General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Great Flood

Message started by verslagen1 on 06/13/14 at 14:44:11

Title: The Great Flood
Post by verslagen1 on 06/13/14 at 14:44:11

...enough water to cover Mt. Ararat.
Question... where did the water go?

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by Serowbot on 06/13/14 at 15:30:18

Somewhere on our planet, at the bottom of a great ocean,.. there is a giant drain plug,,,
:-?  :-/ :-?...

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by North Country Girl on 06/13/14 at 21:05:00

I think the Irish brewed it all into “Guinness”. And the rest is history…burp...  ;)

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by mpescatori on 06/16/14 at 01:38:02

OK, let's pretend we're going back to being serious folks again.
A Journalist/Archaeologist published a book here in Italy,
according to him there were at least three Great Floods in different parts of the world, they were all extremely cataclismic but were all "local", a bit like when Bangladesh suffers rivers overflowing AND a great big tidal wave at the same time...

That's why most civilizations have the "Flood" mythology... to which "Atlantis" is grafted.

But there's NO WAY there's enough ice&snow to rain 9000 meters of water and cover the Himalayas all the way to the tip... way...
...not even the Alps... ::)

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by Paraquat on 06/16/14 at 06:03:26

Let's go, Waterworld!


Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/14 at 08:27:36

That's why most civilizations have the "Flood" mythology... to which "Atlantis" is grafted.

But there's NO WAY there's enough ice&snow to rain 9000 meters of water and cover the Himalayas all the way to the tip... way...

wow..... NO WAY....  You must be the smartest man in the history of civilization. You know everything that ever was, is and will be.

To quote Agent K from MIB: Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

That's a great quote and one we should remember. Knowledge is constantly changing. The 'it's settled' attitude is one that is causing all this nonsensical global warming, I mean Climate Change, action. In a hundred years we'll probably have fusion power which will make coal plants a thing of the past. Technology always chugs along......  

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/14 at 08:58:30

Some is, some ain't...
I don't expect that science will change it's mind about the world being round...
... or realize that the Sun actually rotates around the Earth?...

...and Humans were never "alone" on this planet...
We share it with millions of other creatures...

Much science is completely established...

Electricity, isn't going to go away... :-?...

On the other hand,... are eggs good for us now, or still bad for us?... or good for us again?... or does it make any difference at all?...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/14 at 17:01:01

At this point in time, what Difference does it make?

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by Paraquat on 06/16/14 at 20:39:20

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
At this point in time, what Difference does it make?

You have a chance to add some floaties, water wings, and a tire repair kit to your bug out bag.


Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by North Country Girl on 06/19/14 at 12:25:38

“wow..... NO WAY....  You must be the smartest man in the history of civilization.” Mr. Mark

Mr. Mark sir, am I to gather from your remarks that you are a “Fundamentalist Christian”? Believing that EVERY word in the bible is 100% true?
This TT is supposed to include heated debate on politics AND religion is it not? I have not seen a single religious debate here whatsoever (save for the HATE Muslams meme)… Is this a topic that is so controversial that it is deemed “taboo” even at the TT?

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by mpescatori on 06/20/14 at 00:11:03

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:
That's why most civilizations have the "Flood" mythology... to which "Atlantis" is grafted.

But there's NO WAY there's enough ice&snow to rain 9000 meters of water and cover the Himalayas all the way to the tip... way...

wow..... NO WAY....  You must be the smartest man in the history of civilization. You know everything that ever was, is and will be.

To quote Agent K from MIB: Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

That's a great quote and one we should remember. Knowledge is constantly changing. The 'it's settled' attitude is one that is causing all this nonsensical global warming, I mean Climate Change, action. In a hundred years we'll probably have fusion power which will make coal plants a thing of the past. Technology always chugs along......  

Uh... right. So YOU get your education from a Tommy Lee Jones quote in a Sci-Fi movie... I'm impressed... not...

Incidentally, 500 years ago nobody thought the "Earth was flat" - that's the typical stereotype of the "holier-than-thou" crowd.

Erathostenes measured the earth's CIRCUMFERENCE waaay back in the 3rd C. BC... by measuring the length of shadows in different parts of Egypt at midday.

He used trigonometry.

But, it's all right, no fuss... you can go out and play now  :)

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by Trippah on 06/20/14 at 04:51:06

It really isn't hard to believe that Tsunamis such as hit Japan and Bangladesh a few years back, results of major movement of the Earth's plates, caused widespread death and destruction.  That these events wrapped into flood myths seems natural.  That they were attributed to God, angry gods, etc seems so human.  Did they cover Mt Ararat?  Nah, doubt it.    

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by mpescatori on 06/20/14 at 07:04:19

About "Mt. Ararat".

Originally the text read "the mountain of Urartu" which essentially meant "somewhere up there where the Tigris and the Euphrates have their springs".

Southeast Anatolia (couldn't call it "Turkey" yet).

In my post about Abraham, I explained the theory (archaeologically proven correct, but the Biblical scholars insist to refute it)
that Abraham came from the Kingdom of Mitanni, which was ... in the Mountains of Urartu.

So... how did "Mt. Ararat" come to be ?

Tradition has it that a very pious (and extremely crafty) Byzantine Emperor, wanting to prove his point in a diplomatic argument against the Pope, asked his mapmakers:
"Where is the highest mountain in my Kingdom?"
To which they pointed at the mountains in Armenia, the highest of which... became Mt. Ararat.

