General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is anyone able to explain

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/14 at 13:20:25

Title: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/14 at 13:20:25

why we are shipping Ebola patients into America? Wouldnt it be JUST as easy to SEND whatever treatment theyre gonna get HERE ,To them? Sounds like a recipe for disaster, to me.. They cant seem to stop staph and MRSA in our hospitals,, How would you like to discover that the person who just came in your room to check your BP and wake you up in the middle of the nite was also helping to care for an Ebola patient? Remember Typhoid Mary? It didnt make HER sick, but she gave it to people,, Sounds like , if not THE stupidest stunt Ive ever seen, its at least runnin a TIGHT second..

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by MnSpring on 09/15/14 at 15:35:01

My view:  

It's, 'Feel Good'.

It, makes, 'good' press/media.

It makes, 'King Bama', 'look good'.

(Do you know, that, 'fundraising' is called a, 'war chest',
and when a person has a, 'war chest', and they do NOT run again.
that, 'war chest', is theirs)
So two things here. King Bamma, is betting that, he will overturn the Constitution, (again), and run for a 3rd term.  
But if he lost that 'bet', he will have,  'Just a Few Dollars' in his, 'War Chest".

It makes, PERFECT sense, to, 'send the needed items their',
rather than, 'bring that illness here'.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by Trippah on 09/15/14 at 17:42:54

Somewhere in the upper reaches of the mindsphere, a group of Doctors and Hospital Administrators decided that it would be a good test of the system implemented at great expense before ordering many more hospital in the country to get with the program.  People in Public health "know" that when the next one hits, it will make a big dent in our country (and the world).  For they believe (probably correctly) that as the human population gets more crowed and rubs elbows with previously un bothered strain of (pick a plague) will kill an unbelievable number of people.
In shiort, this is a test, only a test... ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by LostArtist on 09/15/14 at 18:18:43

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
why we are shipping Ebola patients into America? Wouldnt it be JUST as easy to SEND whatever treatment theyre gonna get HERE ,To them? Sounds like a recipe for disaster, to me.. They cant seem to stop staph and MRSA in our hospitals,, How would you like to discover that the person who just came in your room to check your BP and wake you up in the middle of the nite was also helping to care for an Ebola patient? Remember Typhoid Mary? It didnt make HER sick, but she gave it to people,, Sounds like , if not THE stupidest stunt Ive ever seen, its at least runnin a TIGHT second..

no, it's NOT easier to "just send whatever treatment" there to them. America does have some of the most advanced healthcare facilities in the world, and hey,things have turned out okay so far, they got better and new treatments may have been developed, and maybe those treatments could be sent overseas.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/14 at 18:50:38

I'm gonna disagree. The cost and risk of bringing people with diseases that are so deadly here is just stupid. Whatever treatment can be done here can be done anywhere. Just drugs,they can be shipped..

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by LostArtist on 09/15/14 at 19:23:20

37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 wrote:
I'm gonna disagree. The cost and risk of bringing people with diseases that are so deadly here is just stupid. Whatever treatment can be done here can be done anywhere. Just drugs,they can be shipped..

no it wasn't just drugs, they developed new treatments for those specific patients while they were here, that takes LABS and equipment with direct access to the patients.

Also ebola is not an airborne virus, it's more like HIV in that way, where bodily fluids need to be exchanged for it to be transmitted.

here's a whole article about it, I know, I know, how dare I trust a source like NPR, but I'm not spending any more time digging around the internet for this argument.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/14 at 20:23:25

From pigs to monkeys Ebola goes airborne
Search that..
And,never forget that there are eugenicists that are working to weaponise many diseases. The goobs just contracted for like 16,000 Ebola hazmat suits. Read the Georgia Guidestones again.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/15/14 at 20:24:17

And laboratory equipment is portable

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by pgambr on 09/15/14 at 21:05:55

I just read the Obama administration just allocated a billion bucks for Ebola research & treatment.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by LostArtist on 09/16/14 at 08:17:26

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
And laboratory equipment is portable

but then you'd also have to send all the doctors and nurses and lab techs and various infrastructure too. do you know that they wouldn't need a multi million dollar machine that is unique to that one research facility in America.

so instead of sending millions of dollars worth of equipment and tens of people into Africa, the alternative is bringing two people here under highly contained isolation conditions

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/14 at 09:42:25

I hope it works out. If not,remember,you were all for it.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by thumperclone on 09/16/14 at 09:47:35

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
I hope it works out. If not,remember,you were all for it.

im more worried about air travelers coming here b4 they know they have it

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by Paraquat on 09/16/14 at 11:02:47

I welcome it, with open arms.
Thin the herd.


Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by thumperclone on 09/16/14 at 18:09:50

6756455646425643370 wrote:
I welcome it, with open arms.
Thin the herd.


as long as it doesn't affect me or mine!!

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by Paraquat on 09/17/14 at 06:10:40

I've said it here before and I'll say it here again.
To set context I was arguing with someone about a super virus wiping out most of the population.
They asked "What if it kills you too?"
To which I replied "That's the cost of doing business."

I don't care if it's zombies, Ebola, souped up Whooping Cough.
Conversely, I also don't care if we move into a Star Trek (The Next Generation) golden age of prosperity and peace.
I just hate living in stagnation. I want something to break; in either direction.


Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by Ed L. on 09/17/14 at 06:39:58

"I'd rather burn out than fade away" it's the future of the human race!!

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/14 at 07:23:07

I don't see stagnation. I see steady deterioration.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by Ed L. on 09/17/14 at 17:46:32

I remember high school biology when we took a petri dish and spread some type of micro organism on it. Over two weeks we charted how fast the stuff grew and what happened once it had overgrown the nutrients in the dish. After the initial rapid growth most of the population crashed and other bacteria moved in destroying most of the initial population. Ended up with just a fraction of the max population. Don't know if they still teach this but they should.
 Sometimes I wonder where we are (the human population) in the petri dish of the world time line.
 Now the US is sending 3000 of our military to help contain the Ebola outbreak. Hope the 1918 flu pandemic spread by the returning WW1 solders hasn't been forgotten.
 The WHO is saying that the Ebola outbreak is getting close to being out of control.
 Not much I can do about it, think i'll have a beer ;)

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by thumperclone on 09/17/14 at 20:20:37

the rectifier of my life cept when I drive :D

we evolved from the slime, to the slime we are doomed
to become  dino oil  

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by tcreeley on 09/26/14 at 17:24:16

How is Merc and the other pharmaceuticals going to make a buck unless they get ebola started here in the US? Of course we need ebola patients over here, After all, it's US that has the healthcare bucks, not the folks in Africa.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/14 at 18:10:23

Man,,I hadn't made that connection.. dang..
Kudos. The Answer to it will be readily available for
The Chosen..

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by MnSpring on 09/30/14 at 17:11:11

It’s  Money, Just  Money.
BILLIONS  of dollars, to, ‘fix’, a problem,
which should have never happened in the first place.

Let’s MAKE, a problem, then we all get to fly First Class,
and buy a New Lexus/Mercedes, each year !!!!

Case in point:  The wife has a fracture in her Femur,
on a Thurs, took her to her doctor, she could NOT move.
He took a x-ray, sent her to the Hospital for a Cat Scan.

The Hospital sent the Cat Scan, 3 states away, to be, ‘viewed’, by ‘experts’.
They Said: “No Problem, go home”.
On a Sunday, had to call a ambulance, Went to the hospital,  EMERGENCY Surgery !!!

8 days in the Hospital. a Week later they sent a bill for 57,000.00.
I send back a request for a, ‘itemized statement’,  They sent 1/10 of one,
Triple spaces, Lots of paper, (but only a small part of the total)

This went on for 3 months. Each time a request, from me, for the  TOTAL, Itemized statement, and NEVER getting it.

Then the ‘Head’, person called, and we set up a meeting.
After the meeting, ‘he’ said: “Well what do you think”.
I said: “I will pay what it is worth, but will NOT  get  B.utt .F’ed”

3  DAYS later, got a bill for 15,000.00
GEE, a 42,000.00 REDUCTION ???????????????

GEE,  GEE, GEE !!!!!!!

So, is it not  GREAT, that a 'outbreak', can make, BILLIONS, for somebody?

And the, she-pol, will buy it !

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by mpescatori on 10/01/14 at 01:35:20

1E3D0023213A3D34530 wrote:
It’s  Money, Just  Money.
BILLIONS  of dollars, to, ‘fix’, a problem,
which should have never happened in the first place.

Let’s MAKE, a problem, then we all get to fly First Class,
and buy a New Lexus/Mercedes, each year !!!!

