General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...

Message started by Paraquat on 05/22/14 at 06:11:08

Title: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Paraquat on 05/22/14 at 06:11:08

North Carolina restaurant The Pit was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday. Normally, local crime stories like this wouldn't merit a Townhall post, but this one is different: The Pit has a "no weapons" sign displayed prominently on its door declaring the restaurant a gun-free zone, and bans patrons from carrying concealed weapons.

   Authorities said just before 9 p.m. Sunday, three men wearing hoodies entered the restaurant through the back doors with pistols, and forced several staff members to lie on the floor.

   The bandits assaulted two employees during the crime, but they were not seriously injured.

What groups like Everytown for Gun Safety or Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America seem to have an issue grasping is that criminals have no respect for the law by nature of being criminals. Criminals aren't going to be stopped by a "no guns allowed" sign. If somebody is going to rob or shoot up a Chipotle, for instance, they're not going to care that they cannot (or have been politely asked not to) bring a gun onto the premises. Criminals are not going to submit to background checks. They'll use straw purchases or just buy a gun from an illegal source. All these policies and laws do is make it harder for legal gun owners to protect themselves.

While I am thankful nobody was hurt, this certainly harms the narrative that "gun free" places are safe places.


Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/22/14 at 07:02:40

Had their been a concealed carry customer, there might have been a more positive outcome.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by thumperclone on 05/22/14 at 08:09:47

142732222921112F2A2A2F23460 wrote:
Had their been a concealed carry customer, there might have been a more positive outcome.

or a deadly one

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Paraquat on 05/22/14 at 09:10:26

Aren't those the same thing?


Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by thumperclone on 05/22/14 at 10:48:09

6E5F4C5F4F4B5F4A3E0 wrote:
Aren't those the same thing?


depends on who dies

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/22/14 at 11:52:28

3 bad guys is too much for me, my conceal carry weapon would remain concealed..
good guys outnumber bad guys so if more good guys were armed, there would be no more crime..

liberals forget the good guys are more able to stop crime if armed..
liberals place a spiritual voo-doo persona to the tool, as if it can come to life and start shooting by itself

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/22/14 at 12:13:23

A number of cc guys should make reservations there, then cancel when they get to the door.  "I'm not going into a place where only the criminals have weapons"

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/22/14 at 13:00:32

7E6D7A7B64696F6D6639080 wrote:
A number of cc guys should make reservations there, then cancel when they get to the door.  "I'm not going into a place where only the criminals have weapons"

if we concede that folks NOT entering with concealed handguns are respecting the owner's wishes..
then isn't it obvious burglars have no respect for that sign or anybody inside?

if somebody is approved for conceal carry they have been thoroughly checked-out by law enforcement, a documented "good-guy"..

this ignorant push by liberals to disarm "good guys" is based on stupidity and irrational fear.. we should fear bad PEOPLE, with or without guns predators will harm the sheep, unless the predators think the sheep are armed

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Pine on 05/22/14 at 13:27:13

Kinda a non-story to me.

I like the one where a neighbor posted a sing in his own yard saying that the next-door neighbor did not like guns and didnt have any.  This of course upset the neighbor next door. But why???

Oh wait.. you don't like guns but you hope that others don't know you cant protect yourself.

(I am not sure that story is true, but it sounds fun)

I fully respect a store owners right to insist on no guns, even concealed carry. It really has no effect on my desire to shop there. I certainly do  NOT feel safer in such a place. I recall getting asked ( once) if I had a gun when entering a bar. I said no ( which I didn't). They never asked again and I have been back several times. Such is life in 2014.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/22/14 at 14:50:02

My point was, if the place knew it was turning away business, they might change the policy.

So what's the penalty for CC in such a posted gun free zone?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/14 at 21:13:46

I dont know the penalty for carrying where a sign says ya cant,, maybe criminal trespass,, but IF you carry into a place with that sign AND something happens AND you pull yours out & either shoot or just point it & say "STOP",, Id bet youd lose your CC license,,

For me, this makes the point that Advertising works,, You advertise its a gun free zone & criminals read it & take advantage of it,, I dont want to be where those signs are.. I dont carry, but I am comforted being where its okay,, because I figure the majority are law abiding, and if 10% are carrying,& the bad guys dont know WHO  is, theyre less likely to hit where CC is welcomed.
I wonder if that sign will be coming down..

