General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Guns save lives

Message started by RatdogWillie on 06/14/14 at 06:37:11

Title: Guns save lives
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/14/14 at 06:37:11

The controlled media goes into a nationwide frenzy whenever some one (mostly persons on SSRI's, which gets no mention) shoots someone.
The same media mostly ignores stories that get only small coverage locally when a gun owner uses their gun defensively.
Post the mostly ignored stories on this thread.
Let the Suzuki blog gun haters see the other side of weapons of self defense.

Here is one from June 11, 2014 Charleston SC -

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by shorty on 06/14/14 at 10:39:22

agreed Ratty, think back to High School, remember the kids that wanted to be journalists, fine outstanding individuals but not the types to join the wrestling team, or school shooting team. My H.S. had a shooting team, we competed against other schools (this was 20 miles from NYC)..

Competitive shooting sports are popular with men, women, teens and all over this once great nation. The most common rifle used is the Colt AR15 which somehow got branded "assault rifle" by those same H.S. kids that would never participate in wrestling or school shooting team.

I haven't even touched upon the self defense issue because women are applying for conceal permits in numbers so great the classes are overwhelmed (yes you must take classes and pass FBI scrutiny)

when some poor sick bastard kills people for whatever reason we need to do a better job caring for (and watching) these obvious sick people. To blame an inanimate object is just the easy way of slapping a bandage over a more serious social issue

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Serowbot on 06/14/14 at 10:46:40

Hey,.. I wrestled in high school... ( I even wrestled 30lbs above my class)...

They didn't have a shooting team...(or I would have surely shot somebody 30lbs above my class)...

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by shorty on 06/14/14 at 12:05:52

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
Hey,.. I wrestled in high school... ( I even wrestled 30lbs above my class)...

They didn't have a shooting team...(or I would have surely shot somebody 30lbs above my class)...

LOL.. why wrestle above your weight class? puts you at a disadvantage. (maybe your team had nobody to fill that spot)

My best buddy joined the H.S. shooting team right after I did, we had a blast (he-he).. Our Team did well unless shooting against a more rural school, those farm boys start shooting right out of the womb.

We had a reunion a few years back and my H.S. shooting team buddy
and me were talking about how interesting being 20 miles from NYC and the public schools had shooting sports, nobody cared, none of the schools had accidents. His current wife blew a gasket, belittled him (and me) called us Bambi killers, ruined his reunion for sure. ignorance

shooting is part of what makes America unique, Europe being much older has their sword and bow history, we came much later so our early history involves firearms. Hunting, Target, self defense, even collecting, the stats prove we are extremely responsible with guns.

sorry about the rant  ;)

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/14/14 at 13:35:30

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
Hey,.. I wrestled in high school...

Tried it once....hated rolling around so close to stinkin' sweaty guys....gave it up ....preferred rollin' around up close with pretty girls that smelled nice.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/14/14 at 18:28:17

Guns Are Self-Defense Tools; 72-Year-Old Grandmother Fends Off Intruder
   Jan Cooper, of Anaheim, fired one shot from her .357-magnum Smith & Wesson revolver around 12:30 a.m. Sunday as a man attempted to break into her home. During a 911 call of the incident, Cooper can be heard begging with the dispatcher to send deputies and warns that she has a gun at the ready as her Rottweiler barks furiously in the background.

   Minutes later, a breathless Cooper says the man has come to the back porch and is trying to get in the house through a sliding door. Through the vertical blinds, Cooper saw his silhouette just inches away through the glass as he began to slide open the door.

   "I'm firing!" Cooper shouts to the dispatcher as a loud band goes off…

   The stunned intruder apologized to Cooper after she fired, she recalled, telling her, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm leaving. Please don't shoot."

The Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that police don’t have a constitutional duty to defend anyone in particular. Americans do, though, theoretically have a constitutional right to self-defense via the Second Amendment, making attempts to curtail it in the wake of sensational violence particularly disturbing.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by oldNslow on 06/17/14 at 11:22:12

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 06/26/14 at 16:41:33

I think the best was when, many years ago, Florida passed the first,
“Right To Carry Concealed” law.
A Ultra Liberal, (young female), NPR reporter,
Went to a convince store for a, ‘Live Report”.
She asked the owner of that store:
“How has this new law changed how you do business”.
The owner said: “I used to get robbed at gun point once to twice a month.
Now last 6 months no robbing”.
She looked stunned, and asked, “Why”,
He said: “It is the sign I put in the window”. Then showed her the sign.
It said:  “Free Coffee showing your CCW”
Then he went back inside, pointed to the back of the store, where the coffee machine was.
and said: “Which one of those 7 people, got free coffee?”

She promptly stopped the interview !!!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/07/14 at 06:27:23

Veteran With Concealed Carry Permit Shoots Back At Chicago Gunman

One of the spate of shootings that took place in Chicago, Ill. over the July 4th holiday weekend involved a veteran with a concealed carry permit who was forced to a shoot a man who began firing on him and a group of friends.

The incident occurred Friday night, the Chicago Tribune reports.

The veteran and three of his friends were leaving a party on the city’s south side. When the group reached their vehicle, a container with liquor was sitting on top of it. A woman from the group asked another group gathered next door who the liquor belonged to and removed it.

The move angered 22 year-old Denzel Mickiel, who approached the veteran and his friends shouting obscenities. The man then went into his residence and returned with a gun.

As Mickiel opened fire on the group, the veteran took cover near the vehicle’s front fender, according to assistant state attorney Mary Hain, the Chicago Tribune reports.

The veteran fired two shots, hitting Mickiel both times.

Two of Mickiel’s friends also began shooting at the group, which was able to flee the scene in their vehicle.

Mickiel was transported to the hospital and is in critical condition. A woman in the veteran’s group was hit twice – once in the arm and once in the back – but was stabilized and taken to the hospital.

Mickiel is charged with attempted murder and will be held on $950,000 bond.

Had Friday’s shooting occurred a little more than a year ago, the veteran would not have been legally permitted to conceal carry his firearm.

Illinois was the last U.S. state to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons with a permit, finally passing a law on July 9, 2013. The state began issuing conceal carry permits in February.

Seven people died and approximately 50 were injured in shootings that took place in Chicago over the weekend. The city has among the highest violent crime rates among major U.S. cities.

