General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> bike-bandit,  NOT

Message started by MnSpring on 08/06/14 at 11:11:29

Title: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/14 at 11:11:29

Bike Bandit.  Yea, they have changed to skit*
Perhaps the CEO is out of the office,  So when the, ”Cat’s away the mouse will play”

Ordered some parts. 7 days later they weren’t here.
I called, (customer Service), was told, that order was canceled, then they HUNG UP !
I called Back, asked, Why was it canceled.
They told me, because my CC # and address didn’t match.
I asked, what do you  have for my ‘billing’ address, they gave me my, ’shipping address’.
I Asked,  “Why Did YOU Change that”.
(As I had three previous orders with no problems.)
No Answer.
Then I asked, why did not you contact me, they said, I didn’t answer my e-mail,
I asked what e-mail do you have, they Actually gave, <>,
Really,  :o They, actuality, expected , me to believe, that was a e-mail, I gave them ?????????
(I was born at night, just  not  LAST NIGHT)
They HAD my Phone numbers, but NEVER called !

So I placed the order again. And again, I was asked for my e-mail.
I Told them, just give me the order # and I will wright it down.
I don’t give out my e-mail, because I already get to much Spam
I was told: "It will ONLY Be used to confirm your order. Nothing More.
And I will make SURE you are oped out of anything else."

So I gave them my e-mail.

That was late on a Sat, Guess what I had in my mail-box Sun Morning.  SPAM from them !!!!!!!
I Went into the, ’site’, and found out, “I” had signed up to EVERY KIND and Type of solicitation they could offer!!!!!!
ALSO, in the last 3 days, 15 more SPAM, with statements like this, (in the very very fine print), in them. “The contents of this email were sent to you by a 3rd party vendor contracted by (xxxxxxxxx) to send emails. (xxxxxx) and (xxxxxxx) do not own your subscription to their service. If you wish to be unsubscribed from this mail please reply to the group or individual that sent this to you.”  And of course, if you, go to their site, and, “unsubscribe”, you will get even MORE SPAM.

So order was placed, address was correct. That was a Sat. I didn’t expect it to leave till Monday,
guess what,  It left  WEDNESDAY. (By the UPS tracking number they sent me)
And by the S L O W Boat, (UPS, ‘expected delivery Mon;)

So, 18 days, for a order, when 3 previous orders were here in 3-4 days????

1, Changing ‘billing address’.   ( Not a lie, but really dumb)
2. Contacting me.  (Out and Out  LIE)
3. No SPAM on my e-mail address.  (Out and Out  LIE)
4. Order leaving their in Wed, vs Mon. (A Out and Out LIE,  according to their web site)

So, this company has LIED to me, and showed me how truly inefficient they are.
They will never get my money again !
Their are a  LOT of places, that one can get the same things on the internet.
A   LOT of places. So their is NO reason to put up with someone who  LIES.

Local dealers. This is a  BIG reason, they still sell parts.
You may pay more, but, (if they don’t have it, and say 3 days, it IS 3 days)

Now if you, ‘accept’ very poor service. And, ‘accept’ someone LYING to you.  Fine.  
And then expect ALL service, to get worse, and worse, as some people, SEE, that they can LIE, and get away with it, !
because NO ONE does anything about it !
(Gee, did they learn that from the POTUS, or a Senator, or a State rep, or a County Commissioner, or a Mayor ?)

Or perhaps you are the kind of person, who does not return a bowl of soup in a restaurant, because it is cold, (when you have nicely asked the server if she/he could put it in the microwave), because you FEAR the cook will 'spit' in it ?

 I don’t accept LYING. I am Paying them, they are NOT paying me.
If you do NOT accept a seller, LYING to you.
The CEO of ‘bike-bandit’ is  Ken Wahlster.

Now, Before some people get their underwear in a bunch.
I am Fully Aware of the fact, that, ANYBODY, can make a mistake.
and that, Nobody is Perfect!  
BUT, the goal in life, is to:  STRIVE, for perfection,
KNOWING, one will never achieve it.