Case in point:  The wife has a fracture in her Femur,
on a Thurs, took her to her doctor, she could NOT move.
He took a x-ray, sent her to the Hospital for a Cat Scan

The Hospital sent the Cat Scan, 3 states away, to be, ‘viewed’, by ‘experts’.
They Said: “No Problem, go home”.
On a Sunday, had to call a ambulance, Went to the hospital,  EMERGENCY Surgery !!!

8 days in the Hospital. a Week later they sent a bill for 57,000.00.
I send back a request for a, ‘itemized statement’,  They sent 1/10 of one,
Triple spaces, Lots of paper, (but only a small part of the total)

This went on for 3 months. Each time a request, from me, for the  TOTAL, Itemized statement, and NEVER getting it.

Then the ‘Head’, person called, and we set up a meeting.
After the meeting, ‘he’ said: “Well what do you think”.
I said: “I will pay what it is worth, but will NOT  get  B.utt .F’ed”

3  DAYS later, got a bill for 15,000.00
GEE, a 42,000.00 REDUCTION ???????????????

GEE,  GEE, GEE !!!!!!!

So, is it not  GREAT, that a 'outbreak', can make, BILLIONS, for somebody?

And the, she-pol, will buy it !

I see all the components for a major lawsuit for gross medical incompetence!
Question 1: why a CAT scan when the fracture was obvious ?
Question 2: why send the CAT scan 3 states away? That hospital is out of experts?
Question 3: Why NOT operate immediately? Who signed the statement "All OK, go home" with a visibly fractured femur?


Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by Ed L. on 10/01/14 at 10:24:35

Once the military gets involved which they already are then all that is needed is to transfer some of the solders straight from Africa over to the war against ISIS.  Suddenly there will be an Ebola outbreak in ISIS and other terrorist factions.
 It will be killing two birds with one stone. Geting rid of the terrorists and allowing the good old US to come in and save the world from a pandemic. JOG mst be wearing off on me. ;)  

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by MnSpring on 10/01/14 at 12:45:08

... Once the military gets involved which they already are then all that is needed is to transfer some of the solders straight from Africa over to the war against ISIS.  Suddenly there will be an Ebola outbreak in ISIS and other terrorist factions.  It will be killing two birds with one stone.  ...

Been done before. When 'Small Pox' was raging accost this country.
And the government wanted, 'less' Indians.
They, 'gave' the Indians, Blankets.
Guess where those, 'like new', blankets came from?
That was only 175 +/- years ago.
But that has been done, several times, and several hundreds of years ago, by several, groups of people.

The idea, sacrifice a few pawns, (solders), to defeat a enemy.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by MnSpring on 10/01/14 at 13:14:49


Yep, thought crossed my mind. Did explore it.
And had not the hospital, considered their error, probably would have done it.

However, it would have been a 1.5 to 3 year battle.
With lawyers, taking a very, significant amount.

Bottom line. The problem, just happened, was no ones fault.
It got fixed. Everything is fine. The cost in the end, was reasonable, not totally outrageous.

And in the end, still want someone with Skill, Experience, Knowledge, to be able to, 'fix', something.
And have no problem, paying someone/some thing, a 'FAIR' rate.  
Just have a big problem with, OUTRAGEOUS  GREED !
Which was, also, fixed.

Now, $700.00, for a, 'book', (as reported on this site).
We all laugh, and their may be a few that buy it.
But, NO ONE, is FORCING you to do that.

Yet, when, you are, FORCED, to do something, and Because, you are 'Forced' to do that.  
That is  NOT, a Reason, to get TOTALLY  GREEDY, and charge OUTRAGEOUS  Prices.

You bought bottled water for .50 cents.
You sell it for, 5.00. Fine, get what you can get.
But you DON"T, 'sell' that bottle of water to a man in the desert,
dying of thirst, for $5,000.00.   Ya Just Don't !

And that is the problem. And it is getting worse.

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/14 at 15:35:39

Wanna see what they are capable of doing and pretending it's

Go on down..

Title: Re: Is anyone able to explain
Post by thumperclone on 10/01/14 at 16:40:09

3529342C312433222D2E2F24410 wrote:
[quote author=253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 link=1410812425/0#10 date=1410885745]I hope it works out. If not,remember,you were all for it.

im more worried about air travelers coming here b4 they know they have it

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