General Category >> The Cafe >> ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now

Message started by Oldfeller on 07/05/14 at 15:17:17

Title: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/05/14 at 15:17:17

Apple is slowly slowly building up their huge required supply of 64 bit A9 quad core Apple 64 Bit Chipsets, to go into a new wave of Apple big tablets and small laptops when they splash them all out just in time for Christmas, 2015.   Production is VERY SLOW right now as the 14nm lithography process isn't fully refined yet.

Apple is using up 2 vendors to do this 64 bit 14nm buildup, TSMC and Samsung, both of whom are dedicating one full line apiece under contract until the massive Apple build up is completely done.   And yes, it will take about a full year to do that build up as 14nm is very slow right now.

TSMC is having trouble with their 14nm though, and has talked Apple into an intermediate grade of chip at 20nm (to be called the A8) in order to make the massive Christmas 2014's shipments which are DUE NOW !!!   This Apple Christmas contractually belongs to TSMC, so you will get a 20mn A8 instead of an A9 this year.

Qualcomm is shipping their "lesser" 28nm A53 64 bit LITTLE quad core design on their new 64 bit chipset family in real phones and tablets as we speak -- with absolutely no fuss or noise coming from Qualcomm at all in doing so.  

(Qualcomm was smart to stick with 28nm at this point in time, to get some real experience using the A53/57 core schedulers, drivers and gpu sharing tricks while integrating all of that into the rest of the Qualcomm fully integrated on core processes)

Samsung has the first production lots of their new 20nm 64 bit HexaCore chipsets built, using 4 each A53 for the littles and two whopping strong A57s as the heavy hitters, along with the very best of the new Mali 624 graphics core family.   These chipsets are being built into new Samsung phones as we speak.  

Samsung's first 14nm line is working and is producing A9's for Apple, just very slowly.

ARM and Linaro are actually putting out a full program developers hardware tool set this time around, using a standardized Linaro 64 bit Android build which is a prequel to the Google release --- but this must happen NOW to give game developers, etc. a tool to actually use in their development workups so their optimized 64 bit software will be ready for the big 64 bit ARM explosion.  

By putting out the ARM STANDARDS Hardware Board out early, driven by Linaro STANDARDS Android software with all the hardware/software tricks correctly working, ARM hopes to keep Google straight as well.  

Yes, Google and ARM do share some of the heat for what happened with the old Samsung 5410 Octa, along with Samsung's big load of blame for rushing last generation's "mightiest Samsung 5410  Octa" to market before it was ready just so Samsung could be "first to market" with a big/LITTLE octacore.  

Plus, Samsung hacked up the 5410 hard macro design by throwing in a VR graphics core set which threw the 5410 into a completely nonstandard design category on top of Samsung simply pushing it into the marketplace too too early.    

Look closely at that development board, this 64 bit ARM standard chipset really can support every sort of memory style, hard drive interface, I/O interface, expansion card slot, video standard, etc. etc. etc. you could ever dream or wish for on a laptop or a desktop device right from the get go.
  Yep, 64 bit ARM is also headed for PC space, this is obvious from all the PC style I/O stuff it will support right out of the box.

The HexaCore 64 bit chipset used in this ARM STANDARDS board is the bone stock ARM hexacore A53/A57 hard macro design that Samsung bought, so expect it to be pretty much SAME SAME as the Samsung chipset when the Samsung 64 bit comes out soon.   Two A57s can easily match the real workload capacity of four of the old generation A15 big cores, and the A53 littles are both more powerful and more energy efficient than the old A7s used to be.   Plus all the multi-core processor/GPU compute sharing tricks are all worked out completely now and are kicking on all cylinders on this initial 64 bit release.

Note that this ARM organized COMPLETELY STANDARDIZED, EVERYTHING WORKING rather extensive trial run approach is really really intended to prevent the Octacore bobble that happened at the start of the last generation, where the big/Little core scheduler hardware/software still needed some development work when the first released Samsung 5410 Octacore chipset actually hit the street.

(came out sorta lacking, as it turned out)

Which of course caused the resulting rapid replacement of the 5410 with the improved 5420 and then again by the improved 5422.  Such stupid bullshite will HOPEFULLY not be required by this new 64 bit ARM generation because ARM is now out in front conducting the marching band and is leading that band with the FULLY PUBLISHED, STANDARDIZED EVERYTHING IS WORKING APPROACH.

So, if Samsung's customized, tweeked Android interface and modified/tweeked hard macro based chipset design leave something out or leave something not working right, it is ALL ON SAMSUNG THIS TIME AROUND.  

Well, this may have been partially true last time as well, but nobody could prove it as there was no standards board and no standard software to compare it to.   This time they can.

(pay attention Samsung, it is all on you if you screw up again).

ARM intends to give Intel no similar big whoopsie bobble room to work with at the start of the ARM 64 bit implementation wave, and ARM will still likely be done with their 64 bit first wave before Intel can "buddy build" anything of consequence for phones or tablets that could derail ARM's 64 bit push.

Intel knows this, and is currently focusing all their effort in on being the King of the Chromebooks and Chromeboxes, since their processors currently fit that particular niche very very well at the 22nm that Intel can do.  Intel knows they have nothing at all still for phones, or nothing much compellingly good for the next generation of tablet chipsets either.

Note that this ARM 64 bit wave of new stuff includes the brand new 14nm production lines that are slowly cranking up and running (still somewhat sluggishly though) at TSMC, Global Foundaries and at Samsung.  

Intel is still vapor talking their grandiose 14nm plans, but has nothing in production at this time.

ARM is in real production now at 14nm.

Yup, the new ARM 14nm lines are out there, and they are running as we speak.   They will pick up more speed as the new process kinks all get worked out.   Thank you Apple, for paying for all these finishing touches on the 14nm lithography processes (right kind of you, it really is) ....

As Sherlock Holmes would say,  "Watson, get your pistol -- the game is afoot !!!"


The ARM 64 bit hardware is here, the Linaro STANDARD 64 bit Android software is here -- we are now looking for the next full windowing, multi-user general purpose 64 bit ARM OS to appear shortly.