If I lived in that town Id be calling the owner & telling them I wont be in there while that sign is up. In fact, Id tell them I want a sign saying Concealed Carry welcome.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by mpescatori on 05/23/14 at 02:29:29

" In fact, Id tell them I want a sign saying Concealed Carry welcome. "

How about "shotgun slung across shoulders, 30% discount" ?

Why is it that criminals never attack that one bar/restaurant which is the local PD's favorite hangout?
Maybe because you're likely to be outnumbered 30:1 by off-duty COPS ?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Paraquat on 05/23/14 at 06:16:27

625B5C57465D40320 wrote:
Kinda a non-story to me.

I like the one where a neighbor posted a sing in his own yard saying that the next-door neighbor did not like guns and didnt have any.  This of course upset the neighbor next door. But why???

Oh wait.. you don't like guns but you hope that others don't know you cant protect yourself.

(I am not sure that story is true, but it sounds fun)

I fully respect a store owners right to insist on no guns, even concealed carry. It really has no effect on my desire to shop there. I certainly do  NOT feel safer in such a place. I recall getting asked ( once) if I had a gun when entering a bar. I said no ( which I didn't). They never asked again and I have been back several times. Such is life in 2014.


Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Serowbot on 05/23/14 at 17:57:47


Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by 12Bravo on 05/23/14 at 19:36:22

475443425D5056545F00310 wrote:
My point was, if the place knew it was turning away business, they might change the policy.

So what's the penalty for CC in such a posted gun free zone?

In Missouri, the penalty for going into a private business that is posted is a trespassing charge (only if you refuse to leave when asked to). I try to find places to shop that aren't posted. On the other hand; concealed means concealed (out of sight out of mind)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/23/14 at 21:12:19

I make certain my concealed pistol is concealed.. this is the law, I obey the law.. bad guys are obvious, I am not  ;)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/24/14 at 09:27:28

Yep America's gun laws make it the safest place in the world - I'm sure that's exactly what some more grieving parents in Santa Barbara are saying to themselves tonight.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/24/14 at 09:35:25

It was American GI's who grew up on farms with guns that saved your a$$ from the Nazis so show a little more respect....

The guy in CA was a nut. You think he was going to say "I'd love to go shoot people at random, but I don't want to get caught breaking a gun law so I guess I won't kill anyone tonight....."

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by old_rider on 05/24/14 at 10:11:59

^-- His country don't allow citizens to carry guns, out of respect for his country I will not send anyone with guns to his country to protect it any longer.

There.... here's your sign....


Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/24/14 at 10:21:38

The Nazis ... yawn... even Putin uses them to try and justify.
Seems WWII is everyone's "I can't justify this" get out clause.
Every time someone wants a hack soundbite use the Nazis.

Back to today gentleman - easy access to guns is nutters having easy access to guns.
Nutters can easily be average Joe after a divorce, job loss, bereavement, head injury, etc etc.

Seems ok to comment on things happening in other parts of the world but then it immediately gets quite heated when people comment on America, we have to resort to dumbass nationalism. A lack of confidence in your own argument?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/24/14 at 15:50:45

A lack of confidence in your own argument?

No, lack of patience with you.

The Nazi reference fits, I'd try to minimize it if I were you too.

The guy was a nut. What gun law was going to stop him? Name it. It's a terrible tragedy.

Interesting that this kid may  have had Asburgers(?) which the Newtown kid did too. After that, I heard it was a fluke, that condition was not suppose to generate violence.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Serowbot on 05/24/14 at 17:54:05

...and, another one... :-?...
REPORT: Son of 'Hunger Games' Assistant Director Goes on Shooting Spree

Since Columbine,.. we've entered a new era...
There once was a time, when such things were inconceivable... but now, it has entered the conciousness...
Much like terrorism, texting, and urban graffiti...  
The genie's out of the bottle...

As long as this is a gun culture country... these shootings will continue to grow...
You guys are right... you can't makes laws to prevent it...  
The only way to prevent it, is to not have the guns available...

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/24/14 at 18:01:03

same guy Bot  ;)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Serowbot on 05/24/14 at 18:10:10

3F2D223F2322292B4C0 wrote:
same guy Bot  ;)

:-[...  How'd I miss that?...
;D ;D ;D...

PS... If I had a mental disease, and somebody named it "Assburgers", I'd be pretty pissed...
It's like some kind of cruel joke...
I mean,.. calling it that can't help... :-?...