And when a mistake is made, one apologies, and makes amends.
They do NOT,  ’Spit’,  in the soup !

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by raydawg on 08/06/14 at 16:55:11

I buy a lot of "stuff" online, and service varies greatly.....
I have prime, and use it for free guaranteed shipping, but I have come to find a LOT of online stores list many products but in reality have no or little inventory, they buy it themselves from other vendors, cutting a profit from handling, etc.
It is like pizzing in the wind to get them to admit to their scam when the product you bought aint readily available to be bought and shipped..... to you >:(

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by WD on 08/07/14 at 08:03:20

BikeBandit, JC Whitney, LowBrow Customs... on my permanent "can kiss my a$$ and go f*** themselves" list.

Latest BikeBandit fiasco is listed in my CCT thread.

JC Whitney has not been reliable since the mid 1990s, and the shipping costs soundly defeat any parts cost savings.

LowBrow Customs sent defective and/or incomplete parts. Had to order new lenses for my rear turn signals, the plastic ones melted and replacements are not available from LBC. Ordered glass ones from J&P Cycles, and the lenses are within $2 of the cost of the complete lights, add shipping and the lenses alone cost more than the lights... Ordered a set of 1930s to mid 50s perches and levers, and they did not ship with the REQUIRED cable mounting lugs and cotter pins, neither of which are available through LBC. J&P Cycles to the rescue again, an extra $10 plus shipping to make the parts usable.

Where I work is just as bad... I can get 60 10mg loratidine (generic Claritin) from work for $23.95... the same quantity of the same dose is $7.50 at Dollar General. Our house brand 325mg aspirin is $6.99 for 24 pills, the exact same thing at DG is $2.95... Company name redacted to protect the greedy...

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by DeepPurple on 08/08/14 at 22:55:14

I've only ever ordered stuff from BB, Lowbrow, Dime City Cycles, and straight from Amazon. Amazon doesn't count because of the millions of different sellers.
BB has always been horribly slow for me and overpriced shipping on top of that unless you order a lot. But never had a major issue yet.
Lowbrow has been amazing to me with crazy fast shipping and free stuff. I've ordered grips, strut kit, seat, and taillight from them almost all separate orders with no problems. Of course eventually I may, but so far them and Dime City Cycles have been the best to me.
I always feel like Bike Bandit is going to do something wrong though lol.

Oh and motorcycle superstore has always been great too, but I've only ever ordered helmets from them... Not really the same store category as the others though they sell more parts than they used too.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/14 at 18:42:58

Bike Bandit.  
11 days to get here, from the SECOND time I placed the SAME order.
In total it took, 18 days to get here from the first time I ordered.
(When 3 previous orders were 3-4 days after I ordered.)

  ‘Fast Shipping’.  
Not even by the remotest stretch of the imagination!

I guess, when the ‘Cat’ is away, the, ‘mice’ sure do Play !

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 08/21/14 at 09:36:05

They just keep Lying !

2 days ago, In my e-mail, I received even MORE SPAM.
from them.

Even though several weeks ago, they TOLD me it would not happen.

Even though, on THEIR Web site, I Signed OFF, on ALL messages from them. ON Their OWN WEBSITE.  Still got  SPAM.

Then yesterday, they, 'returned', a letter I sent,
TO the address on the web site,
which was the SAME address on the invoice I finally got.
It was addressed to the CEO of the company.  

And it was marked:  'Person Un-Knowen".

Two things could have happened.
1. The, Listed CEO, has very recently sold that company.
2. A department inside Bike Bandit,
   is KEEPING, the MAIL, from the BOSS !

Why even bother with such, sub standard performance,
when their are SO MANY  OTHER Companies,
who, Actuality WANT, your business.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by WD on 08/22/14 at 00:02:14

Parts Fish just made my sh** list. Parts ordered the 9th, they shipped the huge box (with a clutch cover gasket in it) on the 15th. It arrived (box smashed) on the 18th.

