General Category >> The Cafe >> Is bigger better?

Message started by raydawg on 06/06/14 at 21:19:26

Title: Is bigger better?
Post by raydawg on 06/06/14 at 21:19:26

My wife told me today maybe I need a bigger bike......  :-?

I am not sure why she thinks that, other than I guess big bikes seem, uh, what, more real?

Now if I was doing an interstate commute, I could agree, as the thumper gets pushed around and it's at its wits end at those speeds, but I don't.

Of course I am at the small end of the spectrum of all the bikes on the ferry, etc, and I do get a sense of "yours is a toy" bike from some of the piggers, but that ain't enuff to make me cave into my ego/pride.

Am I missing something, is bigger and louder really better?

I know when I started riding about 3 years ago, I thought my lil' Honda Rebel would serve me just fine.
But when I got the s40 I knew I was wrong about the Rebel, its smallness was in fact a liability, often leaving me in a precarious situation due to my misjudgments of traffic, etc.

I know some of you have a lot of riding smarts, years upon two wheels, and you choose to ride this bike, why?

Is the affordability of this bike the draw?
I am not constrained by cost, but I don't want to pay for more than I need either.

Is it the repair-ability of it, where you don't need a slew of support stuff to work on it yourself?

Would you get a different bike if it was readily doable?

Just seeking some input with the hope of clearing up the confusion in my mind, thanks!

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/14 at 21:21:40

The thing to do is, IMO, step back & look at your fork.. Does it get enough food in your mouth to satisfy YOU? If so, you dont need a bigger one,,If the way YOU want to get from one place to another is satisfied by the bike you have,, well,, you do the math..

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Rembrandt on 06/06/14 at 21:30:41

I think sometimes it's hard to listen to the snide remarks or haughty looks from some riders with big pot bellied gas tanks between their knees. I have to admit that although I don't ride superslabs very often, I am sometimes tempted to move up to a Shadow 750 or an S50 just to have a bit more power, rumble and less vulnerability to harsh winds. My wife seems to be open to me moving up to a bigger bike and she literally never gets on a bike, but she can't understand me when I say that even if I do move up eventually, I'm NOT getting rid of my S40 EVER. I've had bikes off and on since I was 18 and I'm now 47, but most of my bikes were smaller and it's been ten years since I had a bike, so I have to say, this little gem I've got has got me smitten. I guess I have some concerns about riding something heavier. I really like the look of the S50, but worry I'll have the same frustrations regarding a small range gas tank. Who else wants to chime in here? I'd love some others to respond to the first post here. Raydawg seems to be thinking similar to me regarding moving up in some respects. Oh, Justin just beat me to the punch...too funny...guess my rambling did me in.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by S-P on 06/06/14 at 21:55:15

I like my Savage. I'm old school, I like simplicity. It gets me from here to where "there" is just fine and in style. I wanted something I could work on, could modify on a budget, and wouldn't break my bank if I had to replace a major part. I don't do any long trips (though I'm thinking about it and folks here on the forum have confirmed it is possible with a more comfortable seat and you're not looking at doing 80mph all day). Bigger? Twin cylinder, more complicated, two of everything to maintain and fix.

"Real bikers" can appreciate the old school singles. A recent bike auction in Vegas saw a renewed interest in the old BSA and Matchless singles. There's no shame in a thumper. In fact we're probably ahead of the curve in retro-fads.  :D

I look at all the old dudes on Harleys, Victory's and Indians here in Phoenix and I think, "I don't need to ride my thingy."  Big bikes are the new mid-life crisis 'Vettes and red sports cars. Even if I could afford a bigger bike, I'd stick with my Savage and take my wife out for a nice date with the money I'm saving on maintenance.  

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by 1st2know on 06/06/14 at 22:03:20

I bought my first savage because it was affordable. I can work on myself, and save money. Using it, instead of a car, as a commuter, it payed for itself in 2 years. Yay, free motorcycle!

I'd like a bigger, fancier, more comfortable bike but, I don't want the hassle of maintaining it. I would have to re-tool and relearn the new machine.

Now days, I keep the Savage because I can't afford the down time of waiting for a backlogged dealer or mechanic to find time to fix a more complicated machine.

