General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> School stabbing

Message started by Paraquat on 04/25/14 at 11:14:53

Title: School stabbing
Post by Paraquat on 04/25/14 at 11:14:53

I don't want to post any articles yet because, as per the usual, no one knows what's going on.

This just happened here in CT. A high school kid asked a 16 girl out to junior prom. She said no. He stabbed her.
With a knife.

Schools are dangerous. When will we ban them?


Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Serowbot on 04/25/14 at 11:25:30

The sad thing is it has become too routine to cause outrage...
Just another statistic,.. like auto deaths or shootings...

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/14 at 13:18:12

Thats just pitiful!

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by North Country on 04/25/14 at 17:28:00

Sir, I am sure this child will grow up to be a life time NRA member, and you can be assured that his next crime will involve a gun.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Serowbot on 04/25/14 at 18:41:07

I'm thinking his next crime will involve a sharpened toothbrush...
..but he will be the victim...

I'm okay with that...

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by oldNslow on 04/25/14 at 19:26:12

5D55544A4442270 wrote:
Sir, I am sure this child will grow up to be a life time NRA member, and you can be assured that his next crime will involve a gun.

None of the five million NRA members stabbed(or shot) anyone today.

And I'll bet you a beer that this kid turns out to have come from a "tolerant" liberal family. You know - folks just like you.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/25/14 at 20:32:53

4941405E5056330 wrote:
Sir, I am sure this child will grow up to be a life time NRA member, and you can be assured that his next crime will involve a gun.

& you accuse others of hatred.. youre so filled with hate for those you dont agree with its pitiful;
& youve YET to actually reply to anything Ive challenged you with, you just keep pumpin your tripe,.You havent answered the slavery thing, the Lincoln Quote, or addressed the timing of the Emancipation Proclamation, or addressed the fact that the Founders prayed in a government building, or said a word about Margaret Sanger. Youre TAUGHT what to believe by a system that is ruining this nation & you cant defend any of it on your own, REad Creature from Jekyll Island, a mere 580 Riveting pages explaing where & how the federal reserve came into being, which is NOT Federal ( look in the yellow pages, its not in the govt section) And, not only is there no reserve, every dollar created is a Note,, which is a debt instrument, not a wealth instrument, Ask me again if I can think for myself.,I love that commerce clause, care to go a round or 2 with me on that? No, wait, Ill wait till youve taken the time to address the points Ive made.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/26/14 at 14:24:44

"None of the five million NRA members stabbed(or shot) anyone today."

....are you sure?"

"And I'll bet you a beer that this kid turns out to have come from a "tolerant" liberal family."

"tolerant" and "liberal "do not automatically to go hand in hand, and definitely should not be the catch-all reason for disturbed or sociopathic behavior.
I work with "special " kids every day, in group homes, detention centers, and youth psychiatric wards. In a lot of cases they are a product of poor (or non existent) parenting. In some cases the parents do care, but are not equipped to handle their kids (don't understand or are not equipped to deal with their needs). A very very few kids are sociopaths.
They almost always suffer from a poor self image, which almost always is caused by conservative viewpoints on the part of society as a whole, and/or parents with conservative views. -ie"You CAN"T  be gay- I won't allow it." (I actually heard a parent say that to a teenage girl during a parent conference.)

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/26/14 at 16:09:25

They almost always suffer from a poor self image, which almost always is caused by conservative viewpoints on the part of society as a whole, and/or parents with conservative views. -ie"You CAN"T  be gay- I won't allow it." (I actually heard a parent say that to a teenage girl during a parent conference.)

Okay, I'm throwing the flag on that..... 15 yard penalty for bu!!$hit.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/26/14 at 17:01:02

Come on Webstermark..... explain why you think it is bull.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by oldNslow on 04/26/14 at 17:35:30


"None of the five million NRA members stabbed(or shot) anyone today."

....are you sure?"

