General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I find it disturbing.......

Message started by raydawg on 05/06/14 at 03:36:54

Title: I find it disturbing.......
Post by raydawg on 05/06/14 at 03:36:54

Knowing the vanities of mankind, their desire to be forever young, etc....
I find it not much of a stretch of the imagination to see a new cash crop harvested from young children. This scares me, why did they do such research to begin with?

Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/14 at 04:41:35

Yea, I heard that on the radio the other day,, I dont find it surprising, but, like you, I am a bit disturbed that they actually did a study.. Now what? Start pulling blood from young people to give to the super wealthy old people?

Title: Nothing disturbing... if it's ethical...
Post by mpescatori on 05/06/14 at 05:33:41

When the brit scientists cloned Dolly the sheep, the "new lamb" aged faster than biologically expected, and became "an old sheep" much earlier than biologically scheduled.

It emerged that there are genetic markers that actually keep track of our "lived life", so that our body "knows" whether we're 15 or 50.

So, these mice can really say ... "ewe"!   :D

PS Remember back in the Middle Ages, when it was alleged the Lord of the castle was entitled to deflowering young maidens on their wedding night?
Can we say it's a case of "told you so" ... ?  ::)

Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by Trippah on 05/06/14 at 05:40:25

MP - your close association with the Lord of the Castle's  deflowering maidens and Dolly the sheep would make the psychiatrists' eyebrows start to elevate. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Or is it just lambs to slaughter; but yeah the whole growing children as vital organs to bee harvested or vampiring their blood as an elixir of youth, all quite disturbing. :-X :-X :-X

Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by Paraquat on 05/06/14 at 11:09:47

The average man does not know what to do with this life, yet wants another one which will last forever.


Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by mpescatori on 05/06/14 at 12:28:32

Trippah, my name means...

Your name means...


Any more for anymore ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by raydawg on 05/06/14 at 18:39:54


You eat Great Barracuda?   :P

Gee.... I wonder if I pushed my bike out toward the camera it would look bigger than it is too  :-*

PS: I know that trick myself  ;D

Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by Trippah on 05/06/14 at 20:31:05

Ahhh, well, there is certainly something fishy in all of this. ;D ;D ;D

ps, I always enjoy your posts, and appreciate the rarity of gentlemen riders.  Have a great day (oh, it is teacher appreciation day here in NY) so thanks to all my teachers who taught me to think straight and duck fast. ;)

Title: Re: I find it disturbing.......
Post by mpescatori on 05/07/14 at 06:01:21

Dass funny, I was taught to fast ducks and think straight ...



:o HEY ! I SAID STRAIGHT !!!  >:(


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