General Category >> The Cafe >> golf balls

Message started by stewmills on 07/30/14 at 13:41:42

Title: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 07/30/14 at 13:41:42

I am getting tired of cars flying around me in the left turning lane when I am on a 45mph road going 50mph. They wait for the few straightaways and fly around me as if I am poking and then they kick up dirt and road trash on me that has settled in the turn lane.

Usually I lay on the horn and raise my hand (no one finger salute just to be respectful of kids) and yell at them. They usually take off even faster because I guess they think I am going to come after them (I do carry a pistol)...though if I ever catch them at a signal or parking lot I will share a piece of my mind because I am a careful and respectful driver and know that they were just being an a$$ because they are like everyone else on the a hurry and willing to run anyone down to get there.

Anyhow, is it illegal to throw golf balls at people when they do the above?  I feel threatened with my life when this happens and throwing golf balls is my defense mechanism.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/14 at 13:57:21

Yup,.. that would be against the law... (don't shoot'em either... ;D)...

Best thing is to just pull to the right, and wave them past when it's safe...
Don't seem right,.. but it is the safest, best thing for both of you...

It is legal to hope they have a really rotten day... karma's a beotch... :-?...
Besides,... it'd probably ricochet and hit you... ;D...

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 07/30/14 at 14:21:55

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
Yup,.. that would be against the law... (don't shoot'em either... ;D)...

Thems boneheads aren't worth going to jail.

Best thing is to just pull to the right, and wave them past when it's safe...
Don't seem right,.. but it is the safest, best thing for both of you...

Yup, I usually do...despite really wanting to get on the throttle and stay in the lead until their self-made 'passing lane' runs out.

It is legal to hope they have a really rotten day... karma's a beotch... :-?...

I do...I hope I pass them with a flat tire, out if gas, pulled over for speeding, or something similar so I can ride by and 'toot toot' with a big grin on my face.

Besides,... it'd probably ricochet and hit you... ;D...

Thought about that too.  Maybe if I used something less bouncy...or golf balls dipped in gorilla glue so they stick on impact?

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Greg on 07/30/14 at 14:28:07

Golf balls bounce. Coins or marbles work better. If the driver gets angry, bad things can happen though. I usually just speed up to help dissuade them passing. Not the safest thing either.

As a side note, I had a woman that wanted to pass me in the right lane that was ending. I was exceeding the speed limit by probably 10mph. I sped up and when her lane was about to end, pulled in front of her and slowed down to about 10 or 15 mph. She was p!ssed. I felt better. I am sure I got lucky she didn't rear end me.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by arteacher on 07/30/14 at 14:29:50

Guy I know carries a couple of handfuls of BBs in his pocket. If someone tailgates him  he throws a few over his shoulder. Makes a racket when they hit the car, but doesn't do any damage.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by verslagen1 on 07/30/14 at 14:34:21

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
It is legal to hope they have a really rotten day... karma's CAN BE a beotch... :-?...

Remember you're naked and invisible.
Apparently you have good karma, after all... they did see you.   8-)
Don't flip the coin, the other side is real nasty.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Seaweednh on 07/30/14 at 15:28:10

727979707C737268691D0 wrote:
Guy I know carries a couple of handfuls of BBs in his pocket. If someone tailgates him  he throws a few over his shoulder. Makes a racket when they hit the car, but doesn't do any damage.

It would be my luck to hit those BBs long afterwards and go down.  As a kid raising hell I was racing cars with a "friend" who threw "clackers" out the window and continue to bounce multiple times under the car. I thought for sure it had done major damage.  For those who don't know what the clackers are, it was two golf ball size resin balls attached  by approx. 18" of string. No, I wouldn't throw anything at them, you could end up killing someone and it may not be the driver.  I had a customer that drove a semi.  What he did to mess with the jerks was to mount locomotive air horns sideways under the cab, one to the right and one to the left. he reported these were very effective when the driver was directly beside them.  Unfortunately we don't have the room or compressor but his stories always makes me smile.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/14 at 15:44:09

Definitely don't use a golf ball... it would pretty obvious that it came from you... (a piece of gravel or a nut just might have been spit up from your tire)... "How'd dat happen?"...
... aaaa,.. also,.... I've heard that the ceramic from a broken spark plug will shatter glass very nicely...