"And I'll bet you a beer that this kid turns out to have come from a "tolerant" liberal family."{/quote]

Of course I'm not sure My statement was hyperbole.

And my comment about the kids family was a jab at NC, and the liberal mantra that only liberals are "tolerant" of opposing viewpoints. I was reacting to her/his stupid and offensive comment about NRA members, an organization that she/he apparently knows absolutely nothing about except the claptrap she/he has absorbed from the "tolerant" liberal media.

If you are going to take exception to something I say, please do me the courtesy of quoting the entire statement , not just part of it. What I wrote was:

[quote] And I'll bet you a beer that this kid turns out to have come from a "tolerant" liberal family. You know - folks just like you.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/26/14 at 18:18:33

I had thought the "just like you" was referring to Serobot being liberal.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/27/14 at 06:07:27

2D26262F232C2D3736420 wrote:
Come on Webstermark..... explain why you think it is bull.

Are you going to sit there with a straight face and try to tell me the troubled kids are there ALMOST ALWAYS because of conservative values in parenting? If that's really your point of view, that's one of the dumber things I've read on here and that includes the recent inclusion of "Ms. North County" and "her" nonsense......  How about you come up with some documentation for that. I think I'll throw a second flag until you come up with something real to back that up; 5 yard penalty for intent to deceive....

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by raydawg on 04/27/14 at 07:57:13

You, as a counselor, this prejudice scares me:
They almost always suffer from a poor self image, which almost always is caused by conservative viewpoints on the part of society as a whole, and/or parents with conservative views. -ie"You CAN"T  be gay- I won't allow it." (I actually heard a parent say that to a teenage girl during a parent conference.)

I know firsthand that a very close couple we know, very liberal, talked greatly of tolerance, often deriding folk who held Gay marriage is for heterosexuals, labeling them as one might expect in this PC world.
Well, their grandson announced he was Gay, she went into depression, having to seek help with her feelings, the granddad shuns him altogether.

My wife's brother was Gay (he died of AIDS). Her parents only vote democrat, espousing all the talking points they get from the mainstream media. His relationship with his folks was so strained he had to move away.
Again, the dad, a former DI in the marines, held him in contempt, even to the point of accusing him of denying him a son. The mother never talked about him to anybody, it was as if he didn't exist.
It was years later that some of the relatives learned of his passing, for they wouldn't even tell them of this, for the fear they would find out
he died of AIDS.
I had many long talks with him, trying to understand "gayness" in a manner where I might be more enlightened. I am better for it, and it has lent me greater understanding into how diverse all of us are in our thinking/beliefs.

And if memory serves me correctly I think Cher had issues with Chasity to the point where she moved in with Sonny, who accepted her as she was.....  

Honestly, you scare me with such assertion, sorry pal.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/27/14 at 09:01:54

Is now the time for wind up the media & have them start pushing the "accept kleptomaniacs, God made them that way" idea? Is NOTHING actually WRONG to do? If thats how someone IS ( &, FWIW, I am well aware that the food is affecting boys negatively. I know a boy who is the least boyish of any Ive seen in years & it isnt HIS fault, its just How he is) BUT, as a society, & having LOOKED at history & seen what happens when a society calls decadence good, CAN we afford to label homosexuality okay? Im not saying stone them, but I am saying it shouldnt come with protections from being disassociated with by society.
There shouldnt be Hate Crime laws for shunning people if you dont want to be around them. If you dont want to hire the openly gay, no law should make you. Nor should a business owner be forced to buy from or sell to ANYONE they dont Want to,& I mean that in the broadest sense

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/27/14 at 09:10:14

Here are some references for you. Keep in mind that you have to apply a more generic definition of conservatism and liberalism than a political one.
Look at the chapters starting with freedom and control,%202004%20-%20Communication%20between%20parents%20and%20adolescen.pdf
Look at the chapter on Demand/withdrawal

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/27/14 at 09:12:39

66756D70756373140 wrote:
You, as a counselor, this prejudice scares me:
They almost always suffer from a poor self image, which almost always is caused by conservative viewpoints on the part of society as a whole, and/or parents with conservative views. -ie"You CAN"T  be gay- I won't allow it." (I actually heard a parent say that to a teenage girl during a parent conference.)