So, earlier this year, I wen't bike shopping. Here's what I discovered:

A BMW K has a 17 step procedure for bleeding the brakes. (Nope)

Removing the tank of VStrom requires removing the front fairing, a half dozen bolts, and then those pull-and-pray plastic fasteners. (Nope)

A Victory  jackpot costs $16,000. (Nope)

The Honda CTX700, is an awesome machine with new,  fancy technology, but Honda only offers a 1 year warranty. (Nope, 3 years or more to take on that technology).

So, I opted to buy a 2nd S40. Now I have one on the rack and one on the road at all times. No need to get on a waiting list for valve adjustment. I just twist some bolts when I have a free hour or so.

Also, every ferry trip I've been on has included at least one other thumper (DR or KLR). On one trip(Bremerton->Seattle), the whole wall was dual sport thumpers covered in mud - beautiful machines they are!

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/14 at 23:44:45

No matter how much you have,... there's always, more...
More, gets a lot of people in trouble...

Everyone needs an SUV,.. and we rent storage buildings to store all the things that we can't live without, but don't have room for...

Last few years,.. I've noticed that I enjoy getting rid of stuff, more than buying it...
What you own,.. owns you...
My Savage seems to be the minimum amount of bike, that will do anything I ask...
Most people that own bikes that will go 180mph, or do 10sec 1/4 mile. or cruise at 90mph for 1,000 miles... never do that...
Most SUV's never see anything rougher than a gravel driveway...
...but, people believe they need them...

I own 8 guitars, and 7 amps... but I wish I only owned 3, and 2...
Yet,.. I almost bought another one last week... it took great willpower to say no...
Someday,.. when I get my life straightened out, and I'm perfect...
I'll own less,... not more...

If you really feel that you have a need for more... then I don't think you'd even ask...
If you feel it's expected of you... then it's not for you...

PS... I just ordered a new HD videocam...(it's Dave's fault)... :-/...
... because I need it... the 2 vid cams, and 2 still cams I already own, are clearly not adequate...
I'm so ashamed.. (new vids coming soon)... :-?..

Still not quite zen... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by WD on 06/07/14 at 00:23:43

I have to say that I would prefer to be back on a larger machine most of the time. Savage is just too physically cramped to be comfortable, and too short winded to be safe in Memphis area freeway traffic.

I've owned in excess of 105 usable street legal motorcycles over the last 27 years. For me, a minimum of 805ccs works better, so long as it is NOT one of those horrible cartoons known as the VS800/S50. One of my all time favorites, the Kawasaki Vulcan VN800A, commands near Sportster money these days. It is that good. The VN800B, or Classic, commands nearly the same money, for a machine less capable than a stone stock Savage or Honda Shadow VLX600.

I've owned/ridden bikes made between 1915 and 2005. Indian went out of business in 1950, Harley Davidson in 1964 where my money is concerned. Kawasaki only made 3 decent platforms, the KZ900/1000/1050/1100, the VN800 and the VN1500. Yamaha made 2 decent bikes, the 60 spoke XS650 Special and the XS1100 Special. Honda made a few decent bikes, the VLX600 and VT1100 ACE, the SOHC CB750 and 10 speed CB900, the CMX450C Rebel, the original CB450 Black Bomber, the Benleys...

Suzuki makes 3 tolerable bikes today, the S40, the C50T and the C90T BOSS.

My next bike will be a VN800A, VN800 Drifter, 99 or newer VN1500, or a C90T BOSS, unless I have the 1957 Panhead shipped here and completely overhaul it. I'm leaning towards liquid cooled, losing half a quart or more of oil daily due to the local riding conditions is ridiculous.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by gizzo on 06/07/14 at 00:59:07

Nah, raydawg. If the bike makes you happy, it doesn't need to be bigger. On the other hand, if your wife wants you to buy another bike, you'd be mad not to. And if you're physically too big for the Cabbage, a bigger bike is a great idea. I'm into the smaller bikes myself. My Savage is the biggest bike in my shed (until today. Picked up a RSV1000 Aprilia. Holy Cockamolie. It's for a friend but I'll ride it til he comes to collect it). I could care less if the Hog peeps think it's a girls bike and it does what I need it to. This:  ;D . They are welcome to their overweight blinged out thingy extensions.
I'd like to try a Skyteam Ace125 as a track bike, I reckon it would be a hoot.
There's loads of bike I'd like to try (none American, sorry guys) but not enough money to go around.
Buy your car with your head, bikes with your heart (or other bits if you must).
My 2c

