General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> 19,000 Miles and Counting

Message started by ZAR on 04/21/14 at 19:10:20

Title: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by ZAR on 04/21/14 at 19:10:20

On the way to work this morning rolling down I-71 at 75mph I saw the odo turn over the 19,000 mile mark. That's 11,000 "ride it like ya stole it" miles in the last year or so on a 1996 bike(I know...a 58 year old teenager ::) ;D ).

Anyway, I know I need to get with Versy for a modified cam chain adjuster and I need to do the leaky head plug fix. Also on the agenda are fork seals.

The question is...what else should I be looking at at this milage to repair/replace or modify to keep the old yeller dog going another 20,000 miles?

Fire away boys...I got my asbestos skivvies on!

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by Fishbulb on 04/21/14 at 20:47:01

From one '96 Yellow to another, congrats! I bought mine last August with 10K on it, up to about 12.5 so far.

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by Serowbot on 04/21/14 at 21:10:56

Hey Zar... congrats on the cranking of the miles.... ;)...

I say,.. do get that Versy mod adjuster in there... right soon...
Fix the plug leak if it's gettin' nasty,.. but it won't kill yer' ride...

Fork seals?... try cleaning first... it can save a lot of work...

(some weeks back, there was a fork post... there is a fork seal cleaning tool for a few bucks, or you can make one from a plastic pop bottle, or even use a plastic coated playing card... just lift the tubes dust seal, then wrap a "tool", around the tube, and slide down under the seal... give it a few rotations around the tube, and it will scrape the gunk off the seal...  works 90% of time... and takes 1 minute)...
Other than that... don't fix it. if it ain't broke...
Stator will cook, eventually...
My steering bearings just dried up at 30k... (relubed and okay)...(I changed fork oil while I had the tubes out for the job)...

Fresh oil, clean filters... keep ridin' like you stole it... ;D...

Psst!.. 25k and you get a medal in the Hall of Fame...
Let us know... ;)...

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by shorty on 04/22/14 at 04:32:54

you and your bike mileage match my age and mileage...LOL

I just installed the versy-thingy but I honestly feel the original would have made it to 20k miles..

I've changed front pads, fuel petcock, clutch shaft "o"ring (do it with the versy)

edit; the fuel petcock started misbehaving at 15k miles

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by SavageCat on 04/22/14 at 07:18:31

+1 on the SealMate - no more leaks for me at all!

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by ZAR on 04/22/14 at 19:58:57

Thanks gang! It's been a blast, both with the bike and with all the good people in the Savage community! There is a feeling with this group that feels a lot like what it was like being a scooter tramp back in the 1960's and 70's. I hear a lot today about "brotherhood" but so many riders today  have no friggin clue.

@Fishbulb  Bring it on man...there's plenty of room up here

@ Sero   Yeah,gotta do the Versy thingy soon. The head plug just leave a nasty mess but it adds to the image people get of the bike being a lot older. Like,they think it's an old Indian from the 50's  ;D.
Thanks for the tip on the fork seal cleaning. And you just know I've been thinking about that Mileage Hall of Fame  8-)

@ shorty  Us 1955 models gotta stick together,right ;) I've done the front brakes once already but the way I ride I'll do it again before summers over! Copy the O-ring on the clutch shaft! The pet-thingy(aka Raptor) is yet to come. Apparently I'm one of the lucky ones in that I've had no trouble at all out of the factory petcock yet.( I just jinxed myself,right?)

@SavageCat  Good to know the SealMate did the trick!

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by WD on 04/22/14 at 23:02:42

I've got a couple factory ones floating around the place. You can have them anytime you want to ride down and get them. The one off the 98 never leaked, no idea on the 03 version, ask Pine, it was his bike.

I've been slacking a bit, only running between 70 and 80 miles a day on the 03 right now. It's cold here, mid-60s at night on the way home. Missed a few rides due to rain, will take 3 weeks to hit 1200 miles on this one instead of one week.

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by YoungSavage on 04/22/14 at 23:28:50

-WD.   65 Is all it ever seems to be over here in Monterey,  CA. It's always cool enough to ride!

-Zar.    I'm with you on the petcock. At 12,000 still hasn't failed me yet, but may switch over just in case it goes out when riding. Especially since these are my only wheels.

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by WD on 04/22/14 at 23:43:17

72445E454C784A5D4A4C4E2B0 wrote:
-WD.   65 Is all it ever seems to be over here in Monterey,  CA. It's always cool enough to ride!

-Zar.    I'm with you on the petcock. At 12,000 still hasn't failed me yet, but may switch over just in case it goes out when riding. Especially since these are my only wheels.

Vest and t-shirt weather on the ride in, it been in the upper 70s to low 90s several days now. Cold on the way home, mid to lower 60s, plus the windchill factor is amplified by our high humidity. Kind of funny, low 60s was beach weather in WA and OR, full winter gear weather here.

Title: Re: 19,000 Miles and Counting
Post by shorty on 04/23/14 at 04:03:48

don't forget there is a mod for the stock petcock, I did it instead of buying another.. works great now » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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