Now is the time for Microsoft to stage that comeback, if ever they can do so.

Google, where are you as your big party begins to commence?   What exactly is Android L and how does it play against the new 64 bit wave of ARM chipsets that can very obviously run a laptop or a desktop?

Intel is now betting it is all going to be Chrome going out into the future and they are trying their best to "own" the Chrome world going forward.  

Android L should scare MS to death, as should that new ARM standards board that screams "laptop/PC" with all them card slots and old PC I/O types that it supports natively.

MS is still mostly trapped in x86 land and if Android L is a real hit, then that trap will continue to hold them paralyzed.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/06/14 at 07:24:26

We  have been promised and promised $250 Windows 8.1 machines by MS for quite some time now.   The issue has been the best price that the market can make on these overly complex motherboard machines at is around $350-$379 and that was with the "free" Win 8.1 that actually has been going on for some time now.

This $250 Acer machine is an actively subsidized loss leader priced machine (being price supported by both Intel and MS) and it is intended to compete against the $200 built at a profit class of Chromebooks and it was hopefully intended to stop the Chromebook wave from totally breaking over the top of MS's head.  

Intel will likely not support this action for very much longer as going on out into the future as they can sell that same Intel chipset at full price to go into a Chromebook.

(MS is not a totally compelling key element in Intel's future plans at this point in time any more)

Well, one (1) Win 8.1 machine for $250 has finally actually showed up.    Wheeeeee !!!

It does OK to good by all reviewers so far, with the only problem noted as the keytops are able to rotate sideways and finally coming off the key, which is the keyboard vendor's issue to fix, not MS's.   Note there are only four (4) reviewers at this point in time ... so the info is kinda skimpy past the initial impression type stuff.

However, if this is the total MS counter wave against the Chromebook tsunami that is going on, then there is a clear issue here of way too little way too late.

Look to see Apple's new A9 based light thin laptops clean up starting next year when they come out, with Apple being the Chromebook's real counter wave, not MS.  

Of course the Apple will cost 4x more than the Chromebook, but that's Apple for you.

Look to see MS's market share numbers tank yet further by the end of this year with Apple slamming their upper end laptop business with the A9 and the Intel based Chrome tide washing away MS's lower end offerings completely.

Unless Win 9.0 comes out with a compellingly GOOD system that people actually really want, MS is in trouble.  

They cannot stand yet another operating system total mis-fire flop on top of the last 3 years of fail fail fail fail.


Click on the youtube below to view the video review on this Microsoft supported machine.

Here is the full review on this device -- note that since Microsoft is "price supporting" the $250 version of this machine so they feel free to lock it down so you CANNOT put Linux on it EVER --- sorry.

If $250 sounds too good to be true, likely it is too good to be really true.  

Locking down the unit is so Totally Microsoft, so what else is new?


...... and so so totally futile for them to do that, because them Open Source People are Resourceful and Knowledgeable and Totally Persistent.  
And they love a challenge, too.

Here is your thread on how to beat the MS lock-down on the Acer MS freebee OS thing.

It must be hard to be MS sometimes .....

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/06/14 at 08:50:23

This article is worth a read, Samsung and Global Foundary are doing a 14nm development partnership deal that can lead to shared production at their four 14nm manufacturing sites and IBM has dropped out of the group now and is now talking about selling Global all their old silicone manufacturing sites as IBM is now getting out of the semiconductor business completely.  

Why the buddy system and the IBM quitting, you ask?   14nm is very hard to do and very very expensive new equipment-wise.

Apple is buying up 100% of all the spare 14nm capacity right now, but when their A9 quad core hits the street in 2015 then suddenly there will be spare capacity at 14nm to make some of everybody else's new 64 bit designs.  

14nm will be much more expensive than 28nm was to run, so expect the savvy tablet & phone makers to stick with 28nm for just as long as they can.  14nm will be top end phones and tablets only through 2015 I suspect, until folks just plain need the extra power that comes with 14nm and the new 64 bit processor designs.

Intel has an issue -- as #7 back in the pack low ranked johnny-come-lately they will WAIT THEIR TURN to get any 14nm production time at Global, TSMC or at Samsung.   As a direct competitor to the ARM foundries they can expect no preferential treatment whatsoever from any of the ARM foundry crew.

Unless Intel can get their burned up and now hopefully repaired 14nm process line fixed up and up and running again Intel is just plain shite out of luck until next year .....   BTW scuttlebutt now is that Intel's 14nm line was a very early version of 14nm, using 14nm tech that has since been abandoned as an "unworkable" low yielding 14nm methodology.

However, Intel has lots of money -- they can do like MS and try try try try again.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/10/14 at 04:56:10

Wow -- it is a graph.

But what does it mean?

The topmost item is the Tegra K1 which is a full PC level graphics core mated to the most powerful ARM CPU set possible at the time it came out (which was early this year).

So, here comes the new Exynos octa core from Samsung, claiming that the 32 bit tests don't do it justice since they can't turn on the advanced CPU/GPU workload sharing that would send the 5433 rifling way past the Tegra K1.  

The Antutu Test needs to be updated/upgraded again ....

Plus, why are you publishing a 32 bit test on a 64 bit chipset, anyway?

;)     ..... because it is all the test we got right now, OK ??

I done told you already, it is starting for serious now ....    

Lithography level for this chip will be interesting, if Samsung has uncorked their 20nm, or their 16nm or who knows, mebbe even better?

Certainly more chipset than any cell phone needs.    Tablets are more debatable, since folks are using those more seriously to do some real work now-a-days.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/10/14 at 05:56:17

Me Too !!!   Me Too !!!   says Mediatek.

Mediatek is honest, however, in they are putting out a 64 bit chipset at the current and most cost efficient 28nm lithography level.  

Note also, that ARM is allowing this, whereas before a 64 bit chipset had to come out at 20nm or better to be ARM approved.

ARM too must bow to the intransigence of Moore's Law, which has hit up against the harsh realities of FinFET and cannot double this year.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/10/14 at 06:05:40

Intel, wherefore art thou ???