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/24/14 at 20:30:54

Ive worked for quite a few guys who had at least 2 Assburgers a day,,man, I hated that,,

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/25/14 at 06:55:29

not available? like prohibition? that worked well  :D
oh and let's ban cigarettes too, more folks killed by smoking than nut-jobs (oh I'm sorry, it's the inanimate object killing people)

the guns haven't been and never will be the problem, it's a human problem.
history shows banning a thing does not make it go away

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by raydawg on 05/25/14 at 09:01:05

Not sure how liberals connect the dots on stories like these, other than embracing the ideology of Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste ...

Even God gave the law "Thou shall not kill" and plenty of folk, both religious and secular seem to ignore it, so please tell me how our lord Obama can enforce it?

As I stated earlier, booze kills way more innocent people.....would you guess more than this sicko killed today? I can tell you we had three up here I know of personally (reading a local story) can you imagine nation-wide how large that number might be?
Libs, where is the outrage at booze?
I asked you straight up Bot if the "number" was a factor in determining your concern, and you never answered me, why?

I would guess this kid was raised in a liberal Hollywood type home, yet he still has such rage in his system....
I can vouch my liberals friends seem intolerant of others who live, and believe, differently than them, than my conservative ones.....

Just like carbon offsets, their "fix" won't address the problem, but only to self serve them in thinking they are morally superior in their caring.....

Of note, to show a bias, our news outlet is still reporting a headline that all the deaths were resulting from a "drive by shooting" ..... disingenuous or just another Dan Rather's outright reporting lie  :-?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/25/14 at 12:06:43

Deary me cigarettes and alcohol....
Both are self inflicted deaths. Quite a big difference if you are trying to use them as an analogy.  ::)
So still no intelligent argument.
And then as usual when the argument can't be won with any reasoning it goes straight to ranting about "liberals", whoever they are. Those pesky liberals are like Nazis probably.
The link between gun sales/ownership of a country and the number of mass shootings is irrefutable. Terrorism, texting, and urban graffiti are common to many countries. Mass shootings in countries with strict gun laws are rare indeed. It is that simple.

Now I understand people may not want to give up your guns. That doesn't change the fact of a link between gun ownership and mass shootings. If you want a society where everyone has the right to own a gun, you will inevitably get regular mass shootings. The numbers don't lie. They aren't talking about European mass shootings on the German Savage forum right now.

I saw in the paper that the "nutter" was a Brittish student - If he had lived here thankfully he would not have easy access to a gun and therefor when he went over the edge he would probably have got drunk and stabbed someone. A horrific crime, but I think we can all agree - a lesser impact on the community than multiple death and gunshot wounds.

It is not a fault of "culture" or "the times" - I live in a very similar culture and we don't have mass shooting because we don't have household gun ownership. I was born in Australia - ditto. There is the odd mass shooting from someone obtaining a gun illegally but these are the frequency of earthquakes - precisely because it is harder to get hold of a gun.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by raydawg on 05/25/14 at 12:45:39

Oh..... I had no idea the gun did this on its own accord.
Odd, I thought someone had to load it, aim it, etc.....
Just as booze has to get into a persons system to cause havoc while driving, greatly increasing the chances that an innocent person may be killed....

But then again, I is dumb  :-/

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/25/14 at 13:37:43

ban everything, we will all be safe  :D
and yes booze is a great analogy, drunk drivers kill thousands every year (far more deadly than guns)..

The nut in CA killed the first 2 with a KNIFE people, ban them too?
Also the nut comes from a very liberal and wealthy home. The dad says the family hates guns, yet his son was obviously so unhappy and no family member noticed?

I feel for the victims naturally, but stop with the evil gun talk, this is a human problem. Nuts will kill, let's ban nuts

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by raydawg on 05/25/14 at 14:46:06


Why didn't we think of this fix  :o

"Gun offsets" when you buy one  :-*

Next problem please   8-)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/25/14 at 20:48:21

47555A475B5A5153340 wrote:
ban everything, we will all be safe  :D
and yes booze is a great analogy, drunk drivers kill thousands every year (far more deadly than guns)..

The nut in CA killed the first 2 with a KNIFE people, ban them too?
Also the nut comes from a very liberal and wealthy home. The dad says the family hates guns, yet his son was obviously so unhappy and no family member noticed?

I feel for the victims naturally, but stop with the evil gun talk, this is a human problem. Nuts will kill, let's ban nuts

As far as I know, 1st 3 were by knife.
following 3 more by gun.