... and I never said that,... and wouldn't do that,.. and recommend that...
Not one bit at all... :-X...

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by GridMonkey on 07/30/14 at 17:16:56

I do know guys that ride with dirty washer/nutss... "musta come off something" a buddy of mine with some bangsnaps They just pop and flash on impact with a windsheild, i almost always ride wih my g/f and her rebel 250...its soooo slow.... so we move out of the way of, well, everything. But when i'm on my own i just don't let them squeeze me out if i can. It's definitely not worth it to get into an extended "space" war with a cager, they will win.  :-/

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Blinky-FSO on 07/30/14 at 18:47:22

A golf ball never goes where I want it to when I hit it with a golf club so I have no reason to think it will go where I want it to when thrown....sigh.

Just try and take the high any altercation between a car and a bike, the car always wins, darn it.

Good hunting

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 07/30/14 at 21:37:07

Yeah, I am generally a safe driver and am very defensive because I trust no one in a cage when i am on my bike.  It's not the passing in the passing lane or swooping around me on a 4 lane that gets me, it's the jerks that pass on a 150' center turn lane that have to gun it and shoot around me before the turn lane cuts off and it puts me at risk because if I don't yield aggressively to the right they will run me off the road because the 150' turn lane is NOWHERE near enough to pass someone at 50+mph.

I will probably never do anything bad because I am a nice guy and I was irritated today (well...for a while now) because work sucks a big fat egg right now and I was already irritated this morning before I left the house.

However...shall I see the same black Chrysler 300 another morning you can bet your sweet behiney he'll have hell to pay if there is oncoming traffic the whole way into town....can we say 15mph for 3 miles?

P.S. Has anyone successfully taken a video to the police of some of this erratic driving and had the person in the video cited for reckless driving or at least contacted (using the tag to ID them) to shake them up?

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by verslagen1 on 07/30/14 at 22:03:26

424554465C585D5D42310 wrote:
P.S. Has anyone successfully taken a video to the police of some of this erratic driving and had the person in the video cited for reckless driving or at least contacted (using the tag to ID them) to shake them up?

You'll never know until you try.   8-)

Find out who's the lead motor leo and email it to him.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by verslagen1 on 07/30/14 at 23:18:52

BTW... there have been several prosecutions of perps bragging on youtube.

If they can identify who it is, at least they'll be watching.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by prechermike on 07/31/14 at 04:27:54

2A2D3C2E343035352A590 wrote:
P.S. Has anyone successfully taken a video to the police of some of this erratic driving and had the person in the video cited for reckless driving or at least contacted (using the tag to ID them) to shake them up?

Whole different story but, on my way to town in the truck one day my wife and I saw what we thought was a drunk driver, all over and off the road, very erratic speed, that kind of thing. I called the police on my cell phone, and they asked me if i could follow him until they caught up, which I did. He went to a lawyer's office (of all places) and was stopped before the police arrived. I left and they went in to talk to him, turns out the guy was handicapped (or whatever the PC term is) and not drunk. The police called me and asked if I wanted to press charges since they had not seen him driving. I didn't do it, figured the guy had enough trouble. But he did have me worried the way he was driving.

Anyway, my point is call the police and let them know what happened, they might come out and observe, especially if it happens often.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 07/31/14 at 07:12:53

Sounds like I need to set up a little 'sting operation'   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Dave on 07/31/14 at 08:37:10

If the Black Chrysler is a continual menace and flies through the area on a regular and predictable basis - then see if the Police will monitor the road and catch him in the act.

We had a young kid that lived up the road from us that had a little Honda car with little or no muffler.  (Hollow stainless can).  We live on a corner lot, and each morning at 6:00 AM he would leave the intersection at full throttle and recreate the sound of the Indy 500...just like clock work every morning.  I had all kind of thoughts about how I could "Get Him" - but then decided the best plan was to just let the law take care of it.  I sent the local Police Department a video cassette taken from the window over our kitchen sink....that showed the fellow racing past our house.  In a few weeks the young man was driving like a normal person...we never had that trouble anymore.  I suspect the Police paid the area a visit one morning...and got his attention.