Article with Comments:

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/14 at 08:50:34

YESSSS I luvittt.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by verslagen1 on 07/08/14 at 08:41:29

A woman from the group asked another group gathered next door who the liquor belonged to and removed it.

She shoulda threw it at him.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by old_rider on 07/08/14 at 12:22:51

What happened to the "two friends" who open fired? Did any of the offenders have a license?
I read the story on yahoo a couple days back.... of course they left out a lot...
But I like the outcome...drinking and guns can get you killed...especially when you can't hit anything and you are firing at a vet.....

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 07/09/14 at 18:53:23

Ah, Yes,   Chicago IL.  USA

 Where,  ‘GUN CONTROL”   Works.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 07/09/14 at 18:57:02

And, even, 'Stricter',   Gun Control,  
In Wash DC.  

Where you 40%   SAFER, in Baghdad,
walking down the streets, than some places in Wash D.C.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/11/14 at 07:54:15

Why Good People Should Be Armed

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 07/14/14 at 14:21:06

In Mn, a, ‘Permit To Carry”, is just that.
A handgun can be, concealed, or open.
Or, one could, ‘carry’ a long gun.    (Never seen that happen here)

A number of years ago, a person was,
‘caring a handgun’, concealed, got out of his car,
at a mart mart, a big gust of wind blew, flipping open his coat,
a person saw the gun, called the cops, and, “Attempted”, to charge him,
for, ‘Brandishing’ a firearm.

Real big news, as the cops, went to the store,
and he was pointed out, by the person, who said he was, ‘brandishing’.
And they drew, their guns, cuffed him, and hauled him away.

A week later, on page 10C, in about 1” of, ’news’.
It was stated, the,  ‘undignified suspect’ had a permit, and was not, ‘brandishing’.

So, people don’t know the, law. Hard to educate them.
But people, that are, ‘Afraid’, of a firearm.
Take them out, show them, let them play.

99% of the cases, they will see, (that for some people)
putting little holes in a piece of paper,
and seeing how close one can get them.

Provides the same entrainment  factor, (for some people)
As hitting a tightly wound object, that has a plastic coating on it,
with a stick, and counting how many times they hit it,
until it falls into a little 4” hole in the ground !

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Trippah on 07/14/14 at 16:14:04

I don't think many people are afraid of guns, its just that when you see one in a place other than a range or in a hunting situation, you really do wonder why is that person carrying and IS HE A LOONEY???
Probably not, but what if he is....
One has to congratulate the gum lobby, getting whatever the number of guns per person in the US to really  fantastic hights.  As seen in Syria, where everyone owns a variant of the AK 47..if everyone carries a gun, the bad guys will stop. OH, well, maybe if they read the NRA pamphlets, they will get the message. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/14 at 18:20:21

I've been supporting the gum lobby since I was a kid!

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by verslagen1 on 07/15/14 at 09:49:38

71526F4C4E55525B3C0 wrote:
Real big news, as the cops, went to the store,
and he was pointed out, by the person, who said he was, ‘brandishing’.
And they drew, their guns, cuffed him, and hauled him away.

The big failure here was the cops lack of getting an accurate report.
They obviously had access to the witness and failed to get the facts.
Or the witness was so sh!tless that even the cops with guns further colored his testimony.
Or questioned the "perp" at the scene.
simple questions that could have been asked...
was the gun out of the holster?
do you have a permit?

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 07/15/14 at 10:38:49

... The big failure here was the cops lack of getting an accurate report.  They obviously had access to the witness and failed to get the facts.  Or the witness was so sh!tless that even the cops with guns further colored his testimony.  Or questioned the "perp" at the scene.  simple questions that could have been asked...  was the gun out of the holster?  do you have a permit? ...

A-Yep, that sure would have been the, 'Logical', thing to do.   ;D

I don't believe, that the two words:
"Logic/Police", go together the same as, "meat/potatoes"

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/14 at 07:19:16

people saved by guns :

.......on the other hand maybe you could protect lives with a "Gun Free Zone":

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/02/14 at 10:17:49

I don't care if the people around me buy their guns. I don't like drunk hunters running around. I don't like somebody down the road shooting what sounds like a machine gun every once in a while.
I don't like to see guns when I go to town- leave them home or in your vehicle.
Conceal and carry- no thanks. around here it is just a paranoid person hoping for an opportunity to play hero games.
Swat teams- we did better before 911 when we didn't have swat teams and para-military police.
A tool (gun) is only as good as the person using it - that says it all.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by WD on 08/04/14 at 15:41:56

No such thing as "drunk hunters". Hunters don't mix guns and booze, only slobs do that. Irresponsible, usually city based slobs.

I keep hoping that the governor of TN will crowbar his head out of his behind and allow this state to return to constitutional carry. We just made number one (again) most violent state based on FBI crime statistics. ALL of that is courtesy of the urban areas and their accompanying bipedal filth (which knows no color limits). If you can legally carry a gun, do so. If you can't legally carry a gun, don't. I can legally carry in my vehicle or on my property and do so, every day. I will not do a farm inspection w/o one or two sidearms and quite often a loaded rifle or shotgun. Why you ask? Wildlife and poachers (of fish, game and medicinal plants), druggies...

I have a backhoe, hungry coyotes and hungry snapping turtles. Come to my place raising hell and you'll never leave...

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by pgambr on 08/04/14 at 19:11:09

I have a backhoe, hungry coyotes and hungry snapping turtles. Come to my place raising hell and you'll never leave...

I am unable to post the video in the link where you can play it in the post itself.  Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong?

This is a scene from Snatch:  "Always beware of a pig farmer"


Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/05/14 at 08:43:52

1201450 wrote:

...  Hunters don't mix guns and booze, only slobs do that. Irresponsible, usually city based slobs...
... I have a backhoe, hungry coyotes and hungry snapping turtles. Come to my place raising hell and you'll never leave...

Ay-Yep ! 'Hunters, do  NOT, shoot signs, Eagles, drink, (when hunting/shooting), etc.  
Only DFI   'slobs', do that.
And, Oh Yea, don't be coming down my drive, in a rusted out little pickup,
with a rusty freezer in the bed, trying to 'sell' me, "fresh ;D fish",
while your buddy looks over my pole shed to see what is inside.