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by stinger on 06/07/14 at 01:21:48

I have ridden my Savage across 15 states and it has not yet once broken down on me. It has always been big enough when I ride with my friends on their BMW's and larger bikes. They have nothing but good things to say about the single cylinder. There was a little bit of apprehension at first when we were going to take a long road trip because of it's size, but that did not last long. I always get comments on the old style look and I like the fact that my bike is different than most.   Sports cars are small, but pack a whole lot of fun for their size. The drawback for me is the inability to carry lots of luggage and the fact anything I need to replace I have to order and wait for it. Dealers just do not carry parts for these bikes.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by ToesNose on 06/07/14 at 04:05:09

Well since you are questioning if a larger bike is possibly a better idea I would say you owe it to yourself to at least check other bikes out, sometime it's not a matter of needing something bigger or better but if there is a chance that it would make the smile on your face even bigger why not explore the idea.   :D

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by shorty on 06/07/14 at 05:32:28

650cc is more than enough..
if you are a big fella it can feel slightly cramped, otherwise it's nice and light like a bike should be. I never feel blown around on the highway, I do 75mph ALL DAY on long trips, pass the 18 wheelers no problem.

Recently I took the savage up the mountain on a horse trail, 15 miles, try that with a big overweight pig..

you can easily turn turn the s40 around in it's own lane without putting a foot down.. try that with a big overweight pig

who gives a rat's behind what other riders think anyway  ;)

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by bobert_FSO on 06/07/14 at 08:04:22

As much as I loved my Savage, it was physically cramped for my 6' 280lb frame when sitting on the bike for an extended time.  I moved to a Kawasaki Vulcan 800 Classic, mostly to be able to stretch out a little.

My wife says that I proportionally look better sitting on the Vulcan. She said on the Savage, I looked like a fat guy sitting on a too small motorcycle. Ouch, the truth hurts.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by raydawg on 06/07/14 at 08:07:28

Thank guys, good stuff......

I did some honest chewing last night on my issue. I must admit the weak link to the bike is in my mind.
My pride/ego is getting pricked by those who feel their job is to run past me getting off the ferry.

Funny how life works, my youngest son just left mother and I to an empty nest......FINALLY  ;)
He landed a very nice job for a national company which does abatement work all over the states. He still had his first car he bought when he got his licence, he just turned 23.
Last week he bought a brand new Mustang with all HP.
I know the temptations of having a fast car when some one else challenges you at a light, etc....
I worry about him, and have shared a lot with him about it...... you can't get any seconds back, after something avoidably bad happens.

So.... it appears I don't heed my own advice, eh   :-[

We have a long uphill draw when we exit the ferry, the bikes forte.
I have often ran with the "biguns" as they try and shake me, they can't. I can almost hear their minds, "WTF"  ;D

One guy who owns a new 750 shadow that he dumped tons on with pipes, air, etc, was telling me how much faster his bike was with the mods.
Well as chance would have it, one day we were lined up adjacent to each other, we have two rows of bikes, which empty into two lanes of asphalt, but after a quarter mile, reduces to only one lane, all uphill mind you.
Well right off the bat I could tell he was going to "show me" his prowess....

I bit  :P

I won to the single lane pretty easily, he looked at my stock taillight and exhaust the rest of the way of the one lane.
About two miles further up it flattens, and turns to two lanes.... here is where they just love to blow by me, as if I was holding them back.

Of course once in front of them I did drop back to posted speeds, as this strip is easy pickins for the cops, who have written many citations on bikes here (not me, YET  :P )

So.... upon reflection, I see where I am nut'n but a jerk myself, darn!

Maybe if I had the BIGGER bike they wouldn't feel the need to taunt me (real or perceived doesn't matter, my perception is my reality)...
who knows.
But looking back on circumstance maybe if I did get a bigger bike I would be the one taunting others, eh, seems like my MO if I'm being honest here  :-*

In conclusion:

I am keeping her, period.
She has taught me a great lesson here.
Also, I can learn to wrench her and glean the satisfaction of knowing I can take responsibility of my commuting means on my own accord.