I know firsthand that a very close couple we know, very liberal, talked greatly of tolerance, often deriding folk who held Gay marriage is for heterosexuals, labeling them as one might expect in this PC world.
Well, their grandson announced he was Gay, she went into depression, having to seek help with her feelings, the granddad shuns him altogether.

My wife's brother was Gay (he died of AIDS). Her parents only vote democrat, espousing all the talking points they get from the mainstream media. His relationship with his folks was so strained he had to move away.
Again, the dad, a former DI in the marines, held him in contempt, even to the point of accusing him of denying him a son. The mother never talked about him to anybody, it was as if he didn't exist.
It was years later that some of the relatives learned of his passing, for they wouldn't even tell them of this, for the fear they would find out
he died of AIDS.
I had many long talks with him, trying to understand "gayness" in a manner where I might be more enlightened. I am better for it, and it has lent me greater understanding into how diverse all of us are in our thinking/beliefs.

And if memory serves me correctly I think Cher had issues with Chasity to the point where she moved in with Sonny, who accepted her as she was.....  

Honestly, you scare me with such assertion, sorry pal.

How does this NOT support my statement?

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/27/14 at 09:15:38

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
[quote author=2D26262F232C2D3736420 link=1398449693/0#9 date=1398556862]Come on Webstermark..... explain why you think it is bull.

Are you going to sit there with a straight face and try to tell me the troubled kids are there ALMOST ALWAYS because of conservative values in parenting? If that's really your point of view, that's one of the dumber things I've read on here and that includes the recent inclusion of "Ms. North County" and "her" nonsense......  How about you come up with some documentation for that. I think I'll throw a second flag until you come up with something real to back that up; 5 yard penalty for intent to deceive....

OK, OK, I will soften the "almost always"with relation to conservatism  to "quite frequently", and reiterate that this is only among the parents who actually care.
....and go and get a job working with these kids day after day and then come back and slam my opinions.
Not empirical evidence, but ALMOST ALL of my colleagues agree with this. (I can't think of one who doesn't, but there must be one.)

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by raydawg on 04/27/14 at 09:33:18

555E5E575B54554F4E3A0 wrote:
[quote author=66756D70756373140 link=1398449693/0#13 date=1398610633]You, as a counselor, this prejudice scares me:
They almost always suffer from a poor self image, which almost always is caused by conservative viewpoints on the part of society as a whole, and/or parents with conservative views. -ie"You CAN"T  be gay- I won't allow it." (I actually heard a parent say that to a teenage girl during a parent conference.)

I know firsthand that a very close couple we know, very liberal, talked greatly of tolerance, often deriding folk who held Gay marriage is for heterosexuals, labeling them as one might expect in this PC world.
Well, their grandson announced he was Gay, she went into depression, having to seek help with her feelings, the granddad shuns him altogether.

My wife's brother was Gay (he died of AIDS). Her parents only vote democrat, espousing all the talking points they get from the mainstream media. His relationship with his folks was so strained he had to move away.
Again, the dad, a former DI in the marines, held him in contempt, even to the point of accusing him of denying him a son. The mother never talked about him to anybody, it was as if he didn't exist.
It was years later that some of the relatives learned of his passing, for they wouldn't even tell them of this, for the fear they would find out
he died of AIDS.
I had many long talks with him, trying to understand "gayness" in a manner where I might be more enlightened. I am better for it, and it has lent me greater understanding into how diverse all of us are in our thinking/beliefs.

And if memory serves me correctly I think Cher had issues with Chasity to the point where she moved in with Sonny, who accepted her as she was.....  

Honestly, you scare me with such assertion, sorry pal.

