves and burners that control it and make it a tool. He cant patent the process of fusion, but the equipment that controls the process and makes the fusion a useful and controllable tool? Ohh yeah..

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/24/14 at 03:47:52

Rossi is expressing his total displeasure in how he has been treated by his peers by ignoring them now.   Slowly his detractors are getting overcome by the ones who are saying "Quit being an ass -- there is obviously something here that we don't understand."

The original Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann experiment was hooted down 28 years ago as fraudulent by several major universities because the first 2 of them couldn't do it due to NOT LISTENING, NOT USING THE REQUIRED PURE MATERIALS and not actually doing it right (fully hydrogen loading the platinum).   To this day the Pons Fleischmann cold fusion is listed in printed texts and encyclopedias as the "great cold fusion fraud".  

NOBODY LISTENED and nobody did it as written for over 5 years ......    they were too interested in in beating on the two painted monkeys.

Here is a fact -- the experiment as originally written has been replicated and verified to work 1,700 times so far and this has been reported by scientists and high school teachers and science clubs all over the world.   It does not work every time as the set up is actually pretty much minimal to get the reaction to happen in the first place (but then again we know a lot more about LENR now than we did back then).

Still, if you even do a Pons Fleischmann trial and you will still get hooted at because "it never works".

The cold fusion crowd have now been hooted at and abused for so long it is completely institutionalized.

You have the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project folks now designing a Rossi E-cat that has a slide in fuel chamber, so they can test yields of different powder mixtures inside of a half hour of rig time.   THEY are getting hooted at now for even building the rig.  

But there is a tinge of fear in the hate speak now as the deriders are obviously scared shiteless about what they are going to find out.

"Science" is now greatly resembling institutionalized religion a la the Dark Ages as "science" has lost its inquiring roots and become a place where change is hated and people with new thoughts get abused by the institution's leaders.    

Or, since it has always been that way, people in science haven't changed much since the dark ages ....

Howler Monkey Scientists, screaming hate, fear, anger and throwing poop at each other .....


Massachusetts Institute of Technology has completely retracted their "anti" position on cold fusion and now is a leader in TEACHING the new technology, having taught it officially for 3 years now.   In this class you do the Pons Fleischmann experiment AS WRITTEN and since the lab is set up correctly and is using the right purity of materials, by jove it works every time.


This is an entire new field opening up now, if the old fossils in charge of "institutionalized science" will just shut up and get out of the way.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/24/14 at 05:14:42

LENR and volcanism

New theory that explains "hotter than the magma" volcanoes that develop within the 30 mile thick crust of the earth.  When LENR in a crust area near the surface gets proper conditions to go faster, the rocks there gets hotter, melting into magma and as it gets more liquid and it gets lighter so it rises, making a pimple that raises up the skin and eventually pops, spewing very liquid magma that is hotter and more fluid than the general core magma (which is cooler, thick and sludgy generally speaking).

Note that normal volcanism takes place within a couple of miles of the surface of the crust -- if it goes all the way through the crust it is called a SUPER volcano and those are generally extinction level events when they take place.

Superheated magma is very liquid and fluid and it can move very quickly under the localized extremely increased LENR heat and pressure which is trapped by the rocky crust.

So, think of localized LENR heating as an inside the dermis "infection area" and a volcano as a big zit and you got the new general idea of volcanism.

Toss in the fact that some natural thorium rock formations might start up thorium fission at under the right conditions and you got several ways a zit can form.

Some volcanoes show some significant radioactivity and some do not -- go figure.    

Some are LENR and some are thorium fission .....  but most volcanoes are only very mildly radioactive.

:D   popping zits, every teenaged boys hobby

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Pine on 10/24/14 at 08:40:00

But there is a tinge of fear in the hate speak now as the deriders are obviously scared shiteless about what they are going to find out.

"Science" is now greatly resembling institutionalized religion a la the Dark Ages as "science" has lost its inquiring roots and become a place where change is hated and people with new thoughts get abused by the institution's leaders.    

Or, since it has always been that way, people in science haven't changed much since the dark ages ....

Howler Monkey Scientists, screaming hate, fear, anger and throwing poop at each other .....

While I won't go into it all here as it more a TT topic, the same problems seem to be faced by scientists in other fields as well. I currently watch a YT channel on "space weather". It seems that climate  science has an official position and any one that tries to speculate on other aspects must be attacked adn vilified.
Some of the channels ideas:
earthspots - same function as sunspots
spacewater- that water is wide spread in the solar system and water on earth did not come from comets.
electric universe - just as gravity and magnetism affect entities in the solar system, so does electrical charges

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/24/14 at 09:10:05

When LENR in a crust area near the surface gets proper conditions to go faster, the rocks there gets hotter, melting into magma and as it gets more liquid and it gets lighter so it rises, making a pimple that raises up the skin and eventually pops, spewing very liquid magma that is hotter and more fluid than the general core magma (which is cooler, thick and sludgy generally speaking).

I think youve pretty well got that figured, but there may be another element in the equation that makes it want to rise. As it heats up it increases pressure and the further down we go the higher the pressures get. When a formation has more gas pressure ( in PSI) than the drilling fluids weigh, bubbles of gas get into the well bore. They are heading UP,, Theyre lighter, naturally, since theyre a gas, I wouldnt KNOW, for sure, that a melted rock is less dense in terms of Pounds per Cubic inch, than a solid rock, Solid water is less dense than liquid water, because when it crystallizes into ice the structure takes on a shape that cause it to displace more volume. Rocks? Heck,, I dunno what rocks do,, not in the molecular volume difference between "frozen" and "Melted" rock area,, BUT,, I Do know Heat rises And stuff thats moving chooses the path of least resistance,, So, UP makes sense, whether its measurably less dense in terms of Mass per cubic measure, or not.

A Bubble the size of a pea at 12,000 feet pressing itself into a wellbore filled with 10 pound fluid is gonna be BIG and displace a lot of fluid when it gets to the surface.

A cubic yard of molten rock coming to the surface? Eaux MuGawd,,, And what happens if that HOT Magma just happens to cross paths with a decent groundwater supply 120 feet deep? Might get Juuust a Little bit of a steam EX PLO Zhun..

If someone wants to trouble themselves with determining the pressure at the bottom of a 12,000 foot column of 10 pound/gallon fluid and then say a bubble is 1 cubic inch in size, we can figure the volume of the bubble when it gets to the surface,

I dont know what melted ROCK does,,, as pressure is removed from it,, But Ive seen pictures... Sometimes lava just ooozes along,, sometimes, ya get the Vesuvius action..

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/24/14 at 19:35:23

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project’s ‘Project Dog Bone’ Has Begun

"One week ago, the MFMP asked the question “So you want to see a replication?”, well, there seems to be demand for one (thanks for all the well-wishers and donations) however, we obviously cannot do a “replication” per se because we are not privy to all the facts…

What we can do first is empirically answer criticisms of the report and attempt to use our experience to build something for the people – because everyone of us and our dogs should have one!

We think we can build initial test reactors much cheaper than the price that was ball parked to us yesterday and that might enable a much wider group to participate in parameter sweeping.

The team is working hard on the control simulations at the moment and we are starting to model a practical test reactor in 3D."


Oh the photo tease, such a terrible terrible photo tease ....

I see the Dog Bone a glowing ......

Hit it on the first try??  ..... not very durn likely.      More likely just a calibration run with no powder inside it at all.    However, I am LOVING the high temperature glass shelf (clear insulating material) and the camera that can record endlessly that nobody did any hinky stuff during the run.

Ooooooooh, if somebody can suggest an improvement,  I bet they can do her.

Point being that the Dog Bone Rig is real now, the exact same exciter equipment is being used (same as Rossi and the last guys used) and very close to the exact same construction.

Main difference in the Dog Bone RIg has an IDENTICAL REPLACEABLE slim inner sleeve that is holding the powder charge that can be inserted, run, numbers collected, logged for analysis and then the next sleeve of different powder can be inserted without even letting the rig cool down all that much.  

Quick test results -- easy multiple repeats to tie down the details.

They say they are hunting for a one hour total set up time to get to the initial steady state readings ......  quick !!!


Now, multiply out these rigs out amongst all the universities and interested parties and very quickly they as a whole will start zeroing in on best frequencies, amperages, voltages and offset harmonics that seem to yield "more" and they will quickly determine the most likely powder mixes that are worth more detailed testing.

And they plan to be able to supply the test rig complete if you want -- just as cheaply as they possibly can.

I bet they know what a DOE (design of experiment) test series is, a statistical process improvement tool that Quality Engineers use to optimize a process.    This experiment has few enough input variables to use a DOE to identify the critical key "knob" variables and to suggest an optimization curve formula that will give them the optimum resulting temperature using those key "knob" variables.

Yup, they needs them a Six Sigma Black Belt or two to  help them out, I bet.   I bet they will get lots & lots of volunteers .......

:D     Science Fairs will be lousy with the things if they can make it safe enough and cheap enough.   Ditto for a popular standard Physics laboratory exercise.

