General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/14 at 11:28:44

Title: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/14 at 11:28:44

I know when I start warming things up, the first thing that happens is they get colder.. happens Every TIME, I tell ya'!

Just think,, we've been in a crisis of global warming for, what? Ten? Fifteen years now?
And a coupla years ago Fat Al straight up Told us this summer , by 2014, there just wouldnt BE any ice left in the Arctic.. BUT,, and we talkin 'bout a Fat Butt here, Not only is there ICE, but, after all these years of warming, we somehow managed to set a coldest winter on record, record.. And now,, more "Huhhh?"...

Yea,, thats right,, youre supposed to believe that when the globe increases in overall average temperatures the winters get colder and snowier!

And last night I was lissnin to one of these straight faced liars explaining how it is that things are cooling.. HE blamed it on a Cooler SUN!,, Uh Huhh,, When we start having sun spots, the sun is actually a little cooler.. But, But,, All my life Ive heard about sunspots,, the natural cycle of them, the min & the max,, AND, amazingly, during the period when there WAS some warming and logical, rational people pointed to the sun and mentioned the LACK of sunspots causing a somewhat hotter sun,, WELL<, thats crappity smacking LUDICROUS! But NOW,, when its cooling,, NOW they can see how the sun actually affects the weather, or climate, or sumthinerother..

Im having "Web Page Not Available" pop up when I try to post,, I HOPE Im not creating a Huge multiple post thing..
Knowing is half of the battle.

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by thumperclone on 09/20/14 at 12:26:04

there is some good news:
the ozone is starting to replenish itself

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/14 at 14:28:28

Yeah,that's great,,,I'm just really ready to see the Global Warming religion followers come to their senses and cease the worship of the computer models that have,to Date,FAILED,completely. It's nothing more than a scam. Just another game to play on the unwashed masses. A way to tax people and control industrialization and consolidate power... Spend some time and study why the meeting where a treaty was to be signed,you remember,it was snowing something fierce,,the small country's representatives READ the treaty and realized that the treaty would keep them from being able to increase their industrial capabilities.

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by thumperclone on 09/20/14 at 22:03:36

chicken little the sky is falling

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/14 at 06:13:26

Who is that aimed at?

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by Ed L. on 09/21/14 at 06:47:55

Lets corner the market for carbon credits, I'll print them up off my computer. ;D

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/14 at 07:44:10

Yea,, no kiddin! What kinda mind is able to be told "Here,, THIS is the answeR!" and actually accept that as a plausible solution? Its like "Litter Credits", The State is spending too much of the budget picking up trash, so I vow to stop littering and sell my "Right to litter" to someone else..

Title: Re: Happens Every Time, I tell yaz!
Post by MnSpring on 09/23/14 at 07:33:06

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:
...  sell my "Right to litter" to someone else..

Yes, Years ago, it COST Money to Litter.
You were caught, (here), it was a $500.00 Fine.
So therefor, the litterer, Paid to Litter.
Now, Everyone ELSE, Pays for the litterer.

We are ONLY, 12,000 - 14,000 years out of the last Ice age, of three, where I live. The world is only 5 BILLION years old.
And 'Weather' has been recorded for the last 200 +/- years.
So we can 'predict', what is happening.  ;)

Oh, did you hear, A.G. got a ticket !
It seems he was caught, throwing a CFL light bulb
in the garbage.  Not paying .50 cents to, recycle it,
as it says in the VERY tiny fine print on the package.
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