And multiple therapists, 1 reported it to family who reported it to police.
in a nanny state where this stuff should be registered, tracked and confiscated.
there appears to be a lack of 2 way communication.
the police should have known he had weapons and was seeing a therapist.
the therapist should have known he had weapons.
the police should have contacted the therapist.

we can't ban nuts, who would be left?
but we should ban nuts from having guns.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/25/14 at 21:09:39

I have 2 nuts & 1 gun,, I keep them in the same drawers,is that dangerous?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/26/14 at 03:13:01

The issue at hand is not knife crime. Or smoking or drinking or gaffiti or reckless driving. So you guys are right - strict gun laws won't reduce any of these things.
But strict gun control will drastically reduce the incidence of innocent children getting their head blown off at school.


1) "I enjoy owning guns. I don't care what impact that has on other people in my community, my own personal enjoyments are more important than the safety of even school children." - at least this would be an argument I could at least respect for it's honesty.

2) "There's a lot of money to be made selling guns. Who cares about people when there's billions to be made." Why complain about the corporate sector/banking vultures and yet bang the drum for such a morally parasitic industry?


1) "Name a 1st world western country with strict gun laws and regular mass shootings?" There aren't any. The link is obvious, the solution to mass shootings is that simple.

Maybe we don't care enough to give up something?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/14 at 05:46:20

Sorry, but I'm not willing to emasculate myself like Europe and Canada just yet. Freedom is hard, it's difficult, it's sometimes messy, it can be tragic at times but it's better than the alternative.

Don't be so quick to handle over freedoms to live life as you see fit. Especially you in England and France as the Islamic population train is heading down the tracks directly at you at a pretty good clip....
You know there are Islamic neighborhoods in London you should not go in....

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by thumperclone on 05/26/14 at 06:01:08

Freedom is hard, it's difficult, it's sometimes messy, it can be tragic at times but it's better than the alternative.

Don't be so quick to handle over freedoms to live life as you see fit.

well said

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/26/14 at 06:02:26

Ahh that caboose is never late...
When the argument begins to be lost and choo choo here comes the racist paranoia train. Hell go the whole hog Mark and say you need guns to shoot them "____"   ::)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/26/14 at 06:37:12

mommy won't let me have one, you shouldn't be allowed either..
juvenile  :D

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WD on 05/26/14 at 07:38:44

737472616E67000 wrote:
Ahh that caboose is never late...
When the argument begins to be lost and choo choo here comes the racist paranoia train. Hell go the whole hog Mark and say you need guns to shoot them "____"   ::)

If he won't, I'll be more than happy to. I work in the most dangerous city in the USA. It ranks right up there with Cape Town, JoBurg, Mogadishu, etc as far as rampant black or Islamic on everyone else crime. We're running 3 or more homicides per day, 100% black on black. The city's "best" for the year so far was 10 in under 36 hours. The city police force is corrupt, many an officer sports gang ink. Many an officer is himself or herself out and about pulling people over and robbing them at gunpoint.

The surrounding communities have declared it open season on "those spear chucking camel fu**ing" Memfrican'ts... a Shelby County plated carload of Negroes, Semites or Hindustanis is quite likely going to be stopped at gunpoint, searched at gunpoint, arrested on the spot, forced into a river, etc in other parts of the region. Their thug "culture" has spread to the black communities in other parts of the region, black on white crime is on the rise, and the only law the perps respect is might makes right.

It is Memorial Day in the States. Going to stop at the cemetery and leave a flag at Lisa's WW1 Marine veteran grandfather's marker. He was a Memphis motorcycle cop when you had to be a white Mason or Klansman to have a badge, in the days when the city council was 100% white and the city ran smoothly. Also need to run to the family church cemetery, which is still whites only, and leave a flag at Lisa's great great grandfather's marker, a Southern Cross of Valor, he was President Davis' personal military courier...

All WW2 did was make the world safe for Marxism. I'd ask you how much nicer the world would be had the Reich secured Europe for its indigenous populations, but since your porch monkeys are so much better behaved than ours are...

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/26/14 at 07:50:54

agreed WD..
my dad was a NYC cop when I was a child, he taught my brother and me safe gun handling, he taught us to respect a gun but remember it's a tool
that requires training and proper morality to use.

happy memorial day  ;)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/26/14 at 09:00:19

I respect veterans. What WWII has to do with gun control I'm not sure. My grandfather died in that war. Is my opinion worthy now?
Kind of amusing to be banging on about defeating the nazis and then shooting blacks. Or was it jews. Or are we just ranting now.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/26/14 at 10:39:07

banning or restricting ANYTHING should not be taken lightly, what is frightening for some is recreational for others.
ban skydiving? ban mountain climbing?

stats on gun ownership shows chainsaws cause many more injuries, you afraid of guns? don't buy one.