Now, Old_Timer, Justin and I may just kick in and buy us a Dog Bone Rig if it doesn't cost too much.   Or join a Dog Bone team group and help support the team with a few $.

In the next year or two maybe buy a nice cheap two element Chinese built portable room heater that looks a lot like it ???   Just have to slide you in a cheap replacement powder inner sleeve whenever the goodie gets all used up ???    Jest push the old one out the far end when you stuff in the new one ???    

Sweet !!


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by old_rider on 10/24/14 at 20:02:34

looks kinda like althread.....except for the left side is lookin' smoother...might be a trick of the light

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/24/14 at 20:30:29

  "Control +"   a few times or   "Save the image as"   to your desktop then blow it up with any decent graphics program -- the rings do go all the way around and it does look like a thread, doesn't it?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/29/14 at 04:44:35

Rossi Congratulates Carl-Oscar Gullström on Theoretical LENR Paper

Posted on October 29, 2014 by admin • 15 Comments

A few days ago, Carl-Oscar Gullström, a doctoral student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University, Sweden submitted a paper to E-Cat World for publication here, titled ” “Low radiation fusion through bound neutron tunneling.”

The paper can be read at this link:

Sweden believes in LENR and Swedish graduate students are studying it and writing papers on it.   The old monkeys howl at every attempt to explain what is happening since they have consistently refused to acknowledge it exists in the first place.

This is just sad, the boy just explained what was going on USING STANDARD ATOMIC PHYSICS AND KNOWN EFFECTS and gave you checkable MATH that seems to fit the existing data.   He explains the lack of hard radiation, too.

And you old monkey scientists just howl at him and start throwing dung at him when he has provided EXACTLY what you have been asking for, a sound theoretical basis for LENR.

Now, what I find less than amusing is the fact that some scientific journals are exercising censorship against  certain IDEAS and will not publish any theoretical works on these ideas.   This attitude chokes off new developing science in these new fields.

Wake up guys, MIT now teaches courses on LENR --- get with the program.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/31/14 at 08:16:42

A suggestion for on-off excitation on dual element systems, just switch the excitement evenly between the elements -- when one is on the the other is off.   Won't likely maximize heat that way but it would drive the cost of the electronics in half since you'd only need one set of electronics that ran at the current "set" excitement level which was switched back and forth between the two cores.  

To lower the heat you'd increase a timer controlled delay or off period between excites (increase the one delay period controlled by the timer circuit of the thermostat that, along with the excite current, gets switched back and forth from core to core).    Bottom end temp per cycle would have to be 350oC which is the minimum ignition temperature for the reaction.

Issue with LENR heaters is sizing it properly to your house, you want one that can run pretty much 24/7 and not overheat your house while doing it.   Your standard heat might come on occasionally, but not for very long.

LENR dogbone room heater units will be small and portable in the end, once the electronics are packaged for full commercial production runs and the whole thing is understood much better.

A main benefit to the dual core back and forth on/off system is that the cores can be run at full blast when they are "on" maximizing the overall COP of the dual core system.   Since the excite period is short and the non-powered cool down is long the full range of transformations (including copper) can take place during the full heavy excite "on" periods without melting the powders down.

It is a way of getting a broad range of "variable temperatures" out of a fixed high COP output LENR dual dogbone system.   It doubles the time between powder maintenances and gives you an output temperature range of twice that of a singe dogbone system at a similar cost for the electronics (which will always be the most expensive part of a LENR system).


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/31/14 at 08:34:48

Swedish patents for electrical cars have been granted.    Tesla Automotive is their partner in this budding technology.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 10/31/14 at 09:08:32

Stirling engine for electric generation will probably be the winner.  Sizing will be the key issue as some will need 24 hr operation while most need only 1 hr per 24 hrs.  If these can in turn be pluged into a network and supply electricity it could be a money generator.  Think of it, 24 hr operation, unplug drive to work, plug in, cash rolls in, unplug, dive home, plug in, you turn all the lights on and it don't cost you a dime.  All you would need is a capacitor to even out the spikes.

CO2 turbine sounds a bit far fetched, I haven't seen any application of it so far.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 10/31/14 at 09:20:12

By using a "heavier" gas with greater momentum efficiency is easier to get .....  it is a standard looking very small mini-turbine like the first part of a motorcycle turbocharger.  

Sterling engines will be more efficient and less costly to do at first.

Some proposed LENR systems can generate DC electrons as part of the reaction, charge occurs in the reactor containment vessel, not inside the reactor itself (which is seeing strong AC exciter waves all the time).

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/01/14 at 19:21:46

French Fusion Team Member accepts last E-Cat test as real and valid

" .... found this comment on the Journal of Nuclear Physics quite interesting. The poster is named JC Renoir, and he addressed this post to Andrea Rossi:

Dr Rossi:
I have given to control the ITP report to a scientist that is working with ITER project. He is a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, is a mainstream science person and I was interested to hear from him what he thinks of the report.
He told me is a well done work and that there was no better way to make the measurements. He said he has forwarded the report to Areva, with is where he works. I told you this, because I think you may be glad to hear.
JC Renoir

ITER is a multinational project in France, attempting to create a fusion reactor. Areva is a French multinational company which is the largest nuclear power firm in the world, also specializing in renewable energy projects.

Andrea Rossi responded to the poster saying he has no contacts with Areva, and that he was “honoured of what you write and I forwarded to the Professors of the ITP your comment.”

It’s a little surprising, but encouraging to hear that a hot fusion/nuclear scientist comes away with a positive impression of the Lugano report, and is willing to share it with colleagues."

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/01/14 at 19:36:01

"  ..... Regarding cold fusion, Dyer writes:

“If you’re not happy with those predictions about “hot” fusion power, here’s something else to cheer you up.

“Cold fusion power, which depends on low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), was dismissed with much ridicule when it was first mooted in 1989. Now it’s back on the table, and highly reputable organizations like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are taking it seriously.”

“As Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center, said in an interview last year, “Several labs have blown up studying LENR, and windows have melted. … When the conditions are ‘right,’ prodigious amounts of energy can be produced and released.”

“The Age of Wonders is not past.”

Personally, I was not familiar with Gwynne Dyer until now — but I notice his columns are published in major news outlets in 45 countries.

EEStorFanFibb wrote in the Always on thread,

Gwynne Dyer is a force in journalism. He’s a well respected war historian and his column is carried in a lot of newspapers. He is very well connected with establishment players including military big shots. His even mentioning LENR in a column is a milestone. Congrats people!"

"Dyer takes seriously the recent announcement by Lockheed Martin that it was hoping to produce commercial fusion reactors a decade from now. He considers Lockheed to be a credible and powerful player, and also mentions other companies working in the fusion field: EMC2 Fusion Development Corp., Helion Energy, General Fusion, and Tri-Alpha Energy. He considers fusion an idea whose time has come, and sees it having a major impact on coal (it would be “killed off”), gas (“the next to go”), oil (it would go into a “long decline”), and nuclear fission (replaced by fusion plants).

Dyer thinks the impact of fusion could cause civil war in places like Russia, Venezuela and Nigeria, who could face economic ruin, whereas energy importing nations could see economic boom times."

Oh baby, those who slung the dung at the LENR guys are shutting up in droves now --you got mainstream media reporting this as real and other very big dog scientists saying this needs more work now that it is out in the open.   NASA has come in out of the dark now, explaining they have been and are still working on a LENR propulsion system for deep space missions.

Israel, China, Russia and Japan have now issued patents to their own citizens now for various LENR items -- Mistubishi Heavy Industries has been working on this in secret for almost a decade now and has WHOLE LISTS of metal pairs that LENR has been proven in lab tests that it can work with.

Rossi has got some folks now uncovering their secret "black" research programs that supposedly predates his work now ..... and some are further along than he is with other materials testing.

Good news is that no USA patents were ever filed, bad news is that when declassified old military projects enter into the public domain, when they actually come out of the black THEY ARE NOT PATENTABLE.

Geologists and Earth Core theorists now tie LENR to the copious amounts of helium gas that comes out of volcanic activity.    Geo scientists are excited as LENR explains a lot of observed items when it is all put together.   Bad news is, if LENR is a natural process, then it is not patentable.

:P          fun stuff, huh?    Rossi is so screwed over it isn't funny .....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/04/14 at 05:40:16

Norway Politics and LENR

Norway and Sweden are married at the hip geographically speaking, sharing a major mountain range as their boarder.   Needless to say the Norwegians and the Swedish people share a lot of the same climate needs and some of the same universities.

Sweden has accepted LENR and the idea of the relatively safer Thorium fission reactors and have already built a Thorium pilot plant, but the Norwegians are still hashing it out politically about the fission reactor stuff.


The Norwegian ruling Green party threw down their pens and walked away from the government when they lost a key vote on the fission reactor stuff.    This is a follow on meeting with Godes of Brillouin about his large LENR reactor which the Greens are seeking as an alternative to putting a large dangerous fission reactor into their country.

Politics has entered into the LENR equation with the Green Party of Norway supporting the thoughts of a LARGE Brillouin installation instead of any fission reactor.    This will likely be Godes chance at his first larger unit, or at least a larger sized pilot test plant.  

