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Message started by Paraquat on 05/22/14 at 06:08:06

Title: Issa Subpoenas Holder: Give Us the IRS Documents
Post by Paraquat on 05/22/14 at 06:08:06

No wonder Barack Obama can claim ignorance on nearly every major subject and scandal that has plagued his administration. He has absurdly claimed on numerous occasions, including this week in regards to the VA scandal, that he first learned about the allegations from the news. Never mind that his claim is a blatant lie. Memos reveal that he has known specifically about the VA cooking the books since 2010. But, the fact is, Obama’s buddies at ABC, NBC, and CBS, along with his mouthpieces at MSNBC and CNN, simply don’t cover the major news.

On Tuesday, Darrell Issa revealed that he has subpoenaed the Department of Justice for records that the House Select Committee requested regarding the IRS targeting, harassment, and intimidation of the Tea Party, on April 23, 2014 that have yet to be provided.

Newsbusters reports that, as has been typical, ABC, CBS, and NBC have continued their efforts to cover-up the IRS scandal and assist Obama’s Justice Department with its stonewalling by not reporting on this subpoena.

Committee chair Darrell Issa took to Twitter, as reported by Twitchy, to document the Obama administration’s refusal to cooperate with the investigation, revealing that they have even gone so far as to instruct witnesses to not testify.

Maybe Obama believes he can get away with his lie that there’s not a smidgen of corruption because his pals at the network will cover for him and his buddy Elijah Cummings will run interference in an attempt to obstruct the investigation.


Darrell Issa        [ch10004] @DarrellIssa

During the interview with Mr. Pilger, a #DOJ lawyer directed him not to answer questions posed by @GOPoversight an astounding 34 times.
3:08 PM - 20 May 2014

And THIS is supposed to be the most transparent administration in history?


I hope this gets interesting.


Title: Re: Issa Subpoenas Holder: Give Us the IRS Documen
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/14 at 21:37:18

Well,, for ME this administration has been reasonably transparent.,.After watching the last, ohh, gee,, how many in the last 45 or so years, Ive learned to see thru them pretty well,.,& this guy couldnt tell me the sky was blue without me walking outside to see for myself,, What bugs me most about him is I believe he could be strapped into a polygraph & tell his lies & PASS it,, I think he can lie w/o it even jacking his pulse,, its an natural as breathing for him,& he is no worse than Bush,, or Bush, or Clinton, or Clinton,

Title: Re: Issa Subpoenas Holder: Give Us the IRS Documen
Post by Pine on 05/26/14 at 08:07:52

Eric Holder... is the worst DOJ head I have ever heard of. I really don't know how Obama can keep him around.

Title: Re: Issa Subpoenas Holder: Give Us the IRS Documen
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/14 at 08:38:37

Because theyre a TEAM, ya dummy.. You dont think we have the sorriest excuse for a government we have ever had by accident, do ya? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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