Title: Re: golf balls
Post by groupus on 07/31/14 at 09:54:42

747362706A6E6B6B74070 wrote:
...I was irritated today (well...for a while now) because work sucks a big fat egg ...

Hey there you go, whip an egg over your shoulder! Though it would be less fun carrying an egg around all the time waiting for a target.   :-?

If you throw anything, it's littering and you could face a fine and/or be at fault for damage caused. Just saying...
I used to get mad, but now I just laugh at the people who do this because I am right behind them at the next light. What did they gain? Not even one car length but stuck in the same traffic. Besides, I rather have them in front of me where I can control the distance than riding up my tail pipe.

My dad had this friend who would keep glass bottles under his seat.  They'd make a spectacular explosion when he let one loose on someone's hood.  :D

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/14 at 17:31:25

Had, several, ‘buddies’ tell me.
just put some ‘pea rock’ in your pocket,
and when the need arises, just, suitably, drop it out of your pocket.

 (Not that I have Ever done that !!!!)

But is really does Piss Me Off, when I am turning into my driveway,
Off a Tar CO Road, and a person, behind me, is tail gating me for the last 5 miles,
then, when I have to stop, (to take a left), because someone is coming towards me, the, ’tail gate'er’,
  ZOOMS by me on the right,
two wheels on the gravel, ’shoulder’,
Mirrors, inches apart, (While On A Cell Phone)

One time, a person had a, ‘vanity’, plate.
I took note. Weeks later, I told a local cop.
He told me:  “Oh Ya, I know who that is, she is a Judges Wife. You can’t touch her”.

I told the cop:  
“Well you tell her, or her husband, she, ’touches',  me with her car, I  WILL Be, ’touching her”  !!!!!

Seen her, many times on this road. She, behaves, now.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Dave on 08/05/14 at 07:26:13

I just remembered that about 20 years ago, I used to keep a can of Silly String in my cup holder.  When someone was tailgating I would roll my window down a bit, and spray the Silly String out the window.  It would make a fine colored string that would either get stuck in their grill, or would follow the air flow up over their hood and windshield.

It was not much of a deterrent.....maybe I should have used Wasp Spray! :o


Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 08/05/14 at 08:28:34

1F24293E2F23383E252D203F4C0 wrote:
It was not much of a deterrent.....maybe I should have used Wasp Spray! :o

Pepper Spray!!!   :o

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/14 at 08:30:00

FYI.... don't try spitting if you wear a FF... :-?...

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Dj12midnit on 08/05/14 at 14:36:02

Just a question I have not seen asked. What are you using to determine your speed?

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 08/05/14 at 14:50:16

5D53080B54505D57504D390 wrote:
Just a question I have not seen asked. What are you using to determine your speed?

personally, i use the big circle looking thing on the gas tank that has all the tick marks and numbers on it.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by verslagen1 on 08/05/14 at 14:52:23

2A3D283D203A3F4F0 wrote:
If you throw anything, it's littering and you could face a fine and/or be at fault for damage caused. Just saying...

Just last week an axe fell off a truck and planted itself in the window of a following car.  Any bigger or faster and it would of made a real mess.

I'm going thru the manual now teaching my kids to drive.  The fine is a hefty one, $5000  So you guys be careful out there, anything that can be traced to you would not be advisable.  common roadside pea gravel would be the ticket.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 08/06/14 at 07:57:33

I am going to install an oil injector into my header so I can have an on demand "Spy Hunter" (remember the old arcade game?) smoke screen, and when they try to pass me I'll lay on the throttle to stay ahead of them and engage the smoke screen and I bet they'll back off.  I'll even have three separate tanks for red, white, and blue like the Blue Angels and give them a colorful show.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Serowbot on 08/06/14 at 08:12:24

You could put an action-cam on your helmet,... then point to it as they go by...  That'll leave them worrying the rest of the week...