How does this NOT support my statement?[/quote]

How can you blame it on conservatives being the core reason?

Self esteem is a character trait based on a whole host of reasons.

Your declaration based upon your observation of one incident is akin to me saying the folk I take clothes and food to living in the streets (homeless) are liberal because they blame conservatives for the resulting predicament of their situation, never once connecting the dots of drug and alcohol usage and weak will to their woes....

Again, sorry, its not that simple.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/27/14 at 09:39:14

Of course it's not that simple, and I did not intend for it to be. I was illustrating my point, not painting the whole issue the same colour.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by shorty on 04/28/14 at 05:33:22

if the point being made is conservative thinking causes these problems, I would say hogwash.. maybe I'm not getting the point to this thread?
I'm listening  :-/

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/28/14 at 10:42:53

The point I am defending is that conservative, closed minded parenting has a lot to do with teenagers having low self esteem, which has a lot to do with their anti-social behavior.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/14 at 11:09:24

AHHH, Now we have it, Conservatives are "close minded" while the Liberals are willing to say "Thats fine, son, if you want to be that way, thats fine.",,
Self esteem is a product of being successful in accomplishing things & being socially accepted. Being socially accepted is very important, I wasnt, for many reasons,, Of course theres the Spiritual aspect of self esteem. If one KNOWS in their heart they are wrong in the eyes of the Lord, then true happiness wont exist, there will always be an empty spot. I know about that one, personally, too.
Having parents who demand isnt bad, in & of itself. Unreasonable demands, OTOH, will crush a kid. I also have first hand knowledge there.
NO direction, no consequences, everything is good may allow a kid in school to feel okay about themselves, but where do they go after that?
Its OKAY to have a low self esteem,, thats the natural result of failure & IS the motivating factor to drive people to achieve. I know about that one, too,,
Explain to me WHY a kid, who has actually never accomplished anything other than pass tests at school is Supposed to feel so great about themselves? At that point in life theyre basically UNtested by lifes real challenges & have actually accomplished nothing unless maybe theyre an academic standout or maybe excelling in some other area, sports, or maybe being a volunteer at an old folks home or sports maybe, but the Overwhelming Majority of school age kids havent done SQUAT to Earn anything more than a mediocre level of self esteem. Unearned self esteem is nothing more than conceit.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by verslagen1 on 04/28/14 at 11:35:47

565D5D545857564C4D390 wrote:
The point I am defending is that conservative, closed minded parenting has a lot to do with teenagers having low self esteem, which has a lot to do with their anti-social behavior.

Whether or not you're close minded has nothing to do with which side of the fence you reside.  If nothing else, the Tall Table should be evidence enough to convince you of that.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/28/14 at 12:43:41

Noun: conservative - a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas.
A teenager's life is all about changes and new ideas. Parents who ignore this or more so, actively oppose this, cause low self esteem.
The case I quoted earlier is about a teen girl from an upper middle class family, who when she was 15 or so went to her parents and told them she was gay. They told her she was not allowed to be gay, and that if she persisted in claiming that she was, would be kicked out of the house.
She persisted and was kicked out. In her rage she crashed a farm vehicle into the barn. Her parents then had her arrested, declared incompetent,  and froze her assets. (money she had saved over the years working on the farm-quite a bit of money). She is smart but was doing increasingly less well in school,  her self esteem had taken some pretty severe hits, and her life was a mess. I often wonder how she turned out. She did have the clandestine support of her brother. I hope it helped.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/14 at 12:50:19

Thats the definition Applied. Being unwilling to accept as Good that which clearly is not is a Conservative idea. Liberals label good that which is not good & expect others to go along & they pretend that those who judge the proposed changes & push against them are just stodgy , hateful, bitter clingers. History supports the Conservative ideas as having been better for society on the whole, I cant see where the liberal agendas application has benefited us any. Society is crumbling morally, it aint the Conservatives fault,

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/28/14 at 12:56:09

A teenager's life is all about changes and new ideas. Parents who ignore this or more so, actively oppose this, cause low self esteem.

and parents who allow the child to pursue every idea and change produces adults who have never grown up. Hence we get a law that redefines 'childhood' to be 26 in the case of the healthcare law.

