General Category >> The Cafe >> If you liked Myst .....

Message started by Oldfeller on 06/07/14 at 20:32:06

Title: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/07/14 at 20:32:06

WARNING:   These are PC games and require MS Windows

If you liked Myst .....  you may like a game called Aura, which is on Steam Sale as a Weekly Deal for $1.24.

Here is the walkthrough for Aura


If you like busty leggy blondes swinging sleek wicked nasty dual fighting pistol swords ..... you may like a game called X Blades, which is on Steam Sale as a Weekly Deal for $1.99.

Here is the walkthrough for X Blades

Neither are as good as the originals, of course -- but for rip offs for under two bucks each hey, it's hours & hours of game play & entertainment.

If you haven't signed up for Steam yet, you might want to go do that.


Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by shorty on 06/08/14 at 07:02:58

wait.... old fella and vid games don't go together  ;D

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Serowbot on 06/08/14 at 07:11:00

OF and MS sure don't.... ;D...

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/14 at 07:16:33

Aha !!

That's what U get for Assuming.

I used to video game back in the early 64 bit days and am just getting back into it as I get all decrepit and immobile.   First person shooters mostly.    Or long legged busty blondes swinging dual pistol swords ....


Besides, one cannot properly despise MS without occasionally using its products.

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Serowbot on 06/08/14 at 08:18:44

I did A to Z of Tomb Raider I on Playstation 1...

Then TRII came out everything looked better,... but I couldn't operate all the buttons and controls...
Then, TRIII... I was hopelessly lost...

Now,... the games look amazing... but I'm just randomly pushing buttons and hoping something good happens...
If bikes had that many buttons I'd be walking... :-/...

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by old_rider on 06/08/14 at 10:22:02

The wife is a happy camper...LOL... a new game for only $1.24 !

She always has to use the cheat.....uh..... walk through LOL :)

I just reloaded has been awhile since I have been online with it...back in the half-life days...  

My account name is Orphistle, if you want to try to add friend... wife is dianamcg_1963.... I been a member since 2004...

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/14 at 12:26:37

We all use the walk thru ... and the cheat codes if they are available.


Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/14 at 18:12:40

I just finished the first 6 pages of Aura's 25 page walk through -- my goodness this is a complicated game.

To do one silly thing you have to solve like twenty puzzles, some of which have sub puzzles to them that are stacked 5 deep, an error in any of these puzzles (or doing them out of order) stops you cold.

Russian programmers -- they do love their puzzles.


Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Pine on 06/09/14 at 09:01:54

I am enjoying Banished. it is available on Steam or direct. It does cost $20. One guy wrote it.. did everything. Nothing to shoot, nothing to kill.

I tried Myst.. ended up giving the game away.

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/14 at 09:16:14

Nah, that's a city building type game.    Too tame and nice fer me.

Serious Sam 3, BFE is on sale this week for $9.99 on Steam -- I am trying to decide if I am energetic enough anymore to rip out a cyclops single eyeball and to tear heads off of Kleer skeletons with my bare hands .....  or swing a sledge hammer on buffalo heads while running backwards.  

Mebbe not -- I am older now.    I have a hard time keeping my sword girl hopping and leaping well enough to win all her fights.

Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/14 at 11:34:01

I am going to pass on Serious Sam BFE at $9.99 as I got tired just watching the promo reels.   Too too too frenetic and splashy bloody.

Orion: Dino Horde for $.99 gets a recommended SALE BUY as a late Beta game, it is fairly solid now and it will roll up into a ????? rated game with a different name in the next six months or so.  

Why buy the Beta?  (other than it is on sale at the price of a can of soda, how could you NOT buy it?)  

Just sit on it and it auto updates into the full released game over time.   Plus you get any extra level packs that come out for free too, there are perks to being a beta tester, you know.

Dino Horde is getting great reviews for the only game people know about where you can hunt dinosaurs, hunt the other soldiers/players, use a light sabre on them or a gun or a walker or a tank or a plane or a helicopter or a jet pack to fly up and land on the big sucker's back and have at its spine with your belt knife.

The game is getting good re-playability ratings, since it is totally unscripted and is just a huge open play area with waves of feisty Dino's to kill.   And it gets really interesting when some on-line SOB gets into one of the fortifications and starts shooting the other players ....  or you get a really good really well hidden sniper dude who only shoots sporadically -- and only at people.

"FIND that son of a biatch, he's gonna recycle all of us unless we find him ...."

"Hell with it, go back and re-arm with flame throwers and toast every piece of cover until you flush him."

20-30 people suddenly find a reason to cooperate with each other instead of hunting each other.   Detente, what a wonderful idea.


Title: Re: If you liked Myst .....
Post by Oldfeller on 06/10/14 at 04:37:52

Steam and Indie games are slowly changing the face of on line gaming.  I'll use Dino Horde as an example or talking point of this change.

Back in the days of DVD releases, Dino Horde first came out as Dino Beat Down, a first fruit of a new crop of amateur indie programmers.  It was a collective, supported by one lead programmer and a host of kids.  The lead programmer provided tools and training and game programming support and the kids made the game up to suit themselves.   It was raw, as soon as something worked good enough the kids went on to the next thing that needed doing.  They were into good action and WOW factors, so the game had a lot of wow but almost zero fine polish.

Kids came and went, video graphics engines came and went, Star Wars got hot, then not, Serious Sam got hot, then not, etc. etc. literally everything that got hot in game land has left an imprint in this built by fans indie extravaganza.   Dino gets blasted for copying (and outright stealing) ideas, characters and moves and weapons from other games.

It is still growing and changing and is about due for another re-skin soon.

Steam sells the game, and provides update service to it.  Interesting that this game will update to the new released game (new graphics and skins etc)  automatically next year and then that game will go through its development cycle into the next released game.

So, if you feel you have explored the game completely, wait a year and come back to it and you will likely find some new levels have been added on to it.

Serious Sam could have taken this pathway, but Croteam comes out with a NEW game (story path) for each new video engine intead of just reskinning the old game.  

Serious Sam also has a defined story/pathway for each game while Dino Horde does not -- Dino Horde is just a big dino spawning environment where bunches of guys go to bag a dino (or get bagged as the case may be).  

It takes more than one shooter to bring down the larger dinos, you do know that don't you?   Those walker things and armored cars are there for a reason you know -- T. Rex doesn't play gently at all.   And a Stegasaurus is jest plain mean for a veggie eater.

So, what is a game, anyway?

Is Dino Horde even really a game?    

Or is it just a fun dino romper room play land? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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