Have to comment on: "...I don't like somebody down the road shooting what sounds like a machine gun every once in a while. .."

Maybe, 'they',  don't like the sound of, 'Your',  Motorcycle driving down the road every once and a while.

"...I don't like to see guns when I go to town- leave them home or in your vehicle..."

So if you walk into a store, in town, and see a fire extinguisher, on the wall, that would also be something, 'you' don't like?

"...Conceal and carry- no thanks. around here it is just a paranoid person hoping for an opportunity to play hero games. ..."

Nop, NOT the case. Not at all.
In EVERY case, where the State has upheld the Constitution, crime had gone DOWN.
In EVERY State, where where your Freedom, has been curtailed, the crime rate is UP.  

Pigs:  :D  Watch, 'Deadwood', A cable series about Deadwood ND,
before it was a State.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/14 at 10:32:28

Good post mnspring.. Im tired of correcting faulty thinking for the weak minded,, ya done good..

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/07/14 at 10:50:46

Faulty thinking - I like that!
Might look like faulty thinking if you have slugs on the brain!

It is live and let live. There is not a constitutional right to be "loved" because you went and bought yourself a gun! :)

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/08/14 at 15:57:46

32253423232A233F460 wrote:
 ... There is not a constitutional right to be "loved" because you went and bought yourself a gun! :)

Absolutely, not a question about it.

BUT,  what is the reason, 'some' people, Hate, people,
Just because they own/bought a gun?

I, do  NOT, Like  Golf, Soccer, Cricket,
does that mean I HATE, the people that do ??????


I like to see how close together I can make little holes in a piece of paper.
How does that make, ME, bad?

I Carry a gun (Have Permit),  No One knows I have it.
How does that make, ME, bad ?

I, 'hunt'. I eat what I harvest, (With a License),
How does that make me bad?

I also fish, (With a License), does that also make me, bad?

I have a Motorcycle, I drive down the road,
if someone sees me, and does not like motorcycles,
I am guessing, that, 'also', makes me a 'bad' person.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Paraquat on 08/09/14 at 04:52:30

5C7F426163787F76110 wrote:
[quote author=32253423232A233F460 link=1402753031/15#26 date=1407433846]  ... There is not a constitutional right to be "loved" because you went and bought yourself a gun! :)

I Carry a gun (Have Permit),  No One knows I have it.

I know you have it.


Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/09/14 at 17:44:40

5D6C7F6C7C786C790D0 wrote:
I know you have it.  --Steve

LLOLOLLO,   Shhhh,  don’t say anything,
Just you and me, OK.   ;)

Case in point, a few years ago Kerry was running.
It was start day of the County Fair, and my turn to sit in a booth.

As I got their early, the building was still locked, 100 yards away was the Administration building,
I walked in, and asked for the key, Twyla gave it to me,
went back, and just unlocked both doors, then took it back.
After a short sojourn with Twyla, (who is easy to look at), and discussing this and that.
When I got back, a Demo/Kerry booth was setting up outside.
(The doors are wide, and designed to fold back and be fastened against the building)
The gal, already had a great deal of stuff un-loaded,
Tent, Big ‘balloon/helium’, tanks, and tables etc, already unloaded, and placed so that one door could NOT, be attached to the outside of the building.
I Explained the situation, and as I had little to do, to prepare my booth for the day, (did it the day before).
I said: “I will help".

She was very nice, (and also very easy to look at), So we set everything out, folded the door back, then set everything back in place where she wanted it. All the time she was touting the benefits of Kerry.  When we were done, only 15-20 min, she said: ’Now make sure you vote for Kerry”.

I told her, I would not, because their are several issues in which we disagree on. She said: “What”.
I told her Kerry did not uphold several parts of the Constitution, and I feel strongly about the 2nd Amendment.  
She was adamant: “Kerry certainly believes in the rights of, ‘good’ people, to own a ‘hunting’, gun”.

I looked at her, and asked: “We have only seen each other, only talked to each other, did a little job together, for only  about 20 min, do you think I am a, ‘good’ people”.  She went on, and on, and on, about she was a Excellent Judge of character, and of course, She considered me, ‘good’ people.  After she took a breath, I told her:  “Well  as to the, 2nd Amendment  and the State of Minn, I am caring a loaded, concealed  handgun. No one will ever see it, I don’t expect to use it, but I have it, Just in Case”.

(To this point, She was very pleasant, she and I laughed and joked about many things)

Her mouth dropped open, her eyes went wide, and she turned away from me.
I shrugged, went into my booth, and prepared for the assault, of kids running by and grabbing candy.

About 3 hours later, I walked out to get a burger and a shake. She saw me, and, ’SLUNK” to the back of her booth.
When I came back 5 min later she did the same thing.

When my, shift was up two hours later, I again walked out, she saw me, and AGAIN, ’SLUNK”, to the back of the booth.

Apparently, her, opinion of me, as, ‘good people’, by interacting, doing that little work together,  and her personal opinion, did not fare above, what she was, ’told’, what someone is, ‘like’, that has a firearm.

So,  Shhhhus, don’t tell anyone. Just don’t want to ‘freak’, them out !
When they have been, ‘Told’, that ANYONE, that has a firearm, is a, ‘bad’ person.

Oh, Wait, I guess  the sticker of a, ‘GUN’, I have on the back of my helmet,
and the, ’sticker’ (I sell), which is on the MC’s, Cages, house, office,  kinna gives it away!     ;D

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by WD on 08/09/14 at 23:24:08

I think the 7.5" barrel, brass and blue Dragoon grip frame Old Army kinda gives me away... It prints, very obviously.


Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/11/14 at 09:24:42

Some years ago I was on a picket line in front of the state institution I worked at. Maybe 10 of up standing around on the main road in front of the entrance. No big deal. Three days, it was over.
One of the guys there with us pulled me aside. He was the youngest night security guy hired in the last year. He pulled up his pant leg and showed me his gun strapped to the inside of his calf. "In case there is any trouble!", he said. We all knew everybody, they knew us- small place. We were out in the country, 10 miles from the nearest shopping district.
His judgement was off.
A gun is a tool. It can be abused, or not - depending on the user. It is the user I worry about. The gun just makes it easy for them spread their poor judgement around. Look at the people blown away by cops - last one shot 8 times.
You can't get a permit for judgement. You have it or don't.
In my area, 16 and up needs a hunter safety course before they can go hunt on their own. It works. The focus is not on best way to take a buck, but on safety.
Do we have the same for hand guns? CaC?
I don't know.
How about the folks who leave their guns around so a kid gets hold of it. Maybe we need mandatory insurance for self protection weapons like we do for autos. People might think twice to avoid their rates going up.
Who knows, just burns me every time I read of an unnecessary death due to handguns.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/11/14 at 18:36:50

“... How about the folks who leave their guns around so a kid gets hold of it...  … just burns me every time I read of an unnecessary death due to handguns. …”

Falling down steps, off a ladder, or scaffolding, and falling out a 2nd story window.      Kills Kids.  Yet their is No ‘law’, stating that bottom and top of steps must have a gate, or ladders must be ‘locked up’, or windows locked.  Even though, things to do that, are made, and readily available.

Sticking something in a Electrical outlet.  Kills Kids.  Yet their is No ‘law’, stating that unused outlets must be covered, or things that are plugged in, are not easily un plugged.  Even though, things to do that, are made, and readily available.

Poison, (Toilet bowl cleaner, Drain cleaner, CLR removers, Polish, Oils, Lubes, etc),from things under the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, in the garage.  Kills Kids.  Yet their is No ‘law’, stating that this things must be a locked cabinet.   Even though, things to do that, are made, and readily available.

Drowning, in the toilette, bath tub, or a 5 gallon bucket.  Kills Kids. Yet their is No ‘law’, stating, that the seat must be down, (and locked), that bath tubs must be secured, that 5 gallon pails must be registered.

Their is No Law, or License, or Test, to, “Create Children”. Yet their are a GREAT Number of people that do,
then decide they don’t want them, so they KILL them.

Their are a Great number of people, who, LET, their kids ‘play’, in the street.
Their are a Great number of people, who, pay NO attention to their kids, when they are swimming,  and the kid drowns.
Or are at the playground/park/zoo etc. or while the, ‘parent’s is shopping, (or goes to a Bar or Casino), and the kid, is lost or abducted,
or goes out in traffic, or is left in a hot car.

Could go ON and ON, and ON.

The point is:    FACT, firearm fatalities, are  LESS,, than Drowning, Poison, Electrocution, Falling, Hit by a car, Skateboards, Bicycles, Abandonment.
EVEN  LESS injury rates than, football, basketball, baseball, etc !

Of course it is unfortunate, and a tragic event, when something like that happens.

RESPONSIBLE people.  Parents,  with COMMON SENSE.   TEACH their children.
Responsible parents, TEACH their children,  NOT, to take out the, ‘Chain Saw’, without supervision.
Responsible Parents, TEACH their children, not to take out the ’skill’ saw, without supervision.
Responsible Parents, TEACH their children, not to dive off a bridge in 2’ of water, on a, ‘dare’.
Responsible Parents, TEACH their children, (even at a very early age they ALL know where the keys to the car are), to  NOT, take a, ‘joy’ ride.  
Responsible Parents, TEACH their children, about firearms.  (And if the Parent knows nothing about them, they have someone else, TEACH them, that they are NOT a, ’toy’, and their is  NO, ‘reset’, button) !  
Again, On and On, and On !!!!

"…safety course …  … Do we have the same for hand guns? CaC? ...  “

YES, in Minn, it absolutely part of the course of ‘carry’.
(in many other states, it is the same. As for the rest, I don’t know, but I believe it is also the case)
And Nation wide the FSTC, is now mandatory, to get a hunting License in your State. (Up to 18). And if you are getting a hunting Lic for, ‘out-of-state’, it is mandatory, and has no age limit.

(But, remember,  'Hunting is a Privilege", it is Not a Constitutional RIGHT.)

.“… we need mandatory insurance for self protection weapons like we do for autos… “

Now their is a BIG, ‘Pandoras Box’.
   A   REAL  Big one !

Of course it will not effect, ‘any’ criminal, as they will ALL have the, proper, insurance, just like they all go to the store, fill out the 4473, and wait for the NICKS check. It will, ‘only’ affect the Law abiding citizen, who obeys the laws.

Their is ONLY ONE firearm in the house. You are gone on a business trip. Some druggie breaks down the door, in the middle of the night. Your Wife wakes up, calls 911, then goes to the closet, takes the gun out of the case, finds where the shells are, finally figures out how to load it. (Boy she sure is Lucky she had time to do all that).  The drugger breaks into the bedroom, intent on RAPING her, then KILLING her. She, DEFENDS herself.  When the Police finally get their. They Arrest HER, ‘for not having insurance’.

Gee, what about the person that has a collection of 100 firearms, (very specific kinds and models). (Yes Virginia, lots of those people DO Exist). He has a window broken, his wired alarm goes off, the burglar runs away, the Police come, see this extensive, elusive collection,, asks for the, ‘insurance’, he doesn’t have any, as they are a ‘exhibit’ collection, not ’self protection’, but the Police, CONFISCATE all of them.  Put HIM in Jail, and charge him with a  VERY Hefty FINE, and a even Higher, cost to pay the insurance.    THEN  has to pay a Attorney, to get his collection BACK.

OR, (and would happen the MOST), the ner-do-well, (Criminal), decides the ‘odds’ of you having a firearm, are, ‘really’ low, so they just do what ever they want to do.   (Kinna like putting a sign in front of your house, “No Guns In Here”).

Which is a statement I ALWAYS, make, when talking to someone who says: “Only the Police should have a gun”.  I tell them if you feel so strongly about it, let me give you a sign that says:  “No Guns In Here”.   And they, ‘huff’, and walk away.

The working person, in your picket, who you describe, made a mistake. That mistake, was, NOT having, a firearm, it was, ’showing’, it.
And, if a person, took him aside, and said: "Ya know, we, don't 'show' firearms, we, just have them".  He would Never do that again !

One more thing. A, ’screwdriver’, is just that, and can also be called a, ’tool’.  A, ’tire Iron’, is just that, and can also be called a, ’tool’. A, ’fireplace poker’, is just that, and can also be called a, ’tool’.  So the same with a firearm, or gun, they are JUST that, tools,.  
They are  NOT, ‘Weapons’, until, AFTER, they would be, “used”,  as one. The SAME, as other, ’tools’ or things.