You are more likely to be killed by a dog than a gun.
oh wait...ban dogs too  :D

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by old_rider on 05/26/14 at 11:39:47

Alcohol in a persons body is like a gun in the hand of a looney..... you never know when it will kill... or who....

So how is it that you would push aside the deaths caused by alcohol as "accidents"?  They are premeditated, you know drinking is dangerous and you might kill someone while driving drunk. So a death by someone who is drunk is not "self inflicted".

Cancer caused by "second hand smoke", is not "self inflicted" , so it seems your argument there is also null and void.

So much for intelligence .....

Keeping guns out of the hands of criminals is dang near impossible, keeping them out of the hands of someone who poses as sane and is not, is impossible.

How is one to tell the sanity of a person who has never committed a crime, and doctors do not have to report their clients if they do not show violent tendencies.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/26/14 at 13:14:17

So much thingy talk Mark - I think it probably needs to get out more.
Anyway gunslingers, same old comparing apples to pears non arguments, islamophobic paranoia blah blah, gets a bit tiring, see you on the other side.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/14 at 13:17:34

It's always embarrassing knowing people like you ride. Just shut up.

Dammit' Web!... Act like an adult!... Serow

you're one of those ball-less liberal she-men.... I mean hate, sob's like you

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/14 at 15:55:29

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
[quote author=727573606F66010 link=1400764268/30#36 date=1401109346]Ahh that caboose is never late...
When the argument begins to be lost and choo choo here comes the racist paranoia train. Hell go the whole hog Mark and say you need guns to shoot them "____"   ::)

Where did I invoke racism?...  I am not racist .

Edited by Serow[/quote]

When you mentioned that there were places people wouldnt be safe because of who lives there you became a "racist". I guess its better to pretend everyone is loving & kind to others & that no undue danger is experienced in places where people of other backgrounds live. Lets pretend there is no threat & that way everyone will play nice,,IOW, be stupid, be naive, they dont hate you because youre not one of them, you hate them, because youre white,, only whites are prejudicially discriminatory,,

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/14 at 16:03:31

It is racist, JOG...  to condemn an entire culture of people based on the actions of a few...

Strang is right.....(in fact,.. he may be a Muslim... you don't know, and I don't either)...(and it's not our business)...
He is a fellow member and a biker,.... and he didn't resort to childish name calling...
He simply pointed out a racist comment...
Web, gets school-yard childish with any liberal, including me...
He needs to behave...

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/26/14 at 16:56:26

We're all just dogs barking in the night. Peace people.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/14 at 09:07:44

IF there IS an area, notably populated by one race AND its dangerous to be there if youre NOT "the same" then its TRUE.. Those places exist. Its dangerous to NOT be "The same" in lots of places,Some of them are inhabited by whites, some Muslim, some Black,, deal with it, Dont criticize the person who sees the event for what it is,

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by pgambr on 05/27/14 at 09:22:09

Dont criticize the person who sees the event for what it is,

What is one permitted to say?  What can you say that is merely a matter of a difference of opinion?  What can you say that will not offend someone?  When is it not politically correct?  When is political correctness used to increase political leverage and or implement agendas?
When the prime motivation of political correctness is a means to enforce language, ideas, and implement policies that address perceived bias against political, social, protected classes, or “protected ideals".  

Political correctness is just a means to provide "correct" positions on matters of politics.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/14 at 10:19:21

I am censored regularly. Sew's "girlfriend" can call me stupid, ignorant, racist, homophobic etc. all day long with no fear of retribution. I guess our new boy from London is his favorite now and will escape his censor key.

I said nothing racist and I'm offended by those people who think I did. It's a fact, there are places in London you just can't enter as a white person, as a non-Muslim person. There are places in my hometown I would never go into. It's pretty pathetic if you think it's racist to point that out. In the USA, if you take out gangbangers killing each other, murder rate drops off tremendously. Oh no, I did it now. I made a racist statement. I'm screwed.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/14 at 10:33:00

Now see, Web... I could infer that you just called me "pathetic"... but I don't...
It wasn't a direct personal insult...
Neither were any of the things you say you were called...

