General Category >> The Cafe >> Tips..........

Message started by raydawg on 06/21/14 at 08:20:41

Title: Tips..........
Post by raydawg on 06/21/14 at 08:20:41

Kinda pulling an idea from Serowbot's post were he almost danced with wood and pavement  ;D

How bout we share riding tips that seem to work and help us ride.....
Lots of old crusty round here I bet could write a book on it  :-*

One riding tip I have come to find that works well in rural roads, and it makes for a more relaxed ride, is to look down the road, not down at the road.
I find myself at times looking more immediately in front of my bike in less than stellar conditions, it caused me to tense up more, over riding and fatigue resulting.
If I cast my glance to the horizon of the road, I ride much smoother, letting the bike correct itself on the little imperfection in the roadway, etc.

It traffic areas where I notice a car wanting to enter onto the road, in front of me from a side street I watch the front wheel for movement, not their eyes. If I sense any, I go into defense riding....

The eyes lie  :o  

Title: Re: Tips..........
Post by bobert_FSO on 06/21/14 at 08:48:05

Keep your eyes where you want to go, not where you DON'T want to go.  If you stare at that pothole, you will steer straight into it.

Title: Re: Tips..........
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/14 at 09:41:19

Okay,... referring to my recent... "adventure"... (I ran over a road sign  :-/)...

If you find yourself encountering an unavoidable obstacle in the road... (not a truck or a wall, but a road hazard)...
You want to do the opposite of what you would do in a crash...

Get off the front brake... (the front brake is shifting you and your bikes weight to the front end)...
Make yourself light,... try to post a bit (that is pulling up on the bars and lifting your body off the seat)... no braking,.. and gun the engine a little...
This will lighten the bike, especially the front end, and allow you to get over the object...
Even pull on the bars and bend your knees as you go over...
Try to fly... ;D... (you can literally take a several hundred pounds off the contact point for a split second, by doing this)...

Title: Re: Tips..........
Post by S-P on 06/21/14 at 22:58:51

I ride in the left lane toward the left hand side of the lane.

NEVER stop directly behind a car at a stop light. Stop to the left rear fender with your frontwheel pointed to the left. If  you get rear ended you'll be pushed to the side of the car.

Need I say, don't ride in a car's blind spot. Dang, I can't believe how many people do that to me when I'm in my work truck.

Title: Re: Tips..........
Post by anebv8 on 06/23/14 at 01:16:57

posted on forums before...nice wee reminder of trucks blind spots,I'm a truckie too,got good footage of a bike on my side of the road,man he done poops when he saw me coming around the bend,his bike went upright rather quickley  :)

Title: Re: Tips..........
Post by anebv8 on 06/23/14 at 01:20:43

and don't go up the inside of turning trucks....

Title: Re: Tips..........
Post by Bluesman on 06/23/14 at 02:41:10

I scan the roadside (ditches etc) regularly (once every two - three seconds or so) for wildlife as soon as I am outside the city. In the city, I scan too, but for opening doors, kids, dogs, drunks etc but thatīs another issue  :)

Tip A: slow down a little and increase your roadside scanning frequency when approaching dusk or dawn. Animals tend to move at those times.

Tip B: If a deer, a rabbit or whatever comes up from the ditch, slow down without panic braking, hold on to what you got and aim for the BACK end of the animal if you canīt avoid collision. Thereīs a much bigger chance that the animal keeps moving than stopping, and - in the case of a deer - the rear end is much lighter.

Tip C: Beware of  deers - the often come in pairs...

Tip D: if a pheasant pops up from the ditch, it WILL stick its head into your front wheel, decapitate itself and then disintegrate all over you and your bike. The innards stink and are really messy. Get a fire hose and wash the mess off yourself and the bike BEFORE it dries up. Been there, done that :-)

Tip E: If a dove or other large bird pops up as you drive by - DUCK( ;D)! They are heavy and messy on impact....I found myself with a broken nose, an almost poked out eye and spitting feathers for a long time after such an incident. Not even a full face helmet would have saved me, even if the visors are reasonably stiff :-)

Tip F: In the countryside and in the dark, I tend to choose my line more to the left of where I usually am. This gives me a split-second more time if something pops up from the side. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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