Hast thy Bay Trail indeed faltered, and thy Cherry Trail indeed failed to blossom?

Wherefore art thou, brave Haswell?   Whyfore dost thou delay to become enlisted in the joust?   Where is thy proud pennant, atop thy shining lance?

Yea, most assuredly this so -- there is NOT A SINGLE INTEL CHIPSET listed in the 2014 top 20 mobile chipsets.


Actually, Intel will not even submit their current stuff to be officially tested and ranked by Antutu version 4.0.  Part of this is Intel not wanting to look bad on Antutu again, as they have AVOIDED the Antutu test since they got caught cheating on Antutu 3.3 so badly last year (intentionally sent in a interpreter/driver that misreported their real performance by 2-3x on a specific sub-test and intentionally only ran a 32 loop graphics test for only one (1) loop, which synthetically raised their average score by 20% to be very slightly above everyone else's score).   Intel got caught at this and it was widely reported in the mobile press and EEWorld publications.

The current Antutu 4.0 test is "relatively uncheatable" and Intel won't submit their stuff to it as the TRUTH would quickly emerge in all its fragrant icky brown stinkyness.

To save face, Intel is continuously vaporizing a whole lot of grandiose sounding plans and they do sell a fair amount of heavily cost subsidized Bay Trail and Haswell chipsets to "dominate" the  Chromebook and Chromebox space here in the USA.

(A space they fit in very well, actually -- please do remember that Google's server farm processors automatically do all heavy lifting for officially supported Chrome OS devices, so any lacks in any of the Intel processors being used gets made up for automatically by Google Servers)

Intel has by and large totally failed in their widely avowed effort to move 40,000 tablet chipsets this year.   This is even with the cute trick of getting Rockchip to put the Intel name on any chipset produced with any Intel tech inside.  

By dropping all their current ARM phone and tablet efforts (transferring them over to Rockchip) Intel is saving a mint of money on bribes and "active price supports" on the few relatively unpopular tablets that they were supporting.

Rockchip still hasn't made much progress in integrating any Intel tech into their standard products at this current point in time, this info coming from the open source folks who keep up with Rockchip's Linux drivers etc.   This isn't really news since not even Intel expected much on this front from Rockchip until 2015.

So, in 2015 Rockchip may debut some 3 year old Intel tech from chipsets that were not even really competitive when they first came out -- mixed in with some ARM tech that will be two plus years old (and will only partially work since some of its tricks only worked in full integration with ARM 64 bit instruction set capable A-17 CPU cores which simply won't be there).  

Mix that in with a brand new 3G Intel phone radio chipset and whatever else Intel sees fit to throw into the Sophia mixture and we will see if the mixture is even vaguely price/feature competitive to what ARM is selling for low cost designs through Spreadtrum, Allwinner and Mediatek in late 2015.

But by then Rockchip will likely realize that the Sophia sack of mongrel mixed bullshite won't ever sell in the price/performance sensitive second and third world countries they service and Rockchip will thus only produce exactly what Rockchip gets firm "Pay me cash, Intel" orders for.  

Rockchip -- don't be stupid enough to carry these driverless Sophia mongrel chipsets in your own inventory or Intel will stick you with getting rid of them, doing lasting harm to your relationships with your steady customers.

Cost-wise, those that know mobile chipset manufacturing costs estimate that Sophia will cost 2x to produce compared to a competitive fully integrated ARM chipset will cost at that point in time, and Sophia will still require extra motherboard components that the ARM chipset will not need.   If Intel makes this Sophia mixture, they will pay and pay and pay out the nose to do so.  

Then Intel will have to bribe somebody to put it into a cell phone for them, just like they did with Lenovo 2 years ago.

......  Or  .....  (and Wall Street watchers already predict this scenario)  Intel will "reluctantly" pull the plug on the deal at some point in time, blame Rockchip for the mess and toss out the whole thing as a no-show IF and only IF they then have a fully functional 14nm chipset of their very own brand new unshared 14nm design running on their very own brand new ASML production equipment.

The money that Intel is saving on bribes and price supports for the second half of this year and the first part of next year could easily fund one brand new fully working 14nm line from ASML.    (very slow going still, the 14nm tech still hasn't finished fully cooking yet)

After all, to a very image driven ego tripper company like Intel having good 'ol Rockchip around to blame for the 2014 fiasco year is a VERY VERY important thing to have right now ....

;)         ..... might could save a certain Intel CEO from starting to sprout him a set of horns, it could .....


And we also find it interesting that Intel paid for Rockchip to go get Rockchip's ARM's A17 chipset fully Chromebook and Chromebox certified by Google on the QT right before the Rockchip deal was announced publically.

This way any pieces that might survive off that A17 chipset might still be considered "Chrome certified" even if it was combined with pieces of Intel stuff that Intel itself got "Chrome certified" earlier in the year.

Chrome Certification is real important to Intel right now, Chromebooks and Boxes are the only real current success story Intel has got going on right now ....  so a mix and match on a Google Chrome certification might make sense on a mix and match chipset like Sophia.    

Well, it would to Intel anyway .....


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/12/14 at 07:14:36

Ruh-ro,  Shaggy !!!    

Them 'orrible 'orrible Antutu ingrates have done gone and done did the Antutu 4.0 test and the new Antutu 5.0 test on the same Intel phone chipset that was pushed out in that infamous Lenovo unit that was involved in the cheating fiasco last year ......  

(yup, the same Intel chipset/motherboard  that did all the simply marvelous cheat'n on the 3.3 Antutu testing)

Look up at the Antutu 4.0 Ranking of 2014 mobile chipsets up a post above and realize WHY the Intel stuff ain't showing up high in the top Antutu TOP 20 -- it ain't that good enough but to just about to take tail end charlie at roughly position 18 out of 20.  

Another reason is it was a 2013 chipset, so it doesn't belong in a 2014 ranking.   It could be there, there are some older 2013 chipsets in the ranking that were officially submitted by their companies (who are still making and currently selling these older chipsets) but Intel won't officially submit their stuff (and Antutu isn't happy with Intel or HTC as both were caught as blatant test cheaters in the past year).