Put it in an envelope, write "PHOTOS DO NOT BEND" in red magic marker on the envelope, drop it in the mail.

Yet another "stealership in disguise" that waits for parts to ship from one of Slopoki USA's warehouses, to their brick and mortar facility, before they can ship it to the purchaser.

At least one of the 3 semi local stealerships offers free coffee AND I can test sit to my heart's content before getting dry fu**ed by the parts counter...

And no, I will NEVER buy another Suzuki product, unless it is the 1500/1600cc badge engineered Mean Streak built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. Suzuki can kiss my rosy red Germanic-Celtic butt. Crappy bikes, worse service.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by Paraquat on 08/22/14 at 06:09:26

I HATE that.


I also hate going into a store, you ask for something...
"We don't have it. I can order it?"
"I can order it. I came here because I want it now."


Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/22/14 at 11:00:06

Unless you guys have ever been in the parts business, you may not realize a few things.  I own an aircraft maintenance shop, actually a fairly large one.  Now I know bikes and airplanes are different, but there is some commonality to all, even car shops.
We have very little "shop stock" of parts.  Bring your plane in for work, and most of the parts we need have to be ordered because I cannot afford to stock and pay for a part that may sit on my parts room shelves for a year or more until we sell it.  That's just the way the business is, if the customer doesn't like it, not much we can do about it.
A couple of years ago a competing shop went out of business, and he offered to sell us his parts inventory.
We said, Sure, we'll take them off your hands and store them, and if and when we sell them, we'll split the retail price with you.
80% of that stuff is still at our place, some of the parts sat in his shop for 20 years.  Any wonder why he went out of business?

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/22/14 at 11:41:21

And,I'll add to what Jerry said. Not only is what he says true,But,as a warehouse manager,I had to order things for people who called me to supply them with what they wanted. I would then call a supplier who would often tell me they had it in stock and I would have it in"X"number of days.
No,they Didn't have it. THEY ordered it!Then shipped to me!I looked like a liar to my customers often,when what had happened was,I had been lied to.
But My supplier lied to me so they would make the sale and I wouldn't call around and get it from someone else...They would not have it in yet,when I had promised it to the customer..then THEY finally get it,ship it to me and the 3days I promised it in has turned into a week or more.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 08/22/14 at 17:18:02

I have been in business, (Owner of Store Front Gun Shop, for over 20 years).
And, before that, and after that, Working for Other Retailers.

I KNOW, how, (today), people do things.
I am used to Honesty, Ethics, Responsibility,
and a sales person, receiving pay, by WORKING.
Not receiving  pay, for NOT working.

I ran it quite successfully, with the premise the Customer is First,
and you NEVER LIE to them.
If you KNOW, your customers, Know, the parts you/they need.
Have done the research on what is, ‘likely’ needed.
And when a small part, you DON’t have, you order 2,
sell one for 2.5 x’s, the price you paid for 2,
you made money, and that second part, is sitting their, FREE.
And be it, 10 days or 10 months, when you sell the second part.
(And you have it RIGHT NOW)
You tell me, what, THAT person, is going to say to everyone he/she talks to ????
It’s NOT Rocket Science  !!!!!   It is Plain Business sense.
But Everybody, has gotten,  SO USED to,
Everybody, LIEING to them,  (The Government, the Police, the Politicians, The MEDIA),
they Accept, the LIES, from any one else !

OTHER, MC, and on like order places, Say:
Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, etc.
When you order parts. So you get the, ‘Yes’ parts, and the ’No’ parts you wait.

But they TELL YOU THE TRUTH    !!!!!!!!
They Do  Not  LIE !!!!!!!!!

Also, (90% of,’other’, places) after the order is done, their is a moment, after your CC is processed,
then they say, “OK Order complete, the stuff we have will be on it way xxx day.