Pssst... it doesn't even have to be turned on.... ;D....

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by BalingWire on 08/06/14 at 08:38:27

Worst Case Scenario: Aggressive Drivers
Discovery Channel

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by verslagen1 on 08/06/14 at 08:48:25

Just tape one of those HF compact flashlights to your helmet.
put it on with a couple of tie wrap sticky mounts squares, take the lanyard off and in the dark it'll look like a lipstick camera.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Dave on 08/06/14 at 08:55:02

3F2C3B3A25282E2C2778490 wrote:
Just tape one of those HF compact flashlights to your helmet.
put it on with a couple of tie wrap sticky mounts squares, take the lanyard off and in the dark it'll look like a lipstick camera.

No.....they won't be able to see that little flashlight as they speed by.

Use a Toaster!

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 08/06/14 at 09:03:54


Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Dave on 08/06/14 at 09:08:52

Now that is a Helmet Cam!

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by verslagen1 on 08/06/14 at 09:22:06

he needs a bigger battery to balance it out.

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/14 at 17:41:35

In 1965, Remington, did a, ‘movie’, than a book, (from the stills from the movie).
All about how to, ’see’ , how to lead a Trap Target.

It is a classic, out of print, and hard to find.

Just can’t imagine, what they mounted on that 1100, to get those photos.
in 1965 !!!!!!

At least the battery, or elect power, did not have to be mounted,
just the, ‘camera’.  LOL

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by DeepPurple on 08/06/14 at 18:24:26

3C3B2A38222623233C4F0 wrote:
I am going to install an oil injector into my header so I can have an on demand "Spy Hunter" (remember the old arcade game?) .

I remember that game! But I played the playstation 2 version and it sucked in comparison. Still good mindless fun though lol.
And I would absolutely love to throw stuff at people but I'd feel horrible if it made them wreck and kill someone else  :(
Good thought though lol  

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by stewmills on 08/07/14 at 07:04:32

Yeah, I am really careful not to cause harm to another as well. I just have to come here and vent so I can get it out somehow.  I would feel bad if I caused a wreck but if someone got pulled over or got a flat tire due to hitting road trash in the turning lane I would still honk and smile  ;D

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by MMRanch on 08/07/14 at 21:19:56

A paint can spray would be justice .   Maybe something in Green ???


Title: Re: golf balls
Post by kimchris1 on 08/09/14 at 06:27:26

I know how maddening it can get out there.
My commute is 50 miles round trip and believe
me I get some at times that even though I am
going over the speed limit 55 that pass me and
yes throw back the dirt and crap that lands in
the grooves that the DOT has made of the center
lanes here.
I try and not get bottled up in traffic yet again
sometimes it happens.

I see some that ride with the leather windshield whips attached
to their handlebars. They tell me they have used  them and yet
I am one that is afraid to do anything like that as they may have
a gun or run me off the road some other time.
So try and keep your cool and if you see them give them the room
as you know their going to take it anyways.
Your the better person and you will live to tell us all of some good
times you and your wife have on the bike..
Oh and I have heard of some using bb's and small ball bearings as well.
I won't as someone innocent may be hurt and not the jackass that it
was intended for.. Hugs.. :) kim and Genie

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by MMRanch on 08/09/14 at 21:17:34

I was just thinking (hay sometimes it just happens  ::))  , Will paint remover squirt out of a squirt gun ???    

Actually its really rare for me to have a problem with other drivers .   Usually if one passes me then I use them for a "Radar" breaker and just follow along behind them from 100 to 200 yds back.  If their brake lights come on then I've got early warning that mine should too !  ;)

Enjoying the easy life of not living in a big city !  :)

Title: Re: golf balls
Post by Dave on 08/10/14 at 03:24:07

50525658534952480A3B0 wrote:
I see some that ride with the leather windshield whips attached
to their handlebars. They tell me they have used  them and yet
I am one that is afraid to do anything like that as they may have
a gun or run me off the road some other time.
:) kim and Genie

Yep......No matter how "crazy" you are, there is going to be a time when you come across someone that is even "crazier".  I don't want to be the one to push that person to the point where they do something me!  

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