Remember, the Swedes already know LENR works, they bought an early Rossi plant and have a Swedish company now making and selling the things under license to Industrial Heat. Norway also knows LENR works with some of their people having been there from the beginning.

Brillouin has all the full size coal/oil/nuclear sized replacement LENR technology fully developed and designed, they just need somebody with the coins to build the puppy.

If the Green Party of Norway decides Godes of Brillouin is their man ....


BTW, for 50 years the natural gas industry and the petroleum cracking plant industry have had issues with unexplained "heat blooms" inside large underground areas of gas shale fields and inside some of their large petroleum cracking/processing cold storage tankage.  

LENR is now seen as a perfectly understandable explanation of what is taking place since the conditions are favorable to a low level LENR style reaction.

What was unexplained before was that no oxygen present and no chemical reaction was energetic enough to heat up the cubic miles of gas field shale that were getting hot in a gas field heat bloom.   And in the tankage, there wasn't any combustion chemicals present or any detectable chemical composition changes when the tanks were drawn down -- the stuff just got hotter for no reason.  

The chemists weren't checking for isotopic scale changes of course.    I think they will now.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/05/14 at 19:28:36

Elforsk Publishes Article: ‘Isotope changes indicate “Cold” nuclear reaction’

by Elforsks CEO Magnus Olofsson

"The following is a rough translation (using Google as the primary translator) of an article that has been published in the Elforsk Perspektiv magazine (#2, 2014). The complete magazine can be read here in the original Swedish:
The article is on page 12.

Elforsk is a research and development cooperative formed and funded by Swedish utilities and energy companies.

Thanks to Pelgrim108 for finding this!

ISOTOP changes indicate “Cold” nuclear reaction : ELFORSK following developments

New tests of inventor Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer shows clear isotopic changes in catalyst fuel. The results thus indicate it may involve nuclear reactions at low temperatures.

A month-long test run of an Energy Catalyzer shows again astounding results. In the publication of a new report, written by researchers associated with the University of Uppsala, the Royal Institute of Technology and the University of Bologna, clear isotopic changes indicate an energy surplus which may be due to hitherto unknown nuclear reactions or other unknown causes.

– It shows that we may be being introduced to a new way of extracting nuclear energy, probably without ionizing radiation and radioactive waste. The discovery could be very significant for world energy supply, comments
Elforsks CEO Magnus Olofsson.

Elforsk hs in recent years followed developments in the area generally called LENR (English for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions). Among other things Elforsk compiled a summary of current knowledge about LENR compiled. Elforsk also financed current and previous measurements.


If it is possible to safely produce and control the now indicated nuclear reactions we are probably eventually anticipating a radical change of our energy. It can open the way for decentralized energy supply. Electricity and heat can then be produced with relatively simple components. Climate friendly efficient energy production would be very cheap.

In the current situation we do not know about all this and whether it is too amazing to be true. The measurement results indicate that a new way of extract nuclear energy may have been discovered.

A small group of Swedish researchers are deeply engaged in trying to understand the underlying physics. Sweden has thus a unique chance to be involved in leading research and development in the LENR field, says Magnus Olofsson.

However, more knowledge is needed to understand and explain LENR. Let us engage researchers to research the phenomenon and then explain how it works.


The central part of the reactor is narrow and twenty centimeters long. In the experiments, the reactor was heated to a temperature up to about 1400 degrees Celsius. Net production of energy was about 1500 kilowatt hours of energy
in the form of heat. The thermal energy was three to four times larger than the applied electrical energy. This is with about a gram of fuel consisting of hydrogen loaded nickel with additives in powder form."

So, the Swedes and the Norwegians both intend to follow up on LENR as it suits their countries needs better than fission (no radiation and no deadly waste products).    Expect a lot more research and more patents to follow directly.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/06/14 at 04:03:01



"A reactor device includes a sealed vessel defining an interior, a fuel material within the interior of the vessel, and a heating element proximal the vessel. The fuel material may be a solid including nickel and hydrogen. The sealed vessel may be sealed against gas ingress or egress and may contain no more than a trace amount of gaseous hydrogen. The sealed vessel is heated with an input amount of energy without ingress or egress of material into or out of the sealed vessel. An output amount of thermal energy exceeding the input amount of energy is received from the sealed vessel. The fuel material has a specific energy greater than that of any chemical reaction based energy source."

This is a many page patent add-on to Rossi's original three 2013 patents pending that have been given extensions by the US Patent Office.   This one was written by Industrial Heat's patent attorney firm for Rossi and it is formatted according to best USA patent practices, etc.

Since everybody and his brother is putting patents through their various local countries patent offices and getting them granted, the US Patent Office will be forced to grant this patent or to explain in a court of law why they do not do their job properly.    Since all the black projects have exposed themselves now there is no commanding "top secret" reason not to grant the man his patent.

Note please that the dispute over whether LENR is a natural phenomena or not is neatly avoided by patenting the METHOD of generating heat by the LENR reaction.    

That is the Industrial Heat patent attorney's doing there I am sure.

COP of 10+ is stated in the patent application for the most advanced 3 E-Cat steam generating cell unit.   This COP is high enough to run a piston steam engine hooked up to a generator and still have half the energy left over for other uses.   These are the same cells that are used in the 1 megawatt steam plants being built and installed now.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/06/14 at 10:15:17

Is there a Case for Compulsory Licensing of the E-Cat?

“Grant of compulsory license

Compulsory licensing occurs when a government authorises an organisation other than the patent owner to produce a patented product or process without the patent owner’s consent. The patent owner is remunerated for the license but does not have the option to refuse the license, select the licensee, or determine royalty rates. The Indian Patents Act (2005) provides for compulsory licenses three years following patent grant. Compulsory licenses can be granted on the grounds of the invention not being available at a reasonably affordable price, the reasonable requirements of the public with respect to the patented invention not being met, or the patent not being worked. This has recently been changed from ‘reasonably priced’ to ‘reasonably affordably priced’, which is seen to lower the threshold for compulsory licensing.”

The blunt answer is that the India government will force inventors to license items "for the public good" at fixed low license fees that will be set by the Indian Patent Commission at the end of three years after the original patent application.

So, even if Rossi is granted his US patent it will not stop Indian companies from claiming the right to manufacture his E-Cats at very very low license fees.   The Chinese already have granted patents to various Chinese state agencies on LENR, so they are rolling with the ball as we speak.

The only one with rock solid granted patents so far is Brillouin and his patents are all on the control systems that are 100% part and parcel of his "large coal sized plant" approach.    So, even Brillouin falls under the Indian Compulsory License laws and he only has one year left before they can set the prices for his licenses for him.   Brillouin has yet to build his first major plant and the construction time required for his big 'uns would put him out of the 3 year period before his first one is completed and run off.

China is constructing their first 3 large Thorium power generating reactors as we speak, with China judging correctly that they are the cheapest (open source low tech) and are amply "Safe Enough" for Chinese domestic uses.   LENR would be for smaller installations most of which are more Rossi type/sized than Brillouin sized big plants.    China has already granted internal patents for things akin to a Rossi E-Cat, so that aspect is water over the dam now.   China will go with a mix of Thorium and "e-cat like" out into the future.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/07/14 at 04:25:07

Question becomes:   How many plutonium bombs did you actually need back in the '50s and '60s and 70's ???   Don't you still have THOUSANDS of surplus bombs left over from that period?    WHY are we still making plutonium that has a 10,000 to a million year dangerous period ????    Why don't we just use thorium ore ROCKS to make our energy needs ???

Interesting note:  any dangerous radioactive nasty plutonium waste that needs disposing of can be slowly added to a liquid thorium reactor and it gets burned up by the natural thorium fission cycle.   Gone inside of a year ..... turned into electricity.

Thorium reactors are TINY compared to what we have now.   Shielding is tiny too.   Since fearing a melt down isn't an issue they don't have to be built next to large supplies of water, either.

Grow a brain, America -- you don't need more bombs so quit making plutonium in breeder reactors .....



Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/14 at 10:34:12

1kW Andrea Rossi E-Cat Heater For $50

"“Could you produce a simple E-Cat space heater that anyone could plug into a wall? Most current consumer electric space heaters are limited to 1,500 watts, which is claimed to be enough to heat 1,000 square feet (93 square meters). Such a device would allow even very low income apartment dwellers to immediately benefit from LENR technology. You could not possibly manufacture enough portable heaters to keep up with worldwide demand. Competition is only a problem if you run out of customers. The E-Cat shortage will be the big problem making headlines.”

Andrea Rossi is pleased with the suggestion. It is very simple yet feasible and marketable. Rossi responded by saying: “Do you know? Yours is a very good idea. We got to study it.”

From the reply of Andrea Rossi, it is clear that the idea did not cross his mind. If he can make a 10kW heater, for sure he can make a 1kW Andrea Rossi E-Cat heater. He may have to make some adjustments on the reactor to make it work. But it is highly possible.

