General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Safe deposit box

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/14 at 22:52:07

Title: Safe deposit box
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/14 at 22:52:07

[quote="Blackcat"]"GWB screwed the pooch!"

You can't blame W(post Iraq) and if McCain or the Empty Suit became Pres, none of this would have happened.

PS. According to World Nut Daily, Isis is or has invaded Texas.[/quote]

Huhh? BOW many times did the current liar in chief take CREDIT for "Ending the war in Iraq"?  OVer and Fukking OVER that no good ( No sorrier than bush) lying sack of nuts has BRAGGED about how HE ended the war. Bammy made the call, now you can take comfort in your belief that things would be no better had McStain won,, BIG Frikken WHOOP,, WHEN are YOU gonna man up and face the truth? Bammy SUCKS,,
Pretty pitiful when the Mayun  YOU were so frikken hot on, and anyone who didnt agree with him was just a racist,, and the support you have left is" Well,, If McStain had won, things wouldnt be any better",, YEA BayBee! THATS what a REal winner is,, He gets compared to a loser and supported by" Things wouldnt be any better",, You REALLY need to grab your balls and figure out thatBOTH sides are owned and operated by the same bunch of criminals.. Man Up,, wake up,, I believe youre a good dude,, I do, but seriously, man, youre so busy defending the Democrats & attacking the Bubs you havent taken the time to step back & see that both sides SUCK.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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