Classic case is down the street from me a set of parents who could never say no to their 3 children. 2 have been thru rehab, only 1 finished high school and moved in with a man 20 years older than her which predictably ended badly. Another set of parents literally let their daughter 'experiment' with any idea that struck her fancy. Now after 6 years of college pursuing useless degrees, they are in debt up to their a$$ and have a 25 year old child utterly incapable of maintain focus on anything.

Extreme liberalism is just as bad, if not worse, than extreme conservatism. For every gay horror story you come up with, I can match you with 2 to 1 on the other side.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/28/14 at 13:21:19

I had to look this up because I thought I'd read this somewhere but wasn't sure. Remember the teenager who was suing her parents for college tuition after she went to live with a friend? Yea, that's the one.... snotty little spoiled rotten brat.....  anyway, here's a quote from her father:

To quote her father, Sean Canning:

“I’m a liberal, liberal parent,” he said. “I wish I could have grown up in my house. I was tougher on my cops at work than I’ve ever been at my home, that’s for sure.”

so, he did exactly what you are suggesting is a good idea....

Children are called children for a reason. They don't know everything,  they don't understand how the world works, they have limited perspective, they are immature.. etc.....  They need serious and responsible parents who take their roles of RAISING their child up responsibly.

I'll back off my claim a bit and say I don't know which political ideology tends to produce the worst children because I don't believe it's the parents fault many times. Sometimes a bad kid is just a bad kid. Nothing anyone could do about it other than God I guess. Now, I think if there is a bad kid who could be turned around, I tend to believe the conservative parent has a better chance than the liberal parent of getting that child thru to adulthood with the most skills to succeed on their own.  

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by arteacher on 04/28/14 at 13:54:18

My use of the word "conservative" has nothing, or very little to do with politics.
IF you believe it does, then we are talking oranges and apples here, and the discussion will go on forever.
Certainly a house with no rules (your definition of liberal?) is dangerous to the bringing up of a teen, although I have seen exceptional teens overcome this, usually with some help (teachers and/or peers). These kids , somehow, somewhere, were taught how to feel good about themselves, and clung to that knowledge when the chips were down.
I firmly believe that parents with liberal views are better at teaching that magic (how to feel good about yourself) than those with conservative views. I have seen it time and time again.

As Forest Gump said  "..... and that's all I'me going to say about THAT!"

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by shorty on 04/28/14 at 14:33:18

OMG.. now we need to let the kids do whatever they want.. you know they might become murderers or rapists if we conservatize them with our closed minded yee-haw smart making  :-/

I was really hoping that's not where you were going with this hogwash

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/28/14 at 14:33:43

It is a political topic and that's exactly what you intended, let's be honest here, but I'll take the Forrest Gump out as well...

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Dane Allen on 04/28/14 at 15:40:23

7972727B7778796362160 wrote:
...almost always is caused by conservative viewpoints on the part of society as a whole, and/or parents with conservative views. -ie"You CAN"T  be gay- I won't allow it." (I actually heard a parent say that to a teenage girl during a parent conference.)

Directed to the group - So which is it? Is gay a choice or a medical condition? Because it seems the pro-gay advocates seem to switch it around depending on what argument they are facing so I hope we can give parents who don't know how to handle the situation a little leeway. Some places have outlawed the psychiatric treatment of homosexuallity claiming it isn't a medical condition yet we are saying it is foolish for a parent to forbid this behavior. Which is it?

My wife's brother is going from John to Jenny and his Democrat Dad and family gave him the ole bon voyage'. All the family has - except for guess who? Good ole Untra-Conservative Dane Allen. We host him/her for major holidays and such when no others will, irregardless of the liberal tripe I am subjected to and the complaining about why other people won't change their spiritual and world views to accommodate her/him. "Jenny" will not accept anything less than flag waving, 100% validation from family.

