General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Think the laws protect you?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/14 at 06:43:52

Title: Think the laws protect you?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/14 at 06:43:52

Look at what theyll do to screw an innocent person,,

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by Pine on 05/06/14 at 07:19:59

Reminds me of an old video:

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/14 at 07:25:49

Ive seen that. Its definitely worth watching. However, as Ron White points out,,

"I am well aware that I have the Right to remain silent, I just dont seem to have the ability."

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by shorty on 05/06/14 at 11:08:27

My dad was a cop for my entire life, he taught my brother and me to never lie to an officer and trust police to do the right thing.

Before he died he told my brother and me to BEWARE of today's law enforcement. He said in the old days patrol cops were ordered not to harass women, children, traveling families, or the elderly.
He said now the atmosphere at police stations is "us against them" and my dad who always felt he was doing good for citizens became visibly depressed at work.

He received police counseling and made statements criticizing the changes in policy. They suggested retirement and he accepted a reduced pension.. His depression soon vanished.

I believe LE is evolving into a less kind stature with strictness and hardness overpowering softness and compassion.
There are good cops out there who really want to do the right thing.
Please don't loose faith in Law Enforcement, I'm certain other officers feel like my dad did

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by Pine on 05/06/14 at 13:02:12

4B59564B57565D5F380 wrote:
My dad was a cop for my entire life, he taught my brother and me to never lie to an officer and trust police to do the right thing.

Before he died he told my brother and me to BEWARE of today's law enforcement. He said in the old days patrol cops were ordered not to harass women, children, traveling families, or the elderly.
He said now the atmosphere at police stations is "us against them" and my dad who always felt he was doing good for citizens became visibly depressed at work.

He received police counseling and made statements criticizing the changes in policy. They suggested retirement and he accepted a reduced pension.. His depression soon vanished.

I believe LE is evolving into a less kind stature with strictness and hardness overpowering softness and compassion.
There are good cops out there who really want to do the right thing.
Please don't loose faith in Law Enforcement, I'm certain other officers feel like my dad did

Shorty, I can certainly appreciate your position. I don't think the video link I posted intends to make LE out to be the bad guy. Its a lawyer saying whats the courts do and how the actual law works.

As for our local law enforcement ... yes I have seen the change, and it is depressing to me.. and I am just a law abiding citizen...

I did draw this parallel which I found strange:

When I bought my truck there was a salesman, he was nice.. he did what he could... things were not stressful and I did not feel any pressure. Then I was turned over to the "sales manager". Everything changed. HE began to back pedal on prices, and press for longer term payments to keep the monthly payments down versus him actually dropping the price... NOT AT ALL GOOD.

So then fast forward to when my house got robbed. The LE comes out.. files the report, tells me what to do. But then I get a call from the Detective in charge. Very cold, very factual... was the I the victim or  possibly in on it... again NOT GOOD AT ALL.

Then at work... we have those at the Help-desk who are suppose to help users ... but they have no training in the way things work. They just know to answer the phone, take the message, and follow a set of instructions on what fixes most things. If they cant, it gets passed to .... people that know??? NO! Managers... ( see sales manager above).. and only if they cant fix does it go to the ones that know.  

Something broke somewhere along the way. LE is just one example of the brokenness.

PS: there have always been good officers and not-so-good officers. Same as any other profession. But in this new age of brokenness, the good officers dont seem to get a chance to help the no-so-good ones.

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by shorty on 05/06/14 at 13:22:12

agreed Pine... thanks for your post

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/14 at 14:36:10

If I am a "Good" Boy Scout & I am aware that some of the other Boy Scouts are mugging senior citizens, isnt it my DUTY to work to get them out of the Scouts & in front of a Judge?
if the answer is yes, & I believe it is, then exactly where are these "good" cops?

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by shorty on 05/06/14 at 15:08:12

the "good" ones are harder to remember but they're out there

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by pgambr on 05/06/14 at 15:45:07

In today's society their are consequences to pay for when speaking the truth.  Persecution is probably a more accurate way to describe it.  

Title: Re: Think the laws protect you?
Post by Pine on 05/06/14 at 20:14:13

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
If I am a "Good" Boy Scout & I am aware that some of the other Boy Scouts are mugging senior citizens, isnt it my DUTY to work to get them out of the Scouts & in front of a Judge?
if the answer is yes, & I believe it is, then exactly where are these "good" cops?

That seems to be the point. The new norm is to separate those on the same level. Only mgt will know. Going back to the car sales. Once the car (in my case truck) was chosen the salesman was out of the picture.   Same with the house burglary... I have never seen or spoken with the LE that came to house... but I have spoken to the detective several times. He did zero work... knows only what was in the report.

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