General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Should we ban it?

Message started by raydawg on 05/14/14 at 03:02:52

Title: Should we ban it?
Post by raydawg on 05/14/14 at 03:02:52

Using the gun argument, can I extend it to this too?

I mean golly, I am so exposed to cagers already on my bike, add in booze  :-?

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by shorty on 05/14/14 at 03:36:06

ban all tools, everything .. except big fluffy pillows

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by oldNslow on 05/14/14 at 05:03:00

7F6D627F6362696B0C0 wrote:
ban all tools, everything .. except big fluffy pillows

People have been smothered with big fluffy pillows. Better put them on the list too. :D

Everyone dies from something. There are no exceptions. Keep an eye on your six, hope for the best. Beyond that there is very little point in worrying about it.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/14 at 05:08:27

You can have my bottle of Makers Mark when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by Paraquat on 05/14/14 at 06:14:40

This is a great example of how rigged the system is...

If you really wanted to curb alcohol related deaths you could limit how much is sold to people.
You could put those annoying random check points on every on-ramp every weekend.
Hell, set cops up in bar parking lots.
Or just ban bars.
But they generate revenue through tickets and the state gets revenue from alcohol sales so we'll over look it this time.
(Plus that fact that prohibition doesn't work)


Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by arteacher on 05/14/14 at 15:06:41

The way to do it would be (according to a co-worker) have a portable gallows in the back of the police cruiser. If you blow over you are hung on the spot.
More realistically, if you blow over you loose your licence for the rest of your life, and your car is impounded.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/14/14 at 15:31:11

To some people, loosing your license you might as well hang them.

If I lost my license, then traveling 25 miles to work would be quite an endeavor.  No direct bus route, I looked up the bus route a couple of years ago, 2 hrs just to get to my BIL's house.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by arteacher on 05/14/14 at 17:03:29

They had a drinking and driving simulator at the school today. It simulated the effects of alcohol on driving ability by slowing down the reaction time of the controls. After one drink your reaction time is slowed down.
It was great for the kids as they were able to experience the effect without actually drinking. The adults did a little better (more experience, I suppose), but it re-enforced my commitment not to drive even after only one drink.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by raydawg on 05/14/14 at 17:36:30

I quit cuz I couldn't stop......
Been about 14 years since I woke up nekked stopped at a red light on the freeway  :-[

In a serious note, I lost many a drinking buddy after I quit drinking, most because they pulled away from me.
I assure you I was, and am, the same idiot sober, as I was drunk.....
I feel they didn't like seeing me because I was proof (to them) that they might have drinking issues too ( I never chastised them or even talked of it).
A few I lost to death, it killed them.

I wish I could say I was smart, taking all the credit for changing my decent into hell.....but it would not be true. I am the same weak person today, as I was the day I quit.
Just acknowledging that helps keep me away from drinking again, and knowing too the end result if I did.
And one other BIG hurdle is letting people care about, and love me, for who I am....
No more pretending, or pushing away based on my unworthiness.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by old_rider on 05/14/14 at 21:39:50

Nope dont' ban it... advertise it....

Create "Drink Spots" not bars. (you could convert your bar to a drink spot)
Take the keys of patrons when they enter, when they leave, if they cannot blow below the limit, take them home in the bar "bus or taxi" for free (see next step).
Use 10% of the drink price to have a "bus or taxi" from each Drink Spot to drive anyone home, dedicate an employee to drive the imbibed people home.
Charge the people you drove home to pick them up the next day.
If someone drives drunk.... take their vehicle... and crush it...they will still have to pay it off and it will be a square of metal in their front yard.
Its all about being responsible... if you kill my son or daughter by running them over while you are drunk... you think I won't do something about it??
Or you could just do the impossible...ban alcohol... my way wouldn't be impossible, just darn hard to pass laws to do it.....

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/14/14 at 22:49:46

7F7C746279747562100 wrote:
If someone drives drunk.... take their vehicle... and crush it...they will still have to pay it off and it will be a square of metal in their front yard.
Its all about being responsible... if you kill my son or daughter by running them over while you are drunk... you think I won't do something about it??

you kill my son or daughter they'll find you in the desert shackled to a square of metal that was your car.

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by Pine on 05/15/14 at 10:36:18

293A223F3A2C3C5B0 wrote:
I quit cuz I couldn't stop......
Been about 14 years since I woke up nekked stopped at a red light on the freeway  :-[

In a serious note, I lost many a drinking buddy after I quit drinking, most because they pulled away from me.
I assure you I was, and am, the same idiot sober, as I was drunk.....
I feel they didn't like seeing me because I was proof (to them) that they might have drinking issues too ( I never chastised them or even talked of it).
A few I lost to death, it killed them.

I wish I could say I was smart, taking all the credit for changing my decent into hell.....but it would not be true. I am the same weak person today, as I was the day I quit.
Just acknowledging that helps keep me away from drinking again, and knowing too the end result if I did.
And one other BIG hurdle is letting people care about, and love me, for who I am....
No more pretending, or pushing away based on my unworthiness.

I am glad to hear of your success. I think... and it has taken quit some time to realize it .. that I have lost a friend due to his drinking.  ( and no, he isn't dead that I know of). I drink, but only a little.. like one beer or one glass of wine, or one rita (been about a year on that last one).

Anyway, he would call drunk... and was a mean drunk... he got drunk while at home and for no reason other than he wanted to. I would not join him...i was good for one... not drunk. Finally I needed to retrieve something from his property, and after he put me off for over 2 months and he put me once to  many by saying " you were suppose to call after 9 am, but didnt call till 10am so I am going off to get drunk laters". ( this was in a text) I responded with something like. I am extremely dissapointed by your decision and treatment of me after over 30 years of friendship. About month later I got the ( engine) from his place. Its the last time we spoke. Been about 6 months.

Anything that alters the mind, is something that does so on a case by case basis, be it booze or drugs. Not everyone reacts the same. Any expectation to the contrary is baseless. As a control freak.. I guess I am unwilling to give up that control for even a short time.  

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by Serowbot on 05/15/14 at 10:55:37

Makes me smarter, and better lookin'... ;D...

In fact,... it makes everybody better lookin'...
...not smarter though... :-?...

Title: Re: Should we ban it?
Post by Paraquat on 05/15/14 at 11:16:39

The point is if anyone REALLY wanted to do something about it they could.
But they don't.

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