My Chraistan beliefs include taking to heart the dignity of the human being, love the sinner and hate the sin kind of stuff. That is what I am teaching my kids and there won't being anything liberal mixed in if I can at all help it.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/28/14 at 19:01:57

That's an easy one to answer. I've done a lot of stupid things, tried a lot of stupid things because I wanted to see what it was like, but I would never make a choice to do that. I can't, it's not in me. It is not part of my genetic makeup. That tells me you can't choose to be gay anymore than you can choose to like broccoli, choose to be afraid of heights,  choose to be a kleptomaniac etc...  Gays are born that way. All of us have traits that are inherent in us. They manifest themselves in different ways. I have always loved moving fast so I started riding motorcycle at an early age.My wife however is scared to death of stuff like that, she always has been. That's a part of her she can't change. She'd love to ride with me but she can't "choose" to stop being scared or she would. Her genetic make up is not the same of mine.

For 3% of the population, they are sexuality attracted to the same gender, I am not. I cannot make that choice to be attracted to a man the way I am to Diane Lane in that movie with Richard Gere....yikes! Smoking.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/14 at 08:45:19

In some cases, gay is a choice, in some, its medical, Some people simply cant be attracted to the opposite sex. Some are driven to homosexuality for other reasons,

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Serowbot on 04/29/14 at 08:56:14

There has been some research showing that hormone levels in uteruo affect sexuality...
It also effects the ratio of finger length between the index and ring finger...

Homosexuals have short ring fingers...
That would mean you're born with your preference...
Whodda' thunk'ed?... :-?...

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by shorty on 04/29/14 at 09:06:54

the finger thing is new to me

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Paraquat on 04/29/14 at 09:10:28

I've heard that theory before, Sew.
But my left hand ring finger is equal length of the pointer.
On my right hand my ring finger is about 1/4 longer than the pointer.
And I'm very into women.


Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Serowbot on 04/29/14 at 09:32:51

Right hands are usually bigger than left,.. if you're right handed...

There are always exceptions...  It's just a statistical tendency...
... but, if it proves to hold true, it does point to a preference from birth...

It's not known why they correlate.. your mother may have had a hormone imbalance just during the finger development phase and then ate a couple of hamburgers that changed things the next week...
Who knows?... ;D...

We all spend 9 months in a soup of hormones...   :-/...

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/14 at 09:49:51

Yep, we spend 9 months in a hormonal soup. & since thats true & since dairy & chicken & lots of beef is loaded with hormones that are causing girls to reach that age when they start menstruation MUCH earlier, we can also expect that same thing to drive boys down in their masculinity. We can see that in society. Couple that with the training that ingrains into them that its bad to want to get up & run around & act like a boy & pretty soon we have emasculated a good %age of the boys. Those who wont "learn" are branded as mentally defective & put on drugs.,
Its almost as if someone doesnt want a virile society of strong young men.. I guess if ya cant figure out a way to take the guns away from the people, the next thing to do is create a society of wimps who wont pick up a gun. Add fluoride to that mix .. OHH yea,
The Georgia Guidestones arent there just for giggles.
Agenda 21 IS a eugenicists program & theyre pushing it forward,

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/14 at 10:10:17

I've read birth order could be involved. There's a higher % of Fay men with many older brothers. Go figure.

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by raydawg on 04/30/14 at 03:52:40

And didn't our govment fund a study to find out why the majority of lesbians are fat?

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Serowbot on 04/30/14 at 04:49:40

I believe it showed that they were eating too much... :-?...

Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by Paraquat on 04/30/14 at 09:12:10



Title: Re: School stabbing
Post by raydawg on 04/30/14 at 15:50:34

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
I believe it showed that they were eating too much... :-?...

Too much what?  ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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