And finally, with the money saved I have a great argument to bolster me when I explain to the wife about the new outboard I will hang on the transom of the boat I am restoring  ;D

PS: I have a dyna I think I will put back on her today, you know, trick my mind a wee bit, pretend I got a new girl whispering in my ear that I am such a stud with her husky voice  ::)


Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by raydawg on 06/07/14 at 08:13:26

2F222F283F394D0 wrote:
As much as I loved my Savage, it was physically cramped for my 6' 280lb frame when sitting on the bike for an extended time.  I moved to a Kawasaki Vulcan 800 Classic, mostly to be able to stretch out a little.

My wife says that I proportionally look better sitting on the Vulcan. She said on the Savage, I looked like a fat guy sitting on a too small motorcycle. Ouch, the truth hurts.

OK..... while I is being honest here, I HATE it, being honest I mean....
I think this is where my wife's advice is vetted.
I have put on some, ok, ok, closer to a lot more than some  :-*

But heck, should I tell her we need bigger chairs cuz her "seat" ain't as pert as it once was?  :o

I'm thinking if I do, maybe I need a bigger, faster bike.....

to outrun her as she tries to run me down in het truck  ;D

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/14 at 08:49:41

I rode a 225cc bike for about 6 years...
I was never ashamed of the size or power,...
...but it looked like a parakeet with wheels... :-?...

That's what got me into a Savage...

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by oldNslow on 06/07/14 at 08:51:58

But heck, should I tell her we need bigger chairs cuz her "seat" ain't as pert as it once was?  Shocked

I'm thinking if I do, maybe I need a bigger, faster bike.....

to outrun her as she tries to run me down in het truck  Grin

Wife: "Do these pants make me look fat?"

Husband: "Do these pants make me look STUPID?"

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by S-P on 06/07/14 at 23:15:58

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
I own 8 guitars, and 7 amps... but I wish I only owned 3, and 2...
Yet,.. I almost bought another one last week... it took great willpower to say no...

Oh man do I have some gear for you! Any interest in a mid-80's Strat, a 30 year anniversary 1960 Les Paul, or a pre-serial numbered (one of the first 450!) Les Paul Gold Top?  Or maybe a mid-80's hot rodded Twin Reverb?  Really...  :o

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/14 at 06:15:33

Id haul tthat Les paul to Las Vegas & sell it to the Pawn Stars,, Sounds VERY valuable,,

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Demin on 06/08/14 at 06:43:22

I've had a bunch of Savages.I use the ED_L forward control extensions and I'm comfortable on them.I have an 800 Intruder and it is the most uncomfortable thing I think I've ever ridden.There are tricks to move the controls on them too.But it's just not a well planned out bike.I love my Harley Shovelhead.If I'm riding 2 up I will take it.I just started a thread,that hopefully I can swap the Intruder for a Savage I custom built for a guy.Oh and I'm 6'3",270ish.I don't need a big bike to compensate for anything.

I'm sorry I ever sold my '86  :'(

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by shorty on 06/08/14 at 06:57:00

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
I rode a 225cc bike for about 6 years...
I was never ashamed of the size or power,...
...but it looked like a parakeet with wheels... :-?...

That's what got me into a Savage...

me too, GZ250 and put 11k miles on her before moving up to the s40..
wanted to run the interstate at the same speed as everybody else  ;D

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by raydawg on 06/08/14 at 07:55:22

Oh and I'm 6'3",270ish.I don't need a big bike to compensate for anything. you don't, SIR  :-*

I put the dyna on her yesterday, not sure what I did right this time, but it snaps smartly and has a very throaty sound on decel now with no loud bf'ing.
I did fit 2 10MM X 1.25 nuts, one on each location under the foot brake heat-shield to bring it out a tad to where my header seems to want to sit naturally. I used a longer carriage bolt on the dyna using additional "jam nuts" to push it further away from the bracket too. Seems to line up way better and no leaks at the header flange or muffler join.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/14 at 08:12:10

Id a whole lot rather wonder what I did right than wonder what I did wrong..

