General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> "Been  Their,   Done  That :

Message started by MnSpring on 09/10/14 at 17:21:42

Title: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by MnSpring on 09/10/14 at 17:21:42

I believe a tremendous  resource, is being totally WASTED.

The people, who, have NOT, “Been their and Done that”,
(And working very hard to reinvent the wheel).
Are, NOT,  listening to those, who HAVE, “Been their and Done that”.

On this site, relevant to the LS650/S40,
Their are  Many,  MANY,  VERY, experienced people,
who, HAVE, “Been Their, Done That”.

IF, You your are just learning,  LISTEN to them.
If you, think, you know everything,  Listen to them.
If you, ’think’, you know better, Still, Listen to them.

Case in point: 40+ years ago, a local gun club, (which I joined), which was always doing, ‘fund raisers’, for, their, hobby.
I was a, ‘kid’, (who had a gun, and liked to shoot.)  Joined the club, listened to the woes of,
Fund raising this, tickets that, special shoots, etc.  ‘We need Money”
At a meeting, (all excited),  I stood up and said: “I have a idea, let’s do this”.
The, ‘board’,  “””Promptly”””, Shot it down. “That  Doesn’t work,  Next Issue”.

Fast forward, to,  just a few years ago.
Some, of the persons, were on the ‘board’, who had been, NEW, in that Club, a few years before that.
When a  New person came in and said:  “Hey I got this Idea …”
Instead of the board, just, ’Shooting them down”. they said:
“Ya know, that is a GREAT idea,  however we have tired that, and it has failed, because of this, or that, BUT, it is STILL a  GOOD  Idea. If you can, address  the failures, that the people before you had, and can fix them. we will certainly look at that issue again.  Please work on that, (we will give you info on what was done), and if you have a new idea, bring them forth.

Now, which attitude,   do you think worked the best?
 “NO  IT  Doesn’t  Work “
 “Good Idea, Here what has been done in the past and doesn’t work,
if you can do something different, which does work, please us know”

Which one, is going to, ‘mentor’, the younger person, to,
carry on the work’ ?

(This diatribe, is spurned by H.S. Weather here, so I am on the computer)

Here, their are people, who;   “Have Done that, Been their”
with the LC650/S40  M.C. Motor.

When someone comes on and says, they are going , to  make it into a 950 cc motor,
and do not address the rest of the NUMEROUS things required,
if they are successful.

Are just like the people, that buy the, ’11-48’  Rem shotgun.
Which was,   “State Of the Art’,   IN 1948.
Then shooting a box of shells,  which they bought from a, ‘mart mart’,
and serviced  by DFI, 12 year olds’,
(which fit), which were designed in 2012.
And then, turned their, (Classic, Stellar, piece of American, History)
into a, ‘Piece Of Junk”.   And now, complain.

The best was.  A While ago, (At a  Dog Trial), a person,
(Who docent’s; know squat about guns, and had more money than God,
bought a, “Original, 1873, Winchester”)
On the bottom of the ‘lifter’, is says:  “38 cal”.  
Well the DFI at  the DFI, ‘mart mart’ sold him a box of, ‘.38 specials’.
Told him, “This is what the gun shoots”
Lucky, he showed me,   BEFORE, he   TOTALY DESTROYED,
the fabulous piece of Americana history,  he bought.
(And perhaps himself)
And told him is was the,  .38-40 round, which was correct !

U-Yep, throw/modify, that 950 CC + Motor in the LS650/S40.
Do  NOT, listen to those how have been their before you.
Then when it fails, It is,   ‘ALL THEIR FAULT”.

I am NOT, a expert, or close to, on the LS650/S40.
I know other things.  I come hear to LEARN.

If you are here to talk about, what your have done, or want to do.
About the LS650/S40.
LISTEN, to people; (“Who Have Been Their,  Done That”)

Title: Re: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by Ed L. on 09/10/14 at 17:58:27

and a .308 shoots better than a 30-06, a favorite at the range.

Title: Re: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by MnSpring on 09/10/14 at 18:07:49

Yep,  could be,

Depends on the firearm,
the shooter.
the scope,

Title: Re: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by Silverhippi on 09/10/14 at 18:32:30

Just enjoying the ride.

Title: Re: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/10/14 at 18:35:31

,I quit at
Been their

Title: Re: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by mpescatori on 09/10/14 at 23:51:12


Title: Re: "Been  Their,   Done  That :
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/11/14 at 08:26:28

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