General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If you looked at this data...

Message started by verslagen1 on 05/02/14 at 13:01:41

Title: If you looked at this data...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/02/14 at 13:01:41

what would you conclude?


Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by Pine on 05/02/14 at 13:16:18

Nothing... I need a legend.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/02/14 at 13:20:16

635A5D56475C41330 wrote:
Nothing... I need a legend.

There wasn't one.

numbers on the left are co2 ppm

I believe the numbers on the bottom are years,
ie, 0 represents 2014, 100 is 1914, 200 is 1814, etc.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by Pine on 05/02/14 at 13:34:48

6A796E6F707D7B79722D1C0 wrote:
[quote author=635A5D56475C41330 link=1399060901/0#1 date=1399061778]Nothing... I need a legend.

There wasn't one.

numbers on the left are co2 ppm

I believe the numbers on the bottom are years,
ie, 0 represents 2014, 100 is 1914, 200 is 1814, etc.[/quote]

yes its the bottom which is the problem.. could be Feet/depth?  But one would need to correlate  that to years.  

I am currently not "on board" with the common acceptance that humans due to their CO2 is causing global warming, though I admit that could be the case. The earth is certainly seeing global weather extremes (hotter hots, colder colds, wetter wets and drier drys) than in many a year. The sun is seeing the lowest solar minimum ever recorded. I watch about space weather daily, so I figure I have seen as much data on it as most people in the field ( not that I have had training).  It was 47F this morning in Jackson MS... its friggin MAY!

**** I still rode the bike ****   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Antarctic ice "build up" is at record levels while arctic ice is still low. (Antarctic ice levels are still low) Too hot?? too cold?? Cant tell... abnormal definitely.  

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by Serowbot on 05/02/14 at 13:58:40

Here ya' go...

The 800,000 year history of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, showing the huge spike in the past century. The bottom axis, is measured in thousands of years.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere has exceeded 402 parts per million (ppm) during the past two days of observations, which is higher than at any time in at least the past 800,000 years, according to readings from monitoring equipment on a mountaintop in Hawaii.

In 2013, atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide briefly hit 400 ppm for the first time in mid-May, but this year that symbolic threshold has been crossed even earlier. This means it is more likely that the annual peak, which typically occurs in mid-to-late May, will climb further above 400 ppm for the first time.

Although crossing above 400 ppm is largely a symbolic milestone, scientific research indicates that the higher that carbon dioxide concentrations get, the more global temperatures will increase, resulting in a wide range of damaging effects. These impacts will range from global sea level rise to a heightened risk of heat waves, severe droughts and floods, according to a recently released comprehensive assessment of climate science produced by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/02/14 at 14:13:20

Here's the source report...

While I'll agree that today... co2 levels are rising, we have to be patient and see what the actual levels are going to be.  Historically, we see a peak every 100 years or so.  So Al gore flew over to mauna loa and camped for awhile.  He's gotta go home soon.   ;D  and someone take him off the legume and broccoli diet   :-?  then the levels will drop again.

Secondly, the data is from 1 source up until 1958 and then from another afterwards.  Is someone comparing the results to see if they're the same?  I'd would be really interested in this data.

And if the fuel from co2 in seawater pans out, it looks like it would be an effective collector of co2 as the concentrations of co2 in water are higher.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by Serowbot on 05/02/14 at 14:24:20

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/02/14 at 14:29:45

So as I read the chart, mauna loa is 100 points higher in 1958 then the ice pack data.  Will that rescale the results or is it linear add 100 points every year?

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by Serowbot on 05/02/14 at 14:40:03

I have no ideare...  
(I'm just coughing up sources for the chart)... ;D...

Just a guess,.. but if the ice core data didn't correlate with the Mauna Loa data, ... scientists would have concerns and it would be noted...
... (any scientist that published such a chart would be ripped a new one by his peers for such an oversight)...

Since the numbers are fairly steady from 1958,.. I would also assume that if testing had begun one or two decades earlier, it would have shown the same steady rise...

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/02/14 at 15:05:07

That data is almost a linear progress from 1958 till now.
Yet the 1st chart shows a plato to about 1980 or so.
Just a scaling issue?

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by Serowbot on 05/02/14 at 17:28:11

Scaling... each increment on the ice core chart is 100,000 years...

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by North Country on 05/02/14 at 19:48:05

Here is the gist, and some noted quotes and stats from an article I read recently (maybe in “scientific American”?) not sure.

Okay re-looked up some stats, here goes. First, the Co2 is safe myth. Yes I know that some scientists have said this is a safe level. The industry and government backed and funded scientists that make up the IPCC have endorsed this point of view.

If it is safe, ... why at only .8*C is the Arctic sea ice disappearing 80 years ahead of schedule, why are the continental glaciers melting, why is Antarctica emitting methane, why are vast areas of the permafrost in Alaska and Siberia thawing and emitting methane, why do so many scientists say the methane release from frozen sinks is an irreversible catastrophe threatening the survival of humanity?

Fact is 2*C is not safe. As we speak it is being proven that 2*C and still rising will guarantee 4*C, and a 4*C rise that isn't an absolute plateau, will lead to 6*C, which most agree is an end game for humanity. So why such a miscalculation?