This is direct personal insult...

you're one of those ball-less liberal she-men.... I mean hate, sob's like you

... not to mention, it is childish and immature, and it makes you look foolish...
So just stop it... nobody is impressed by this.  
It demeans you, and takes away from any point you wish to make...

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/14 at 10:35:52

Its time to get over any "butthurtedness" & move on,, deal with now,, let yesterday go.. whether any "slights" be real or imagined, let it go,,

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/14 at 10:43:15

You invented a new word there, JOG...
Very creativolous of you... :-?...

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by Paraquat on 05/27/14 at 11:08:32

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
[b]It is racist, JOG...  to condemn an entire culture of people based on the actions of a few...

Couldn't you make the same argument towards gun owners?

Because I haven't seen strang's name pop up before... I invite you to check out this:

I've posted it here before. There are a lot of countries that are worse than the US where "citizens" own fewer firearms, if at all.


Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/27/14 at 11:50:47

guns are part of American culture and we should be proud of it  ;)

another stat to be VERY proud of is guns per capita and the relationship to gun crimes committed.. with the # of guns owned we have the LOWEST gun crime rate in the world..

this means that all those U.S. homes with guns (VERY MANY) are doing an OUTSTANDING job of being responsible.. be PROUD of that  ;)

if there was a graph removing inner-city ethnic crimes we literally have near zero gun crimes.. this info courtesy of ATF FFL dealer news

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/27/14 at 12:02:53

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
I have 2 nuts & 1 gun,, I keep them in the same drawers,is that dangerous?

freakin' awesome JOG  ;D LMFAO

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/27/14 at 12:05:00

4C7E79686F7E69567A69701B0 wrote:
I am censored regularly. Sew's "girlfriend" can call me stupid, ignorant, racist, homophobic etc. all day long with no fear of retribution. I guess our new boy from London is his favorite now and will escape his censor key.

you're just plain evil Web  ;D

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/27/14 at 12:09:02

and now some butt-kissin'..

the Bot does this moderating without pay or thanks, we don't always agree but cut him some slack  :-X

I am only making jest to lighten things up, we're all friends here, aint we?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by strang on 05/27/14 at 12:57:31

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
there are places in London you just can't enter as a white person, as a non-Muslim person.

I'm not coming back to argue I just really want to know where these places are? I've lived in London for 20 years and I honestly don't know what area of London you are talking about. I'm gonna go check em out - I fancy taking some "Suzuki Savage in the Muslim Mean Streets of London" pics.  8-)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/27/14 at 13:08:33

we won't poke at cracks in your culture, and we don't expect you to ours  ;)

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/14 at 15:29:47

I'm not coming back to argue I just really want to know where these places are? I've lived in London for 20 years and I honestly don't know what area of London you are talking about. I'm gonna go check em out - I fancy taking some "Suzuki Savage in the Muslim Mean Streets of London" pics

I don't know; I've travel internationally some, but not to London. I based that on a colleague who's opinion I trust more than yours.....
Are you telling me you can wander London with no fear of going into an area where 'your kind' is not welcomed?  What are you; Superman?  

I would say there are very few major cities in the world where you could do that. I was in Stockholm Sweden last week and our people there told me I could go anywhere. I would guess, for now anyway, most of the Scandinavian countries are ‘safe’, but I hear Amsterdam is slipping fast.  Budapest was safe; Tokyo was; Taipei not quite as much, but doable.  Paris? Nope; there are Muslim neighborhoods I was told to avoid.  Back here in the states, I’ll be in Dayton Ohio tomorrow night and I know where to stay away from. I’ll be south of Knoxville, TN next week and I can roam anywhere down there, but if I were a black man, no way. The tables are turned in that case.  WD is right about Memphis. There are areas you better stay out of. New York, LA etc…. any major US city has areas you should know where you are not welcomed based on color, religion or nationality.
It’s an unfortunate fact of the world we live in; people fight based on color, nationality and religion. It’s not racist to point that out.

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by shorty on 05/27/14 at 16:45:17

how can somebody live in London or any major city for 20yrs and not know where the bad neighborhoods are  :-?

Title: Re: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws...
Post by raydawg on 05/27/14 at 17:52:05

5D5A5C4F40492E0 wrote:
We're all just dogs barking in the night. Peace people.

What a wonderful example of someone taking verbiage, assigning some sort of value to it, chastising the person, yet.......
Allowing themselves to make wholesale assumptions, as in we are all just dogs, goodness..... I am offended.

I might assume bot doubly so, as he would be a minnie wiener dawg then  :-* » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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