General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What is the difference?

Message started by raydawg on 06/20/14 at 17:28:03

Title: What is the difference?
Post by raydawg on 06/20/14 at 17:28:03

Hold on to your position using whatever means needed to maintain your power.....

A missing tape gap of a pertinent conversation about Watergate, or missing emails and multi-crashing hard drives and then destroying of them?

Title: Re: What is the difference?
Post by oldNslow on 06/20/14 at 18:08:13

687B637E7B6D7D1A0 wrote:
Hold on to your position using whatever means needed to maintain your power.....

A missing tape gap of a pertinent conversation about Watergate, or missing emails and multi-crashing hard drives and then destroying of them?

The difference ? A president was forced to resign. People went to jail. Fast forward 40 years. Nothing will happen to anyone.

The current regime can get away with anything, and they know it. And very few of our fellow citizens appear to give a sh*t.

To put it simply,the difference is how far the moral and ethical traditions of this country have gone down the drain in just 40 years. Anyone care to speculate what the next 40 will bring?

Title: Re: What is the difference?
Post by raydawg on 06/20/14 at 18:34:39

625C5D51435F5E300 wrote:
[quote author=687B637E7B6D7D1A0 link=1403310483/0#0 date=1403310483]Hold on to your position using whatever means needed to maintain your power.....

A missing tape gap of a pertinent conversation about Watergate, or missing emails and multi-crashing hard drives and then destroying of them?


The difference ? A president was forced to resign. People went to jail. Fast forward 40 years. Nothing will happen to anyone.

The current regime can get away with anything, and they know it. And very few of our fellow citizens appear to give a sh*t.

To put it simply,the difference is how far the moral and ethical traditions of this country have gone down the drain in just 40 years. Anyone care to speculate what the next 40 will bring?

Are you saying the proverbial wisdom to the end justifies the means?

Rights may be tramped if we believe the end result will be better than having those of opposing view win, denying our wants, needs, and beliefs....
Sorta like collateral damage eh?

Title: Re: What is the difference?
Post by oldNslow on 06/20/14 at 18:51:50

Are you saying the proverbial wisdom to the end justifies the means?

How the heck did you get that from what I said ?

I'm agreeing with you fer cryin'out loud.

The crimes are the same. The difference in the consequences(or lack of consequences) between the two crimes is yet another example of whats changed in this country's perception of right and wrong since 1974. Nixon got caught. He at least had the decency to quit. His Attorney General and several others went to jail. That won't happen today.

You asked what the difference was. Forty years of progressive moral relativism is what the difference is. In 1974 there were still consequences for illegal behavior even in the executive branch of our government. Today there are not.

Title: Re: What is the difference?
Post by raydawg on 06/20/14 at 19:13:12


I was speaking a reasoning for why the Obama folks panties are not wadded like they would be if this was a repub administration.....

Make sense now  ;D

When you have folk talk'n bout morals, and they claim there ain't no absolutes, yet fail to see their own statement proves the folly of such a claim.....
well, it kinda proves the mindset to my tag line  8-)  

Title: Re: What is the difference?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/14 at 04:38:29

It would be nice to think that somewhere out there today is a judge who will dismiss charges the IRS is bringing against someone right now who's "guilt" hinges upon the fact they were unable to provide the previous 7 years receipts....but I'm an optimistic person..... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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