They do not LIE to you, and tell you it will be shipped Monday, to have it shipped Wed.
They do not  LIE to you, when they ’say’ they contacted you,
because your CC did not go through,  BECAUSE OF THEIR MISTAKE.

When they ask for your, e-mail, and say it will ONLY, be used for order confirmation,
IT IS,  ONLY, used for that.  
They do not LIE to you.
And sign you up for every, SPAM message they, (and their, ‘partners’), can send.
Then when you go through the ‘web’ process of, ‘Opt-Out”, they KEEP  SENDING SPAM.

That way, of doing business, is  NOT, the way, I was successful doing business.

So it’s real simple, when I cannot give someone local, business,
and have to go the the Internet.
I spend my money, with someone, who does not LIE to me.

I simply will NEVER again, spend a cent, with Bike-Bandit.

They have  LIED  to me !!!!!

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by WD on 08/22/14 at 22:58:16

I've been in and out of the motorcycle, hot rod, and custom vehicle business off and on since I was 15. The last bike shop I worked, had brand new, still in cosmolene, parts that pre-dated WW2. The packaging was worth more than the contents. Every once in a while, one sold.

We also had new old stock parts through the mid 1990s. Brand new Indian Motocycle batteries (the real deal, went out of business in 1953 version). Original parts and accessories from the 1920s to current, new and used. Fresh tubes, tires, chains; new old stock asbestos brake shoes, brake pads and clutch friction discs... maybe, between the 2 facilities having over 36000 square feet of just floor space, not counting the lofts, parts trailers (ancient semi trailers) or junkyards had something to do with it.

If I need something right then, I hit up whoever has it. I'm rarely in the mood to sit around waiting for "just in time" shipments. If they have to wait for it to arrive, then I don't need to do business with them.

Yet another reason I'm buying a 1992 K1500 Silverado, I can get ANYTHING I need in 36 hours or less, even the most obscure bit or bauble. I prefer to drive vintage Dodge trucks, but parts for them are like parts for Suzuki... Chevrolet is like Harley Davidson or BMW, if you need it, it is quick and easy to get, for any year and any model.

I can get parts for an 1800s Moore and Harris 12g double barrel soot thrower easier/quicker than I can get Savage parts.  >:(

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by Demin on 08/31/14 at 13:42:37

I have always had good luck with Ron Ayers.Out of NC.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/01/14 at 17:43:17

I have always had good luck with Ron Ayers.Out of NC

Great !   Then TELL THEM THAT,
EACH Time you Order.

And TELL Them of the  BAD, experience with others you have had.

That is  the ONLY, way to, 'Raise The Bar".

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/02/14 at 10:33:02

Mr. Spring, based on the use of capital letters and boldn font, I am going to have to conclude that this whole Bike Bandit thing has left a rather BAD taste in your mouth. And, armed with the knowledge of your business history ( get that? ARMED??) Im going to also engage ( get that?) in a little word play. Now, I understand WHY youre upset, but dont go off half-cocked here. You have a certain set of "rules" YOU live by, as a business man, YOU operated ethically, and now, you aim to be dealt with by straight shooters. I understand the frustration, and I know you have a hair trigger when some things are involved. Getting lied to about the products availability and then having your email used as a waste basket for advertising is enough to cause a misfeed, a fella mite have a stovepipe jammed up moment, even. I DO believe Id call and ask for WHO would you talk to IF youd had service that was just SO MUCH Better than you ever thot was possible. THAT will get you TO a supervisor. GLOW, Youre about to tell someone that they have an employee whose service & attitude was just so good that it deserves someone in a supervisory positions knowing about it, so that when its time for an evaluation or a raise, that "Gold Star" will be in their personnel file, waiting,,