If the 10kW heater will sell like pancakes, the 1kW Andrea Rossi E-Cat heater will sell like gumballs! It will be really cheap. Andrea Rossi made a rough estimate of the selling price for the 1kW heater and the figure he came up with is $50."

So, Rossi admits his last trial core was a prototype of a heater.   Not unexpected, but the $50 cost estimate seems to be low enough to leave a profit margin for the supply chain up through retail.

Still, this has all fired off some additional thoughts from a bunch who don't think the US regulatory people will react fast enough to keep up with the wave.

E-Cats and the Black Market

"If you are looking at $500 to heat your house for the winter or you can buy an ecat from the laid off solar panel distributor down the street for $200, what would you do?

That doesn’t even include the electricity potentials of it. If an advanced ecat is put out that can create enough electricity to power a car or truck then there will be a demand for an extra 600 million as we all drive our gas guzzlers into the lake (or convert to hydrogen created on board).

Laws will not stop me from putting one in my house, car, boat, and even the police would all likely want one as quick as possible."

India will force license the E-Cat after 3 years (which has already past, BTW) and China has domestic patents already granted for the same tech (to government owned plants).

Room heaters will be available by next year made in India and China  .... whether black market or gray market or UL listed normal retail channels we do not know.   Look to see them show up at Harbor Freight .....

People will want cheap heat for their homes, etc. no mater which language they speak.


Go back to the 1,500 watt small ceramic tubed E-Cat idea for a second and put 3 of them each horizontally, but with each horizontal rod stacked vertically above each other n a vertical row standard looking electrical heater format.

Energize the first until it gets up to full cut off temperature and turns off, then energize the second until the first cools down to minimum temp and needs a bump, then cycle back to the first (run it back up to max temp) then go to back to the second whenever the first hits max and cycles off.   Eventually the rig gets hot enough that #1 and #2 are both max temp cycled off at the same time for some limited period of time.

Cycle to the third when both #1 and #2 are up to temp and turned off, but by then the radiant and vertical convection heat from the first two will have #3 up over the ignition temp most likely.   Make your program give #1 first priority for bump, #2 second bump priority and #3 can play catch up just with the time that 1 & 2 are both off.

You would also be able to deselect #3 and #2 to turn down the overall total heat output as needed (obviously the #1 at the bottom needs to run first and ongoing to provide radiant heat to #2 to keep it ready to go).  

#1 will run the most as #2 &#3 get radiant and convective heat from #1 so they cool off much slower and thus have longer off times.

Sounds complicated?    Not really, a very simple controller chip program can handle the logic very easily, along with the temperature monitoring of all three E-Cat rods.   Same controller could monitor return air temp and cut the #3 and #2 floating rods completely off as needed.

1.500 watts of control power x COP of 4 x 3 each E-Cat rods = a range between 6,000 min and 24,500 watts of maximum heat output.

54000 square feet of warming ability out of 1500 watts of input juice ..... not bad at all.

AND if COP goes above the 4 as was shown in the last little ceramic E-Cat test (up to the six and 10 COP range shown in some of his other earlier stuff) it only gets better and better.

:)    One of these down in the den could heat my whole house, just about.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 11/08/14 at 11:18:00

right now (ok I'm cali centric) people use gas for heat.
The problem is there's a lot of waste heat going up a flume because the exhaust is un-useable.
But with E-cat heat there's no exhaust.
so how many billions of BTU's are going up the flume that soon won't be and what will that do to global warming?

You think E-cat room heaters/furnace, I think E-cat water heaters will be big too.  The energy industry will be shuttered overnite.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/14 at 11:52:15

Electrical will still be needed to start and control the reaction for most installations.   Gas will get used on big commercial rig ups for the initial heating as GAS is cheaper than electricity for that initial heat up use (Rossi did a gas cat several years ago) but you still need some AC electric current for the excite waves.


Electric hot water heaters will have 2 cores, one tiny core  that goes on and off all the time just to keep the water temp topped off and a right big un that comes on during shower time and quickly gets you a rapid recovery fully accomplished then gives it over to the little tiny core for maintenance of that recovered full temperature.

You can't just use the big core because you'd spend all the electrical energy to get it over 500o F while paying full price for the electrical juice to fight the cold water until it gets that hot.

So, I see the tiny core as being the CENTER portion of the large core such that it keeps the large core pretty much up near ignition temp all the time.   I also see the need for a shield around the cores to keep the water off of it so it CAN get up to 500 degrees and start the reaction.  

Putting overheat sensors into the small center core as well as several places in the big core means you won't melt down the little core with the large waste heat from the big one.

BTW, you are talking about the same core construction as in a steam car's boiler, so the two technologies can play off new developments one to the other.    Plus economies of scale can be seen if the same item can do both duties.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by old_rider on 11/08/14 at 12:09:00

You could add a shroud around the e-cat tube and vent the air from the heat exchanger to an air duct radiator to provide home heat.... use all the resources..... boil water for pressure steam - electricity..... shroud the heater with ducts - home heat.
Vent the heat off in the summer, or use it to cook with.. wouldn't take much engineering to use all of the sources of energy.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/14 at 12:18:53

Old-rider is thinking about a unified complete home power generator station, which would be nice to have but is a good ways away I think.

Versy and I are talking about 2 and 3 years out, some things that are completely feasible to retro fit with what has been shown to us so far.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 11/08/14 at 15:00:53

Home heat is good... 1 year off
Home and water heat is better... 2 years off
Home/water heat and power is optimal... 5 to 10 years off.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by MnSpring on 11/08/14 at 17:18:58

[quote author=342730312E2325272C73420 link=1411747283/105#108 date=1415474280]  ...  so how many billions of BTU's are going up the flume that soon won't be and what will that do to global warming? ...

Egg Zactaly !!!!!!  
100 + years ago, Homes were heated with wood,
The stove was in the 1st floor, the pipe went through the 2nd floor, THEN, in to the chimney, out the roof. Later when Oil heaters were the rage, same thing. Later, Wood Stoves came back, but better, more efficiency, and air tight. Then their were, 'Heat-A-Lators', Which went in to your stove pipe, took out the 'heat', that was going up the flue, and returned it to the room.  (Many Kind, brands/types).

But alas, "For the Greater Good", The, 'government' BANNED, such things.  Because they were, 'un- safe'.  

And they were, 'un-safe', For the,  FOOLS,  and  DFI's, who burned   WET WOOD !!!!!!!!!!

Yet, it 'can', still be done.     LOLOLOLOLOLOLO

No, 'advancement', in power/energy/etc, will be, 'ALLOWED", by this government, until all, the 'other' resources are exhausted.  Simply because the people in, 'power', are making tremendous money off it.

Just like, 'SunLight" !  Cant make 'money' off, 'SUNLIGHT".  So the development of, Photovoltaic, is so V  E  R  Y   S  L  O  W.
If you were to build new, and did, Photovoltaic, and LED, lights. Up front cost would be higher. Yet in 10 years, costs would be -0-.   In twenty years. IT's All FREE !!!!

Well, until the US government, puts a TAX, on,  SUNLIGHT !!!!!!!

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/08/14 at 18:38:39

“The new Applicant, IPH International BV is a Dutch company with a sole proprietor European Generation SARL, Luxemburg, a subsidiary of NRG Energy Inc., Houston, and Princeton.”

Well, the International Big Business Green Movement has grabbed on to the control of LENR now so it will be either promoted or squashed very very very quickly now.

It  has become obvious to any and all that the US Patent Office isn't taking its LENR thumb out of its butt for any reason in the near future and the critical "how it works" secrets are leaking out as we speak.

Determining the Fuel Composition for an E-Cat Reactor (Steven Karels)

"Element % Analysis by Weight
Nickel 55.0
Iron 39.0
Aluminum 4.3
Lithium 1.1
Hydrogen (no Deuterium) 0.6
Total 100.0
LiAlH4 6.0      It is also likely that the LiAlH4 was prepared using hydrogen depleted of deuterium."

Thusly, Industrial Heat, LLC  the current owners of the E-Cat IP of one Andrea Rossi have now combined with a Dutch legal system based (and 1% tax based) green energy cartel to peddle E-Cat licenses world wide running off the existing already approved Swedish patents.  

Fiscal considerations for this move are not known since the  Industrial Heat, LLC  folks DO know how to take their bulky wads of money to the bank and they DO know how to keep their silly mouths shut about it.

It was either do this or let China and India run with it for free due to the total lack of response from the US Patent Office.

Expect the E-Cat research group to move to some other digs somewhere else immediately, with only a very small local team left behind to continue running herd on that first commercial E-Cat installation "somewhere" in NC.

Expect that Rossi has now been told to SHUT UP TOTALLY and quit posting on blogs, etc. completely.   Rossi's help in the future may be viewed by the new cartel as somewhat "counter-productive" since he generates massive resistance from everyone everywhere he goes --- plus he cannot seem to keep his mouth shut and his fingers quiet and his various buds are now leaking critical trade secrets like a sieve now.

IPH International BV has contacts (and lots of lawyers retained) in a multitude of first world nations so expect IPH International BV to be pursuing the international licensing of the E-Cat family of technologies under the Swedish patents wherever they currently do coverage.    And they already do cover most of the world.

