General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Finally,

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/14 at 08:04:25

Title: Finally,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/14 at 08:04:25

A breakdown of the Israel/ Pali thing..

Go down to the bottom, past the cute pictures, read his reply. Of course, its perfect in its analysis, YET, it will be deemed "The most convoluted, least possible" answer. People are not yet able to see the ways of war. REALIZE, Israel CREATED Hamas, LOOK it up. When things dont make sense, think about this, when things dont make sense to YOU, or ME, Or the every day guy, that Does NOt Mean thats NOT how it is.. There are reasons for things done that are not easily grasped. It requires the ability to Think like a twisted criminal. YOU arent that way so these ideas are beyond you. Its taken me YEARS to be able to wrap my head around it.

Understand that a False Flag REquires killing, maiming , your Own People,, destroying your own things,, & Its Done All The TIME in this world.. Its used regularly, Conspiracy isnt the ODD event, its the norm.

Worth a look every week,, free to sign up, comes to your email. On Friday,,

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by raydawg on 08/17/14 at 10:22:37

Gee, I am still trying to wrap an understanding around the tooth fairy.....

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/14 at 16:33:38

Yeah,that's a tough concept to grasp,but once you get that,a lot of things get clear. A False Flag attack,killing your own people,destroying your own infrastructure and blaming it on an enemy in order to "manufacture consent" of the people for a war or legislation,like the Patriot Act,is a lot more difficult to get than the Toof Fairy.
Isn't it odd that Hamas keeps"hiding"the missiles in the same kinds of places and the ones they fire hit unpopulated places? And the fact that Israel created,just as WE created AL CIA DUHH, they created Hamas.
By deception thou shall do war

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by raydawg on 08/17/14 at 19:11:58

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by verslagen1 on 08/18/14 at 09:15:33

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
Isn't it odd that Hamas keeps"hiding"the missiles in the same kinds of places and the ones they fire hit unpopulated places?

If the tunnels were so well hidden... why weren't the rockets hidden in there?

These rockets are basically bottle rockets on steroids... when you lite one off... where does it go?  Thatta way... maybe.

These are weapons of terror, not destruction.

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/14 at 09:22:04

Or,just sufficient"threat" to warrant a response. See how that works? And Isis pops up from nowhere with better weaponry...It looks like a game to me.

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by pgambr on 08/18/14 at 09:26:54

When you see the pictures, they have brand new everything?  My other question is if they are so fundamental and prepared to die for their beliefs why haven't they attacked Israel?  

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by raydawg on 08/18/14 at 09:39:43

3621272B2434460 wrote:
When you see the pictures, they have brand new everything?  My other question is if they are so fundamental and prepared to die for their beliefs why haven't they attacked Israel?  

Ain't that many virgins to be found in the entire world, much less the M.E.

Title: Re: Finally,
Post by pgambr on 08/18/14 at 10:20:19

That was a great response.   ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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