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Message started by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 08:40:57

Title: American techno mind-share @ Barnes & Nobie
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 08:40:57

Well, I went to the mall area and sat and drank a cup of coffee at Barnes & Noble and studied the magazine rack a bit.

Magazine racks tend to reflect the current mindset of the general populace, you can count the number and type of magazines to see what sort of stuff folks are interested in.    It has always been a reliable indicator in the past anyway.

Since Barnes & Noble is a British based company that is acting sorta sick right now, this indicator metric may be skewed a bit since they no longer distribute certain brands of magazines at all ..... so what I see may be an effect of Britishness or of fiscal sickness, I guess we will never know which or why -- or maybe it is real, who knows?

In any case, here is the current magazine mix in the Tech Section of Barnes & Noble.  

50%   Android
40%   Apple/Mac
9%     Open Source (Ubuntu & all the rest)
1%     Windows/Xbox

Wii ain't out on the rack at all, nor is Sony .... gamebox type stuff seems to have declined most drastically.

Microsoft Windows based publications really aren't there either -- the PC Magazine was full of gaming rigs and "best games" for Christmas and the Maximum PC rig was full of store bought gaming rigs for best Christmas purchase.   And that was it for PC.

Apple/Mac was full of conjecture about what Apple will release for this Christmas and Android was talking a lot about Android L and 64 bit.  Open Source was about the future Ubuntu release and running Ubuntu on Chromeboxes.   There were more Chromebook/box related articles dominating the Open Source magazines than there were Windows articles in total in all magazines.

Microsoft Windows 8.1 has a practically zero mind share at this point in time.  It is old news and nobody seems concerned about it at all any more.   There were NO ARTICLES PREDICTING IMPROVEMENTS IN WIN 9 OR WHEN IT WILL BE RELEASED, something I found somewhat ominous this late in the game.

Speaking of it being "late in the game" ol' MS has just told the world they are killing off  software support for Win 7 sometimes next year.  

:o          MS is hurting for money, apparently ....

If they are serious about killing off Win 7 two years earlier than previously said then this is very bad for MS's future trust levels as no one will trust them for very much of anything going forward from that point.

They killed off XP when it was a 30% market share and now they plan to kill off Win 7 when it is at 50% market share?   How dumb do they think we are ????

>:(         You are supposed to gently milk them durn milk cows, you don't go off shooting them in the head just so you can sell off the stew beef ....  

.... not unless you are planning on getting completely out of the cattle business when you are done.

Title: Re: American techno mind-share @Barnes & Nobie
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 08:50:56

I also looked at the Motorcycle magazine section.   The closest group to what we are is sports touring / touring and the neatest article I found was about people going on Doughnut Rides, stopping at unique famous doughnut places in each major or minor city stopping point along their road trip.

Yep, you get there, then ask your cell phone for best rated doughnuts for that city and you will invariably be led to the neat unique little places that serve a really good coffee snack ...

Them touring folks, they need a purpose to knit their endless trips together, OK?

Title: Re: American techno mind-share @ Barnes & Nobi
Post by jcstokes on 07/20/14 at 14:59:50

Very interesting about not supporting Win 7. I am completely atechnical or I'm a tech dunce and make few apologies for it. I would be very annoyed if MS were to do this and if they did I would definitely look at another "operating system"? I note that MS are announcing some more big lay offs, or so it was reported here. In vintage car terms I am wondering if MS didn't give us a wonderful Model T which put the world on the web, perhaps they are working on a V8, but from the tone of your posts they may not have a Model A to carry them through. Or they're killing the Model A before its time

Title: Re: American techno mind-share @ Barnes & Nobi
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 15:38:43

Preliminary feed back to MS has been soooo absolute and extreme from all sources that MS is now saying that their talking head lady mis-stated herself and Win 7 "improvements" will be cut off but security bug fixes will continue.

Shite fire boys, when you quit responding to all the individual consumer type people's phone calls then you have functionally cut off support for that version of your OS.    You can wordsmith it all you want, you planned to chop off support in January of next year and to lay off the rest of those support people.

Title: Re: American techno mind-share @ Barnes & Nobie
Post by jcstokes on 07/20/14 at 18:15:35

Thank you OldFeller, I'm not sure if I need their "improvements" anyway.

Title: Re: American techno mind-share @ Barnes & Nobie
Post by BalingWire on 07/21/14 at 05:39:02

Microsoft can go bing itself.

Ex-Microsoft employee remembers the last sound he heard at Microsoft: Bing!
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