Expect to squash or buy any other USA LENR development efforts totally in the USA and to do nothing much with their own Rossi based IP in the short term since they have such a "currently being built" huge huge huge investment in already sold large solar fields to protect.

This same "new energy" cartel has also purchased the Cyclone Stirling steam engine, the Beacon generation system, Rossi's stuff and several other new "localized" electrical energy systems.  Alternate energy has become big business now days.

Also expect the legal hard ball actions to commence immediately as if you don't get a license from NRG or IPH International BV you can expect to get a subpoena and a court date from them instead.

The Project Dog Bone folks may well get a cease and desist order slapped on them immediately if NRG IPH International BV is as hard cased as popular rumor has them to be.

The Chinese however will not care, since they pro-actively granted backdated E-Cat like patents to themselves two months ago -- so my E-Cat like LENR room heater will likely still show up at Harbor Freight on time.

The rest of the roll out of LENR is going to be MUCH more expensive and take MUCH longer now, I am afraid.

These same folks may try to buy out Godes and Brillouin so as to put LENR all under one roof.    That move would cost them hundreds of millions though as Godes has gotten his patents for his controls widely approved in 19+ different countries now (including China).

>:(   If you had any lingering doubts about E-Cats really working, please consider those reservations now answered in full at this time.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/09/14 at 03:36:05

Segway Inventor Dean Kamen Thinks His New Stirling Engine Will Get You Off The Grid For Under $10K

NRG is fronting this guy's stuff that is currently running off natural gas.    Rossi's E-Cat falls right into this $10,000 "power your house, heat your house, make your hot water" performance envelope.

"The Beacon 10 unit's dimensions are 3 ft. 8 in. long by 2 ft. 6 in. wide by 4 ft.high, which NRG says is slightly larger than a washing machine

The unit weighs 1,500 lbs."

So in 10 years will everyone have one?

“I’d say yes. Ten years from today the probability that you are depending on wires hanging on tree branches is as likely as that you’ll still be installing land lines for telephones. Close to zero.”

NRG might just be the place for Rossi to be right now since they already "own" the various other associated technologies.

"Cyclone Power Technologies has introduced a new engine which they say runs on waste heat. Previously, engines from Cyclone Power utilized external combustion. The Waste Heat Engine (WHE) is capable of running on any heat source and is said to work at fairly low temperatures. Possible sources of heat include the sun, without the use of solar cells, and the heat from a running engine or exhaust.

The engine appears similar to a radial engine at first glance, but is completely different in operation. Displacing about 155 cubic inches, the twelve cylinder engine isn't particularly small for the twenty horsepower that it is said to produce. Because of these dimensions, we're not expecting to see this engine under the hood of a vehicle already equipped with an internal combustion engine. For applications where space isn't really an issue, though, the WHE could potentially increase the efficiency of the overall power unit."

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 11/12/14 at 21:26:19

Beijing (CNN) -- In a historic climate change deal, U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced both countries will curb their greenhouse gas emissions over the next two decades.

Under the agreement, the United States would cut its 2005 level of carbon emissions by 26-28% before the year 2025. China would peak its carbon emissions by 2030 and will also aim to get 20% of its energy from zero-carbon emission sources by the same year.

"As the world's two largest economies, energy consumers and emitters of greenhouse gases, we have a special responsibility to lead the global effort against climate change," Obama said Wednesday in a joint news conference with Xi.

The announcement marks the first time China has agreed to peak its carbon emissions, according to the White House. Xi is calling for "an energy revolution" that would include broad economic reforms addressing air pollution.

Gee... I wonder how they are planning on doing that?   ;)

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/13/14 at 03:42:05

Yup, it is becoming the thing to have a national central effort to kill off the pollution causing coal power plants.

It is clearly a national imperative in China because air pollution is SO BAD that people are dying over there from lung complications in some areas.

Obama will love that sort of thing, as he gets to make noise about making progress ..... knowing full well that the oil and coal industries are dead set against it and are doing all they can to continue to do business as normal.

The Chinese however are DEAD SERIOUS about it.   They don't give a shite what percentage of their national economy is tied up in coal, oil etc because their current growth rate can absorb those freed up resources very quickly.

America would founder if 30-40% of our overall economy became obsolete overnight -- especially if China were the one supplying the new technology because we don't manufacture anything any more and our Patent Office can't seem to get its thumb out of its butt and grant a patent on a new invention.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/13/14 at 04:09:57

New Brillouin Energy Patent Application that is broad enough to enclose Rossi's work with solid powders

'A treatment of a possibly powdered, sintered, or deposited lattice (e.g., nickel) for heat generating applications and a way to control low energy nuclear reactions ("LENR") hosted in the lattice by controlling hydride formation. The method of control and treatment involves the use of the reaction lattice, enclosed by an inert cover gas such as argon that carries hydrogen as the reactive gas in a non-flammable mixture. Hydrogen ions in the lattice are transmuted to neutrons as discussed in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2007/0206715 (Godes_2007)). Hydrogen moving through the lattice interacts with the newly formed neutrons generating an exothermic reaction.'

All is fair in love and war and LENR ......    Godes has patents granted for his control systems in 19+ countries so far, but his current granted patents only apply to his overly expensive esoteric gas floated control system.

So, he is going to try to leverage on those granted control patents and put in some general wording that includes the new theoretical explanations that folks have just created to explain  how it all works AND to broaden his patents to include solid powder filled systems (like the E-Cat).

His justification?   His earliest works were of that type and he has progressed far beyond Rossi's E-Cat is or can do, which means his work "naturally included" what Rossi is currently promoting.

Now, the fact he never showed a solid system to anyone (nor has anything of that type other than a lab test rig) might show he didn't follow that path at all beyond testing to see about getting some powder mixes to react at all.

So, Brillouin and Industrial Heat are now in a "Who Owns the Patent War" right now with Brillouin leading on patents granted already -- with Brillouin now trying to broaden their patents to include solid E-Cat like models.    The US Patent office final denied Brillouin's original submissions because they never proved the technology worked in any real world application (which is why Rossi & company are so hot on their initial customers and that first customer installed production line 1 megawatt plant).

Godes and company are playing a much bigger plan for a much bigger audience -- they have Norway and China laying in some thoughts on a first Brillouin gas float test plant to be constructed "some time soon".

The original patent applications for both Rossi and Godes were fraught with stuff that isn't what they are currently doing, so it is obvious that both patents needed to be amended to get in line with current reality.

Godes 19 patents are all about control systems for his gas levitated powder system --- Godes claims to be able to run closer to the edge because he can separate his grains if they start to overheat and he can alleviate local hot spots by flushing hot hydrogen gas through them and agitating them physically with his gas pulses.

Godes system is better for a large central power plant type installation -- much more expensive and complicated though to actually build and do.

But, since Godes has never even built a larger test installation yet (and he's run through 20 million in development funds so far) Godes is getting some heat now for no real results for the money spent from his financial backers.

The commercialization of your ideas is required to prove your item really works in the real world, especially in the face of competing claims by other people.

It is now a race to commercialization and Godes is still stuck at the staring gate.

Godes ideas may be "superior" but he's got no real installations AT ALL.    His existing already approved patents all have to do with a gas float control system that is not in use anywhere.

Rossi's group is now 1) large   2) multinational  3) the Rossi group players are natural citizens of the countries they are located in  4) Each one of the Rossi group are now chasing their own set of local laws to get a commercial version of E-Cat actually into certified and licensed production.

The Chinese Rossi group is now coming out as founding members of the Chinese national thrust for pollution free energy.   Everything energy in China is government controlled, after all.   Some of those Rossi like Chinese patents are now known to be from Industrial Heat LLC licensees.

Expect the worldwide Rossi consortium's patent lawyers to take exception to the recent Brillouin patent additions in each of their countries.

You know, the Rossi guys are all local boys who know who to talk to to get things done.

Countries do tend to support their own citizens, after all.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/13/14 at 05:34:08

You know, the Chinese aren't stupid -- they are not dumping billions into tokamak style fusion nor are they dumping 10's of billions into funding the CERN search for the God particle.

They are spending their money on ENERGY NOW projects that happen to remove the need for coal air pollution.

The FRENCH did it smart -- they production line built safe fission reactors when it was time to build reactors.   The French and the Japanese are all nuclear at this point in time.

The Chinese will build inherently safe cheap Thorium reactors in deep concrete lined pits -- and when it is time to take them out of service they will emergency dump the molten reactant into the holding tanks under the reactor, lift the empty reactor out of the pit with a crane, do maintenance on it if it is salvageable and put it in a new pit.    Fill in the old pit with dirt and leave it to cool off (30 to 300 years).

If the reactor vessel isn't isn't worth reusing, then just fill the pit in with dirt (reactor and all) and just leave the mess for 300 years ......  

Thorium reactors are easily fed by adding raw thorium ore ROCKS and skimming off the rock dross that floats to the top.   Not adding anything at all but thorium ore rocks gives you at least 30 years of useful service life, which may be a way to go about it instead of building the expensive processing equipment to constantly be re-refining the molten salt solution as the Americans did back in the day.