Their are, people in a Military Branch,  when talk to another in a Military Branch. May refer to a firearm as a, weapon.
Their are Police, who when talking to another policeman, may use the word weapon.  
Seldom, do they, when talking to civilians, use that word.

The people that constantly use that word, ‘weapon’ to describe something, which is NOT, are.
1. A, ‘wanna-be’, who thinks it is, ‘cool’.
2. A member of the, ‘Anti-Freedom’ crowd, who want’s to convince, Everybody else, that ANYBODY, with a gun, is OUT To, shoot someone.

In the civilian world, the ONLY other person/s, that refers to a, firearm, as a weapon, are those in a COURT of LAW, who are referencing, that, ‘firearm’ as a ‘weapon’, because it was USED as such. The exact SAME, as they would, a  ’Screwdriver’.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/14 at 05:22:16

82 kids Drowned in Texas in 2013. Ban water? Or teach water safety to those mature enough to Get It and supervise those who need it? Can ALL tragedy be avoided? No, life is fragile,bad things happen,we must do what we can to protect people. Guns,when associated with a tragedy,get LOTS of press,but how many times does someone avert a crime by just Having a gun aand that go unreported? I wouldn't call the police and tell them I'd been in a scary moment BUT,thanks to my trusty firearm I was able to convince the Bad Guy to walk away..
I think that if we could somehow remove the drug related gangsta "children"" from the stats a lot of this antigun sentiment would die out,because the Real number of Innocent Children is MUCH Lower than the media would have us believe. Or maybe you believe the unemployment numbers and"there is no inflation"and Saddam has WMD's..
AND,add to that the same intensity of reporting when a CC person stops a bad guy as when a Bad Guy shoots up a bunch of people,then you'll see a rational attitude BY the People,instead of an Emotionally Charged bunch of ill informed bunch of people arguing about something that they have too little info on to justify their position on,BUT,because they watch Tv and"Know" how many"children" die they Have to be against guns..
NOW,That Said, even IF that number is correct,I will continue to support the Second Amendment and people carrying guns.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/14 at 08:12:48

AND,the general public who would like to see guns gone are,IMO,typically the Left side of the aisle types,who are also,again,IMO,the same people who typically Claim to be more Caring about the environment,yet these same"Ohh so concerned"people don't seem to be too shook up about the garbage our food is and the resulting disease and death of the innocent children THAT is causing. This same bunch is unable to see the pain being caused by problems arising from vaccinations,fluoridation and the War on Drugs and the War on Terror. Imagine if you want to travel and Your child's diaper needs checked for a bomb. How do you explain why That Stranger can fondle your child? Change the age,change anything,your family member,molested,in the name of"security".. Screw That and everyone who supports it..
DON'T DARE come back with who passed it, Democrats have had time and opportunity to change it.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/13/14 at 15:17:43

Require mandatory training classes for handgun ownership, like hunter safety courses.
If a gun is used in a negligent homicide, owner loses right to own a gun for life (just like a felon).
Cops are often in the frontline trying to reduce gun ownership. They are not liberals by and large, they just are tired of being out gunned.

Keep the right to have guns, just educate a little harder on their uses.

Sure a screw driver is a potentially dangerous tool. The idiot in Conn. didn't go buy a screwdriver to kill the kids. he got some tools designed to kill.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/14 at 16:02:55

Cops OUTGUNNED? Not a lot of that going on lately.. MRAPs,full auto guns,man,they've been militarized in a lot of places.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/13/14 at 16:06:19

Homeland is a scam. Always has been- a way to use the fear of terrorists as a way to squeeze tax dollars out of the public.

Cops are catching up, spending our money to militarize that Homeland is urging on them. As we make the assault guns available to the public, the cops need to keep up. How many cops would go back to the days when there was an assault weapons ban? Maybe we ought to offer home owners grenades for their personal protection! - They could use them for fishing!
Crazy world. 8-)
Philadelphia police 'outgunned' in last week's shooting

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/13/14 at 16:34:05

Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100,000 Population
(listed by state per 100,000 population)

Hawaii has the lowest, followed by Massachusetts. Where does your state fall? I'm in Maine with 7.9/100,000 people.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/13/14 at 18:24:05

“… Require mandatory training classes for handgun ownership, like hunter safety courses….”

OK, but then lets,  FIRST,  require, such classes, for those,
‘Who Make Children’, then, ‘KILL THEM’, because they don’t want the ‘hassle’.
Which by, Far,  FAR, (by a huge amount), out number, the fatalities of firearms.

“… we make the assault guns available to the public.. “

Describe , ‘assault guns” ?
Would that be a firearm that was first made in 1906,
which Functions,  JUST LIKE  a  AR-15 or a  SKS, or a  AK-47 ?

But is not,  ‘BLACK” and has a, ‘BLACK’, plastic stock ?

The term, ‘Assault gun”, is a term, that is used ONLY, by the ULTRA-LIBERAL MEDIA,
To Inflame the, ‘far left’, of how, ‘Evil’ they are..

People,  who do NOT take the time to LOOK at the FACTS.

“… Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100,000 Population…”

Do not  LIE, by, “”” OMISSION “””,  of  FACT!
Do not try to convince someone, by, "“OMISSION"", OF FACT.

Do your homework   !!!!!

Yea, your in the 10%.  
10% of the people who, do NOT look at  FACTS,
10% of the people who say; “Never mind the FACTS, my mind is made up”.
10% of the people who say: “I don’t care, it is what  ‘I’ want”.

Oh, and I hope, that, your, neighbor,
who, ‘YOU’, don’t like hearing the sound of his/her shooting once in a while.
Likes the sound of your M.C. driving down the road, once and a while.

Done wasting my time.   Go Ahead, have the last 'word'.
I think the 80% of the people will, go by, FACTS,
not, 'Ultra Liberal',  Lies.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/14 at 21:25:24

I have a question...
You don't like hearing the gun? You don't have one? You don't believe people other than cops and military should have a gun?
Then if you are in trouble and your neighbor sees it,do you want your neighbor to just call 911for you or do you want him to grab his gun and come to your rescue? Let's use a Home Invasion type event for the "trouble"..