Assuming the whole processor listing doesn't shift around some when going to the Antutu 5.0 test which correctly assigns relatively more weight to the graphics systems as in mobile the graphics systems speed is relatively more important than the CPU speed when browsing or gaming, etc.   "Burst mode" gets a more through testing in Antutu 5.0 as well.

Intel mobile graphics well and truly suck compared to the performance of the more modern 2014 graphics sets ....   and this is likely why Intel is wanting Rockchip to kludge in the ARM Mali graphics off the A-17 when they do the Sophia mix and match.


Also mentioned in the information I read for this post was a breakdown of the AMD/Intel one billion, four hundred million dollar antitrust settlement and just how much of it was for Intel's ongoing cheating on PC benchmark tests because they managed to control the software used internal to the testing.

Impression left was that Intel habitually cheats on benchmarks (long term habit there) and that they use the press and vaporware to bludgeon their competitors continuously with stuff they never really intend to build or do, simply so the competitor has to waste some time and energy responding to all these Intel mis-directions.

I can see these exact same sorts of things going on today with Rockchip and Sophia and with all the rest of what has happened in mobile in the last year.

Intel banks their stock price on keeping their image looking competitive whether their reality is or not.  

Right now all Intel has for you is plans, and more plans, and some longer term more vaporous plans than those if need be.

"Investor Relations" and advanced spin doctoring must be a Presidential level job at Intel .....


When folks go to picking their top 20 list of tablets, only one Wintel tablet seems to make everyone's list at around spot #18 or so -- and that is the uber expensive $900+ Microsoft Surface Pro 3 which has two sizes that seem to switch off as being on the various lists.

Some list it as a Business/Productivity Tablet and it always gets listed with its mating (but costs a lot extra) keyboard.

I find it interesting that the only tablet product that MS can get listed in any body's top 20 uses full laptop chipsets as in (you pick it) the Intel Core i3, i5, or i7.   NONE of these puppies are Intel mobile chipsets at all ..... nor do they use a MS mobile OS -- they use the full bore version of Windows 8.1 Pro software.    

Full laptops with separable keyboards, in other words.


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/13/14 at 14:58:11

News for Chromebook arena -- Media Tek just submitted a 64 bit quad core A53 board for testing and approval, along with a similar board for the 32 bit A7 current generation's cheapie chip.

These types of lower powered Chromebook boards would be in line with the original concept of Chromebooks, not overly powerful but with good fast graphics such that it would be able to catch what the Google servers can toss at it at any rate that can go over the internet right now.    

Remember, the Google Server Farms do all the hard stuff for you in the Chromebook world .....

This sleek light little unit would excel at run time and charge life .....  and for schools for example it would cost less than $200 per unit to buy one.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/14/14 at 07:49:31

"CPU-World uncovered some details about the new chips. The Intel Atom Z3736F is a lot like the Atom Z3735F, but it has higher burst speeds. The new chip is a 1.33 GHz quad-core processor with Turbo speeds up to 2.16 GHz. It also has a base graphics speed of 313 MHz, which is a tad higher than the 311 MHz graphics you get with the Z3735F.

The Atom Z3736G features similar specs, but this is an upgraded version of the Atom Z3735G. It’s not entirely clear if there are any real differences between the F and G series chips though.

The most powerful new chip is the Atom Z3785, a quad-core 1.49 GHz processor with burst speeds up to 2.41 GHz, 313 MHz graphics and top graphics speeds of up to 833 MHz. This new processor is the second-most powerful Intel Atom Bay Trail-T processor available, coming behind only the Atom Z3795."

;)     This last one will place in the top 20 if it doesn't fry itself doing it .....

So, Intel has responded to the heat they are catching by having EFFECTIVELY no new chipsets at all in the top 20 mobile chip race at this time.  They have done this by creating 3 new part numbers for essentially the same old chipsets that are getting really sorta old now.

What has changed is the nanny chip programmed burst mode, raising the burst mode levels up into to high heat, low battery life type levels ....

(they just tweeked the energy nanny chipset, in other words)

Burst mode is allowable, if the chipset normally uses this mode to handle high demand loads and if the burst mode is SUSTAINABLE without overheating and killing the chipset.

Antutu 5.0 tests burst mode rigor by looping the high speed test 100 times, if somebody over-bursts their chipset seeking higher numbers their thermal cut outs kick in and the remainder of the 100 loop test goes very slowly, costing them total test time.

Or their chip fries .... either way cheating becomes more difficult.

This wasn't done just only for Intel, HTC teased their chipset to recognize when Antutu testing was going on and to turn off all the thermal protection and go Balls to the Walls, Boys !!! on full overheat full max burst mode continuously during all of the rest of what was then a fairly short term test procedure.  

Loop it 100 times and an HTC type balls to the walls cheat would fry the silicone.   An Intel chipset would be smart enough to sense the overheating and it would kick back down to a speed that wouldn't kill the chipset.   But then the effectiveness of the cheat would then be mostly nullified.  

Provided of course, that the Intel chipset actually does go through all the 100 test loops ......

[smiley=engel017.gif]     ..... we shall see, won't we?

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/14/14 at 12:43:31

Microsoft: Cheap Windows notebooks to tackle Chromebooks this year

Having finally figured out how to get the price down to $250 MS has now declared that they have beaten the $200 Chromebooks (although they are still $50 or more off the pace and seems likely they will stay that way).

Chromebooks are squaring off to go below $200 by this Christmas, so for this Christmas sales season MS's root problem still remains.   To really compete against Chromebooks MS will have to completely gut their own profitable core laptop business .....  so MS takes the Intel tract of "appearing to compete" rather than competing.

The sub $200 Asus Chromebox and Chromebook are still out there looming large in front of MS, and those MediaTek and RK 3288 units are still out there like a threatening thunderstorm way out on the horizon as well.    Sub $200 units will be here by Christmas (heck, they are already here from Asus).

Chromebooks are becoming more and more "accepted" as main stream devices and are becoming preferred in education and in some business formats as well.