Because the government restrained compilation of data from the IPCC has regarded climate change as a lineal equation, rather than a multidimensional interrelated system where the effect on one ecology or subsystem, is in effect realized by others. Where effects of a situation or system, feeds back not just onto itself, but unto the entire system complex.

It is all about thermal equilibrium, and a radiative forcing very near zero, last found pre industrial period at near 270 ppm CO2e. Much above that, and the planet slowly starts heating. At today’s levels near 397 ppm CO2 and 470+ CO2e, most all of the earth's thermal sub systems are in positive feedback. They are all feeding into global heating, which in turn will result in rising mean global surface temperatures. This is a frightening prediction of things to come.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by pgambr on 05/02/14 at 20:17:46

I don't dispute that CO2 levels are rising; although, I am apprehensive to believe it will have dire consequences for a long time to come.  We had ice ages 5k and 10k years ago which leads me to believe these events are cyclical in nature  I think TPTB are laying the groundwork for CO2 emission taxes on a global scale.  Just another means to get your $$.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by North Country on 05/02/14 at 20:30:03

If you don’t have young children or grandchildren sir, you are safe. If however you care about those who will follow you, not so much.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/14 at 20:36:11

If it was all about people & their actions, why does it ever drop?
Why were scientists( you know, the same See All KNow All buch the alarmists insist I listen to now) declaring a coming mini ice age in the 70's? How is it that NOW the scientists are all right ( never mind the fact that some of the alarmist scientists have changed course & dropped out), but theyve proven they can be so wrong?
What about the dire predictions? According to the alarmists we shouldnt have ANY ice in the north atlantic now. & what about the furor of the coming weather? We were supposed to have more & meaner turdnaders & hurrycanes.. NOPE on both counts..
How can anyone continue to stand & holler about it now? Have you no shame? Arent you embarrassed yet? Its a LOAD of CRAP.. Lets all pay Fat Al Gore carbon credit taxes, thatll fix it,,

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by pgambr on 05/02/14 at 20:45:52

I haven't seen conclusive evidence.  In the last week I heard many people say this was the coldest winter since the late 80's or the coldest they can ever remember.  This was people in their 60's and 70's.  

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by North Country on 05/02/14 at 20:56:51

Mr. guy2 sir, for one who is very concerned about politicians telling us lies, and as an advocate of conspiracies.. Why would you agree with the far right Republicans who insist that the poisoning of our air and the destruction of our environment for greed and money is a myth??

I can only conclude that you are just another shill for the big money Republican Party.  Your politics are a reflection of your willingness to be led around by the nose by Repub. Politicians.
Please read, research and glean information from other than FOX news.    

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/14 at 21:32:31

I never watch any news on tv unless Im terribly bored & need a laff. Im not "Far Right" .,,I am a Constitutional Conservative/Libertarian. Of courtse, anyone who supports The C IS a Libertarian. Thats the most Libertarian document Ive seen. It Limits the Goobs, not the People..

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by North Country on 05/02/14 at 22:47:09

I see. I think I understand your position now sir.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by North Country on 05/02/14 at 22:55:01

Mr. guy 2, I appreciate your explanations of your way of thinking. Although we seem to agree on few issues, I do look forward to your candor and civility.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/14 at 06:37:02

Mr. guy2 sir, for one who is very concerned about politicians telling us lies, and as an advocate of conspiracies.. Why would you agree with the far right Republicans who insist that the poisoning of our air and the destruction of our environment for greed and money is a myth??

Because it is a myth...
The dirtiest and most polluted areas of the world are the poorest  while the cleanest are the more prosperous.

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/03/14 at 07:02:55

Yea, I hardly ever respond to that tired old line. Bubs want dirty air & water! What foolishness is that? Dems want clean air & water! No Kidding!? WEll, Me too..Look at China,our jobs went there, theyre being done w/o regulation & theyre polluting the place horribly.
As a Libertarian, I dont appreciate regulations, but, when someone is making a mess that affects others, they have to be controlled.Their right to swing their fist ends where my nose starts. If theyre gonna hurt others, they have to be controlled.,

Title: Re: If you looked at this data...
Post by shorty on 05/03/14 at 14:26:59

Chicken Little: "the sky is falling"

scientific facts:

29% of earth's surface is land mass, humans occupy 1% of that 29% ..

when carbon dioxide levels rise, ocean plant life flourishes..
Atmospheric oxygen comes from plant life in the ocean NOT rain forests (20yrs ago the left was trying to save the rain forests)

when atmospheric oxygen levels rise, polar glaciation occurs which lowers sea temperature, quite simply: reverses any warming trend.

earth dynamics (ocean & atmospheric) cycle up and down in a sine-wave style when illustrated as a graph (as above replies illustrate)

20yrs ago liberals would have us believe shrinking rain forests would cause global oxygen depletion which we now know was false.
Today liberals believe man's puny 1% footprint of earth's LAND MASS (land = 29% of global surface) will effect global temperatures?

Earth oceanic & atmospheric conditions will continue to "cycle" normally as it has for millions of years. Al Gore is Chicken Little » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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