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Message started by Paraquat on 05/13/14 at 06:17:20

Title: Humoring JOG
Post by Paraquat on 05/13/14 at 06:17:20

I found a great site that summed it up nicely...
But I lost the link.

Perhaps he can elaborate...

I'll attempt my best to paraphrase off memory:

We were on a gold standard.
We created currency
When you create currency with no backing you create debt.
Then you spend money you don't have to pay back that debt.

The paragraph went on for 8 or so more lines but my memory fails me but it spiraled into mortgages failing.


Title: Re: Humoring JOG
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/13/14 at 06:30:45

The bummer of it is, banks can manipulate the economy even when its gold backed.

Title: Re: Humoring JOG
Post by shorty on 05/13/14 at 07:03:34

gold backing is better than what we got...
today's US currency is nothing more than an I.O.U.

today with bank interest rates less than 1% and people losing confidence in the economy, savings accounts are going into home safes instead of banks. History shows after the last depression banks fought hard to rebuild public confidence.

Title: Re: Humoring JOG
Post by pgambr on 05/13/14 at 18:21:28

The Create From Jekyll Island is a fascinating book if you want to learn about our monetary system, banking, and the Federal Reserve.  This is from the monologue:
It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives
It is operating against the public interest
It is the supreme instrument of usury  
It generates our most unfair tax  
It destabilizes the economy  
It is an instrument of totalitarianism
This book will answer all your questions and cite real world examples of how the entire system operates.  And citing from the name of this thread – “Humoring JOG,” Yes, he is correct.    

Title: Re: Humoring JOG
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/14 at 07:32:55

Shorty, its much worse than a simple IOU. No one can even begin to grasp the societal damage we have endured because of this debt enslavement, You read that book & youll never see the world thru the same eyes again,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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