Apple has the new A8 chipset tablets and laptops to debute this fall as well, and that much stronger quad core A57 64 bit chipset will hurt MS sales on the top end even as MS flails along trying to tackle the fleet of foot  >$50 dollar a unit cheaper $200 Chromebooks.

Killing off XP is actually promoting the roll out of more Chromebooks and Chromeboxes.

Makes sense to me, if MS screwed you over on XP you'd be slow to run right out and go buy a bunch more of MS.   That is only sensible.  These Brits are realizing (and documenting) a LOT of $$$ in savings by going Chrome, and are finding it is easier to upkeep as well.

Governments who have put edicts out against allowing any Win 8.0 or Win 8.1 machines to contain any citizen's data apparently are allowing Chrome OS to manage that same data using a closed Citrix intranet environment approach.

Chrome is inherently more secure, and if they can keep Google servers away from the data it can satisfy even the most security conscious governmental agencies.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/15/14 at 07:41:13

Microsoft has just declared victory over the Chromebook because they finally got one (1) price supported "freebee Windows 8.1" machine out on the market that got somewhat CLOSE to competing on price with some of the more expensive Chromebooks out there.

"A day late and a dollar short" seems to come to mind when I think about MS's brag that the Chromebook is now dead.

Dell sells an expensive $300 Chromebook to the Education Market and today Dell did something Dell has NEVER has done before.   Dell ran out of units (maxed out their build capacity) and had to stop internet sales (individuals buy single units on line) on their Chromebook while desperately trying to fill the current institutional orders from their direct sales force, which is placing more Education orders for the fall than Dell can currently build in time for school to start this fall.

Microsoft should now be considering if they did the right thing in killing off XP so abruptly.   MS had the cold blooded intention to start up a wave of replacement machines, but apparently MS's thinking ran under the assumption (erroneous) that folks would buy their Win 8.1 machines and not remember the screwing that MS had just dealt them.

Dell is suggesting the reality is quite different.

Instead of being willing to pay $50 more for a Windows 8.1 machine, folks seem to be willing to pay $50 more to get a Dell Chromebook .....


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/15/14 at 08:07:06

Why Chrome (supported by Google) may be a better deal for your IT department and will win their support much quicker than going pure open source.

Chrome comes pre-packaged with everything you need -- and if you don't trust Google with your data there is a pre-packaged Citrix intranet option that does not allow your data to leave your site.

There are growing concerns with migrating from Windows to a pure Open Source solution, and it is obvious that MS is scattering embedded proprietary caltrops all over that pretty open source yellow brick road just as fast as they can.

Read this for how much pure effort it took to get the Munich MS world to be consistent enough to MOVE it over to open source.

Chrome migrations seem to avoid most of these problems as Chrome is different enough that you aren't tempted to try to move "your old application" but instead just port your data over into a net-based Chrome app.    

Moving your old Windows app over really never tempts you because you simply can't do it -- instead folks focus on picking the very best net-based app for their needs and getting the data transferred correctly (a much smaller task than a whole custom program transferal would be).


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/15/14 at 19:01:16

Intel’s mobile division actually earned 83 percent less revenue in Q2, 2014 than a year earlier.

Microsoft has now officially offered up their full Win8.1 version FOR FREE to anyone making a tablet with an Intel processor.

We do not know what this is costing Microsoft (no revenue must affect things somewhere) but we do know the price supports are really costing Intel a mint.


Ask and ye shall recieve --  gives us the required fiscal information in a nice graphical format.

Blue is operating revenue (what $$$ you brought in) and most of that positive revenue flow comes mostly from the old Intel dumb cell phone modems that they are still selling to the dumb phone market.   Intel has no smart phone LTE modem at all at this time (but has big plans to make one, real soon).

Brown is what you spent to generate the blue (and Intel spent a lot of brown to generate a tiny bit of blue, especially since the mild positive flow comes from an old, declining mobile business that still makes a profit).

It is safe to say that Intel is selling their tablet chipsets at such a low "price supported" level that they effectively lose over 100% on each chipset that they sell right now.   Intel is literally having to bribe its way into the mobile business space, having no compelling product that would sell at all on its own merits otherwise.

Is this legal?   Technically not, but right now all the Chinese device makers are lining up with their hands out to get their free Intel money.   And so far no Chinese chip producing company has been really hurt by this extreme loss leader pricing because Intel has only moved like 10,000 chips in total so far this year, but that will change soon enough if Intel actually gets successful at this trick and then the Chinese government will then have to step in and shut Intel's loss leader game down.

(Rockchip, the smallest, would have been the first to complain, but now Rockchip is in Intel's hip pocket and won't squeak at all about anything)


Intel's fiscal reports are clear enough for folks to follow, MS however is not so open or clear in reporting to their stock holders.

However, not having any income from your bread and butter OS system because you are giving it away has got to have some strong negative fiscal effects.

Here are some outward signs of the fiscal pain.   This is both the US groups and Nokia.  First words are that Nokia is getting slam-cut to the bone, unless you work on a Microsoft phone project you are likely gone at Nokia.


What does all this mean for you, the buyer?   During this period you will be able to buy more mobile device for less money.   ARM chipsets are being forced to get better, but not raise prices any at all in doing so.

The entire mobile industry is getting caught in the vice of 14nm FinFET coming on so slowly and being so expensive to run -- companies are having to innovate with existing technology rather than run off to a new more effective tech to fix all their problems.

Clever chip design and better on chip integration will carry the day, so look to see Qualcomm and Samsung get cleverer and better at what they do well already on the top end, and look for Mediatek and Allwinner to get even tighter and better on the bottom end as well.

Look to see 28nm stay around a while, and look to see the new wave of full 64 bit designs running on 28nm to continue to grow until all chipsets being made can take a 64 bit instruction set at a lithography level that they can afford to be run upon.  

And right now that is a range from 20-28nm.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/18/14 at 07:36:06

Ruh-Roh Microsoft !!!!