Someplace rocky and dry like a desert is a good place to put in a series of Thorium Reactor pits -- don't have to worry about ground water in a desert.



Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/14/14 at 06:53:28

Bill Gates Addressed at ENEA in Italy by LENR Research Coordinator: What Does He Know About Cold Fusion?  

Answer -- more than you would think.


Gates, who was accompanied by Mr Federico Head of ENEA, is interested in the activities in the field of research “frontier”. The visit lasted for a few hours and gave researchers the opportunity to explain in detail the advanced research activities of the Agency.

Gates has been travelling, looking for new tech that makes power without polluting.   He stopped by the source university that all Rossi's buds hang out at to look at the people and the processes.

Same trip had him touring 3 different types of new, greener, cleaner, safer Thorium fission reactor prototypes.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/16/14 at 11:06:56

Report: Gates Foundation Close to a $1 Billion Agreement to Fund ENEA for Fusion Research

An article published on the Italian news site L’Arena reports that Microsoft founder Bill Gates is close to an agreement to provide funding to the Italian technology research agency ENEA following his visit to ENEA’s research laboratories in Frascati, Italy last week.

Gates drops about a billion worth of various grants each year trying to promote technologies that will directly help the poor in the third world.

Reports have it that he can see a portable LENR desalinization plant and a portable boiled water "sterilization / purification" plant combined with some power generation and he would fund the money necessary for this to come about.

Needless to say, with Gates backing LENR it becomes "acceptable science" and the ones who were howling and throwing all that dung last month will be lined up with their hands out for some grant money next month.

Scientists ....

Why go to the Italians?   Rossi was not the only Italian involved in the early work and by going to the "old home turf" Gates gets the historical knowledge base and folks who know the basics and can do it slightly differently enough so to as to get a separate new Gates backed LENR patent basis.

Or, if Gates is actually past being greedy (and at 81 billion in net worth he struggles each year to give it away fast enough to keep it from mounting up bigger and bigger and bigger year on year) he might actually make his Gates fund LENR version to be an open source world-wide benefit project.

Gates will still ruthlessly drive the research to make progress rapidly and he will keep it on track and on focus as he is after all, still Bill Gates.  

This is a good thing as academics often futz around and waste years fiddle farting around.

Bill Gates is looking for a lasting personal legacy to be remembered by.    Something that will mark him down through the centuries as a benefactor to humanity.  The very nice very majestic Carnegie Free Libraries come to mind as an example of this drive to create a decent legacy to be remembered by.    

Carnegie wasn't beloved when he was alive, but over time Carnegie is thought of in the context of a humanitarian far more than he was ever thought of as a rapacious monopolistic railroad "robber baron" as he was when younger and world's biggest steel magnate as he so surely was when he was still middle aged. (he bought steel plants so he could get build priority on his railroad rails, then used railroad money to buy ALL the rest of the steel mills to become a near total monopoly).

..... and here is the complete video clip with Gate's "total attention fixating" device shown clearly at the very beginning of the clip  -- and it isn't a device in either of the Godes or Rossi general format either.  

Looks like a plasma torch of some sort .....

just click on it

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/17/14 at 05:11:40

Indian Government Urged to Start Cold Fusion Research Program

'Mahadevan Srinivasan, who was involved in an earlier cold fusion program at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai said “We are making a frantic effort to revive cold fusion/LENR research in India . . . Former Atomic Energy Commission chairman Srikumar Banerjee is solidly backing me (in this effort).” He said he was trying to get the government under Prime Minister Modi to start a task force to investigate cold fusion.

Srinivasan cites work by Andrea Rossi that has shown that mass-production of suitcase-sized reactors is possible.

He states, “One such LENR generator located in each village and powering a local village-level micro-grid can work wonders . . . It is hoped that the new government will take cognition of this breakthrough development and take necessary steps to foster this new technology in India.”

Srinivasan said that he met with the Indian energy minister last week about the topic. He also referenced the fact that an LENR research center is being set up in Baoding, China.'

The energy release quoted on the last Rossi patent application was a COP of 11.

Brillouin is saying he is getting COP between 10 and 20 on his last tests.

No billion dollar pinch plasma hot fusion rig built so far has exceeded a COP of 5 and that lasted for a millisecond or two until the containment field failed and they lost the reaction completely.

Rossi's ideas are going to be lifted by every third world country in the world if Gates doesn't manage to give a Gates water purifier power generator version to them first .....

Hot fusion research billions spent past this point is sorta futile as the output simply isn't there as they cannot contain the hot fusion process.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/18/14 at 19:19:23

Follow up on the Gates LENR visit -- yes, he was there specifically to see LENR along with a full technical entourage which included big names in hot fusion and major scientific project management and some politicians and three of his financial wizards.

Gates is "considering" investing in Cold Fusion, but not through the Gates Foundation but through his investment managers.

He'd cruising to get in on the bottom floor of a new industry, in other words.   He was specifically looking at a brand new way of doing LENR that isn't Brillouin or Industrial Heat's patented methodologies.

The Gates Foundation will come in later, after the big new money from LENR rolls in ....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/19/14 at 19:38:19

Industrial Heat buying up all E-Cat licenses

The new owners of the Rossi IP,  IPH International BV,  are insisting that Industrial Heat exercise the buy back rights on all the licenses to all the earliest holders of licenses provided by Industrial Heat or by Leonardo Corp (which was Rossi's original corporation) or by Rossi himself personally prior to the creation of Leonardo Corp.

They are also buying back all the licenses issued to or by any of the joint cooperative ventures Rossi had entered into very earlier in his career before Leonardo Corp was ever formed.

Every last one of these folks was contacted and a good faith effort has been made to buy back the old out of date technology license that these folks were granted.

IPH International BV is insisting that Industrial Heat LLC clear the court of all possible confusions to the proper issuance of new IPH International BV international licenses for the current state of the art, much more advanced LENR processes that were developed inside the last calendar year.

It is unknown what enticements are being offered by Industrial Heat, other than the fact the IP that was licensed previously isn't nearly as good (COP of just a bit more than 1) compared to the current knowledge (COP of 11 and up) AND the fact that no rights to the current processes were ever entailed in those earlier licenses whatsoever.    I think the buy back is intended to bring this point home, in a strong fashion.

Having had Industrial Heat make a good faith offer to buy back the old inferior process licenses, now IPH International BV can issue a new license for the current improved product/process and then sue the snot out of anyone who does the new process without holding a new IPH International BV license to use it.  

This SPECIFICALLY includes the old Rossi personally issued licenses and for Rossi himself, should he leave Industrial Heat, LLC's employ.  

Rossi sold his IP -- it no longer belongs to him now at all.   Certainly any of the new stuff developed by Industrial Heat belongs to them alone and they intend to license it through IPH International BV exclusively.

Swedish and Dutch law is somewhat different than American law, so if this buyback seems strange to you then just write it off to Dutch "legal sensibilities".   They are tying down all the loose ends before getting down to business in a big international way.

The Cold Fusion LENR Crack Down, she begins ....

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/20/14 at 01:12:08

Rossi: ‘Now the Competition is Very Serious’

"Buck wrote:

“Gulf News, the largest English language newspaper in the Gulf region (UAE, Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia), with a daily circulation of about 110,000, has just reported that India is moving towards getting back into CF research. Your work, the China Nickel Energy connection in Baoding, and Bill Gates’ recent visit with Vittorio Violante were cited in a factual positive fashion.

To me, the tone takes on an alarmist quality as it presents CF phenomena as fact and CF technology as imminent.”

Yeah, if I was a raghead I'd really be worried about being able to buy my next private jet .....


Andrea Rossi responded:

“As I wrote on this blog one hour ago, now the competition is very serious. Thanks to the work of my Team, LENR, that 5 years ago were very “low”, not only in temperature, but also in global consideration, have gained momentum at high level. My Team merits recognition for this: our action and our fight have been the real game changer.”

In an earlier post today, Rossi was writing on the same theme:

“Gas fuel will substitute electric energy to activate the reactor and drive it; I cannot give more particulars until we will have a product ready for the market. We cannot feed more information to our competition, which now is very powerful. We need to reach extreme commercial competitivity before lacking more information. When we will have reached the necessary economy scale our prices will discourage any competition, but before that phase we must be aware of the fact that our Competitors are eating voraciously any single bit of information we are lacking.”

These quotes about gas and LENR fall in line with that plumbing that Bill Gates was shown in Italy, it seems that some form of gas heating and non-electric matrix agitation is now the cat's meow for steam generation units.   What Bill was holding was a little mixing chamber of some kind that looked like parts off a plasma torch.

THERE ARE RADICALLY DIFFERENT WAYS TO DO LENR showing up now, and some of the new ones are coming across as having relatively much higher COP values -- high enough now to drive a steam car or a small electric generating plant.

Governments and the rich dudes are strongly reacting to LENR now, they have been shown enough to know that it is both a real and imminent technology.