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Paraquat on 08/14/14 at 06:16:27

I'm not a religious man but I fancy the sign:

You may not believe in God, you may not believe in guns, but if someone breaks into your home the first things you'll do is pray to God and grab your gun.


Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/14 at 08:42:15

283F2E39393039255C0 wrote:
Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100,000 Population
(listed by state per 100,000 population)

Hawaii has the lowest, followed by Massachusetts. Where does your state fall? I'm in Maine with 7.9/100,000 people.

Here's the deal,,I won't give up my rights for ANY reason. If you're concerned by gun deaths and injuries,teach a free class on gun safety.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Dane Allen on 08/14/14 at 10:45:26

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
[quote author=283F2E39393039255C0 link=1402753031/30#38 date=1407972845]
Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100,000 Population
(listed by state per 100,000 population)

Hawaii has the lowest, followed by Massachusetts. Where does your state fall? I'm in Maine with 7.9/100,000 people.

Here's the deal,,I won't give up my rights for ANY reason. If you're concerned by gun deaths and injuries,teach a free class on gun safety. [/quote]

BINGO - Take some responsibility!! It's easy to complain but do nothing to help solve the real issue. JOG nailed it.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/14 at 07:13:41

785D52597D505059523C0 wrote:
[quote author=534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 link=1402753031/30#42 date=1408030935][quote author=283F2E39393039255C0 link=1402753031/30#38 date=1407972845]
Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100,000 Population
(listed by state per 100,000 population)

Hawaii has the lowest, followed by Massachusetts. Where does your state fall? I'm in Maine with 7.9/100,000 people.

Here's the deal,,I won't give up my rights for ANY reason. If you're concerned by gun deaths and injuries,teach a free class on gun safety. [/quote]

BINGO - Take some responsibility!! It's easy to complain but do nothing to help solve the real issue. JOG nailed it.[/quote]

To be read in the voice of the news commentator.

Why,thank you Dane,I appreciate that. Just one small correction,though.
You left off,Again,as in
JOG nailed it,Again.. ;D

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/15/14 at 09:01:41

"... If you're concerned by gun deaths and injuries, teach a free class on gun safety. ..."

Yes, if someone wants to complain, complain, complain, about something happening, and is always complaining, never doing. Just like most , 'elected', people, they want, 'control', with out the 'responsibility'.
This statement above is 110% true.

However, teaching FCTC, for 35 years. I would NOT want,
someone who, "Does Not Like Guns", or, 'believes only certain people should have them'. Teaching, 'Firearm Safety'.
I beleave they would, teach, "Firearm Avoidance".

We have a State Licensed, 'Teacher', who teaches 5th grade in the Cities.
He is a Great Guy, and extremely, Pro-Freedom!
Very good, and I have learned a Lot about teaching from him.
But every once and a while, we have to have a little talk, as he will, 'slip' into;  "Teaching The Test" mode. Rather than, teaching the materiel, then testing the retention/comprehension.  
(Where as in his Job, he is TOLD, "Teach the Test", so the scores are higher, and the school can get MORE money, for the assistant, to the assistants, Secretaries assistant, for a new assistant to the assistant, Secretary.)

Just like most of the teachers, in Grade/High school, and collages.
They took to heart, the Credo:
"You can't change form outside, you have to change from inside"
To they became, teachers.

Yes, Yes, Yes, there  ARE, Many teachers, how are Very Pro Freedom.
But their, 'bosses', tell them what to do.

One case, when I had the gun shop, a customer came in, with his Junior in High school daughter.  Asked If I have any books or reference materiel.  (This was Way before the 'internet). She had a assignment for a paper, which was titled: "Your View On Gun Control".
I gave her several books, papers, and FACTS. Two weeks later she came in and gave my information back, and gave me a copy of what she had written. (She was close to tears). It was just AWSUM. Perfect grammar, sentence structure, footnotes to the references, 5, Perfect, (typewritten), pages.
She got a  "F".   ???????
I called her father, said:   "Can I take this to the wall". He said Go For It !
So, I called the teacher, he said: "Sure it was good, but it was Pro-Gun, not Anti-Gun, that's why she failed".

I knew the Principal of that school well. At lunch I went to see him.
Showed him the paper. He said it was VERY good, but it was out of his hands, as it was the teachers decision.  I told him:  "But, it is YOUR, responsibility, because YOU  Hired, that teacher". And them I reminded him the assignment was, "Your View On Gun Control",  NOT, the Teachers View!
A week later,  she and her Dad came in, she was just 'bubbly', she showed me another copy, with the 'F' crossed out, and a  "A+" written.
Her Dad, winked at me, shook my hand, and said, thanks for the books.

About 15 years ago, their was a student, who was15.
In the first class, he was very Disruptive.At break in the first class, I took him aside, and told him, He must settle down, and learn the information

At the second class, he did not change his behavior.

At break, I handed him, $5.00 back,  (Cost of the class then). And said:   “You will sit in the back, not say anything, and when your ride comes, I will walk out with you, and tell them why I have  FAILED you:”.

He said: “You Can’t Do That,  I’m in  Special Ed”

I told him: “ I Don’t care what you are in,
you have  FAILED,  Because YOU  Do Not Listen, or Learn, and are Disruptive”

He started,     CRYING,    (A 15 year old, among mostly 11-13 years olds).  I gave him his 5.00 back, and said: “You have   0   Chances left,   O.  Do you understand. If you want his class,  you will behave, listen, and learn”.

Guess what,   He,  (Out of a class of 75 that year), Had  100% on the Test, and was a model student.

On the, ‘Field Day’, I was standing out side. Watching the students get picked up by parents or guardians. All had their sheet of papers in their hand, (Some passing by the skin on their teeth).

And in come this Beat UP,  Rusty Van, Smoking, Running Poorly, ’This Student’, goes to this van,  And out comes, (What I believe is his Mother),
She marches up to me, puts her hand on her hips, and says:
    (I was prepared to get the ‘what for’, from her)
 “ Mr.  xxxx,   I don’t know what you said to my son,
  but it is the first time he has buckled down and learned something,
Thank you” .  Then she went back to the van, and spun out the gravel and left.

It was my Proudest moment of volunteer teaching I have ever had !

This Student, (I Believe), could have easily tested out for MENSA.  He was  SMART.   Smart enough,  to, ‘screw’, his HS  Teachers, into believing he was,  “Special”, to get the free ride.

