General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?

Message started by Trouble on 08/01/14 at 16:27:36

Title: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by Trouble on 08/01/14 at 16:27:36

**Problem Solved (or never existed)**

So I just put my motor back together, and while I was pretty sure I got the cam lined up correctly, (using the little horizontal notches on the end)  and the piston right at TDC, I'm having trouble getting it started again. I've gotten a few good thumps out of her (like 2 seconds worth) but haven't been able to reproduce.

Currently I've got the airbox off as I'm troubleshooting and I can feel and see a cloud of fuel/air mix shooting back out of the carb a good three or four inches when I open up the throttle. (again, this is while trying to start the bike, with generally unsuccessful ignition)

Was the airbox intended to catch this backblast of fuel/air? Have those of you that have switched to cone filters and the like noticed anything similar?

I know that some reversion is normal in many motors, especially those tuned for torque.
I also know that while putting the head back on it's entirely possible that I advanced(or delayed?) the cam by a tooth on the sprocket.

My sincere thanks. I am such a noob at this.

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/14 at 16:47:47

Hope you installed a modded adjuster while you were in there...

You don't sound like a noob...
You sound like you were careful, and you know what you're looking at...
I can't think of anything to check that you aren't checking... maybe someone else can...
Best luck... ;)...

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by engineer on 08/01/14 at 18:36:21

You got one tough problem there and I'll write a response mostly to keep this at the top of the list of posts.  I wonder if the slack of the cam chain taken up in the wrong direction would be enough to allow the sprocket to be off a significant amount when the slack ran out in the forward direction?  And how do you know if you are off without tearing it apart again, can't help you there but if the cam timing is off enough it will show up in a compression test. 

On the other hand the cam timing is just a worst case scenario for you, it may be something more accessible like the carb or ignition; you did take a lot of things apart. Old Fellow has considerable experience with rebuilding heads and dealing with cams.  Hopefully he'll be along with some help.

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by verslagen1 on 08/01/14 at 19:18:21

If you put the cam chain adjuster on right after you timed it... not likely.
I found it hard to even get the chain to jump with it off.

Now... who's instructions did you follow?

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by Trouble on 08/01/14 at 20:41:17

@Serowbot (new cam adjuster is still on the to-do list, this one's still pretty fresh)

@engineer (That is actually something to ponder, I didn't check the cam chain for wear/stretch because it looked pretty good and the bike has less than 15k on it. I assume that would look like catastrophically low pressure with a compression test, no?)

@verslagen1 (Instructions; we don' need no stinkin' instructions. I jest. I've been doing things the hard way and have been going off of shop manuals and intuition. Because learning is, "fun"...)

I wasn't so much suggesting that the chain has slipped to throw off the timing but rather that in re-installing the cam I'd gotten it off by a link, in one direction or the other; either on the camshaft drive end, or the cam sprocket end of things.

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by verslagen1 on 08/01/14 at 20:47:36

you are trouble...

the clymers manual tells you to rotate the engine CW which is wrong.

so if you've can't recall what you've done, line by line, pic by pic and step by fn step, there's no way I can help you but say do it again and follow directions on this site, cause I know the site's right.

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/14 at 20:49:48

First thing I'd do is Prove fuel Isn't the problem. Squirt some starting fluid in,,see if that changes anything.. go easy on that stuff,,check the battery,,if it's any kind of low,it can spin over and sound like it's about to go,but it won't..volt meter time. You don't need an air filter in the mix right now...

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by Trouble on 08/01/14 at 21:52:46

Battery is sitting pretty at 12.5-13. Yanked the spark plug, it was wet, cleaned it up, shot some starting fluid in before I put it back. With a little effort get her to fire up and idle, then roar at full throttle (briefly of course) before I punched in the choke and she died with a little cough of smoke. I may have just flooded the engine earlier. Everything now seems (fingers crossed) to be in mostly working order, aside from the carb tuning I need to work on obviously.

Hooray, I don't totally suck at stuff!

I suspect that after I tore the engine down to everything besides cracking the main engine case, she just had a few kinks to stretch out before she was ready to get out of bed.

Thanks for all your help and great ideas, again... I'm sure I'll be back soon.

/case closed  ;)

Title: Re: Reversion; am I off by a link on my cam chain?
Post by verslagen1 on 08/01/14 at 23:01:49

congrats, always a special feeling when it fires up the 1st time.   8-) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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