It is actually documented, but I can't find the link... :-/

Else, this website provides very interesting reading...

Archaeological findings that claim "Ararat" to be "Urartu"

Is this supposed to be what's left of the Ark ?,%20Uzengili,%20Turkey.jpg

Frankly, I'm extremely skeptic.

For starters, it is reportedly 1 acre in size. NOBODY can build a wooden craft one acre in size, any shipbuilder will tell you it would crumple and buckle.

Secondly, you have been 5 months at sea (150 days) [no, it was NOT 40 days and 40 nights, that's the duration of the rainfall...] and you finally strike land, and what do you do? You live in the boat?
OK, you live in the boat the first few days... weeks... months...
...but I can't believe that after the first years or so you'd still be living there!
Why can't you build your own house, your own village? Tear down the boat and use the lumber to build houses and maybe a palisade?

And... given it's 6000-7000 years old... how come the wood hasn't rotted away ?  ::)

This link also provides access to an interesting Forum discussion, of which I quote only one post:

Armenian Highlands: the birth place of civilization

"A suspected link exists between Ur as in the Uru people (which means People of the Dawn) of the Bolivian Altiplano and Lake Uru Uru; and Ur as in the city of that name and early peoples of the Near East Mesopotamian region, presently Iraq.

Heyerdahl quotes the early Sumerians coming from Dilmun which he identifies with the island of Bahrein. Another Dilmun exists near Mt Ararat and Lake Van on the shores of Lake Urumia in present day Iran near the border with Turkey. It was near here that the fossilised remains of a possible giant reed ship 500 ft in length were found, suggesting that this was indeed Noah’s Ark. Since this region is several thousand feet above sea-level, an alternative to the flood theory might be that the reed ships were built locally and used on either Lake Van or Lake Urumia.

There are many similarities between the people and region of Urartu (Armenia) and the people and region of the Altiplano. An extract is given below of details of the Urartu region and these similarities will be familiar to those who know the Uru and Chipaya regions of the Altiplano.

From The Penguin Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilisations, Urartu and Armenia

"Urartu is the Assyrian name for the Armenian province and lofty mountain which we call Ararat"……… "there existed a flourishing Bronze Age civilisation on the territory of present –day Armenia from about 3,000BC onwards – long before the Urartians or the Armenians appeared in history…….

The core of both Urartu and ancient Armenia takes in the Lake Van area, the middle Araxes valley, and also the mighty double peak of Mount Ararat and the upper reaches of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates…. Most of the area is high plateau or table land, cut up by enormous mountains, many being extinct volcanoes more than 10,000 ft high……Parts of Armenia, notably the Araxes valley and the Van region, are incredibly beautiful and fertile. This gives some encouragement to the view that Armenia was the site of the biblical Garden of Eden. Certainly it can be said that the story of Noah’s ark landing on Mount Ararat has some historical justification of a symbolic kind, since a number of animals, birds, and useful plants, including the vine, developed from species still extant in Armenia and the Caucasus……..Much of the highland zone of Armenia is virtually uninhabitable, except by nomad shepherds seeking summer pasture for their flocks and herds. This windswept region, mostly over 5,000ft above sea level, has a harsh climate, and snow lies there for seven or eight months of the year. The findings of archaeology indicate that the climate was milder and moister in ancient times. …….The country is often shaken by destructive earthquakes. The subsoil is rich in metals and minerals, including gold, silver, copper and iron, and there are important salt mines. There are large supplies of a hard volcanic rock called obsidian, formed from dark vitreous lava, and much used by Stone Age man for making implements.

A notable geographic feature in northeastern Armenia is the enormous alpine Lake Sevan (Lake Van) surrounded by a ring of mountains and lying some 6,000ft above sea level. ……Colossal irrigation works and fortifications bear witness to the power and resources of the Urartian rulers, who assumed the title ‘king of kings’…….The local inhabitants dwelt in beehive-shaped houses and sometimes the dwellings were rectangular in ground plan……the local people benefited from extensive public works (particularly irrigation)….the Urartians were small in stature…..besides gold and silver, Urartu possessed rich deposits of iron, copper and tin…..around 400 BC they lived in partly subterranean houses cleverly designed to exclude the winter frost and snow………From the early Bronze Age onwards, the inhabitants of the Armenian lands placed themselves at the forefront of ancient technological development, notably in the fields of ceramics and metallurgy….The burnished pottery is decorated with imaginative motifs in the form of spirals and other geometric designs…The Urartians were expert at carving large blocks of stone which could be fitted neatly together, even without the use of mortar."…………………..

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by Serowbot on 06/20/14 at 09:56:24

Everything about the story is so ridiculous...

They should make a movie about it...
...starring an Australian... :-/...

Title: Re: The Great Flood
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/14 at 03:56:38

I don't expect that science will change it's mind about the world being round...
... or realize that the Sun actually rotates around the Earth?...

No, don't expect that either but that's verifiable because it's in real time and an ongoing event. Why just last week I read about a new emerging theory that dinosaurs had a unusual blood, sort of a cross between warm and cold blood. Sometime next week, there will be another paper about some other explanation about past events. My point was it's pretty narrow minded to say there's no way possible the earth contains enough water.

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