NEW LENR Breakthroughs are occurring ....  all of the old E-Cat licenses are being bought back now to cut down on the confusion factor separating the old E-Cat from the new stuff.

People should be more careful of what they show to Bill Gates, IP borrower extraordinary.   Just remember how both he and Jobs treated Bell Labs, Palto Alto labs and IBM and Apple with Bill Gates touring them and "borrowing" key IP from them and making it his by his free use of lawyers over decades of time.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/21/14 at 06:08:35

Michael McKubre, Hanno Essén and Others Participate in Norway Seminar to Discuss Possible LENR Alternative to Oil

Why is this important?   Norway gains much of its international income from selling North Sea Oil.   They don't like to use it themselves, as it pollutes their air, but it is how they fund their country internationally.  NORWAY UNDERSTANDS THAT LENR THREATENS THEIR ECONOMIC BASE and they are desperately trying to hedge their country both ways now.

"Towards what, you might ask? It was really only during the panel that the purpose fully emerged. Why was I there? NTVA and TEKNA had formed a committee, organized a symposium and invited participants with a specific purpose in mind. As I noted above, the economy of Norway is underwritten to a very large degree by the adventitious presence of oil and gas off their coast. Their civil society has become reliant on something that did not require a lot of work from most citizens. The question of course is what happens when the oil runs out or, unthinkably, what could happen if an alternative primary energy source were to become competitive with oil and gas as fuels? The far-sighted Scandinavians, both Nations and Corporations, are looking to hedge against this possibility. It would seem that at least some realize that the only way they can stay fully informed of developments is by becoming engaged. Scientists are very reluctant to sell their hard won ideas even for cash and would much rather collaborate with fellow scientists in an exchange of ideas. This is how we progress.

What was being attempted here in Oslo was an educational exercise (unknowingly) to counter the seeds strewn at the APS meeting of May 1, 1989, that had poisoned the minds of educators and researchers alike. The object was to inform the possibility that Martin Fleischmann was right (and, by implication, Randy Mills, Mel Miles, Francesco Piantelli, Les Case, Yoshio Arata, Andrea Rossi, Tadahiko Mizuno, Defkalion, Brillouin and a host of others afterwards). I believe what my hosts would like to see is at least one active, productive research project established in a Nordic country (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark) that would allow this community to “pay to play” in the LENR/CMNS world and thus be prepared for any sudden advances. A secondary purpose would be to train young people to be the next leaders of any ensuing technology.

This is a reasonable and rational approach that I certainly support. Let me say that more strongly. Any major country or company that does not engage now, or soon, runs a serious risk of missing the start of the revolution and being trampled. That is not to say that I know that LENR will contribute significantly to primary power generation in any form in the near future, or that I know how.

But having studied the field closely now for more than 25 years (more than 35 years if you count our earlier studies of the Pd-D system for other reasons), nothing I know stands as significant impediment to this achievement, and the hoped-for goal of the “good guys” appears to be rapidly approaching. For a long time now corporations have been “lining up to be second” — afraid of the stigma, afraid to be left behind, but with insufficient courage to go first.

With this in mind the Norwegian strategy of “hedging” seems to be entirely appropriate with no risk attached and very little cost associated. In the worst case young people can be trained in relevant disciplines of physical sciences and physics that will have high value in a wide range of applications and implementations. In the best case Norway, Sweden and whichever Nordic country chooses to be involved can position themselves to be at or near the front of the coming wave."

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/23/14 at 07:14:41

Article writers are beginning to compare and contrast the various LENR people and post YouTube videos of their stuff in motion.

Rossi and Industrial Heat are well ahead of the pack as far as implementation goes.

They may not be ahead as far as technical implementation goes, there are others with "better" designs that are so expensive to scale up they are still stuck at "GO" right now.

None of the rest are making progress at the rate Industrial Heat is doing.


Industrial Heat buying back all the old 1-2 COP E-Cat licenses from years past shows that this new industry will CHANGE rapidly and a player that is in the top 5 that lacks the resources to chase the various paradigm shifts will not be a player for very long.

In short, your old stuff goes obsolete very quickly in a new industry.

Secrecy is still rampant -- it is now thought that Rossi would not demonstrate anything that was remotely current, that he would only show ideas that were low COP and 2 generations back so that the inevitable copiers would automatically be non-competitive.

Patent applications are showing these generational changes now.  Folks who buy LENR  licenses need to be VERY careful in the future because IPH International BV will be very specific about which generation of tech that particular license covers and there will be verbiage that this current license does not cover future or past generations of processes -- just the one process it describes.

Look to see Industrial Heat start naming the generations differently, calling them all "e-cats" is asking for trouble and IPH International BV has no doubt pointed that out to them.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/28/14 at 21:35:59

Transmutational Energy Research and experimental methods both exchanged and verified between Toyota and Mitsubishi -- Japanese patents granted

"Researchers from Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories performed an independent replication of a Mitsubishi low-energy nuclear reaction transmutation experiment, according to a physicist from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries speaking at the American Nuclear Society LENR session on Nov. 14 in San Diego, Calif.

The physicist, Yasuhiro Iwamura, told the ANS audience that the Toyota researchers confirmed that nuclear changes from one element to another took place without the use of high-energy nuclear physics. Most scientists who have not followed this field closely consider such profound claims inconceivable. Toyota used a LENR deuterium-permeation transmutation method that Iwamura invented.

Iwamura has been working with this LENR method for 14 years. He said that one of his LENR transmutations was closely but not identically replicated by Toyota. Osaka University and Iwate University previously reported similar replications.

New Energy Times explained the Iwamura deuterium-permeation experimental process in detail two years ago in this article. Iwamura has reported at least half a dozen pairs of transmutations. He finds that abundances of the target element are higher and abundances of the given element are lower after the experiments. He also has seen anomalous isotopic shifts.

Future Progress and Applications

Iwamura said that Mitsubishi is considering his research for three potential applications. The first is for a transmutation facility for radioactive cesium. Mitsubishi is a manufacturer of fission reactors, and cesium-137 is a normal by-product. The second application is the production of rare metals, such as platinum, from abundant metals, such as tungsten. The third application is electrical power generation from excess heat."

So, Japan has been researching this stuff seriously for well over a decade now, with 3 proposed "immediately paying off" commercial enterprises coming out of it that are already protected by previous, and quietly granted, Japanese patents that already have been confirmed as required by Japanese law.

Take a good look at that periodic table based chart and you can see that quite a few element pairs have been proven out already with a few showing transformational chains that go through several elements which would make for very very long lasting reactor cores.

The one that starts with Tungsten and ends up with Platinum would pay you for the entire cost of running it when you sold the used up reactor cores to have the platinum refined out of the ashes ......  


6,191oF is the melting temp of Tungsten -- you could crank those babies on up until the ceramic started to soften and it would still keep on going undamaged.   Nice long periods of "self-maintain" time between the excite stages.  Really great COP values could be had due to the very long off periods between excites.  

This would not be a touchy "powder melt sensitive" sort of reactor at all, and with so many elements to chain through a reactor core could last a decade between change-outs, easy.  

None of the chain of transmutation of elements has a melt temp of less than 5,500oF so this would be one productive little workhorse of a heater element.   Since it would run well up in the white hot range of temps it could perhaps also be used for lighting as well as heat generation, supposing that the core construction could actually be made to be that small.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 11/28/14 at 22:21:02

Did you know they discovered early on that adding a trace of Thallium to mercury vapor lights helped to make them start up quicker and work better?


Have we been accidentally doing low levels of LENR for almost 100 years now and are just now realizing it?

People knew mercury vapor lights were incredibly efficient lights, but no one ever tripped over exactly why .....    :)

They also knew they got hot as sin when they were running, but nobody ever tripped over exactly why.

It takes 5-10 minutes to get a mercury vapor light to "start up" and begin making light well, but the mercury is actually vaporized much earlier than that.   Heat and high pressure were thought to be what made the mercury vapor light perk up and go ..... but maybe something else is happening about that same time that produces that prodigious heat and those high efficiency lighting effects, along with the massive heat and high internal pressure.

Once it is started up well, the required electrical input power requirements to get all that light seem to go way down ......


;D         ...... and the end of life for a mercury vapor lamp is when the mercury gets slowly contaminated (duh, with more Thallium and what other elements?)

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 12/05/14 at 08:54:10

Compact Flourescent Lightbulbs: We are surrounded by LENR in our own homes

Well, it was a whacky enough idea to start all the folks to hunting, doing research into the "bad residues" left over from mercury vapor lamps and (can you believe it) normal florescent tubes and especially them new little ultra compact curly cue type ultra efficient flourescent bulbs.

And what do you thing they found?   Yep, isotopes marching right on up the isotope chain for all the materials uses, right on up into light traces of the next up elements on the periodic table.

"What is really important, however, is that what is happening to the isotopic ratios of Mercury inside the so-called “normal” compact fluorescent light bulbs used in hundreds of millions of homes across the world is undeniably transmutation. So, for transmutation-based systems – and that means slow neutron transfer systems – it is now safe to say “the cat is very much out of the bag”
      [ pun intended :-) ].