You just made some big noise about "tackling" the Chromebooks and giving your software away for free and bragging about all the new stuff coming out from all your vendors in the fall ......

........ meanwhile the fiscal press is full of your HUGE new big CUTBACKS at the home office and your brutally chopping of Nokia down to the bare bone (to only your one (1) MS bone, btw).

Next day we get this, which smells sorta/kinda like a tipping point kinda thing, since it flies so directly against all your press information in the last six months.

With maximum incentives being given out (at maximum cost to you) can you explain the ramifications of this next announcement from Lenovo, who was so firmly in your pocket up until this point in time?

Lenovo stops selling 8 inch Windows tablets in the US

"But Lenovo is the world’s largest PC maker… and if the company is pulling out of the small Windows tablet space in the US because of lack of demand, it probably means there’s lack of demand… or at least not enough demand for a big company like Lenovo to justify the expense of manufacturing and distributing the tablets here.

Toshiba, Asus, Dell, HP, and other makers of Windows tablets will have to make their own cost-benefit calculations. For now there’s no shortage of 8 inch Windows tablets on the market, and if you have your heart set on a Lenovo device you can opt for a small Android tablet or a larger Windows machine.

Or you can just pick up a cheap ThinkPad 8 or Miix 2 while they’re still available. Amazon is selling the Miix 2 8 for $202."

This last little bit sound ominous, folks are selling off unsold Windows tablets at half price in the USA already.

What does all this mean, MS?     Are you going to have to do like your buddy Intel and actually PAY vendors to take your now free operating system?


...... or is Lenovo simply cutting off their own arterial Win 8.1 bleeding while waiting for a real, customer beloved OS to come oozing out of you sometime out in the future?

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/18/14 at 10:10:31

Next puzzlement question --- if you and Intel are doing so poorly in mobile why do you keep banging away at it?

Both of you released quarterly figures which would simply read "get out of mobile now" even if read by a 10th grader.   You would certainly actually make more money for your stock holders without being in mobile at all.

Your stock holders are Americans --- yet the pair of you can't supply a mobile product that America wants.

How long before your American stock holders figure out you are taking your stockholders (them) for a bit of a ride while chasing your egos ???


....lastly, why does MS Win 8.1 sell better in South America and Africa than it does here in the USA?    

Could it be they simply don't know any better and we do ????  

Or is it that Windows 8.1 really is an upgrade  --  to Firefox's mobile OS which currently owns those particular areas ??


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/19/14 at 07:39:32

VolksPC mini PC runs Android and Debian Linux simultaneously

I mentioned waiting for the next type of open source "general purpose" OS earlier, wondering when it was going to appear ....

(if Google was finally going to put their two pieces together or if someone was going to have to do it for them,  in other words).

To prove it is certainly possible to put it together with the pieces that are already sitting there on the shelves at the Linaro Grocery Store, here are some German Raspberry Pi enthusiasts that are showing everybody that the trick will work, and it will run well even on a lowly RK3066 (an old dual core Rockchip processor that is three years out of date at this point in time).

They have put together a Volks OS that can run Android and Debian off the same kernel both at the same time, not running anything inside an emulator, but running them natural at the same time off the same kernel.

Watch the film as they explain that Android does really really well at certain things that Debian only does "OK" on, and vice versa.   Using both systems seems to make up a full general purpose OS and this is CERTAINLY something that Google could do with Android and Chrome since they ARE actually the exact same stuff down under the pretty interfaces.

This is the same brainstorm that Intel, Samsung, HP, Dell  and several others had earlier in the year at CES 2014, but MS would not hear of it, so MS likely gets left out of any future wave that this idea represents.

Google played Switzerland and said and did ..... absolutely nothing .....

Since some lowly Raspberry Pi guys can do it, why can't you -- Google ???

Eventually, MS will prove to everybody they are NOT going to take their thumbs out of their butts and come up with a decent enough Win OS to unify ARM and x86 --- meanwhile Intel is busily abandoning x86 for ARM so the entire thing is rapidly becoming moot at this point in time.

ARM systems calls is it -- Intel's newest mobile chipsets all use the ARM standard calls for all their systems calls -- the time has come to move forward on a general purpose ARM OS now.

Beef up 64 bit Chrome with full 64 bit Android functionality (right down to the Play Store level) and let's get on with the program ....  you can continue to keep Android separate for phones and tablet uses, but get Chrome to be fully Android compatible so it can use all the Play Store items as desired.

The ARM world needs a good general purpose "monitor, mouse and keyboard capable" general purpose OS to move forward into other uses.    Chrome plus Android would just about do it ....


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 05:01:19

Now a bit about Hewlett Packard, the printer company.

They used to design, build and sell lots of computers and stuff .....

Now they shop in China, re-label other people's mid to lower end stuff and mark it up a bunch and sell it as mid to upper level American stuff
(which it isn't, it is merely new).

Here is an example:       Read carefully for the processors used in these things, I haven't even heard of the processor brands before, this is really native native Chinese stuff.

HP appears to have at least 3 new Android tablets on the way… and according to leaked information obtained by Mobile Geeks, all three are built by Chinese device maker Huawei, but they’ll have the HP logo slapped on the back.

Why is this bad?   HP is buying lower end stuff lately and selling it at Best Buy and Wally at a considerable mark up as mid range or better.   The folks that lose out are the ones who pay too much for this muffler expecting some HP goodness (HP used to be fairly good, you know) and get disappointed.

They can get away with this because of the 6 months to a year delay between something coming out new in China and somebody actually selling it here in the "tech backwater" USA.  

Europe even gets stuff 6 months before we actually see it, as Europeans will accept Australian "UL" approvals and the Australians will see the stuff when it first comes out.

HP is cashing in on their brand name, and they are slowly destroying their brand name in the process when they name brand an "early failing" or poorly performing item in their rush to get it to the USA market first.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 14:01:50      
We laid off some of the Win 7 support personnel already, so we have to officially cut off the Win 7 support
early next year before somebody figures out we aren't really supporting it for very much already ....

.... and if you don't like it, sez Satya Nadella, you can jest go buy a copy of Windows 9.0 and turn on the "Win 7 mode" .....