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Paladin. on 06/08/14 at 09:06:39

786B736E6B7D6D0A0 wrote:
... Now if I was doing an interstate commute, I could agree, as the thumper gets pushed around....
Rode 570 miles on the Interstate one day, rode 510 miles the next day.  Riders can get pushed around, the Savage is Jes' Fine on the Interstates.  Even my Vespa doesn't get pushed about on the Interstate, altho' I will admit it is a bit slow.

786B736E6B7D6D0A0 wrote:
...  the Rebel, its smallness was in fact a liability, often leaving me in a precarious situation due to my misjudgments of traffic, etc....  
Misjudgement of traffic will get you into trouble, not the bike.  A bigger bike can get you into bigger trouble.  I started on the streets with a pedal bike, knowing I am squishable. A decade later I got a new Honda Sport 50 (no step through cub for me!), 100cc that went on the freeway, a DT175 for over a decade in L.A. and in the Mojave....  I have learned traffic.  Judgement will keep you safe.  A Road King or a Vespa is the same to a SUV.

786B736E6B7D6D0A0 wrote:
I know some of you have a lot of riding smarts, years upon two wheels, and you choose to ride this bike, why?....  
Why the Savage?  A retread in 2004, looking at 250 cruisers -- all 330 pounds, all capable on the freeway, the Rebel pokes my thighs, the Virago has this weird pods, the GZ is interesting ... until I noticed the Savage -- just 50 pounds heavier with a 652cc single?  Found one to sit on, it fit very good, so I found one and bought it.  A bit heavy, not too bad.  Wickedly quick.  Mileage not too bad.  You can flog it fast or you can be lazy, bike don't care.  The only thing the Savage doesn't do is high speed, over 85 mph.  But then, I don't need to be the fastest thing on the road.

786B736E6B7D6D0A0 wrote:
... Would you get a different bike if it was readily doable? ....
Did.  I was retired.  Wanted my last bike, one that will do me until I want to ride out into the Mojave and hide and die.  I considered a bigger bike.  I considered a new S40.  I considered a TU250.  But it is getting not fun swinging over the saddle.  So I got a Vespa LX150.

"Better" is a variable.  If you want big, bigger is better.  If you want small, smaller is better.  I like the people on this forum because we have all liked the different, have all learned the truth:


Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/14 at 09:15:18

& over time, how & what YOU want can change,,just make sure any change you decide to make is REALLY because of what YOU want,,

Once upon a time Paladin had

A 250 will do it, but a 650 makes it fun

for a tag line. Now, he is having fun on a smaller bike,,
Is he a hypocrite? Nope, his needs & desires changed..

No one goaded or guilted him into changing,,

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by pgambr on 06/08/14 at 14:43:38

Just my .02.  I've had my S40 for 8 years and have used it for my primary means of transportation for the last 1.5 years. In my experience the only place where it would be better to have more cc's is entering metropolitan areas on the interstate.  That is to say the average speed is 75 in the slow lane.  I had one other time I was going down the interstate at 70 mph following a couple 800 lbs cruisers and they must have accelerated to 85 - 90 to get around a semi.  That would have been good too.  I got boxed in with one in the front, back, and side.  That is a pretty awful feeling knowing you are cannon fodder and their is nothing you can do about it.  Other than that it is superb.  It will do the super-slab all day at 70 mph.  The TKAT I put on helps tremendously as well.  Just MHO.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by gizzo on 06/09/14 at 01:57:20

If you're a bigger dude, maybe it is a good idea to get a bigger bike. Nothing wrong with the way a Savage will haul a big guy around, they just look a bit comical: Big bloke, small bike. Part of the Savage thing (and bikes in general I guess) for me, is Lookin' Good. I'm lucky, I'm a smaller person (62kg) and the Savage fits me great. I picked up an Aprilia RSV1000 the other day and it feels like i could fit my whole family on it. Call me shallow, but there's too much choice out there to ride a bike that doesn't look good or fit well.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Demin on 06/09/14 at 05:24:37

There was a couple times when I lived in Dallas that I was glad I had the Savage rather than my HD.I had a guy come up on me while I was stopped in the highway(go figure,Dallas)And he wasn't stopping.I split lanes just to move and sure as I'm sitting here,he didn't stop.Plowed the guy that was in front of me.My HD wouldn't have fit.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/09/14 at 09:31:38

69686064630D0 wrote:
There was a couple times when I lived in Dallas that I was glad I had the Savage rather than my HD.I had a guy come up on me while I was stopped in the highway(go figure,Dallas)And he wasn't stopping.I split lanes just to move and sure as I'm sitting here,he didn't stop.Plowed the guy that was in front of me.My HD wouldn't have fit.