We are literally already surrounded by LENR in our own homes…

With so many inexpensive fluorescent light bulbs around (probably billions by now), it should not be too expensive or hard to test…

As to there being no cold fusion, it all depends on how tight your definition is. There is certainly no cold version of classical hot fusion going on (how could there be, no Deuterium / Tritium) and, indeed, it looks like there is a large increase in the relative abundance of 196Hg at the expense of the other isotopes, showing a loss of neutrons (more “fission” than “fusion”, loss than gain), so it is a wonder where those neutrons went. Now, either these fluorescent light bulbs are beaming out “neutron death rays”, or slow neutrons are being released that are relatively benign (that is, don’t kill the cat as it sits under the fluorescent light bulb, or neutrons are being broken down in some way – now, there’s a thought.

What this research does suggest, however, is that university labs around the world need to get busy re-assessing the safety of these fluorescent light bulbs, in particular looking for any telltale signs of fast neutrons and gamma radiation, then slow neutrons, and finally some other form of em radiation that may be emanating from the light bulb (perhaps the bulbs are brighter than they should be, for example) or maybe that is part of how they are generating their light and why they start to fade (especially since they are totally sealed systems) ??"

Now the research labs of all the metal halide bulb mgfs will be doing a few more experiments, adding in some spare gas and a bit of lower periodic elements to march up the chain into becoming the main element -- just to make the bulbs burn a little hotter and brighter and longer of course.

;D      did you know these things do glow on for a bit after the power gets cut off ......

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 12/05/14 at 18:52:20

The original story as finally told by Pons and Fleischmann.

"As Martin told me the story he and Stan had been conducting many electrochemical loading experiments with heavy water and palladium. One long running experiment was with a largish cube of palladium, as I recall about a 1 cm cube. It had been sitting for a very long time, months, in the typical electrolysis bath of heavy water into which a bit of lithium had been introduced to help the electrolyte. It was one of those experiments that explorers often have on the ‘back of the bench’ to watch over a long time frame.

As it happened over a weekend where Stan and Martin were not going to be around the lab Stan’s son was tasked with peeking in on the lab to make sure all was in order. When he did so he saw that the cube experiment lay shattered and broken on the lab bench and in the bench was a hole as if something had burned through it from the experiment. Stan’s son telephoned to report the news and Stan and Martin sprang into action to see what might have happened.

When they examined the lab bench and remains of the experiment they noted that indeed something had not only burned it’s way through the bench but had also burned down and out of sight into the concrete floor of the basement lab. The basement lab was in the large chemistry building with a massive concrete foundation at the University of Utah where Professor Pons was the chair of the department.

Much was done to try to get to the bottom of what happened and no explanation could be arrived at save that the palladium had become and sustained being impossibly hot and produced a mini ‘China Syndrome’ event. Mysteriously the palladium was gone.

(they stuck a small diameter steel rod down deep deep in the hole and it went through the concrete slab of the foundation and deep into the dirt underneath until the collapsing earth had closed the glazed hole back up some which they could push past with a little effort, and then they simply ran out of steel rod length ......  the remnants of the melted hole apparently just kept on going.   They tested for radiation, of course, but there was no significant residual radioactivity to be found.)

What happened next?

The conditions of the experiment were seemingly quite benign. A tiny amount of DC current amounting a 1 watt or so was being used to electrolyse the heavy water. Oxygen was being produced and bubbled up at the platinum anode and deuterium, heavy hydrogen, bubbled at the palladium cathode cube. Palladium being a sponge for hydrogen was also soaking up the deuterium and that palladium cathode may have been holding as many atoms of deuterium as there were palladium atoms. This was Fleischmann’s perfect recipe for cold fusion.

Martin noted that the measure of the density (fugacity) of the heavy hydrogen isotope deuterium electrochemically loaded into palladium surely exceeded that of metallic hydrogen. Indeed he mused to me the calculations based on his measurements put the density of that heavy hydrogen as being well beyond metallic and similar to the density of hydrogen inside the center of a star!

[. . .]

Beyond Cold Fusion

I asked Martin whether he had tried to repeat the palladium cube melt down experiment. His reply was a dramatic and emphatic NO, he said he thought it far too dangerous to do so. He figured they got away with it once without dire consequences — a second time they might not be so lucky. Just what it was that destroyed that experiment he noted “was perhaps even beyond than cold fusion.” The energy required to do the damage they observed was simply beyond anything they could imagine. It was surely nuclear if not beyond so. Fleischmann and Pons dutifully informed nuclear authorities and were flummoxed when they were simply dismissed as reporting the impossible."


So, as are most breakthrough discoveries, it all started out as an unexplained lab accident.   Pons and Fleischmann both wisely declined to replicate the same exact experiment of hyper-loading a small solid cube of palladium for two good reasons -- first palladium costs way too much money to "waste" a chunk of it in that fashion again and what if it chose to let itself go all at once instead of just getting super hot like it did the first time?  

BOOM, bada bada BOOM.....  sez Lelu

So they did a very very very thin ribbon of the metal so when it got super hot it would just boil the water and not melt through the table and the floor.   Plus they could super hydrogen load the very very thin strip in inside a week instead of taking months and months for a thicker piece of metal.

This Classic set up of the Pons and Fleischmann experiment has been replicated thousands of times now, but the very high cost of palladium, platinum and the heavy water puts that sort of reactor out of reach for bulk usage.   Plus, the palladium strips do seem to like to melt down spontaneously occasionally in the middle section even when it is contained in a water bath ......  and if too much water boils away and any of the strip gets exposed and then it is -- fitz -- gone, melted through and disconnected from the exciter current.   The classic set up fails safely, in other words, and does so fairly frequently too.  

Palladium melts at 2,831°F.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by old_rider on 12/12/14 at 14:26:49

I found this an interesting story...

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 12/27/14 at 04:27:34


Gates is trying to invest in this tech, intending to get into the ground floor of several of the "winning teams".   He is trying to back Italians with early existing patents granted in Italy.   Existing granted patents count for Gates as he has used them historically to assert sole ownership of technical items.

Russians teams have verified the Lugano test now.

AS the teams rush around trying to assert old patent rights, one of the oldest patent holders goes to the FOSS group and offers to team with them and offer his technical assistance so they can keep up with the leaders.  

This is significant because any elements given over to FOSS become FOSS forever, and Francesco Piantelli could give up enough of his patented IP to the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project to make sure Rossi and crew are never granted any form of patents, ever.   Piantelli can give the whole thing over to FOSS since his patents predate the rest and if he cooperates with the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project then you got the originator and the earliest researcher saying it is all FOSS -- forget about patenting it.

From Gates hunting through the oldest guys one by one it does seem that Rossi just leveraged off the original cold fusion people's published research to start his work on nickel powder.   Also, there are some folks like Decathlon who got started about the same time Rossi did using the same basis.

Rossi has demonstrated two completely different techs now, a water bath system, an electrical heating element system and he is now going after a gas fired heating element system (lowest cost highest COP system, suitable for coal power station refits).   Rossi is making the best speed to commercialization and he has the earliest US patent attempts (not finalized though).

Brillouin is still stuck at go, with tons of patents on a gas floated control system that looks like it will be a no-show due to excessive complexity and very high cost.

People can now count in excess of 20 groups frantically trying to bring this tech to a patentable state since it is now pretty broadly acknowledged as real.

Nuts and bolts stuff  ................

The Russians debunked some of Rossi's "fog of misdirection" as they got simple mix of nickel powder and 10% added lithium hydride to light off and go.   Rossi's mysterious additives may help the reaction start sooner and be less peaky (important to keep it from melting down and give a even slow ramp up).

The Russians used a simple coil of single phase power to set their reaction off ....  so much for the requirement of the expensive three phase adjustable wave stuff Rossi was using.    More and more it seems Rossi was obfuscating things as much as he could, trying to make a simple thing seem a lot more complex than it really is.


Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by verslagen1 on 12/27/14 at 09:34:39

How difficult can it be if all you have to do is rub 2 tocks together?

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/27/14 at 09:40:59

Dropped in today. Been weeks since I have been to this thread. WOW,,
The Melted Through The Table and Foundation thing is Cool.. I would have to build a containment device, and small,Sturdy building and play that again.
Believe Gates operates for one second with altruism as its guide at your peril.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 12/27/14 at 12:55:23


Right back to their original fear though, it was a solid "right large" square chunk of palladium metal and what if it jest decided to go BOOM this time instead of just melting down to China?  

Plus, who would intentionally waste another $2,000 chunk of palladium when you knew up front it was going to be toast very shortly?

The thin strip of palladium foil used in the Pons lab set up always gets destroyed, which is what always ends the experiment.

Title: Re: Nickel to copper transmutation energy
Post by Oldfeller on 01/17/15 at 04:08:47

Well, the LENR stuff is now rolling right along now -- American leading Universities are getting grants from rich people to put in new departments of LENR studies now that it is acknowledged to be real .....  There are several pushes out on the web to make the details of how to do it public knowledge and to peel away the misleading "fog of disinformation" pushed out by Rossi early on in the process.

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