"Microsoft is warning customers that the end is soon coming for free Windows 7 support. Microsoft will end free mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 13, 2015.

This covers all versions of Windows 7, Mary Jo Foley points out.

The end of support generally means no more updated features or performance improvements, unless you are covered by extra "extended support."

:-?       wow -- look to see Chrome and Apple really take off then.

So, Microsoft is going to kill off a total of 80%   (30% XP and 50% Win 7)   of their active market share in an attempt to force their customers to upgrade and to try to get them to spend $$$ MORE money $$$ to buy them some more of that sorry MS OS product ....  

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/14 at 14:13:34

RIAgony MegaSh!t

April 4, 1975
January 13, 2015

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 14:31:54

I'd say the boys are really really really laying it all on the line that Win 9 HAS TO BE a stellar success story,  'cause if the next version of Windows flops yet again it is all over for MS .....

An alternate theory being put forward is that MS plans to get completely out of the OS for money business and just sell Office software and provide pay me business support for their existing products.

What fuels this rumor is Apple is giving their new OS product away for free, as is Google.   MS feels that folks simply won't pay for an OS any more, and they need to keep you locked into MS's Office World even if it means putting out a free Win 9.0 that everybody upgrades to (and thusly continue their ongoing chronic MS locked-in mentality).

Failure to get the entire world to move over to a free Win 9 means no more Microsoft inside 3-4 years.    If folks can just be talked into staying locked in to MS, then MS continues on in the future, smaller perhaps but still viable.

The blastingly huge wave of Chromebooks and Chromeboxes and the recent strong requests by managers and workers for Macs instead of PCs also plays into this prediction.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 14:58:26

"VMware queried 376 IT professionals and found that they are increasingly being asked to buy and/or support Macs in the enterprise by employees who want Macs, not Windows machines.

"Microsoft Windows has dominated enterprise desktops for close to three decades but it appears its reign is coming to an end. As BYOPC ["Bring Your Own PC"] and BYOD [Bring Your Own Device] continue to transform the enterprise, Macs have become a popular and preferred option compared to Windows PCs," says Erik Frieberg, VP of Marketing, End-User Computing, VMware, in the report."

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/14 at 15:44:39

VMware queried 376 IT professionals

That must be their entire clientele.   ::)

I'd hardly place any credence to that or the article if that summed up their entire research.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 16:49:44

More Businesses Will (currently) Choose Mac Over Windows:

Microsoft is losing significant market share to Macs.    Look at the darker blue and see that it is getting shorter while Mac is getting larger (in last few years).  

No one is trying to say there are more Macs out there at this point in time than PCs (not counting all pre-existing units) but they are saying new sales are tilting strongly towards the Mac.


Now lets see if we can find something similar with Chromebooks to see what we can see on that front.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/14 at 17:07:06

I could see some business' going to Mac for security.
Or I can see a reemergence of the workstation.

A lot of middle level defense contracts went to pc's cause they're cheap.
unless the gubs come out and say which OS is safe to use, most will retreat to the safest ground.

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 17:10:41

Chromebook sales explode in the workplace

Since the start of the year Chromebook sales within the U.S. Commercial Channel increased 250 percent year-over-year

More than 1 million Chromebooks sold to schools in second quarter of 2014

"In the second quarter, schools purchased more than 1 million Chromebooks, according to Google. On top of that, a recent report from market research firm NPD Group spotlights the strength of Chromebook commercial sales, which rose 250 percent year-over-year in the U.S. from January through May.

Since the start of the year (January – May), Chromebook sales within the U.S. Commercial Channel increased 250 percent year-over-year and accounted for 35 percent of all channel notebooks sales. According to The NPD Group Distributor and Reseller Weekly Tracking Services, total notebook sales through the U.S. Commercial Channel increased 36 percent, desktop sales jumped 24 percent, and overall PC client volume rose by 1 million units so far this year. Windows notebook sales were flat and Macbook sales increased more than 20 percent.  

(confirmation on that Macbook thing from another source)

Chromebooks aside, the rest of the U.S. commercial PC market also got a positive boost. Windows desktop sales were up 24 percent as Windows XP reached its end of life, which also coincided with a regular replacement cycle for business client devices."


So, killing XP gained MS a 24% uptick in their commercial/business desktops, had NO POSITIVE EFFECT on Windows notebooks/laptops sales at all and cost them a 20% uptick in Macbook sales and a 35% of all channels notebooks sales uptick in Chromebooks.

So, MS gained 24% on desktop units (about a normal percentage desktop replacement sales) and they lost ~55%~ on notebook/laptop sales.   MS lost half their laptop sales already the first part of this year alone.

Sad thing is the majority of these 24% of new desktops were all Windows 7 machines that MS has just announced the death schedule for.

What do you think is going to happen when Google finally gets a desktop unit and matching OS out there that is "general" enough and is fully featured?

MS has got to pull out all their tricks and FIGHT HARD for the rest of this year because Apple and Chromebooks are simply killing them, just slaying them -- with Google and Apple not even trying at all.

Apple is making a profit at this, as are the Chromebook vendors.   Microsoft and Intel are bathing in red ink and are going to have to go under the red deeeeeeply from this point forward just to exist next year.

And if Lenovo sent any message to MS this week -- it was this:  "When the incentive spending (big bribes) stops, so does the shipment of those Windows machines."


Or, if you want to be somewhat more balanced about it "There is no real market for 8" Windows tablets in the USA and we won't dump our money into a rathole any more".

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/20/14 at 20:36:04

Microsoft finally admits to only having a 14% market share in modern computing

“The reality is that the world has shifted, and the world’s evolved. We now measure ourself in the total device space, and in the total device space we have a 14 percent share of devices,” Turner said.

“And when you have 14 percent you have to adopt a challenger mindset,” Turner said.

On Monday, Microsoft made few announcements, mainly showing off how its existing products worked together, forging a cohesive whole. And of course, there were new programs geared toward Microsoft's partners, the whole point of the conference.