Then, once you get That EAR, Be Gentle, explain what happened, stay calm,, he can always hang up.. If you want to be taken off the spam list, tread gently. I thibnk you should include this website, let him come look at what PR damage is being done. How many sales will Bike Bandit NOT make now, because of your bad experience? Stay calm & business like, Dont preach to him, Just tell him what happened & how it affected you and let him know there are a good number of people well aware of what happened who USED to call BB for parts, but who will be calling Ayers or someone else first now. Then, be ready.. KNOW what you want. He Should ask you what it would take to make it good. Have a reasonable request. Of course, OFF the email list and THAT should not be done to anyone,, Maybe They didnt sell your info, maybe they got hacked, or maybe thats the excuse,, whatever, talk about it,, THEN,, You want some "store credit"? Whats it gonna take to make you call them again? Tell him that when he makes it right, youll report THAT to this bunch, too.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/03/14 at 13:05:58


When I write letters. It takes a few days, to go over, and over it, to get it right.
I Did that in this case.  IT WAS RETURNED NOT OPENED.
 (Yes it was sent to the correct address. 3 checks; their Invoice, their web site, and a yellow pages search).
So you think a phone call will get to the top ???????
I don't think so.  
And a little stipend, to make things right, and I am suppose to forget all about it?  

It's simple, I make things right by just never spending any money their again.  That's all, real simple. No skin off my teeth.
Their are hundreds of other places that have the same items for sale,
and actuality care about customers.

Now their are places, where I do do business, where I have been treated fairly, and others on this forum, say, 'no no no'.

I Believe, I, (in the above case) have benefited from, ' someone else', getting screwed.  And  SAYING SO.

Just as someone else, after this, may receive good service from B.B.

The point is, is if everybody, ACCEPTS, slip shod, service. It will just get worse, NOT better.

And then, it will be, a very short step away from people believing the statement:
"I'm from the Government, and I am here to help you".

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by old_rider on 09/05/14 at 19:48:10

Just to see what happens... I ordered a set of "tac cable seals", the speedo cable seals....
They are hard to come by..... so I thought I would see if I could order some.
I used a part number from one of the older posts that shows the seals and packaging (Old Fellor I believe had it)
Only $4.82 plus a couple bucks shipping (no big loss if fails)
Paypal sent the message money was paid...
Next day email arrives saying thank you for your order... is not in stock and is on back order....
Here is what they sent me via email...

Greetings William,

Thank you again for your purchase from Due to high demand, the manufacturer has marked the item(s) listed below in your order UT399QM as backordered. If your order included additional items that are not listed below, those items will still be processed and shipped as soon as possible.

For more information on what backordered means, see the box below.

If the item(s) status has not changed after 25 days, we will cancel these item(s) from your order, and you will not be charged.

after 25 days if it is not delivered the order will be canceled...wonder if they will credit my paypal account? or send me a check?

Lets see what happens....

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/14 at 17:15:19

Just did a order with,  'Dennis Kirk'.

They said: "All items are in, and will be shipped tomorrow, and your CC has been Processed."

And, a  REAL  LIVE PERSON,  Actually  ANSWERED the Phone !!!!!

Golly,  Gee   !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/14 at 17:48:07

Rather different than:

Accept your order,   Take your CC  #.
and,  'Later',  tell you:  (via e-mail)
"X parts are back ordered, and well 'let you know', when we ship.

Ya know,  I, think their is a difference,
perhaps you do not.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/14 at 17:59:09

40434B5D464B4A5D2F0 wrote:
...  Paypal sent the message money was paid...


Their was  company, who sold Guns, at  5% over cost.
They would take your check.

YET  they would  take 3-5  MOUNTS  to deliver  !!!!!!!

Gee, this was under the Carter Adm, where , one got 20% On a 'saving account'.   It was, (reported),  this company had ,  3-4  MILLION  DOLLARS, on 'deposit',  BEFORE thy Shipped.

What is  20% of 3 MILLION  Dollars  ???????

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/14 at 18:08:34

They got your money.
You GAVE it to them.

Now you wait.

What is, (Today a paltry 1.5%)
Over,  BILLIONS  of dollars worth?