35 years ago, start of class:  "How many here have had experience with a firearm before".  95% raised their hand.  Teaching was, Safety, Skill, Equipment, Technique. (The PARENTS, taught the, Ethics, Responsibility).   Today, (maybe) 5% raise their hand. And the focus is, Safety, Ethics, Responsibility, and Drilling, and drilling, and drilling,  "You NEVER, point a firearm at anything you don't want to shoot, and their is  NO Re-set button on a firearm)

Oh, if you want to share. Check out, Your States, Volunteer, Firearm, Safety Training course, in your area.  Run by whoever runs the fish/wildlife, licensing division.  A day, (sometimes 2), class is required to 'become, a teacher, (in most cases). It's very rewarding.

OH, if you are, 'Anti-Gun', and, 'think' you can, lie, to these kids.
You will VERY SOON, be, 'outed', by the other instructors.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/14 at 11:09:21

A: You're absolutely correct. I didn't consider the odds of an"anti" actually Teaching proper use and handling of a firearm. It would be like asking someone who hates cars to teach drivers ed.
B: You did a great job teaching and putting the responsibility for that boys success or failure where it belongs,directly on him,with no"crutch", no"special ed" grAde". People RARELY live up to expectations greater than those that are placed on them. That's a great story,a success story,for both of you.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/15/14 at 17:55:00

I see quite a few kids who are regular hunters- turkey, deer, bear, coyote, moose. That includes girls as well. Some girls are better than the boys- more patient, better shots.
They start hunting by middle school and are accomplished by highschool. Trustworthy and responsible kids. Then we have the other kids who pick up a gun and go shoot something. I have some concerns about them, but we are in a rural areas, so no big deal. No one really worries about self defense around here, even with the guns. Crime is not a big deal.
I think it is over 10 years since I last took my Cabelas Hawken out and shot at some target. I got it as a kit I put together.
I don't mind 9mm's for hunting, rabid dogs, coyotes. Maybe it's our area, but self protection is not a biggie around here, hunting is.

-Only people who should teach gun safety are those who are certified instructors- gun people who know guns, use guns.

Guns are interesting design wise, but I don't really enjoy shooting one. Death is too easily come by. I know of 3 suicides with guns, and an old landlord shot his buddy dead one night (his wife would babysit our son). Death is death, I try not to prepare for it. When it comes, it will.

Live and let live. That's how I see it. I may not like your assault rifle, I may say it, but that's all it is. As Mn said, families used to teach responsibility, we need to have more of that, along with community folks helping each other out.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/14 at 19:37:18

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
I have a question...
You don't like hearing the gun? You don't have one? You don't believe people other than cops and military should have a gun?
Then if you are in trouble and your neighbor sees it,do you want your neighbor to just call 911for you or do you want him to grab his gun and come to your rescue? Let's use a Home Invasion type event for the "trouble"..

Did I miss the answer?

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by tcreeley on 08/19/14 at 08:04:49

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
[quote author=617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 link=1402753031/30#40 date=1407990324]I have a question...
You don't like hearing the gun? You don't have one? You don't believe people other than cops and military should have a gun?
Then if you are in trouble and your neighbor sees it,do you want your neighbor to just call 911for you or do you want him to grab his gun and come to your rescue? Let's use a Home Invasion type event for the "trouble"..

Did I miss the answer?

Unrealistic where I live - never happen. That is why I live here.  
I'd never want to call 911- probably get blown away by the swat team mentality idiot they would send.
You live until you die, that's life. Accept it, don't sweat the small stuff.  Stay relaxed and enjoy what's around you- dispensing with fear is a major step in that direction.

My neighbors - coming with their guns- never want that! Boozed or high, just what I need! ;D
or hung over!.....they are ok, I just prefer my own judgement.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/14 at 08:39:01

Nice dodge,,it's a hypothetical question,intended to reveal how strongly held your beliefs Really are, but you knew that and pretended it was a literal question and tried to discount it.I call Bravo Sierra .

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/14 at 16:56:47

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:
... Bravo Sierra .

;D( = B.S.)

A-Yep.   Do you want a sign that says:
"No Firearms In This Place".
To put at the end of your driveway?

I believe I can get you one.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by WD on 08/19/14 at 21:34:48

60437E5D5F44434A2D0 wrote:
[quote author=647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 link=1402753031/45#50 date=1408462741]... Bravo Sierra .

;D( = B.S.)

A-Yep.   Do you want a sign that says:
"No Firearms In This Place".
To put at the end of your driveway?

I believe I can get you one.

I'll take 2... Put one behind the gun rack equipped jacked up 4x4, the other next to my "Pickers and scrappers will be shot" sign. I've had 2 so far that didn't believe me... one needed a new radiator (and new skivvies), the other needed a new engine (and new skivvies).

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by old_rider on 09/05/14 at 20:13:04

During the summers here sometimes the local "Hispanic bicycle patrol" ride around our neighborhood and see what the can easily pick up.
They will ride by a few days a week, then one day two will ride by... and something will come up missing.
When I see the signs of the HBP, I always make a point to throw on my tactical holster and S&W 9mm and keep my garage open and walk around the yard.
Well, last fall a local sheriff stopped by the house mentioning that a few neighbors had called saying a man with a gun was walking around... (they never bothered to tell the dept. that I was walking around my house in my yard)
He asked why I was open carrying and was it loaded... I told him it was loaded and I was patrolling my property and I never step off the property without concealing and that I carry a CC license.
He smiled when I told him why..... and I told him it was an intimidatin let them know i'm not easy pickin's.....and as we were talking you guessed it...HBP came by, two of them.....
We have no Hispanics in our 6 culdesacs that all dead end. They can ride where they wish....but it is "suspicious behavior"....
I asked if he would question them... he said no one has called and complained, I asked if he was one of the officers that came down the street a few weeks before about a robbery.... he said he had heard about it from the first shift. I asked if he viewed the report, he said "no", I said well in the report someone mentioned that Hispanic men were riding through the neighborhood "slowly" and looking at each house as they went by....and then there were robberies reported.
Long story short.... if you don't have them on film or catch them red handed... ya can't do squat....
You might say, its only stuff...that can be replaced....well some of my "stuff" can't.... and its my stuff.... and if I catch you taking my stuff... i'll shoot you and stuff a knife in your hand....then they will stuff you in a box....
Ok...i'm done....

