General Category >> The Cafe >> Vaping?

Message started by on 05/03/14 at 13:29:01

Title: Vaping?
Post by on 05/03/14 at 13:29:01

Any of you smokers here have any experiences vaping.  Would love to have you share them.

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by iamgodzi1la on 05/03/14 at 14:18:43

I've been vaping on and off for over a year, now.  It's the closest thing to smoking that I've found in the 20-something years I've been trying to quit smoking, and sometimes I'll go days at a time without a cigarette.  I don't know much about the health effects of breathing vaporized glycol, but it can't be any worse than the smoke.

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Kris01 on 05/03/14 at 15:32:12

E-cigarettes (aren't they the same thing?) were invented to help people quit smoking and now it's become the "in" thing instead of cigarettes.  Go figure!

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Serowbot on 05/03/14 at 15:44:30

19 days,.. smoke free...  using an eGo...
I have a little fit, about twice day... but I've been resisting it so far...

The liquid I'm using don't taste that good,.. but maybe that's a good thing... Maybe it will prevent me from liking it too much...

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Boofer on 05/03/14 at 19:32:07

A news story the other day said the Govment is looking for a way to tax, regulate, etc. Anyway, good luck to anyone trying to quit smoking. After all we already have a dangerous hobby.  ;D

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/04/14 at 08:36:40

LOcally theyve banned e cigs in/around State/County buildings..
I had not known they already ban chewing tobacco, or snuff, & I guess that means a guy cant walk around with a cigar in his mouth,, & all that just doesnt make sense,,SMOKING was The Uproar, & I get that. Forcing others to breathe smoke isnt right. But WHY cant someone dip or chew or vape? Who is being injured?

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Serowbot on 05/04/14 at 09:04:13

Can we get a ban on excessive perfume, and public farting, please... :-/...


Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/04/14 at 09:14:34

AGG,, perfume,, old women whose noses have been cooked out by wearing that crap just slather it on,, I usually get a BIG breath in, hold it, slowly exhale going down the soap aisle in the store,, because that stuff just about gags me,, perfume is as bad. Not essential oils, but the chemical stew perfumes.. OHH Man,, I get a headache if I cant get away from them,,
Farts, nasty, yea, unpleasant,, yea, but as long as theres no open flame, they arent harmful,,

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by 1st2know on 05/04/14 at 11:27:42

I've been vaping for a little over a year.
- I'm noticeably more energetic.
- less winded when hiking or cycling.
- More restful sleep.
- I stink 10% less.
- My car doesn't stink at all.
- Some bars let me vape at the bar. (I always ask first).

- I have more episodes of dehydration.
- If I over consume nicotine, I get dizzy when I stand up.
- I have to wear more deodorant because without the smoke stink, now my natural BO is my the dominant odor.

Overall, I'd say it's a huge win. It seams to work best on those most interested in quitting smoking, but have failed numerous times.
It's much cheaper than smoking, but I would happily pay more now that I know it works (for me).

The two cons I listed are well known. The dehydration issues is fixed by remembering to drink about 2L of water each day.

The over-consumption issue, for me, was minimized by learning how to dilute the nicotine liquid to safer levels. When I overconsume, it's when I'm sitting at the computer, vaping without thinking. Now I keep a special tank of 9mg liquid on a Vamo ecig just for when I'm sitting at the computer.

I've built a prototype ecig to mount on the handlebar of my LS650, but I can't get the fire button in good place. (hand grips are two crowded with buttons already).

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by jcstokes on 05/04/14 at 12:31:27

When I knocked off pipe smoking almost 25 years ago, I brought a sack of apples and eat them to ease the withdrawal. I don't know whether I farted less or more during this process. I have a feeling these e cigarettes are a little akin to methadone.

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by ToesNose on 05/04/14 at 14:43:05

49706B713233020 wrote:
E-cigarettes (aren't they the same thing?) were invented to help people quit smoking and now it's become the "in" thing instead of cigarettes.  Go figure!

Yea two guys I work with who do not smoke cigarettes started smoking E-cigs because they were "Cool", now they both can't stop and wish they never started   :-?

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 05/04/14 at 23:04:12

I've been vaping now for just a little over a month and have only had three real cigs in that time. I use an eGo-T with cinnamon caramel apple flavored oil. Gonna try a new flavor when I need to get more oil.

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 05/04/14 at 23:07:50

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
19 days,.. smoke free...  using an eGo...
I have a little fit, about twice day... but I've been resisting it so far...

The liquid I'm using don't taste that good,.. but maybe that's a good thing... Maybe it will prevent me from liking it too much...

I'm also using an eGo and I can get different flavors. And believe it or not, I can get pizza flavor, now is that WRONG or what?  :o

My flavor of choice at the moment is cinnamon caramel apple but when I need more oil I will be trying another flavor.

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by kennemarv1 on 05/05/14 at 05:57:39

Haven't had a cigarette since Dec 1, 2012.  Before that, 2 packs of Camels a day for 40 years. I use an ego electronic and it works for me! But you have to commit to quit cigarettes :)

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/14 at 09:17:42

I knew a guy who quit smoking. He bought a pack & put it in his pocket, unopened. Carried it for a year, then tossed it,

Title: Re: Vaping?
Post by Greg on 05/05/14 at 13:14:45

It's funny how addictions affect people differently. I smoked cigarettes, cigars, and pipe for at least 10 or 15 years. I used Copenhagen smokeless tobacco for 30 years. I drank for 25 years. Each of those items I was able to stop cold turkey. Overeating? I can't stop for more than a few days. Heck, maybe I should start using smokeless tobacco again. :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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