One important tidbit of news, however, was the Hewlett-Packard Stream, a $199 notebook which Turner held up to illustrate the fact that Microsoft was committed to attacking the low end of the market in an effort to gobble up that remaining 86 percent of devices. The Stream will be accompanied by two other HP tablets, priced at $99, which will launch this holiday season.

OK, Microsoft is trusting HP  (who currently name brands newly built Chinese domestic products and various stuff from China & South Korea)  to come up with the Microsoft banner carrying product for this Christmas season,  a Windows laptop that will retail for $199.  

Stream, oh yeah, Microsoft is writing in the snow with this one.

OK, we look forward to getting Streamed upon by HP and we do hope that HP does a better job of aiming that stream than they have lately with their piss-poor, way out of date when coming out of the gate HP Chromeboxes.

Once yet again though, Microsoft is making a whole lot of noise about only one (1) yet to be designed and built very very strongly price supported MS/HP product that is going to be going up against a mile high tsunami wave of BUILT AT A REAL PROFIT Chromebooks and Chromeboxes that are already counted up in the millions of 2014 units that are already built and shipped at this point in time.    Real units, real shipments, sold through already.

And if Dell can manage to fill its orders, even more than a million per quarter will be added to the Chromebook / Box counts for the next two quarters.

;)    We shall see, won't we?        

.... see the little MS guys holding their little HP stream machines in their hands down there on the road surface, attempting to counter current the ocean flow with their little yellow streams .....

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/21/14 at 05:19:51

Makes you sort of wonder why it took Microsoft over 4 years to realize this simple fact .....


Intel still doesn't get it.

Intel would drive itself into total red ink just to sell < 40,000 tablet chipsets all the while still claiming to be the #1 microprocessor company in the world, when in fact they are currently the #7 sized foundry in the world and that #7 ranked foundry is currently less than 50% utilized at this point in time.

Intel's real chipset output level would put them at about the same place that Microsoft finally will admit that they are currently in software .....  at about the same profitability level for both on their mobile business.

HOWEVER, Intel is up there riding on the Chromebook wave -- which is the good place to be right now.

Down on the pavement with the streamers, that isn't the place to be right now .....

Do you think the device makers can figure that out?

Asus?    Acer?    Lenovo?   Dell?

HP, why are you down on the pavement?    You have 5x more units riding the Chrome wave down on top of your very own Streaming head right now .....  are the bribes in Stream really that good?


......  oh, so you decided to hedge your bet just in case MS really does pull it off?

Make your petty cash driving range fees $$$ while covering your arse in case MS really manages to reverse the big ocean swell ???

That sounds sensible, don't it?   "Butt covering" is an accepted art form in both Seattle and in Silicon Valley after all ....

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/21/14 at 07:36:50

Microsoft, if you think this image is real scary,

.... just wait until next year when the next wave just barely begins to hit .......


It will look like this compared to the Chrome wave that is currently taking you out right now.

Internet of Things market to hit $7.1 trillion by 2020

All of devices (yeah, that thing you are less than 14% of) is less than $2 trillion right now and will triple by 2020 driven by the Internet Of Things and you ain't in that wave at all right now.

I/T Ground Foor Companies (ARM, Google and Apple) are dicing up that future wave up as we speak, buying up other key I/T companies and positioning themselves to guide that next major wave.

Currently 100% driven by Arm processors and Android / iOS operating systems -- controlled & commanded by standard cell phones and smart watches.

Your car, your TV, your front door, your oven, your thermostat -- you know, things, just normal every day things .....


Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/21/14 at 10:26:13

So, Intel replies that they finally get it now that their buddy Microsoft gets it.

Intel updates Bay Trail, Haswell chip families for low-power portables

Once again, it is all the exact same chipsets as before with slightly tweeked energy nanny chips that will allow slightly higher burst mode speeds  --  in hopes that the Antutu test doesn't fry them during the 100 loop burst mode test that is.

Bay Trail
Chip                        Cores      Frequency/Burst        L2 Cache   GPU          TDP
Celeron N2808      2      1.58 GHz / 2.25 GHz      1MB      311 MHz / 792 MHz      4.3W
Celeron N2840      2      2.16 GHz / 2.58 GHz      1MB      311 MHz / 792 MHz      7.5W
Celeron N2940      4      1.83 GHz / 2.25 GHz      2MB      313 MHz / 854 MHz      7.5W
Pentium N3540      4      2.16 GHz / 2.66 GHz      2MB      313 MHz / 896 MHz      7.5W

Chip       Cores/Threads       Frequency L3 Cache       TDP
Core i5-4278U      2 / 4      2.6 GHz      3MB      28W
Core i5-4308U      2 / 4      2.8 GHz      3MB      28W
Core i7-4578U      2 / 4      3 GHz      3MB      28W


So, Intel are you going to submit your "new" chipsets to Antutu 5.0 Testing so as to be listed in the top 20 mobile chipsets?
(or mostly not as the case may be)?


if they don't fry, one or two will make it into the top 20 for speed, certainly ..... but those that make it for speed
will sorta kinda suck for the battery life portion -- mobile is a big trade off game for Intel

Title: Re: ARM 64 bit wave starts .... now
Post by Oldfeller on 07/24/14 at 05:25:22

This is a slide from ARM when talking to their investors about the future.   ARM keeps it tight, except at such talks with shareholder people who really do want to know what their money is doing to make more money next year.

And the answer was a glimpse at Maya and Artemis, the next wave of ARM 64 bit 10mm/14nm sized SOC products.   Notice please that this wave goes into everything (including your clothes), talks to everything else and can communicate back to servers and mainframe supercomputers using wireless technology.    

This slide sort of defines the internet of things from the folks designing the technology that will be used.

Think of Google on steroids, think of chip products woven into your garments or inserted under your skin.    

Think bigger .... this will be a LARGER revolution than the PC revolution was because it will contain EVERYTHING.

As Microsoft struggles to be relevant in the mobile age (gain a foothold and some real market share) and Intel struggles to finally make an integrated cell phone chip, this is what ARM, Google and Apple are spending their skull sweat working on. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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