You just gave that to them  !!!!

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/14 at 20:08:47

My aunt called. She said Ups had mistakenly delivered my package there and they're coming over (she and my uncle)to bring it to me. Their kindness is really immeasurable.

Just saying...

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by old_rider on 09/13/14 at 10:53:24

Its been 7 days, and I received an email saying my parts were on the way.
We shall see.....

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/14 at 19:28:19

5E5D554358555443310 wrote:
Its been 7 days, and I received an email saying my parts were on the way.  We shall see.....  

So, it is a  WEEK,   AFTER  you Ordered, and  PAID.
That  B,B.,  'said',  they are 'shipping' ?

My Preference is, a company that, 'SAYS'.  
That part is in, or out, and the CC is charged,
and they will ship, today/tomorrow.

And their are  LOTS MORE, 'sites', that do that, out their.
LOTS  MORE   !!!!!!!!!

So why put up with with a site, that 'says' (lies), they have it, and  REALLY Doesn't.   AND   PAY them,  BEFORE, they ship the part??????

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by old_rider on 09/17/14 at 19:19:58

Received the parts in the mail on Monday.... they are the correct ones.

So a recap,
I ordered on the 4th
On the 5th they sent an email saying they were back ordered
Received the parts on the 15th
Total time was 10 days...not bad for a back order
It would have been 5 days if they were in stock.....

These seals are not easy to come by from what I understand, even dealers don't carry them, so if I ordered from the closest dealer (1 hour away), I would have to waited about 3 weeks (because they would have to back order them) instead of the 2 I ended up with.

Sorry you had such a bum rap...but i'm satisfied.

By the way....paypal pays the business when the order is placed, I've never had to go through a refund process, so i'll never know if it would have been hard or not. But like I said it was only $4.82 cents and no big loss if they failed to come up with the parts.
They would have refunded paypal (a very large corporation, with lots of lawyers) and paypal would have refunded my credit card.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by old_rider on 09/17/14 at 19:23:24

One question,
You ask why I paid them "before" they shipped....
that's the way online shopping goes,
they don't do C.O.D.

If you find a company that will ship me parts before I pay them, let me know.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/14 at 19:47:59

Lots of  Internet, companies,
DO,  NOT, charge your CC,    BEFORE, they ship.
  They charge,  WHEN,   They ship.

  LOTS of them !

In fact,  the MAJORITY, of them !

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by pgambr on 09/17/14 at 19:59:55

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but which ones?  I'm not aware of any and would prefer to give them my business.  

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/14 at 20:06:20

Just ask them.
They will tell you.

If They, LIE, to you.
Just, post it here.

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/14 at 20:15:50

6261697F6469687F0D0 wrote:
.....  paypal would have refunded my credit card.   .....

If you ever need paypal, to go to bat for you,  
GOOD  LUCK   !!!!!!!!!

(What is 3.5 %, of,  BILLIONS, of,  OTHERS  PEOPLES MONEY,

While you, 'talk',  back and forth.

Gee, I would LOVE  to have,
Just  the paltry sum of 3.5%,

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by MnSpring on 10/08/14 at 20:11:28

Just did a order with  D.K. again.
Again, I got a,  """LIVE  PERSON,  Who  SPOKE   ENGLISH""".

Picked up a few maintenance parts for the V-800.
Delivered the next day. (Yea I know it don't count they are close)

BUT,  they said: "IN, IN,  Out, IN, Out, IN,  IN",
And charged my CC for, ONLY, the parts they shipped.
They did NOT charge me, for things they,  """ DID NOT HAVE""",
using,  MY MONEY, to purchase those parts.
Then send them whenever !!!!@@@@

Title: Re: bike-bandit,  NOT
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/09/14 at 08:19:02

What? You dont think you should go to the grocery store, get all the stuff on tbe list they have, tell them what ya want, pay for all of it and wait for the food you want to arrive? OUT Ray JUSS » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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