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by thumperclone on 09/05/14 at 20:59:38

do you lock your doors??

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/14 at 21:45:57

Whether he does or not,, its STILL His STUFF, and whether its stolen from behind a locked or unlocked door makers No Difference,, Its still stolen,,and its still HIS.. and he has the Right to protect it and his family,, NO, he has the OBligation to protect his stuff and his family,, he gave his TIME and Energy to make the Money to BUY that stuff,, His family gave up their time TOgether in order for HIM to be ABLE to buy that stuff.. So few truly grasp the the REAL value of things that, when taken from others, they label "Just Stuff"..

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by thumperclone on 09/07/14 at 12:10:55

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Whether he does or not,, its STILL His STUFF, and whether its stolen from behind a locked or unlocked door makers No Difference,, Its still stolen,,and its still HIS.. and he has the Right to protect it and his family,, NO, he has the OBligation to protect his stuff and his family,, he gave his TIME and Energy to make the Money to BUY that stuff,, His family gave up their time TOgether in order for HIM to be ABLE to buy that stuff.. So few truly grasp the the REAL value of things that, when taken from others, they label "Just Stuff"..

again you let your mania cloud your brain
I'm asking a simple question, no hidden agenda

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/14 at 18:13:55

A number of years ago, their was a 'rash', of, break ins, vandalism, and theft. Of  Ice fishing houses on a local lake.  The people that fished their, had a fairly good idea, of who was responsible. These were Not, 'Under Privileged' kids. They, (were suspected), sons of local, Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians.

One night, several, young people had a horrible accident, and slipped on the Ice, and broke some bones.

Interesting, after they, 'slipped on the Ice', their was no more vandalism of fish houses.

Of course, one  option would be:
Put a big azz LOCK, on a Ice Fish House.
Reinforce the Door.
Put Iron Bars on the windows.
Or not put out a 'Fish House'.

Another option would be:
Teach people, their is, a, 'reaction', to their, 'actions'.

20 + years ago, was in Huntsville TX, a big (dog) Field Trial.
Many of were ensconced in a hotel, which had separate doors to the rooms, and a very large field to exercise dogs. And most everybody knew everyone else.

Most people were, coming back from the days activities., and the doors were all open, Dog trailer tops were open, guns were visible, (shotguns), electronics, and all sorts of other stuff, was just, 'out their'. It was a very jovial time, with people having a beer, or drink, talking about the day, and what went right and what went wrong.  (In other words, MOST  everybody, had their, 'guard' down)

This group of, 'dog' people, had the whole back side, up and down, of that hotel. Then came a, 'low', rider, fancy car, (chrome  EVERYWHERE), with tires which looked like rubber bands, over grossly over sized, highly polished chrome rims.

They drove by,  R e a l   S l o w.  I went into my room, took my 4" 629, sucked in my gut, and stuck in inside my pants, with most of it showing.
Then just leaned against the back of my truck.

Sure enough, here they come again.  R E A L   S L O W.
I was about 1/2 way down the row.
They saw me.  

And I guess, they must have suddenly, 'forgot',
they had to be somewhere else, real fast.
Because I think they brunt off 1/2 of their, 'rubber band tires', leaving.

Point is:  One can be, 'proactive', and prevent, a 'something', from happening.  Or one can, run and hide, and sick their head in the sand.

Of course, If I was selling:
Big Azz Locks.   Reinforced Doors.  Bars on windows.  Reinforced safe Rooms.  Screeching Alarm Systems.  and making several Thousand of dollars off the sale of those. I would, ENCOURAGE, people to, "Run and Hide".

Rather then spend a couple of hundred, on a firearm, AND  Ammo.
USE IT/ LEARN IT/UNDERSTAND IT.  And be, 'proactive'.

Let's see.   Suppose their was a gathering of, LS650/S40 riders.
Gathered at a hotel at the end of the day. All standing in the parking lot, talking about the days ride.  Admiring each other bikes, asking questions.  Talking about the things they saw that day. Generally, Having a Good Time.

Then come some, 'miss creations', Intent on taking all the Cash in your pocket. All your Credit Cards, your Watch, Rings, and whatever else they can grab.

You would have two choices:
1. Some one RUNS, and calls  911.  So when the police get their, they can take a list of what was stolen.  (and never do anything about it).
2. Be, proactive, and Teach.  Their are 'reactions', to, 'actions'.  

What would, 'you', do ?

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Drow on 09/09/14 at 16:17:27

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/10/14 at 10:04:59

I always wonder what a "cops and military only should have guns"would do if they knew that the neighbor keeps guns loaded and handy,the cops are at least 5minutes away and someone is trying to break in. A Truly Honest person in that situation would not even Allow the neighbor to solve that problem.Well,they COULD convert.. I wonder how many"Antis"Have been converted after having their butts saved by some stranger who had a gun...

There must be some way to get their attention and get them to see that they're needlessly at risk.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by verslagen1 on 09/10/14 at 11:49:09

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
A Truly Honest person in that situation would not even Allow the neighbor to solve that problem. Well,they COULD convert.. I wonder how many "Antis" Have been converted after having their butts saved by some stranger who had a gun...

A true "anti" will run and hide at the sight of a gun.  As the barer of the offending weapon must be deranged in some manner to have one.  We have had this recounted to us time and again.  And at this point in time, this position is not entirely w/out merit.  Obviously, you only carry a tool when you are about to use it.

"anti"s consider a gun to be a tool of the criminal.  They do not and will not ever consider it a sport.  You shouldn't shoot bambi, if a bear sh!ts in the woods... you shouldn't mess with his sh!t, or the bear has every right to sh!t you.

Can you convert a democrat to be a republican?  in name only.
Making holes in paper is destructive, to be destructive is criminal.
For them to consider it a sport it would have to be non destructive.
Air soft and self repairing targets would be the only way for them to consider it a sport.  But just like MJ is for hard drugs, it would be dirty.

Title: Re: Guns save lives
Post by Paraquat on 09/11/14 at 06:10:45

I carry a knife and a flash light every day. I don't always expect to use them.

Is it still "beautiful" to create something destructive?

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