General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> So......what is it?

Message started by raydawg on 08/10/14 at 12:46:57

Title: So......what is it?
Post by raydawg on 08/10/14 at 12:46:57

I thought the movement was for acceptance as in normal, but yet you want a special event only for yourself?

Gee,  guess using such reasoning we could have a white redneck games too, eh?

But(t) instead of a stool pushing event we could have a wife beater tee beer gut hanging race to the outhouse.....   :-*

Its an odd world we live in.....


Title: Re: So......what is it?
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/14 at 15:14:46

 ‘… Rights and equality for everyone …’

OK, then why not the same speech for the Special Olympics?  Fireman Olympics?  Police Olympics? Wheelchair Olympics?  Junior Olympics?  Armchair Olympics? Explorer Scout Olympics?  Xerox Olympics?  Rat Olympics?   Armenian Olympics? etc., etc., etc.

‘Gay’ people are about 5-7% of the population, (BY THEIR FIGURES)
Nothing wrong, with a persons choice, in sexual orientation.
Just like the color of their skin, or religion. It is the Person, that counts.

So what about,  93% of the REST of the people?   They are not, ‘equal’ ???

Reminds me of a few years ago in school, I signed up for a, ‘Black History’ Class.
The professor called me into his office. He said: “I could not take this class”.
I said: “OK, I guess you are full, will try again next semester”.
He said: “You can Never take this class, you’r White, it ONLY for, Blacks”.

Gosh, no problem taking a class, covering, Shintoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, even thought I was not, Chinese, Indian, Jewish or Japanese.     No problem taking a, “English Lit” class even though I was not from the United Kingdom.    No problem taking a class studying, ‘Early North Americas History’, even though I was not a NA Native Indian.   No problem taking a class studying, ‘Early South America’ history. Even though I had no Maya, or Astic, blood in me.

But could,  NOT,  take a, ‘Black History’, class, BECAUSE  I was White !

‘Equality for all’.  I guess, it’s just that,  some, are more equal than others !

Ya know, it brings a thought.  How about, getting the current POTUS, to ‘open up’  a, ride of LS650/S40’s.
Oh wait, that won’t work, because, we all can’t say, we will vote for him !!!!!

Title: Re: So......what is it?
Post by pgambr on 08/10/14 at 15:43:48

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term that refers to enforced language, ideas, or policies that address perceived discrimination against political, social, economical groups, or simply put "protected classes".

Title: Re: So......what is it?
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/14 at 17:07:18

485F59555A4A380 wrote:
Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term that refers to enforced language, ideas, or policies that address perceived discrimination against political, social, economical groups, or simply put "protected classes".

So, because, ’someone’,  has, ‘perceived’ a discrimination, that makes it perfectly all right to, give, special entitlements to, “protected classes”.  ?????

My question:  WHO , are the people, that have, told, ""people"",
they are, “protected classes”, Because, ’they’,  ‘perceived’, a discrimination”  ?  
Could it be the people, themselves,
who WANT to be in a “protected class”,
and enjoy things, no one else can have?

Well, I guess, that in Northern Minn, a populous, convinced someone, that they, "perceived’ a discrimination”, and are untitled to, be a, ‘protected class’, of people.  (Yet HISTORY says,  NO ONE, EVER, held/had Slaves in Minn.  EVER !)
(Well outside of the, 'Indentured Servants", which come into this country on a daily basis, and are in EVERY State!)

OK, that’s how it works.  Then. Let’s start a group, of people,
who are white, grand and great grand, and great-great grand, Daughters/Sons, of (Legal Immigrants),
who came to this country,  from the area of Northern Western Europe.

Their is, “perceived discrimination”, against those, (listed above), people,
and they ask, to be put into a “protected class”.

I wonder how that will work ?

Title: Re: So......what is it?
Post by pgambr on 08/10/14 at 18:26:28

4B685576746F6861060 wrote:
[quote author=485F59555A4A380 link=1407700017/0#2 date=1407710628]Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term that refers to enforced language, ideas, or policies that address perceived discrimination against political, social, economical groups, or simply put "protected classes".

So, because, ’someone’,  has, ‘perceived’ a discrimination, that makes it perfectly all right to, give, special entitlements to, “protected classes”.  ?????  [/quote]

My understanding is the origin of this premise was used by Leon Trotsky from the Bolshevik revolution. He was the first person to use “racism” as a means of political gain and or a mechanism to persecute his enemies.  Communists would advocate and defend party positions regardless of their moral substance.  It is merely just a means to provide "correct" positions on matters of politics.

Title: Re: So......what is it?
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/14 at 18:55:15

... It is merely just a means to provide "correct" positions on matters of politics. ...

OK, Just so I have this right,

Their is, PC for the Democrats,
Their is, PC  for the Republicans
Their is, PC for the Tea Party
Their is, PC for the Liberals
Their is PC for the Conservatives.

Sounds like, “P.C.” is TOTALLY a Worthless phrase.
and should be BANNED.

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