It would have after he flattened it! Good goin, man,, stay awake, stay alive,, & NEVER forget, if the bike isnt in a position to get away, drop it & run,, & shame on you for not thinking ahead,

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Demin on 06/09/14 at 12:40:58

I always think ahead.Drving truck taught me that.Watching behind me saved my arse.Can't do a whole lot when 5 lanes of traffic come to a stop.I leave about a car length or more,so if I have to swerve or whatever,I have the room to do it.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/14 at 06:41:20

Always.. I stop ( when driving a car even) far enough back I can go around whatever is in front of me. My family all think Im nuts. Every time I see someone stuck in a line because theyre behind some clown who ran outta gas or something,, If its NOT a safety issue, & it is, its still a super hassle to get jammed up like that.,.,

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Dave on 06/10/14 at 07:07:50

One time on the interstate traffic came to a quick stop for some reason.  I stopped a few lengths back.....and when I looked in my mirror I saw a fully loaded semi headed my way.  I continued to watch him and noticed he was not slowing down......and then I saw the blue smoke roling out from the fenders and I heard the bellowing of big tires sliding down the pavement.  I turned the wheel, hit the gas and shot down the berm for a couple of car lengths.  The folks in those others cars all looked at my kind of nasty.....they didn't know what I was doing.  About then the semi got stopped and was occupying the space I just left....and all of us got covered in tire smoke. The folks then realized why I had left my previous place in line.

I was sooooo thankful I had looked in my mirror....and had a place to go.  And I also hope that if I ever need to do this works out that well.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by Oldfeller on 06/10/14 at 07:54:47

On emergency stops in traffic always try to arrange to wind up "upstream" either between two cars or on the shoulder of the road.

Even then they can get you -- Verslagen did the "dodge to the right shoulder of the road" and had a F110 truck behind him go to the shoulder too and it still ran him over.

I tend to stay in the left lane at all times so I tend to dodge left when I have to.   The left center space between the traffic directions is large and unused (mostly).

Once, with my wife in the car, I dodged left, avoided the big car pile up and wound up completely in the grassy center median ....  I then turned the car around 180 and joined the rubbernecking opposing traffic flow before the cops even showed up.

Believe it or not, my wife gave me no shite for this maneuver as the choices for not doing it were grave and readily visible as we drove past the 12 car pile up that we could have been part of if I hadn't dodged left.

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by MnSpring on 06/11/14 at 11:13:31

'Bigger' is relative.   For several years I mostly rode a XT-225 DS. It worked just fine.  However, on a windy day, going up a hill, I just wish I had a little more, power.  But I didn't want a 800+ pound bike. And I didn't need 800/1000/1400 CC's.

Looked around, and found, a bike that was 650CC, BUT, only weighed 100 lbs more than the XT-225. (Which was Not a, 'dirt bike' or DS)
I knew 400-600 CC was good enough power, from my short interludes, with late 70 early 80's,  Honda/Kowi/Yam 400 - 600's.  But just to much headache, to fix this, than fix that, then find this part, then that part., etc etc. Not to mention, 'sinking' carb's.

So, I did go bigger.  To the S-40.

But going to a 1200 + CC, 1,000 pound one.
If that becomes the, 'need', then, probably a Can Am.
(With a 'Cup Holder")  [smiley=grin.gif]

Title: Re: Is bigger better?
Post by NHLycan on 06/12/14 at 15:02:58

You hang onto that lady.

6241494B484141485F2D0 wrote:

Believe it or not, my wife gave me no shite for this maneuver as the choices for not doing it were grave and readily visible as we drove past the 12 car pile up that we could have been part of if I hadn't dodged left. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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